State Sen. Borris L. Miles (above right) is a very powerful "DEMOCRATIC ELECTED OFFICIAL" when it comes to local Harris County, Texas politics. He believes in his own mind, that he's some kind of godfather type of dude, or someone who is untouchable -- or some crap. Sure, he's loved by a handful of people -- but he's also hated by many, and feared by a whole bunch of others. But how influential is he? Well, he is so influential in mostly Democratic circles that you would be hard-pressed to find anyone who is willing to even talk publicly about the State Senator who represents the largest single-member senate district in the nation. That was until Democratic Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones showed up on the block. According to Jones, State Sen. Miles no longer owns the “OUR LEGENDS” bar – that was cited many times for not being up to code when Miles owned it. But there was much more than that happening at “OUR LEGENDS” according to Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones. According to Jones, a whole bunch of illegal activity, including alleged drug use, and a few other unsavory acts were common place at the bar when Miles owned it. According to a Ted Oberg story titled, “No 'last call' in sight for state rep's non-compliant cigar bar,” had been open and serving cocktails since 2010, without a occupancy permit and was out of compliance with key city codes. You may have also heard about the sexual harassment claims from a few years ago, published on The Daily Beast’s website where he and a colleague in the Texas legislature were accused of sexual harassment at the state capital. The report published on The Daily Beast’s website for the most part, only used unnamed sources, but accused Miles (who was a state rep. at the time) of engaging in inappropriate touches or comments toward women at the state capitol over a period of years. And for the most part nobody has had the courage to place meat on the bone (so to speak) whereas Miles is concerned – until now! In the 3 minute audio recording below, Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones (a former security driver for Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis) alleges that State Senator Borris L. Miles told him that he should get a vice – and according to the audio-recording below, Miles told Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones that he should find himself a vice, because everyone needs a vice to make it through their life – I’m going to stop right there! Anyways, you can hear what types of vices that (according to Democratic Consultant Damien Jones) State Sen. Borris L. Miles suggested on the audio-recording below.
State Sen. Borris L. Miles Alleged to Be a Cocaine Addict by Democratic Political Consultant Damien Jones in Audio-Recording
Due to the number of powerful people trying to discredit one of my recent reports, I am compelled to release more audio as supportive evidence. That being said, I strongly encourage everyone out there who is plotting, strategizing and planning efforts to discredit my work to PLEASE STOP NOW! And please understand that I do not plan to release any more segments of the audio-recordings beyond the 3 minute segment that I’m releasing below – unless I am compelled to do so.

If you have children under the age of 18-years of age, I strongly encourage you to please ask them to leave the room before listening to this 3 minute segment of an audio-recorded conversation between Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones and two private investigators who were working for Dr. Steven Hotze, a local physician, speaker, author and founder of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. In case you don’t know, Dr. Hotze paid his private investigators more than $266,400 to investigate voter fraud allegations through his group, Liberty Center for God and Country.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

In The Video Above, Democratic Political Consultant Damien Jones Discusses Alleged Drug Use by Democratic State Sen. Borris Miles
In the 3 minute segment of audio above that features Democratic Political Consultant Damien Jones speaking with Dr. Steven Hotze’s private investigators, the former security driver for Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis accuses State Sen. Borris L. Miles of being a cocaine addict and recommending that he (Damien Thaddeus Jones) get a vice. It is in this segment of the audio-recording where Democratic Political Consultant Damien Jones alleges that the night club that was owned by State Sen. Borris Miles was directly responsible for destroying countless lives. He also claims that after the hour of about 11 o’clock pm the aforementioned club would transform into a “TITTY BAR” that included “STRIPERS” and other illegal activity. Again, this particular segment of the audio-recording is only being released to give the greater community at-large a glimpse into some of the behind-the-scenes happenings in some local political circles.

I have been a part of Harris County, Texas politics in one fashion or another for 30-years now. And I have also been investigating the criminal justice system in Harris County (in particular) and watching cases from across the entire State of Texas during the same aforementioned period. Look, I grew up around hardened criminals. As a child growing up I would spend nearly every Saturday morning in the back seat of my grandparent’s car riding to visit incarcerated relatives. Hell, as a matter of fact, every male member of my family older than me would sit around and brag about the fact that they had been locked up behind bars – it was almost as if being incarcerated was some sort of badge of honor or something for them. That being said, please understand that I don’t want to see any of our local politicians go to jail – especially not for crimes that they didn’t commit. However, some of these people are some of the most brazen criminals that I have ever seen in my life. Look, for all of you out there who think you’ve got something on me – I’m going to make fools of all of you! What you think you see – and or, know about me is going to in the end, make a lot of sense by the time I am finished with you guys. BRING IT ON!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING ON? Some of you guys might not have any idea who I’m speaking to right now, however, the folks who have been doing “OPPOSITION RESEARCH” on me know exactly what I’m talking about – but that’s a story for another day. Anyways, Harris County, Texas is becoming more corrupt by the day. And there are some folks who are sitting in some very high places who are complicit all of this. And there are a bunch of others who turn a blind-eye to the corruption because they are benefactors!!! Look, I am going to say this one more time for the record, I know a criminal when I see one. I grew up around criminal-minded people just like some of the "ELECTED OFFICIALS" I'm going to be exposing between now and the 2022 Midterm Elections. But what a lot of you don’t know about me is that I grew up fighting -- and in a constant "SURVIVAL MODE" state of being. As the eldest grandson, I was the guy my siblings and cousins came to get when someone was picking on them or getting out of line. Now, I’m not trying to pretend to be a tough-guy or anything like that. All I’m trying to do here, is let the people who think I’m intimidated by their threats and smear tactics know, is that I’M NOT SCARED!!!

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

According to Democratic Political Consultant Damien Jones, when 11:30 pm rolled around, this seemingly innocent cigar bar that was owned by State Senator Borris L. Miles transformed itself into a "TITTY BAR" with "STRIPPERS" and alleged illegal drug use on the part of State Senator Borris L. Miles. The "OUR LEGENDS" cigar bar was located at 5312 Almeda in Houston's historic Third Ward on the same block as State Senator Borris L. Miles' Insurance Agency and State Senate District 13 offices.

If the claims by Democratic Political Consultant Damien Jones are true -- State Sen. Borris L. Miles should be ashamed of himself.
There Are Some Really Bad Things Alleged to Be Happening in Some Local Democratic Political Circles in Harris County, Texas
As I’ve already stated – I know a criminal when I see one. Some of my most covert investigative work back in the 1990s took me into some deep dark places. What a lot of you guys don’t know is that publishing was not my first career choice. In my mind I wanted to be a private investigator, like my very close friend and ally, former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles Marler. And yes, former HPD Captain Mark Aguirre was actually conducting a real investigation prior to be indicted. And for the record – I do not believe that Mark can get a fair trial in Harris County, Texas without full and complete transparency being placed on the entire process. Why? Well, through my own investigations of the criminal justice system in Texas, I’ve found that many minorities especially Black and Hispanic people who accused of crimes are far less likely to put into situations where they have no other choice but to plead guilty to crimes – in some cases that they didn’t even commit! Now, I’m not against the police, public defenders, or judges! Some of my closest friends are members of law enforcement, and advocates for criminal justice reform. So once again, I’m telling you to please reserve judgment on “ACCUSED CITIZENS” who are accused of wrong doing by the police (specifically in Houston) and especially the ones who are being indicted by Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg’s prosecutors. Look, I have high-hopes that D.A. Kim Ogg is going to do the right thing – but I don’t know if she can! Does she have the courage to go after Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis? That’s the big question! I’m not sure if the D.A.’s Office realizes that there are a lot of folks in high-places who are looking at them sideways right now. I mean, you go out and call a major press conference to announce that a grand jury has indicted so folk – and Rodney Ellis isn’t included? I mean – common guys! Rotten-Rodney Ellis should have been one of the first people indicted – in connection with that priceless African Artwork that Ellis is tied to at the hip. There’s no way around it, the D.A.’s Office has more than enough evidence to go after “ROTTEN-RODNEY ELLIS” if they have the courage to do so! And like I’ve said many times before, there’s some bad things going on in some very high places in Harris County, Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033


"Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis Should be Presumed to Be Innocent Unless He's Proven to Be Guilty in a Court of Law."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
This video was taken on the morning of Tuesday, October 13, 2020, around 10:15am in front of the building where Harris County Commissioners meet and have their offices. the building is located at 1001 Preston St, Houston, TX 77002 in downtown Houston, Texas.

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Drive-thru | Por Ventanilla
Nose self-swab | Muestra nasal por sí mismo
-Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat | lunes, miércoles, viernes, sábado: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
-Tuesday, Thursday | martes, jueves: 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Call 832-393-4220 for an access code.
Llame al 832-393-4220 para obtener codigo.
If you reach our call center after hours or are requesting a test for you or someone else please complete a prescreening application.

Houston Community College - North Forest, 6010 Little York Rd.
Drive-thru | Por Ventanilla
Healthcare nose swab | Muestra nasal por trabajador de salud
-Mon-Sat | lunes -sábado: 10 a.m.—7 p.m.
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Southwest Multi-Service Center, 6400 High Star Dr.
Drive-thru | Por Ventanilla
Nose self swab | Muestra nasal por sí mismo
-Mon-Sat | lunes -sábado: 10 a.m.—7 p.m.
Registration available onsite or online via doineedacovid19test.com.
No se requiere cita o cita por doineedacovid19test.com.

Minute Maid Park, Lot C, 2208 Preston St
Drive-thru/Walk-up | Por Ventanilla/Sin Cita
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-Sat-Wed | sabado – miércoles: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
-Thurs-Fri | jueves—viernes: 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Appt not required but available at curative.com.
No se requiere o cita por curative.com.

I’m the President/CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©. In case you don’t know, I have 30-years of experience in marketing, branding, investigative reporting, public relations, opposition research, and political consulting. I’ve assisted in branding Republican and Democratic candidates in statewide elections and local municipalities throughout the State of Texas. Over the years, I’ve also assisted in branding and marketing (through my various publications) such corporations and institutions as Shell Oil, The City of Houston, Texas A&M University, Texas Southern University, Prairie View A&M University, Chevron, Waste Management, Nationwide Insurance, Momentum Jaguar/BMW, Channel 11, Channel 13, State Farm Insurance, and Allstate Insurance to name a few.

I would have you to know that not everyone who has been accused of a crime or enters a guilty plea in connection with a crime is guilty of the crime they're accused of committing. Neither is everyone who goes to trial to fight charges that are leveled against them and get's convicted are guilty. Look, over the years, some very bad things have happened to people of color in our criminal justice system. So to this end, please understand, that during my career, I’ve gone into the Harris County Jail and Texas prisons on numerous occasions (on secret assignments) working in conjunction with the owner of one of the largest locally owned private security, and investigations firms. The man who was funding my investigations back then (who mysteriously died) also was the godfather of one of my sons, and the backer of one of my publications. That being said, I can straight-faced assure you that I’ve seen some of the injustices that are occurring in the Texas penal system up close and personal. While on the inside, I interviewed (face-to-face) some of the hardest criminals you can imagine for my research. I also discovered first-hand that many of the people who should be locked up are walking around free, and not all of those who are locked behind bars are guilty of the crimes that they, in some cases pleaded guilty to – for whatever reason. So, let me assure you that I know a criminal when I see one. And we have a handful of local elected officials who are straight-criminals and must be stopped!!!

Based on my direct observations over the years, I can attest to the fact that our current criminal justice system is more about “HAVE’S AND HAVE NOT’S” to a greater degree than most people realize. That being said, sure, in some cases, the skin color of the person being accused of a crime plays a role in who gets indicted and eventually convicted of crimes and those who go free. However, at the end of the day, from observing the system from the inside, and out; having money, good legal representation and access to influential people are unfortunately key determining factors when it comes to who will spend the rest of their life walking around with an “X” on their back and who doesn’t. So, to this end, we must endeavor to change our criminal justice system and political landscape by “TAKING POLITICS OUT” of the way our judges are selected in the Lone Star State – that’s very important to me!

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033