Did Democratic State Senator Borris L Miles Try to Shake-Down Fellow Democrat Beto O’Rourke in the 2018 Midterms?
It was brought to my attention on yesterday, Sunday, December 20, 2020, that the audio-recordings featuring Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones will not be published by on “THE WAR ZONE” hosted by Gerry Wayne Monroe “5 Star General”, Demetra Kay, and Donovan Saadiq. For the record, I totally understand the varying positions of all three of the co-hosts. However, as a result, their refusal to publish the excerpts from the audio-recording of Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones talking candidly with Dr. Steven Hotze’s private investigators, many more questions surrounding whether it is indeed the voice of Damien Thaddeus Jones in the audio-recordings. And as a result, the entire fiasco has caused a few of the people who read my initial report on this matter to question whether or not my reporting was indeed accurate. That being said, I am now placed in the difficult position of having to defend my initial report. Now, this entire situation is very unfortunate and has the potential to destroy lives. But some of the accusations made by Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones, in my opinion rise to the level of criminal – but I digress. However, to be clear, the man who is featured talking to Dr. Steven Hotze’s private investigators is in fact Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones. Let me repeat that, THE MAN WHO IS ON THE AUDIO-RECORDINGS TALKING TO DR. STEVEN HOTZE’S PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS IS INDEED DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL CONSULTANT DAMIEN THADDEUS JONES!!! Now, if you notice, I did not say that the man on the audio-recordings is alleged to be Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones. Thus, if I am wrong, what I’ve just down in slandered the name of Damien Thaddeus Jones – right?

In downtown Houston, Texas there's a building located at 201 Caroline where civil matters are resolved. So, if Damien Thaddeus Jones is not the person on the audio-recordings that’s is currently in the hands of Dr. Steven Hotze, I would assume that Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones and his attorney (s) would go over to the Harris County Civil Courthouse located in downtown Houston, Texas and clear his good name. That being said, I would be highly surprised if Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones is going to file anything with the courts surrounding these audio-recordings. Why? I’m glad you asked. Look as I said, the man on the audio-recording is indeed Democratic Political Consultant Damien Jones. How can I be so sure? Well, because for one reason, I have direct evidence that places him in the company of Dr. Hotze’s private investigators on more than one occasion. And besides that, Democratic Political Consultant Damien Jones talks about some things on the audio-recordings that only he would know! For instance, when he talked about Commissioner Rodney Ellis and embattle local Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell back in the day – those two men would know if Democratic Political Consultant Damien Jones is telling the truth. And at around the 11 minute mark in the audio-recordings when he talks about setting up a meeting between State Senator Borris L. Miles and former Congressman Beto O’Rourke – that went all wrong, all three gentleman would know whether the actual meeting took place.
In the spirit of public interest the Black Community has a right to know if Democratic Political Consultant Damien Jones is telling the truth. According to Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones, his client at the time, Beto O’Rourke found himself in the middle of a “STRONG-ARM” type of situation. And yes, he clearly articulated on the audio-recordings how as deference to members of State Senator Borris L. Miles’ staff he reluctantly agreed to bring Beto O’Rouke to a meeting that was supposed to only include Damien Thaddeus Jones, Beto O’Rourke, another Beto O’Rourke staff person, State Senator Borris L. Miles, one of his staff. “When we finally get there and walk into his conference room there’s twelve mutherfu...ing people there – like some godfather shakedown type of $HIT,” explained Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones. In the audio-recordings, Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones described the purported meeting as nothing but a shakedown. Remember, those are his words – not mine. “All they wanted was a shakedown,” is the direct quote made by Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones. “He had first sent me a proposal for like $350,000 and I said, “FUCK YOU” – so they went behind my back,” explained Damien Thaddeus Jones to Dr. Steven Hotze’s private investigators. He went on to say, that toward the end of the campaign the group was able to secure about $75,000 dollars for Democratic Political Consultant Dallas Jones – no relation to Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones. Around the 12 minute mark of the audio-recording Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones makes the claim that there’s some sort of kick-back agreement scheme set up between State Senator Borris L. Miles and Democratic Political Consultant Dallas Jones. According to Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones, the alleged scheme works by using shakedown methods to get the money into the hands of Democratic Political Consultant Dallas Jones and then he distributes the kickbacks to other players in the alleged scheme.
There’s no question about it, if Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones is lying about the alleged “SHAKE-DOWN SCHEME” that involves “KICK-BACKS” being paid out to sitting elected officials like State Senator Borris L. Miles – they should sue him. However, if Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones is telling the truth – the matter of these tapes has just become much more serious. Why? Well, for starters, if Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones is being truthful, these folks are committing some of the most egregious acts of “ELECTION FRAUD” that I have seen in my more than 30 years being involved in local politics. And not only that, Democratic Political Consultant Damien Jones alleged in the audio-recordings that we have local politicians running around sleeping with boys – and using cocaine on a regular bases. I know that all of this sounds a little outlandish – but I’m not making this up, and this isn’t fake news. So stay tuned…

Every local Democrat who has been rumored to be attached to the “ABSENTEE BALLOTING SCHEME” by either the 2-year investigation by either Colleen M. Vera, the citizen reporter who first exposed the alleged scheme, or former FBI Agent, Charles Marler should be very concerned right now. Why? Well, in case you don't know, Democratic Political Consultant Damien Thaddeus Jones is only one of the Democrats who were proving Dr. Steven Hotze's private investigators with information and giving them a heads up on things before they were about to go down. So, I strongly encourage every "ELECTED OFFICIAL" who is mentioned in the audio-recordings to sit down somewhere, keep their mouths closed, and lawyer up.