The distinguished individuals pictured above are not connected to one another in any way, shape, or form unless otherwise noted. Nor does their picture on this page constitute an endorsement of the information contained on this page.

Aubrey R. Taylor
Publisher of Houston Business Connections Magazine
We recently receive an update from Jared Woodfill on the lawsuit filed against Annise Parker, the mayor of Houston. You can see the complete update provided to us by Jared Woodfill below. According to Woodfill: “A lawsuit was filed (Woodfill v Parker) after Parker and her legal team invalidated the petitions of approximately 55,000 Houstonians who sought a referendum vote on Parker's “Unequal Rights Ordinance” says Click here for more information on the ordinance.
"I am very pleased with the jury’s verdict, and I expect the court will apply the law to the verdict and issue a final judgment confirming that the petition failed. The City of Houston has had in place for over 100 years the same rules and legal requirements governing the referendum process to ensure fairness and avoid fraud, and the jury’s verdict confirms that the petitions did not meet the legal requirements. The plaintiffs are expected to appeal any outcome that is not in their favor. That would be unfortunate for the City. I believe that the majority of Houston wants this divisive fight to be over so that we are able to provide equal rights protections for all of our residents. The City is confident it will prevail."
"The Mayor's lawyers went to extraordinary lengths to discredit, demean, denigrate and disqualify as many petitions and signatures as possible. Thankfully, in spite of an incredible amount of detail presented and even oft repeated by the city's attack team, our God has again raised His standard of justice," stated Dr. F.N. Williams, lead plaintiff for the pastors of the No UNequal Rights Coalition and Senior Pastor of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church as well as President of Houston Ministers Against Crime.
"We are thankful that the God of justice stood with this David again against the Goliath of the machinery of city government in the hands of those like Annise Parker intent on serving her personal agenda even at the cost of voting rights of the people," added Pastor Hernan Castano, an influential Hispanic pastor and network leader as well as one of the "Houston Five" subpoenaed by the Mayor.
"Judge Robert Schaffer will now apply the ruling to the almost 55,000 individuals who signed the petition. I am confident he will conclude we had the requisite 17,269 signatures necessary for the people to vote on this issue," said Jared Woodfill.
"Businesswoman Victoria Lane, a 2015 Candidate for Mayor of Houston recently shared her thoughts with Houston Business Connections on the subject of the "Equal Rights Ordinance." She shared that she is totally against the "HERO" ORDINANCE. Lane believes men and women do not belong in the same restroom. She plans to center her 2015 bid for Mayor of Houston around bringing "GOOD GOVERNANCE" and "MORAL LEADERSHIP to Houston's City Hall. Click here to see her ad inside Houston Business Connections Newspaper.

Judge Schaffer’s Decision Could Impact 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Race
If Judge Robert Schaffer rules that the signatures are valid, and that voters can decide the fate of Mayor Annise Parker’s Ordinance, you can be sure that the turnout for the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election will be much greater than it would have otherwise been without this referendum on the ballot. But just who will benefit from the increased turnout remains to be seen.

Referendum Could Drive Up Voter Turnout for the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election
As it stands right now, the candidate most closely aligned to Mayor Annise Parker and her policies is State Rep. Sylvester Turner. I make this statement because his public relations team is primarily made up of former associates/consultants who played pivotal roles in helping Mayor Annise Parker get elected and remain in office for three consecutive terms. Click here to see the Houston Chronicle article substantiating this statement. The article is entitled, “Parker advisers split as mayoral campaign teams taking shape”. You can also see who the other candidates like: Ben Hall, Chris Bell, Oliver Pennington, Bill King, Marty McVey, and Stephen Costello are planning using as consultants for their 2015 City of Houston Mayoral bids thus far.

If Judge Robert Schaffer allows Annise Parker’s “Equal Rights Ordinance” onto the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 election ballot this could pose big problems for State Rep. Sylvester Turner. I say this because, other candidates in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral race may label Turner as “Mayor Annise Parker #2”. A strategy like this could be successful against State Rep. Turner if he's "FOR" the "HERO" ordinance and the African American community is against it.

Here's how the current Houston City Council Members and Mayor Annise Parker Voted on the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May, 28, 2014:

BRENDA STARDIG voted AGAINST the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member Brenda Stardig currently represents DISTRICT A on Houston's City Council. She will be up for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

JERRY DAVIS voted FOR the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member Jerry Davis currently represents DISTRICT B on Houston's City Council. He will be up for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

ELLEN COHEN voted FOR the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member Ellen Cohen currently represents DISTRICT C on Houston's City Council. She will be up for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

DWIGHT BOYKINS voted AGAINST the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member Dwight Boykins currently represents DISTRICT D on Houston's City Council. He will be up for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

DAVE MARTIN voted AGAINST the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member Dave Martin currently represents DISTRICT E on Houston's City Council. He will be up for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

RICHARD NGUYEN voted FOR the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member Richard Nguyen currently represents DISTRICT F on Houston's City Council. He will be up for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

OLIVER PENNINGTON voted AGAINST the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member Oliver Pennington currently represents DISTRICT G on Houston's City Council. He will be running for Mayor of Houston on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

ED GONZALEZ voted FOR the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member Ed Gonzalez currently represents DISTRICT H on Houston's City Council. He is term-limited and cannot run for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

ROBERT GALLEGOS voted FOR the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member Robert Gallegos currently represents DISTRICT I on Houston's City Council. He will be up for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

MIKE LASTER voted FOR the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member Mike Laster currently represents DISTRICT J on Houston's City Council. He will be up for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

LARRY GREEN voted FOR the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member Larry Green currently represents DISTRICT K on Houston's City Council. He will be up for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

STEPHEN COSTELLO voted FOR the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member Stephen Costello currently represents At-Large Position 1 on Houston's City Council. He is term-limited and cannot run for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

DAVID ROBINSON voted FOR the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member David Robinson currently represents At-Large Position 2 on Houston's City Council. He will be up for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

MICHAEL KUBOSH voted AGAINST the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member David Robinson currently represents At-Large Position 3 on Houston's City Council. He will be up for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

C.O. "BRAD" BRADFORD voted FOR the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member C.O. "Brad" Bradford currently represents At-Large Position 4 on Houston's City Council. He is term-limited and cannot run for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

JACK CHRISTIE voted AGAINST the "Equal Rights Ordinance" back on May 28, 2014. Council Member David Robinson currently represents At-Large Position 5 on Houston's City Council. He will be up for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

Favorable Jury Verdict Should Result in Victory for Voters and Religious Liberty!
By Jared Woodfill
2015 Candidate for Republican Party of Texas Chairman
Great news...the jury returned a verdict that should allow the people to vote on Mayor Parker's Unequal Rights Ordinance. Over the past eight months, a coalition of pastors and community leaders have worked together to repeal Mayor Annise Parker's pro-LGBT so-called "Equal Rights Ordinance." A lawsuit was filed (Woodfill v Parker) after Parker and her legal team invalidated the petitions of approximately 55,000 Houstonians who sought a referendum vote on Parker's Unequal Rights Ordinance.
"The Mayor's lawyers went to extraordinary lengths to discredit, demean, denigrate and disqualify as many petitions and signatures as possible. Thankfully, in spite of an incredible amount of detail presented and even oft repeated by the city's attack team, our God has again raised His standard of justice," stated Dr. F.N. Williams, lead plaintiff for the pastors of the No UNequal Rights Coalition and Senior Pastor of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church as well as President of Houston Ministers Against Crime.
During the two week trial, the Mayor and her legal team of fifteen lawyers attempted to use the power of government to intimidate and threaten those who opposed her LGBT agenda, including attacking pastors, citizens, and even my family.
"We are thankful that the God of justice stood with this David again against the Goliath of the machinery of city government in the hands of those like Annise Parker intent on serving her personal agenda even at the cost of voting rights of the people," added Pastor Hernan Castano, an influential Hispanic pastor and network leader as well as one of the "Houston Five" subpoenaed by the Mayor.
Judge Robert Schaffer will now apply the ruling to the almost 55,000 individuals who signed the petition. I am confident he will conclude we had the requisite 17,269 signatures necessary for the people to vote on this issue.
I want to thank all of you who have been praying over this case. I also want to thank the Houston Area Pastor Council and the thousands of grassroots activists across the country who stood with us as we fought for religious liberty and voting rights!

Jared Woodfill

By Aubrey R. Taylor
Publisher of Houston Business Connections Magazine
Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015 for the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election. And I am looking forward to a record turnout, clean competitive races, and hopeful that we get a mayor who is committed to representing our entire city – not special interest groups.
Don't forget to do all the research you can on the 2015 candidates running for City of Houston Mayor, City of Houston Controller, and Houston City Council in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.
Best regards,

Aubrey R. Taylor
Publisher of Houston Business Connections Magazine
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
P: (832)212-8735
C: (832)894-1352
"According to an ABCNews/Beliefnet Poll 83 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. So to this end, it makes perfect sense for us to get Christians engaged, empowered, informed, and excited about the process of choosing those who govern on the local, state, and federal levels in America. So don't forget about what Proverbs 29:2 teaches us: "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." -- AUBREY
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"The candidates below are asking for our prayers, vote, and support in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election. The individuals featured below are not connected to one another unless otherwise noted. To discuss your inclusion on this page, call (832)212-8735 and ask for Aubrey R. Taylor, president and CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Magazine."

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"Ben Hall is a 2015 Candidate for City of Houston Mayor. Hall is asking for our prayers, vote, and support in his bid to become only the second African American to serve as Houston's mayor."

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"Victoria Lane is a 2015 Candidate for City of Houston Mayor. Lane is asking for our prayers, vote, and support in her bid to become only the third female mayor for the City of Houston."

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"Carroll G. Robinson is a 2015 Candidate for City of Houston Controller. Robinson is asking for our prayers, vote, and support in his bid to become only the second African American to serve as City of Houston Controller."

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Houston Business Connections Newspaper is published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. So to discuss your inclusion call (832)212-8735 and ask for Aubrey R. Taylor, the president and CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications.
"Our mission is to assist people of faith with identifying "LEADERS" in Education, Corporate America, Business, Elected Public Offices, and Ministry who value our lives, support, patronage, and vote. I believe we can make America even better by accomplishing this stated mission together. And I furthermore believe we can all win by finding creative ways to support one another as we work together to pursue our personal and professional endeavors in 2015 and beyond." -- AUBREY R. TAYLOR
"Our mission is to assist people of faith with identifying "LEADERS" in Education, Corporate America, Business, Elected Public Offices, and Ministry who value our lives, support, patronage, and vote. I believe we can make America even better by accomplishing this stated mission together. And I furthermore believe we can all win by finding creative ways to support one another as we work together to pursue our personal and professional endeavors in 2015 and beyond." -- AUBREY R. TAYLOR