Showing posts with label Jared Woodfill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jared Woodfill. Show all posts

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Aubrey R Taylor Has Hired Ericka Albert, Attorney Terry Yates, and Attorney Jared Woodfill; Whitmire for Mayor

Ericka Albert (left), has been hired to run the "HEAD COUNTING PROGRAM" for Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, during the "EARLY VOTING PERIOD" for the Saturday, December 9, 2023, runoff elections. Early voting will begin on Monday, November 27, 2023, and end on Tuesday, December 5, 2023. POWERHOUSE LEGAL TEAM... Investigative Reporter/Publisher Aubrey R. Taylor has hired two well-known powerhouse attorneys to protect his interests, safety, and well-being against the leftist attacks being levied against him by the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" by way of Gerald Womack and Sheila Jackson Lee's Mayoral Campaign. Attorney Terry Yates (second from right), will defend Aubrey R. Taylor against the lies that Gerald Womack told HPD Detectives, who were set to possibly charge him before Kim Ogg's Harris County District Attorney's Office intervened, and indicted Aubrey R. Taylor, within a matter of hours. Attorney Jared Woodfill has already filed a civil lawsuit against Gerald Womack for his assault on Aubrey R. Taylor back on Monday, October 23, 2023, at 4412 Almeda Road, in Houston, Texas 77004. You can "CLICK HERE" to view a copy of the lawsuit for yourself.

Ericka Albert (left), and her team will assist Investigative Reporter/Publisher Aubrey R. Taylor, the president and CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, and publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, with making sure that the vote count at predominantly African American "EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS" is accurate between Monday, November 27, 2023, and Tuesday, December 5, 2023. 

Powerhouse Attorney Terry Yates has been hired by Investigative Reporter/Publisher Aubrey R. Taylor to defend him in criminal court against the lies that have been told by Gerald Womack, and the Sheila Jackson Lee for Mayor Campaign. Attorney Terry Yates will also serve as second chair co-counsel in the civil lawsuit that has been filed against Gerald Womack for assaulting Aubrey R. Taylor on Monday, October 23, 2023, when he was delivering his newspapers to Linda Brown, the owner of Advantage Communications Group, at 4412 Almeda Road, in Houston, Texas 77004. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the civil lawsuit for yourself.

Powerhouse Attorney Jared Woodfill has filed a civil lawsuit against Gerald Womack for his assault on Investigative Reporter/Publisher Aubrey R. Taylor, back on Monday, October 23, 2023, when he was delivering his newspapers to Linda Brown, the owner of Advantage Communications Group, at 4412 Almeda Road, in Houston, Texas 77004. Attorney Jared Woodfill will also serve as second chair co-counsel in the bogus criminal case against Aubrey R. Taylor. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the civil lawsuit for yourself.

Attorney Jared Woodfill has filed a civil lawsuit against Gerald Womack, seeking over $1 million in damages for his assault on investigative reporter/publisher Aubrey R. Taylor back on Monday, October 23, 2023, at 4412 Almeda Road, in Houston, Texas 77004. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the details of the $1 million lawsuit that was filed on Thursday, November 2, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., in Harris County, Texas.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I'm encouraging all of my friends, readers, and clients, to reject the urge to vote for Sheila Jackson Lee in the race for mayor of Houston today. This woman is a trainwreck waiting to happen. Not only should she not be elected to serve as Mayor of Houston, but this woman doesn't have any business serving as a member of the United States Congress either."

Aubrey R Taylor Hires Albert, Yates, and Woodfill; Blacks and Latinos Should Vote for John Whitmire in the December Runoff


State Senator John Whitmire needs to wake up and come to the reality that he is now not only competing against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee but her cronies as well.

Last night, the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” suffered major blows up and down the ballot. However, the fight isn’t over!!!

Tuesday, November 7, 2023, “ELECTION NIGHT” was a very good night for Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©, as several candidates we favored have made their way into the Saturday, December 9, 2023, Runoff Election.

Houstonians from all walks of life must now rally around state Senator John Whitmire on Saturday, December 9, 2023, in the City of Houston Runoff Election for Mayor.

While state Senator John Whitmire may have a few faults, he’s the much better choice to lead the City of Houston forward into the future.

As I’ve said many times before over the last three years, the crooked-crown-wearing Sheila Jackson Lee woman is a low-down, dirty, dishonorable, snake in the grass.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is a vile, evil, untrustworthy woman who doesn’t even have a moral compass, or a willingness to do what’s right.

Sheila Jackson Lee is as corrupt as they come. She’s the worst of the worst – the bottom of the barrel – the runt of the litter. And on top of that, she does not give a damn about “BLACK PEOPLE” or “LATINO PEOPLE” or anyone else for that matter.

This Sheila Jackson Lee woman is a filthy scoundrel who has been allowed to masquerade around the county pretending to be a public servant, for far too long. But her days of pulling the wool over the eyes of my people are over.

Not only will this lying, conniving, scum of the earth not be allowed to slither her way into Houston City Hall on Saturday, December 9, 2023, but this crooked-crown-wearing, low-life of a human being, will no longer be serving as the congressional representative for the 18th Congressional District after “SUPER-TUESDAY either, if I have anything to say about it.


“I’m encouraged by tonight’s results,” said state Senator John Whitmire, after the election results revealed that he has earned a trip to the Saturday, December 9, 2023, Runoff Election against that snake-in-the-grass – Sheila Jackson Lee, who must be rejected!!!

State Senator Whitmire went on to say, “We are going to continue to campaign on improvements to public safety, infrastructure, city services, transparency in our city, and our city finances.”

“I’m looking forward to continuing to build a diverse coalition of Houstonians. As I’ve said before, no one’s gonna outwork me on this campaign. Let’s get to work!”


Mayor Sylvester Turner has endorsed Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and former Harris County Clerk Chris Hollins in the runoff race for Mayor, and City Controller. Now, that should tell you all you need to know about “SHE-JACK” and “HOLLOW CHRIS HOLLINS” heading into their “RUNOFF SHOWDOWNS” with State Senator John Whitmire and former Harris County Treasurer Orlando Sanchez coming up on Saturday, December 9, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City.

Chris Hollins is a spineless dude who is accustomed to following orders. That’s why this chump aborted his aspirations of becoming Houston’s next Mayor when that crooked-crown-wearing hussy entered the race for Mayor.

I know that I’m not supposed to hate anyone. But that lying, conniving, low-down, dirty, “SHE-JACK” is as filthy as they come. This woman is so arrogant that she still hasn’t apologized to the families of the “DEAD BLACK VOTERS” who had their identities stolen by her campaign workers back during the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary.

Sheila Jackson Lee is bad for Houston, and she is much worse than Mayor Sylvester Turner when it comes to corruption. That being said, I am strongly encouraging all of my “BLACK AND LATINO” readers to join me in my “STOP SHE-JACK CAMPAIGN” to keep this mean, nasty, vindictive “SNAKE IN THE GRASS” from slithering and manipulating her way into gaining an unfair advantage over state Senator John Whitmire on Saturday, December 9, 2023, in the race for Mayor of Houston, Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033


In the race for Mayor of Houston, John Whitmire (first place finisher) and Sheila Jackson Lee (second place finisher) are headed toward a Saturday, December 9, 2023, Runoff Election, to decide who will succeed Mayor Sylvester Turner, who is term-limited.


In the race for Houston City Controller, Chris Hollins (first place finisher) and Orlando Sanchez (second place finisher) are headed toward a Saturday, December 9, 2023, Runoff Election, to decide who will succeed City Controller Chris Brown, who is term-limited.


In the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #1, Julian Ramirez (first place finisher) and Melanie Miles (second place finisher) are headed toward a Saturday, December 9, 2023, Runoff Election, to decide who will succeed Councilman Mike Knox, who is term-limited.


In the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #2, Willie Davis (first place finisher) and Nick Hellyar (second place finisher) are headed toward a Saturday, December 9, 2023, Runoff Election, to decide who will succeed Councilman David Robinson, who is term-limited.


In the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #3, Richard Cantu (first place finisher) and Twila Carter (second place finisher) are headed toward a Saturday, December 9, 2023, Runoff Election, to decide who will succeed Councilman Michael Kubosh, who is term-limited.


In the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #4, Letitia Plummer (first place finisher) and Roy Morales (second place finisher) are headed toward a Saturday, December 9, 2023, Runoff Election, to decide if Councilwoman Letitia Plummer will remain the Houston City Council At-Large Position #4, Council Member.


In the race for Houston City Council District D, Carolyn Evans Shabazz (first place finisher) and Travis McGee (second place finisher) are headed toward a Saturday, December 9, 2023, Runoff Election, to decide if Councilwoman Carolyn Evans Shabazz will remain the Houston City Council District D, Council Member.


In the race for Houston City Council District G, Mary Nan Huffman (first place finisher) and Tony Buzbee (second place finisher) are headed toward a Saturday, December 9, 2023, Runoff Election, to decide if Councilwoman Mary Nan Huffman will remain the Houston City Council District G, Council Member.


In the race for Houston City Council District H, Mario Castillo (first place finisher) and Cynthia Reyes Revilla (second place finisher) are headed toward a Saturday, December 9, 2023, Runoff Election, to decide who will succeed Councilwoman Karla Cisneros who is term-limited.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039