Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (Democrat), the U.S. Representative for the 18th Congressional District of Texas, and Congressman Dan Crenshaw (Republican), the U.S. Representative for the 2nd Congressional District of Texas, should both have a watchful eye on the "ABSENTEE BALLOT RETURNS" about to pour into the Democratic Party Primary runoff race for House District 147. Why? Well, both of their congressional districts cover portions of HD-147. That being said, the HD-139 State Rep. Jarvis Johnson (Democrat), and the HD-27 State Rep. Ron Reynolds, have decided to join State Representative-Elect, Jolanda Jones in her attempt to bully, Danielle Keys Bess into abandoning her call for an audit of the "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS" that were cast in the "SPECIAL ELECTION" for the HD-147 seat.

State Rep. Ron Reynolds (Democrat), represents HD-27, over in Fort Bend County. He has wrongly joined Jolanda Jones, in condemning Danielle Keys Bess (Democrat) for requesting an "AUDIT" of the "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" that were cast in the "SPECIAL ELECTION" race for HD-147, back on Saturday, May 7, 2022. That being said, I'm beginning to wonder if State Rep. Reynolds is trying to hide the fact that back in the Tuesday, May 24, 2016, Democratic Party Primary, he was able to escape defeat by a mere 225 votes against Angelique Bartholomew with absentee mail ballots.

You can "CLICK HERE" to see how State Representative Ron Reynolds (HD-27), a Democrat, was able to win his Tuesday, May 24, 2016, Democratic Party Primary runoff race over his fellow Democrat, by the name of Angelique Bartholomew by only 225 votes using absentee mail ballots.

State Rep. Jarvis Johnson (Democrat), represents HD-139, right here in Harris County, Texas. He has wrongly joined Jolanda Jones, in condemning Danielle Keys Bess (Democrat) for requesting an "AUDIT" of the "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" that were cast in the "SPECIAL ELECTION" race for HD-147, back on Saturday, May 7, 2022. That being said, I'm beginning to wonder if State Rep. Johnson is trying to hide the fact that back in the Tuesday, May 24, 2016, Democratic Party Primary, he was able to escape defeat by a mere 173 votes against Kimberly Willis with absentee mail ballots.

You can "CLICK HERE" to see how State Representative Jarvis Johnson (HD-27), a Democrat, was able to win his Tuesday, May 24, 2016, Democratic Party Primary runoff race over his fellow Democrat, by the name of Kimberly Willis by only 173 votes using absentee mail ballots.

Danielle Keys Bess should be applauded for her courage, tenacity, intestinal fortitude, and commitment to making sure that her "SPECIAL ELECTION" was won fair and square. That being said, it is possible that Danielle Keys Bess did not get a fair shake back during the May 7, 2022, "SPECIAL ELECTION" when she faced off against Jolanda Jones, in the race for HD-147, in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" for a closer look at this Democratic stronghold.
An FBI Investigation Into Mail Ballots Cast Back in 2016 Democratic Party Primary Races May Be Needed if Bullying Continues
When the “ABSENTEE BALLOT COUNT” is released tomorrow, Monday, May 16, 2022, the Harris County Election Administrator, Isabel Longoria should report that she received around 23,860 mail-in ballots between April 18, 2022, and May 13, 2022, based on the information I’ve reviewed. That being said, every concerned citizen in Harris County needs to be paying close attention to the “ABSENTEE BALLOT COUNT” that will be recorded in the House District 147, runoff in the Democratic Party Primary, between Jolanda Jones, and Danielle Keys Bess. I’m also concerned about the race for Harris County Judge on the Republican side, between Vidal Martinez, and Alexandra del Moral Mealer.

After reviewing the “ABSENTEE BALLOT ROSTERS” from the Saturday, May 7, 2022, “SPECIAL ELECTION” between Jolanda Jones, and Danielle Keys Bess, I’m very concerned that “ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING” may have played a role in the outcome of that contest. My areas of greatest concern have been narrowed down to zip codes, 77033 (SUNNYSIDE AND SOUTHPARK) area, and 77004 (GREATER THIRD WARD) area of House District #147. Other zip codes that fall inside House District #147 are as follows: 77002, 77003, 77004, 77006, 77007, 77010, 77017, 77019, 77021, 77033, 77034, 77048, 77051, 77061, 77075, 77087, 77089, and 77098, based on the statistics I’ve reviewed.

The Congressional Districts that run across "HOUSE DISTRICT #147" are as follows: The 2nd Congressional District represented by Congressman Dan Crenshaw (Republican); The 9th Congressional District represented by Congressman Al Green (Democrat); The 18th Congressional District represented by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (Democrat), and The 29th Congressional District represented by Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia (Democrat).

The Senatorial Districts that run across "HOUSE DISTRICT #147" are as follows: The 6th Senatorial District represented by State Senator Carol Alvarado (Democrat); The 13th Senatorial District represented by State Senator Borris Miles (Democrat), and the 15th Senatorial District represented by State Senator John Whitmire (Democrat).

I’m growing very concerned that several “STATE LAWMAKERS” are using bullying tactics to try and bully and intimidate, Danielle Keys Bess, the “DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE” who is now calling for an “AUDIT” into the “ABSENTEE BALLOTS” cast during the Saturday, May 7, 2022, “SPECIAL ELECTION” in the race for House District #147. “Losing candidate in District 147 special election should not join in Republican efforts to weaken our democracy,” stated the press release, sent out by the Jolanda Jones camp.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Jolanda Jones, won the "SPECIAL ELECTION" for HD-147, over Danielle Keys Bess. However, Danielle Keys Bess is now asking for an audit of the "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" that were used to help her win by a handful of votes.
Losing candidate in District 147 special election should not join in Republican efforts to weaken our democracy.
HOUSTON—A diverse group of Texas State Representatives has condemned the call for a so-called “election audit” by losing candidate Danielle Keys Bess seeking to overturn the May 7, 2022, special election. They issued the following statement:
“We condemn Danielle Keys Bess for requesting an “audit” of the May 7 special election results, focused particularly on mail ballots.
“To make that request without any credible evidence of voter fraud or other malfeasance plays into the ongoing and destructive Republican efforts to undermine confidence in our elections and our elections officials.
“We took the extreme step to break a legislative quorum last summer to prevent Republican efforts to suppress the votes of Black people, Brown people, women, the disabled, and many other people at risk of being disenfranchised.
“Our procedures do not include an audit and the request for an audit is a sham. If Ms. Bess wants a recount, she should apply for one at the appropriate time through the appropriate channels.
“But she should not join in Republican efforts to weaken our democracy.”
State Rep. Garnet Coleman
State Rep. Ana Hernandez
State Rep. Gina Hinojosa
State Rep. Ann Johnson
State Rep. Jarvis Johnson - You can "CLICK HERE" to see the results of State Representative Jarvis Johnson's Tuesday, May 24, 2016, Democratic Party Primary runoff race for HD-139, against a fellow Democrat by the name of Kimberly Willis that he won by only 173 votes with absentee mail ballots.
State Rep. Ron Reynolds - You can "CLICK HERE" to see the results of State Representative Ron Renolds's Tuesday, May 24, 2016, Democratic Party Primary runoff race for HD-139, against a fellow Democrat by the name of Angelique Bartholomew that he won by only 225 votes with absentee mail ballots.
State Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer
State Rep. Gene Wu
Now, I find it very interesting that State Representative Ron Reynolds (HD-27), in Fort Bend County is on this list. And I find it even more interesting that State Representative Jarvis Johnson is on this list as well. For the record, I don’t really have a problem with State Rep. Ron Reynolds, or State Rep. Jarvis Johnson, allowing their name to be used in this manner. However, I would like to remind both of them, that they’ve been involved in “QUESTIONABLE RACES” where “ABSENTEE BALLOTS” decided the outcomes.

State Rep. Jarvis Johnson (Democrat), was somehow able to beat Kimberly Willis (Democrat), by a mere 173 votes, back during the Tuesday, May 24, 2016, Democratic Party Primary runoff election, for House District 139, in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the final results.

As you can see above, State Rep. Jarvis Johnson (Democrat), beat his fellow Democrat, Kimberly Willis by a wide margin in the "ABSENTEE MAIL-BALLOT CATEGORY" back on Tuesday, May 24, 2016, in the Democratic Party primary runoff election for HD-139, in Harris County, Texas.

As you can see above, Kimberly Willis (Democrat), beat her fellow Democrat, Jarvis Johnson, in the "EARLY VOTING CATEGORY" where "live bodies" had to go into the polls to vote back on Tuesday, May 24, 2016, in the Democratic Party primary runoff election for HD-139, in Harris County, Texas.

As you can see above, Kimberly Willis (Democrat), beat her fellow Democrat, Jarvis Johnson, in the "ELECTION DAY VOTING" where "live bodies" had to go into the polls to vote back on Tuesday, May 24, 2016, in the Democratic Party primary runoff election for HD-139, in Harris County, Texas.

As you can see above, State Rep. Jarvis Johnson, was able to defeat his fellow Democrat, Kimberly Willis by a mere 173 votes, back during the Tuesday, May 24, 2016, Democratic Party Primary race for Housed District 139, in Harris County, Texas.

State Rep. Ron Reynolds (Democrat), was somehow able to beat Angelique Bartholomew (Democrat), by a mere 225 votes, back during the Tuesday, May 24, 2016, Democratic Party Primary runoff election, for House District 27, in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the final results.

As you can see above, State Rep. Ron Reynolds (Democrat), beat his fellow Democrat, Angelique Bartholomew, in the "EARLY VOTING CATEGORY" where "live bodies" had to go into the polls to vote back on Tuesday, May 24, 2016, in the Democratic Party primary runoff election for HD-139, in Harris County, Texas.

As you can see above, Angelique Bartholomew (Democrat), beat her fellow Democrat, State Rep. Ron Reynolds, in the "ELECTION DAY VOTING" where "live bodies" had to go into the polls to vote back on Tuesday, May 24, 2016, in the Democratic Party primary runoff election for HD-139, in Harris County, Texas.

As you can see above, State Rep. Ron Reynolds, was able to defeat his fellow Democrat, Angelique Bartholomew by a mere 225 votes, back during the Tuesday, May 24, 2016, Democratic Party Primary race for Housed District 139, in Harris County, Texas.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Rev. Bill Lawson, Dr. Marcus D. Cosby, Rev. Reginald DeVaughn, Trae Tha Truth, Bun B., the Honorable Jew Don Boney, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Rev. Elom Johnson, Former Harris County Commissioner Gene Locke, Rev. James Nash, Houston City Councilman Robert Gallegos, and many other local leaders have all endorsed Danielle Keys Bess. You can "CLICK HERE" to see Danielle's full endorsement list.

Please be reminded that early voting for the "RUNOFF ELECTION" will begin on Monday, May 16, 2022, and end on Friday, May 20, 2022, in Harris County, Texas. That being said, if you can't vote during early voting, you can still cast your vote on "ELECTION DAY" in Harris County.

Art and Koffey Smith, have announced their endorsements for the Tuesday, May 24, 2022, Democratic Party Primary Runoff Election for Harris County, Texas. Diana Martinez Alexander, Mike Collier, Rochelle Mercedes Garza, Janet T. Dudding, Sandragrace Martinez, Staci Childs, Danielle Keys Bess, Andrea Beall, Kimberly McTorry, Teresa J. Waldrop, M.K. Monica Singh, and Lesley Briones have all been endorsed by Art and Koffey Smith as part of the "2022 Midterm Election Voter Education and Empowerment Initiative" published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper. All Rights Reserved.

Please be reminded that early voting for the "RUNOFF ELECTION" will begin on Monday, May 16, 2022, and end on Friday, May 20, 2022, in Harris County, Texas. That being said, if you can't vote during early voting, you can still cast your vote on "ELECTION DAY" in Harris County.

*Beto O'Rourke received 700,200 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for United States Senator.

*Justin Nelson received 684,671 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Texas Attorney General.

*Kim Olson received 678,607 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Commissioner of Agriculture.

*Steven Kirkland received 676,425 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 2.

*Mike Collier received 675,713 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Lieutenant Governor of Texas.

*Michelle Moore received 674,976 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Family District Judge, 314th Judicial District.

*Amy Martin received 674,968 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 263rd Judicial District.

*Gloria Lopez received 674,087 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Family District Judge, 308th Judicial District.

*R.K. Sandill received 673,354 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 4.

*Natalia Oakes received 672,027 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Family District Judge, 313th Judicial District.

*Angela Graves-Harrington received 671,226 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Family District Judge, 246th Judicial District.

*Richard Cantu received 670,827 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Harris County School Trustee Position 3, At Large.

*Richard Hightower received 670,098 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 8.

*Julie Countiss received 668,480 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 7.

*Jason Cox received 668,092 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Probate Court No.3.

*Shannon Baldwin received 667,158 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.4.

*Donna Roth received 665,587 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 295th Judicial District.

*Lee Harper Wilson received 664,576 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.10.

*Brian Warren received 664,353 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 209th Judicial District.

*Danilo "Danny" Lacayo received 663,843 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 182nd Judicial District.

*Franklin Bynum received 663,650 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.8.

*Sonya Heath received 663,582 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Family District Judge, 310th Judicial District.

*Jim F. Kovach received 663,517 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Civil Court at Law No.2.

*Maria T. Jackson received 663,261 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Presiding Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals.

*Peter Kelly received 659,761 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 9.

*Janice Berg received 659,455 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Family District Judge, 247th Judicial District.

*Erica Hughes received 659,197 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.3.

*Kathy Cheng received 658,407 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 6.

*Jason Luong received 657,685 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 185th Judicial District.

*Toria J. Finch received 657,546 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.9.

*Sarah Beth Landau received 657,534 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 6.

*Lauren Reeder received 657,511 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 234th Judicial District.

*Raul Rodriguez received 656,311 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.13.

*Alex Salgado received 656,221 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.1.

*Andrew A. Wright received 656,187 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.7.

*Cassandra Y. Hollemon received 655,917 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.12.

*Margaret "Meg" Poissant received 655,756 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 8.

*Scot "dolli" Dollinger received 655,707 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 189th Judicial District.

*Meagan Hassan received 655,206 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 6.

*Tanya Garrison received 654,006 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 157th Judicial District.

*Abigail Anastasio received 653,570 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 184th Judicial District.

*Marilyn Burgess received 653,284 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Harris County District Clerk.

*Leah Shapiro received 653,089 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Family District Judge, 315th Judicial District.

*Ramona Franklin received 652,788 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 7.

*Tonya Jones received 652,528 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.15.

*Michael Newman received 652,479 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Probate Court No.2.

*Barbara J. Stalder received 652,301 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Family District Judge, 280th Judicial District.

*Linda Marie Dunson received 652,166 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Family District Judge, 309th Judicial District.

*Dedra Davis received 651,843 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 270th Judicial District.

*Sandra Peake received 651,331 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Family District Judge, 257th Judicial District.

*Chris Morton received 651,252 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 230th Judicial District.

*Tristan H. Longino received 651,244 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Family District Judge, 245th Judicial District.

*George Barnstone received 651,016 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Civil Court at Law No.1.

*Ronnisha Bowman received 650,963 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.2.

*Rabeea Collier received 650,951 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 113th Judicial District.

*David Fleischer received 650,451 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.5.

*Diane Trautman received 650,010 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Harris County Clerk.

*Jerry Zimmerer received 649,892 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 3.

*Lori Chambers Gray received 649,324 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 262nd Judicial District.

*Cory Sepolio received 649,096 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 269th Judicial District.

*Charles Spain received 648,881 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 4.

*Latasha Lewis Payne received 648,632 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 55th Judicial District.

*Christine Weems received 648,305 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 281st Judicial District.

*David L. Singer received 647,813 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.14.

*Hilary Unger received 647,708 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 248th Judicial District.

*William "Bill" McLeod received 647,502 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Civil Court at Law No.4.

*Gordon Goodman received 647,398 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 2.

*Frances Bourliot received 647,062 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 5.

*Sedrick T. Walker, II received 647,060 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.11.

*Jerry Simoneaux received 646,580 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Probate Court No.1. For the record, former Judge Loyd Wright is the candidate who values your vote and will be endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper© in the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election race for Harris County Probate Court No.1.

*Clinton "Chip" Wells received 646,408 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Family District Judge, 312th Judicial District.

*Kelley Andrews received 646,143 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No.6.

*Josh Hill received 645,744 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 232nd Judicial District.

*Germaine Tanner received 645,022 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Family District Judge, 311th Judicial District.

*Miguel Suazo received 644,307 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Commissioner of the General Land Office.

*Beau Miller received 643,982 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 190th Judicial District.

*Dylan Osborne received 643,915 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Harris County Treasurer.

*Frank Aguilar received 643,705 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 228th Judicial District.

*Greg Glass received 643,592 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 208th Judicial District.

*LaShawn A. Williams received 643,048 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Civil Court at Law No.3.

*James Horwitz received 642,956 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Judge, County Probate Court No.4.

*DaSean Jones received 637,367 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 180th Judicial District.

*Roman McAllen received 637,184 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Texas Railroad Commissioner.

*Chuck Silverman received 636,684 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for District Judge, 183rd Judicial District.

*Joi Chevalier received 631,964 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Controller of Public Accounts.

*Lupe Valdez received 628,804 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Governor of Texas.

*Lina Hidalgo received 595,221 votes in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, running countywide in the race for Harris County Judge.

"I am happy to announce my endorsement of Vidal Martinez for Harris County Judge. Over the last six months, I was able to get to know Vidal and the other candidates for County Judge quite well, and he is easily the most qualified candidate in the run-off election race and our best chance at beating Lina Hidalgo. As Republicans, we all know and agree on the major issues and shortcomings at Commissioners Court, and Vidal Martinez will be ready to execute change on day one. His experience as a federal prosecutor, time spent serving as Houston Port Commissioner and Greater Houston Partnership board member, as well as his tenure on the Methodist Hospital System Board means that he will not need any on-the-job training and can hit the ground running. Vidal Martinez is the leader we need to bring common sense back to Harris County, and he has my full support. I urge you to join me in voting for Vidal Martinez for Harris County Judge on May 24th."

Former U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Attorney Gary Polland is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Dr. Steven F. Hotze, M.D. is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Dr. Roderick Paige is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Former Houston City Councilman Bert Keller is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Former Miss Venezuela Carmen Maria Montiel is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Former Harris County District Clerk Chris Daniel is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Honorable Chase Untermeyer is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Former Republican Party Chair Jared Woodfill is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Mike Lindell is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Former Harris County Treasurer Orlando Sanchez is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Randy Kubosh is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Warren Howell is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

George Harry Zoes is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

H.Q. Bolanos is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Morgan Luttrell is asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

Carmen and Jim Crenshaw, the parents of United States Congressman Dan Crenshaw, are asking for "ALL REPUBLICANS" to cast their vote for Vidal Martinez in the runoff. And for the record, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper© "READERSHIP BOARD" strongly encourages you to cast your vote for VIDAL MARTINEZ on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. It is incumbent upon us to elect "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for us. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. We must make it our collective effort to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this crucial moment in time."
Favoritism and Party Politics Have No Place Inside Our Harris County Courtrooms
At the end of the day, the judicial races are the most important races on the ballot. That said, who we allow to put on that black robe and occupy judicial benches (especially in Harris County, Texas) matters a great deal. Over the years, through straight-ticket voting, and folks going into the polls playing "Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe" we've allowed a few bad folks to slip through the cracks. Now, I'm not trying to play party politics in any way, shape, or form, with my words. All I'm trying to say is that nobody is perfect, but if we make it our goal to elevate people who fear God and have a backbone into positions of authority, every one of us will be afforded the opportunity to live our best life.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033