CITY HAPPENINGS: Houston City Council At-Large Position 1 Member Stephen Costello Recently Sent Us This Update on Mayor Annise Parker’s Fiscal Year 2016 Budget
The mayor released her administration's proposed fiscal year 2016 budget on May 12, 2015. The tax-supported General Fund budget is $2.4 billion. Combined with self-supporting enterprise funds (airport, water and sewer) and other special funds, the city's overall budget is $5.1 billion. The General Fund budget increased $130 million over last year-over 90 percent of this increase due to contractually-mandated obligations (pensions, salaries) and required transfers. Property tax relief for seniors is included in the proposed budget as well as $2.8 million for body cameras for Houston police officers, salary increases for police, an additional $2 million for maintenance and renewal of city-owned facilities, and a $128 million transfer to street and drainage capital projects.
The Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee, which I chair, will hold a series of budget workshops open to the public beginning Tuesday, May 26, 2015. Department directors will review their budgets and answer questions from council members and interested citizens. The budget outlines the city's plan to spend your tax dollars, so please let me know your priorities. Plan to attend a workshop or email your questions to atlarge1@houstontx.gov.
It is an honor to serve you on City Council.

Stephen C. Costello
Chair, Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We must become more active participants in the process of choosing the people who govern over us on the local, state, and federal level."
FINAL NOTES: Our "CELEBRATING FREEDOM AND LIBERTY" edition of Houston Business Connections Magazine will be released on Friday, June 19, 2015. This edition will highlight "JUNETEENTH" and "THE FOURTH OF JULY" holidays.
WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR MORE PEOPLE TO FEATURE INSIDE THIS EDITION. A few of the key advertisers already signed up are: Attorney Ben Hall, Attorney Keryl L. Douglas, Attorney Farrah Martinez, Judge John Schmude, and Judge Loyd Wright.
WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR MORE PEOPLE TO FEATURE INSIDE THIS EDITION. A few of the key advertisers already signed up are: Attorney Ben Hall, Attorney Keryl L. Douglas, Attorney Farrah Martinez, Judge John Schmude, and Judge Loyd Wright.
CALL (832)212-8735 TO ADVERTISE!
Call Aubrey R. Taylor Communications at (832)212-8735 if you would like to be included in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper.