Sheila Jackson Lee for Houston has officially been launched. In a rousing speech, about hope and the future the honorable United State Representative stated, “I want you to see in this campaign – no matter what stage of life you’re in, what age you are, there is hope in this city, and in this city there are results.” Jackson Lee promised to “unlock City Hall” at her rally on the rooftop of Post Houston on Friday, April 14, 2023. IN OTHER HAPPENINGS...Former METRO Chairman Gilbert Garcia is headed straight toward a date with destiny as he and "QUEEN SHEILA" both seek to make history.

Gilbert Garcia the former Chairman of METRO is seeking to become the first Hispanic CEO for the City of Houston, Texas. Garica is a wealthy local businessman who is very good when it comes to managing money. Gilbert Garcia also has a very good understanding of how the economy works having received a B.A. in Economics from Yale University. Under his leadership, Garcia Hamilton & Associates, LLP has grown from $200 million in fixed-income assets under management to over $22 billion, according to published reports. That being said, Garcia appears to be an excellent choice for Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independents to get to know better between now and Tuesday, November 7, 2023, when the Mayoral Election is scheduled to take place.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee appeared to be up for the challenge as she promised to “unlock City Hall” at her rally on the rooftop of Post Houston on Friday, April 14, 2023. With history on the line, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee seems to have a little more 'pep-in-her-step' as she has set her sights on becoming the first African American female mayor of the City of Houston, Texas.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has one of the most well-known names in America. She is who she is, so to speak. Some Americans love her with all their heart, soul, and being. However, some Americans hate her with a passion. But whether you love her, or hate her, there's no mistaking the fact that on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, Sheila Jackson Lee will be the driving force behind the turnout.