Houston ISD Trustee, District III
December 2017 Runoff Election Race between Sergio Lira and Jesse A. Rodriguez for HISD District III Analysis by Aubrey R. Taylor, Publisher of HBC Magazine©
December 2017 Runoff Election Race between Sergio Lira and Jesse A. Rodriguez for HISD District III Analysis by Aubrey R. Taylor, Publisher of HBC Magazine©
RUNOFF RACE ANALYSIS BY AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “The race for Houston ISD Board Trustee for District III between Sergio Lira and Jesse A. Rodriguez can be won by either candidate in December. This is perhaps the most evenly matched “Runoff Race” on the ballot. Back on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, in the General Election there were four candidates in the race. Here’s how they finished: Jesse A. Rodriguez finished first to head the pack with 1,241 votes for 39.85% of the vote. Finishing second to force the runoff was Sergio Lira with 1,051 votes for 33.75% of the vote. Rodolfo (Rudy) Reyes finished third with 438 votes for 14.07% of the vote. And Carlos Perrett finished fourth with 384 votes for 12.33% of the vote. Trying to get voters in this district to turn back out will be a major challenge for both Lira and Rodriguez in this race. However, as I mentioned in the “ELECTION DAY EDITION” of Houston Business Connections Magazine© Sergio Lira is the candidate to watch in this race. Hey, this district has more than 55,222 registered voters, but only 3,504 chose to show up during the General Election – nobody knows for sure what’s going to happen in this one.”
A few of the people included in this edition of Houston Business Connections Magazine© is as follows: Congressman Gene Green, Dr Letitia Plummer, Art Pronin, Robert Glaser, Blake Green, Travis McGee, Durrell K. Douglas, Pretta VanDible Stallworth, Council Member Larry Green, Eugene Pack, Carolyn Evans Shabazz, Victoria Bryant, Monica Flores Richart, Elizabeth Santos, Gretchen Himsl, Carlos Perrett, Sergio Lira, Rodolfo Reyes, Jesse A. Rodriguez, Susan Shafer, Sue Deigaard, Kara DeRocha, Sean Cheben, Daniel Albert, Robert Lundin, Holly Flynn Vilaseca, John Luman, Anne Katherine Sung, Karla Brown, Wanda Adams, Gerry Wayne Monroe, Governor Greg Abbott and many others. Houston Business Connections© is published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. All Rights Reserved. Call (832)212-8735 for more information. Or feel free to call (281)788-3033 to speak directly to the publisher.
December 2017 Runoff Election between Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth and Eugene “Gene” Pack for HCCS District IX Analysis
RUNOFF RACE ANALYSIS BY AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “Before I get to my analysis for the December 2017 “Runoff Election” race between Eugene “Gene” Pack and Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth for the HCCS Board Trustee for District IX – I have a question to ask. How in the world did David Jaroszewski and Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth end up with an identical number of absentee votes? It’s almost like someone somewhere just pulled a number out of a hat and split it down the middle – giving half to Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth and a half to David Jaroszewski – I’m scratching my head on that one. In case you aren’t familiar with what I’m talking about here is a little refresher: Eugene “Gene” Pack (553 ABSENTEE VOTES – 46.90%), David Jaroszewski (313 ABSENTEE VOTES – 26.55%), and Pretta VanDible Stallworth (313 ABSENTEE VOTES – 26.55%). Is that even possible? I’m just not sure how that can happen. Heck, I’m not sure whether I’ve seen that even happen before in my more than 26 years of studying local and national elections. Anyways, Eugene “Gene” Pack finished “ELECTION NIGHT” in first place with a total of 3,522 votes for 42.18% of the vote. Pretta VanDible Stallworth finished the night in second to force the runoff with 3,173 votes for 38.00% of the vote. Our “SELECT NON-PARTISAN GROUP” of Houston Business Connections Magazine© readers will make a “RECOMMENDATION” in the race for HCCS Board Trustee for District IX shortly. For more information call (832)212-8735. Or feel free to call (281)788-3033 to speak directly to the publisher. *This district has 99,109 registered voters, however only 10,181 ballots were cast back on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, in the General Election.”
December 2017 Runoff Election Race between Elizabeth Santos and Gretchen Himsl for HISD District I Analysis by Aubrey R. Taylor, Publisher of HBC Magazine©
RUNOFF RACE ANALYSIS BY AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “The runoff race for Houston ISD Board Trustee for District I is difficult to analyze – partly because the voter participation was too low. However, one would think that Elizabeth Santos is sitting in the “catbird seat” heading into the runoff. I say this because, when you look at the fact that Elizabeth Santos finished more than 954 (nine hundred and fifty-four) votes ahead of Gretchen Himsl with another Hispanic female by the name of Monica Flores Richart in the race, conventional wisdom would say that the race for Houston ISD Board Trustee for District I is Elizabeth Santos’ race to lose in a head-to-head showdown with Gretchen Himsl. But not so fast, Sontos' biggest challenge will be to motivate her base to come back out and vote again in December. So don’t count Gretchen Himsl out! Remember, I told you guys in my “ELECTION DAY EDITION” of Houston Business Connections Magazine© to watch out for Gretchen Himsl – she’s a very strong candidate with a lot of passion. And I happen to like her chances. And above me liking her chances, my team and I actually discovered several different pathways Himsl could take to close the gap on Santos when we did our overview of this race. As a result, we believe that the best thing Himsl has working for her is what we perceive to be as voter apathy. Take a look at these numbers: only 9,768 of the 78,479 registered voters in Houston ISD Board Trustee District I even bothered to vote in the General Election. This voter apathy happens to afford Gretchen Himsl a window of opportunity to rally her base while reaching out to the more than 68,711 registered voters who stayed at home – at the same time. Can she pull out a win after trailing so heavily back in the General Election? Anything is possible -- But I’m just not sure! However, I guess the bigger question is whether (or not) Himsl is willing to do what it takes to court registered African American voters throughout the district between now and Election Day!!!"

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