Quanell X, the founder of the New Black Panther Party (right), has his hands full trying to deal with "DR" Candice Matthews, the party's National Minister of Politics. The saddest part about where things are headed is that "DR" Candice Matthews (left) may not even realize that "THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY" was labeled as a black extremist organization by the FBI for their advocating and alleged use of violence and guerilla tactics associated with an alleged scheme to overthrow the U.S. government. This woman, according to sources, has allegedly threatened to blow up an HISD School Building with children inside, a State Agency (Government) Building, and most recently, she reportedly traveled to Port Arthur, Texas, to the home of a rival "COMMUNITY ACTIVIST" and threatened to bust the windows out of his car and blow up his house. (CLICK HERE) to view (CASE #33417-24) filed against her.

On Monday, September 2, 2024, at 3:39 p.m., Attorney Ben Hall stated via text that his client, Bishop James Dixon, was not a "SEXUAL PREDATOR" and that he had been hired to defend his client. On Wednesday, September 4, 2024, Attorney Ben Hall declared that what happened to his client, Bishop James Dixon, appeared connected to extortive behavior. Anyone using the words "SEXUAL PREDATOR" in connection with Bishop James Dixon's name should cease to do so because we could be dealing with a situation where Bishop James Dixon could be the victim of blackmail.

On Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., Investigative Reporter Aubrey R. Taylor, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, will testify before the State Commission on Judicial Conduct (SCJC) to make them aware of the "EXTORTION AND BLACKMAIL" scheme my investigative team and I have uncovered in Harris County, Texas. The referenced scheme was hatched in the minds of "DR" Candice Matthews and convicted felon James Earl Dunn, Jr., who defrauded the United States Department of Education out of more than $300,000.00 a few years ago. My testimony will center around the "SECRET AUDIO TAPE" the "GOOD DOCTOR" recorded when she entered Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis's home located at 2102 Sunset Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005, on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, for a private meeting along with Jacquelyn Aluotto. The reference audio tape has allegedly enabled Mathews and Dunn to "EXTORT AND BLACKMAIL" Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Bishop James Dixon, the current president of the Houston Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

My investigative team and I believe that the "SECRET AUDIO TAPE" is being used as leverage in connection to a broader scheme conjured up in the mind of "DR" Candice Matthews to control Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis. This scheme will give the "GOOD DOCTOR" broader control over what happens in local civil and criminal courtrooms.

Bishop James Dixon, the president of the Houston Branch of the NAACP, appears to be in a situation where he has been provided with evidence that he does not want the general public to be made aware of. However, using the "SECRET AUDIO TAPE" and photos and videos of Bishop James Dixon over his head is a federal offense called blackmail. Bishop James Dixon should stand firm against "DR" Candice Matthew's evil scheme to "TAKE OVER THE NAACP" by using mafia-styled tactics.

The private meeting between Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Jacquelyn Aluotto, and “DR” Candice Matthews occurred on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, inside Commissioner Ellis's Home, located at 2102 Sunset Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77005.

On Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 2:19 p.m., “DR” Candice Matthews emailed a copy of her “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO TAPE” she captured at Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’ home located at 2102 Sunset Boulevard, in Houston, Texas to her buddy “QUANELL X” and labeled it, “Meeting with Rodney Ellis and Jackie Aluotto about James Dixon Part 1.”

On Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 3:28 p.m., “DR” Candice Matthews emailed a copy of her “SECRETLY RECORDED AUDIO TAPE” to her buddy “JAMES DUNN JR” who is a convicted felon who pleaded guilty to defrauding the Department of Education out of $300,000.00 and served three years in prison for his crime.

Any local Criminal or Civil Court Judge who takes pictures and supports "Dr" Candice Matthews, a woman who has threatened to blow up an HISD School Building and had members of her regime threaten to blow up the building to a State Agency, will be in violation of their of "THE JUDICIAL CANONS" and will have a complaint filed against them with the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, on Wednesday, October 2, 2024. A complaint was filed against "DR" Candice Matthew just last month on August 22, 2024, for traveling to Port Arthur, Texas on August 21, 2024, along with members of the New Black Panther Party in an attempt to intimidate and harras a rival "COMMUNITY ACTIVIST" by threatening to bust out his windows to his automobile and blow up his home. (CLICK HERE) to view the complaint filed against "DR" Candice Matthews (CASE #33417-24) to verify.
Local TV Stations Must Cease Aiding and Abetting Dr. Candice Matthews With Her Scheme to take Over Courtrooms, NAACP
I’m not going to stand for it anymore. I’m sick of it! I’m going to Austin, Texas, to testify before the State Commission on Judicial Conduct on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., to expose how Commissioner Rodney Ellis and members of his “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” are trying to stack our local courts with members of their regime like Vivian King, who is seeking to become the presiding judge of the 486th Criminal District Court on Tuesday, November 5, 2025 – this is outrageous!!!
I also plan to file complaints against any local judge who allows Commissioner Rodney Ellis or any other member of his “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” to influence how they run their courtrooms in Harris County.
We have some “OUTSTANDING DEMOCRATS” running on the left, and we have some “TREMENDOUS REPUBLICANS” running from the right. Our judges should be allowed to do their jobs without any fear of being intimidated by “PARTY BOSSES,” our cowboy-hat-wearing – HUSSIES.
By definition, a “HUSSY” is a girl or woman who behaves disrespectfully or inappropriately or who has many casual sexual relationships. By definition, “DR” Candice Matthews fits the bill perfectly.
We also have some highly qualified nominees on both sides of the political aisle seeking to become judges. That said, “POLITICAL OPERATIVES” like “DR” Candice Matthews should not be able to use mafia-styled “INTIMIDATION TACTICS” under the cover of protection from Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis to wreak havoc on the lives of any of our local leaders.
We cannot allow this cowboy-hat-wearing “DR” Candice Matthews woman to seize control of our courtrooms or the Houston Branch of the NAACP by using “EXTORTION AND BLACKMAIL” or any other mafia-style tactic to intimidate local leaders.
I won’t stand for it anymore – I’m sick of it. I’m calling on local leaders to develop some backbone and band together to stop “DR” Candice Matthews from intimidating people with her goon squad, masquerading Texas like they own the place.
Elected officials, community leaders, activists, and stakeholders must stand firm, push back against “DR” Candice Matthew, and compel the local officials and television stations aiding and abetting her in her alleged criminal activities to “CEASE AND DESIST” immediately.
In case you don’t know, “AIDING AND ABETTING” simply means assisting someone in committing or encouraging someone to commit a crime.
I’m sick and tired of looking at this cowboy-hat-wearing – HUSSY on Television, too. That said, I am going to put local TV stations on notice and compel them to stop empowering “DR” Candice Matthews and enabling her to victimize and strike fear into the hearts of law-abiding citizens and local elected officials behind the shield of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’ “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” which includes members who currently hold city and county government positions.
KTRK-TV 13 ABC, FOX 26 Houston, KPRC Channel 2, and KHOU 11 must cease to cover press conferences called by “DR” Candice Matthews, the President of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats and National Minister of Politics for Quanell X’s New Black Panther Party.
How could a woman who has allegedly threatened to blow up an HISD School, a government building in the Bryan College Station area, and a man’s home in Port Arthur be still walking around as a free woman with no fear of any repercussions?
Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” has provided “DR” Candice Matthews and other “POLITICAL OPERATIVES” with the cover they need to freely roam the streets of Harris County without any fear of prosecution.
The Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, led by “DR” Candice Matthew, was labeled a “MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATION” by the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) after my investigative team filed complaints against Terrance Shanks, who served as President of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter), and Dr. Darnella Wilkerson, who served as their treasurer.
After (TEC) completed their investigation, they fined Terrance Shanks $27,500.00 for his role in the “MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATION,” and they fined Dr. Darnella Wilkerson $17,500.00 for her role in running the “MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATION” under the guise of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – Harris County Chapter.
Terrance Shanks and Dr. Darnella Wilkerson immediately relinquished their positions as chairman and treasurer shortly after (TEC) rendered their judgments against them, but a funny thing happened.
Instead of straightening up and taking corrective action, the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats—Harris County Chapter elected to replace Terrance Shanks with “DR” Candice Matthews because she was a card-carrying member of Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE,” and everyone in Harris County, Texas, appears to be afraid of her because of her ties to the “ELLIS/TURNER/LEE” regime.
Once “DR” Candice Matthews secured her position as President of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats — Harris County, she set her sights on higher goals.
Running around the country labeling herself as a member of the Statewide Steering Committee for the civil rights icon Rev. Jesse Jackson’s “RAINBOW PUSH COALITION” and the Statewide Harris County Accountability Committee as a member of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – Matthews began to start smelling herself.
Not long after, the embattled President of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, Carroll G. Robinson, decided to step aside and relinquish his role as President to “DR” Candice Matthews, who currently serves as President.
Now, the woman who has been running around Texas allegedly threatening to blow up government Health and Human Service buildings and the homes of private citizens has set her sights on becoming the President of the Houston Branch of the NAACP – Houston Branch by using “EXTORTION” and “BLACKMAIL” as her weapons of choice.
I’m not sure why Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Bishop James Dixon have not contacted the proper authorities to alert them that “DR” Candice Matthews and her sidekick, James Earl Dunn, Jr., used extortionary tactics against them.

Members of the NAACP must come forward and go to the authorities to tell them what “DR” Candice Matthews is trying to do. What we’re dealing with here in Harris County, Texas, is a full-blown “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” that’s using mafia-type methods to seize control of positions of power and authority.
There’s no reason why Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Bishop James Dixon should be afraid of this cowboy-hat-wearing (loud-mouth-woman) and allowing her “EXTORT AND BLACKMAIL” them unless she has some evidence of them and their criminal enterprise committing crimes.
Why do people fear “DR” Candice Matthews so much? And why haven’t members of the NAACP spoken up about what’s playing out with “DR” Candice Matthews trying to allegedly use her “SECRET AUDIO TAPES” to force Bishop James Dixon to relinquish his role as President of the NAACP local branch and hand it over to her – that’s illegal.
Why are people afraid of this woman?
Blackmail is a crime! And extortion is a federal crime. We cannot have criminals running around Harris County, Texas, using “EXTORTION AND BLACKMAIL” tactics to get what they want.

I have already spoken with several members of the NAACP, and they have confirmed that “DR” Candice Matthews is trying to use her leverage against Bishop James Dixon, the current President of the Houston Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Blackmail or extortion under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 873, is a federal crime. This cowboy-hat-wearing- HUSSY will not get away with allegedly threatening to blow up a government building in Bryan College Station and the home of a rival community activist in Port Arthur and then use mafia-styled “EXTORTION AND BLACKMAIL” tactics to seize control of the Houston Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) – not on my watch!

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

DaSean Jones (Democrat) has $35,162.42 in cash, and James “Jimmy” Blacklock has a political action committee affiliated with him called Texas Alliance for Life PAC, which has $607,012.48 cash on hand. These two nominees will square off in the Judge, Supreme Court, Place 2 race.

Chika A. Anyiam (Democrat) has $9,624.60 in cash, and Lee Finley (Republican) has a political action committee called Bastrop County Conservatives PAC affiliated with him that has $5,516.33 cash on hand. These two nominees will square off in the race for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8.

Amber Boyd-Cora (Democrat) has $2,850.00 in cash, and Susanna Dokupil (Republican) has $15,211.93. These two are running for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 9.

Velda Renita Faulkner (Democrat) has $600.00 in cash, and Chad Bridges (Republican) has $15,441.09. These two are running for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 3.

Fredericka Phillips (Democrat) has $169,821.36 in cash, and Lee Kathryn Shuchart (Republican) has $2,650.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 61st Judicial District Court.

Jeralynn Manor (Democrat) has $183,947.44 in cash, and Sonya Aston (Republican) has $1,250.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 80th Judicial District Court.

Erica Hughes (Democrat) has $190,100.00 in cash on hand. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 151st Judicial District Court.

TaKasha Francis (Democrat) has $125,352.82 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 152nd Judicial District Court.

Cheryl Elliott Thornton (Democrat) has $71,471.97 in cash, and Aaron Adams (Republican) has “ZERO” cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 164th Judicial District Court.

Ursula A. Hall (Democrat) has $48,991.63 in cash, and Bruce Bain (Republican) has $6,982.69 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 165th Judicial District Court.

Hazel B. Jones (Democrat) has $2,005.70 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the race for District Judge, 174th Judicial District Court.

Nikita “Niki” Harmon (Democrat) has $13,596.04 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the race for District Judge, 176th Judicial District Court.

Robert Johnson (Democrat) has $53,337.16 in cash, and Emily Detoto Munoz (Republican) has $500.00 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 177th Judicial District Court.

Elaine Palmer (Democrat) has $70,053.19 in cash, and Nathan Milliron (Republican) has $1,404.20. These two are running for District Judge in the 215th Judicial District Court.

Tracy D. Good (Democrat) has $67,925.79 in cash, and Brian Staley (Republican) has $12,304.11 cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 333rd Judicial District Court.

Dawn Rogers (Democrat) has $157,639.28 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 334th Judicial District Court.

Te’iva Bell (Democrat) has $8,114.92 in cash. She has no Republican opponent running against her for District Judge in the 339th Judicial District Court.

Vivian King (Democrat) has $413.00 in cash, and Aaron Burdette (Republican) has “ZERO” cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 486th Judicial District Court.

Stacy Allen Barrow (Democrat) has $13,392.00 in cash, and Lori Deangelo (Republican) has $346.00. These two are running for District Judge in the 487th Judicial District Court.

Carvana Cloud (Democrat) has a political action committee associated with her, and she has $5,578.27 in cash on hand, while Matthew Peneguy (Republican) has $13,561.89 in cash on hand. These two are running for District Judge in the 488th Judicial District Court.

Lillian Henny Alexander (Democrat) has $92,300.10 in cash, and Daniel Lemkuil (Republican) has $218.90. These two are running for District Judge in the 507th Judicial District Court.

Ashley Mayes Guice (Democrat) has $1,979.59 in cash, and Linda Garcia (Republican) has $2,684.03 cash on hand. These two are running for Judge County Criminal Court at Law No. 16.

Fransheneka “Fran” Watson (Democrat) has $18,629.12 in cash, and Ray Black, Jr. (Republican) has $2,500.00 cash on hand. These two are running for Judge, County Probate Court No. 5.

Joe Stephens (Democrat) has “ZERO” cash on hand. He has no Republican opponent running against him in the Justice of the Peace race, Precinct 3, Place 1.

Wanda Adams (Democrat) has $300.25 cash on hand. She has no Republican opponent running against her in the Justice of the Peace race, Precinct 7, Place 1.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039