Believe it or not, the "AUTOPSY REPORT" for Gerry Wayne Monroe that has now been completed by the Fort Bend County Medical Examiner shows the same exact "CAUSE OF DEATH" as the "AUTOPSY REPORT" which has been completed by the Travis County Medical Examiner in the death of Alan D. Vera. According to the Medical Examiner for Fort Bend County and Travis County, both Gerry Wayne Monroe, the 5-Star General, and Alan D. Vera, who served as the Director of Ballot Security for the Harris County Republican Party mysteriously died of "NATURAL CAUSES" within four days of each other from "Hypertensive and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease" back on Sunday, April 30, 2023, and Thursday, May 4, 2023, respectively. As for Officer Fredrick Portis, his "AUTOPSY REPORT" revealed that he also died of "NATURAL CAUSES" sitting inside his patrol car. TWO LOVERS... In the case of Tamoria Jones (35 years old), and State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr. (78 years old), it is unclear why it is taking the Harris County Medical Examiner so long to complete her "AUTOPSY REPORT" which is still pending.

The Fort Bend County Medical Examiner has completed the "AUTOPSY REPORT" related to the death of Gerry Wayne Monroe, who died at his home on Sunday, April 30, 2023, of what has been determined to be "NATURAL CAUSES" with his cause of death being labeled as "HYPERTENSIVE AND ATHEROSCLEROTIC CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE" by the Fort Bend County Medical Examiner. You can "CLICK HERE" to see for yourself.

The Travis County Medical Examiner has completed the "AUTOPSY REPORT" related to the death of Alan D. Vera, who died at the State Capital in Austin, Texas on Sunday, April 30, 2023, of what has been determined to be "NATURAL CAUSES" with his cause of death being labeled as "HYPERTENSIVE AND ATHEROSCLEROTIC CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE" by the Travis County Medical Examiner. You can "CLICK HERE" to see for yourself.

The Harris County Medical Examiner has completed the "AUTOPSY REPORT" related to the death of Officer Fredrick Portis, who died sitting in the passenger seat of his patrol car with his lights flashing on Thursday, May 25, 2023, of what has been determined to be "NATURAL CAUSES" with his cause of death being labeled as "Subarachnoid hemorrhage due to acute aneurysmal rupture in the posterior cerebral arterial circulation due to hypertensive cardiovascular disease" by the Harris County Medical Examiner. You can "CLICK HERE" to see for yourself.


Tamora Jones, the now-dead alleged lover, and chief of staff for State Rep. Harold (HD-142), died way back on Saturday, July 1, 2023, in Houston, Texas. It is alleged that her lifeless body was dumped off at a local hospital by three men. However, no public officials seemed to care but rather, remained silent on the matter and circumstances swirling around the alleged whirlwind lover affair, between the 35-year-Tamoria Jones, and her 78-year-old boss, which began back in 2012, when he was her "ATTORNEY OF RECORD" in her DWI case, and appears to have continued off and on through the date of her untimely demise.

A new four-part series entitled, "HUNTING SEASON" is being launched to capture this moment in history, as the most important election in the history of our nation approaches. A few of the "PEOPLE ON THE COVER" of "PART ONE" are Attorney General Ken Paxton, State Rep. Shawn Thierry (HD-146), Dr. Steven Hotze, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, Attorney Gary Polland, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Gerald Womack, Gloria Palmer, Tomar Bishop, Ray Charles Jones, Jr., Deborah Adams, and Dallas Jones, the owner of Elite Change. You can "CLICK HERE" to view this edition.
I am forced to close out the investigations into the death of Gerry Wayne Monroe, who died back on Sunday, April 30, 2023, Alan D. Vera, four days later on Thursday, four days later on Thursday, May 4, 2023, and Officer Fredrick Portis who died 21 days later on Thursday, May 25, 2023, while sitting in his patrol vehicle on the passenger side.
Words can’t express the deep sorry I feel when I think about the coincidental timing of the deaths of Gerry Wayne Monroe, Alan D. Vera, and Officer Fredrick Portis, who were all very instrumental to investigations I’ve conducted over the last few years.
To make matters worse, and even more difficult to understand, Gerry Wayne Monroe, Alan D. Vera, and Officer Fredrick Portis all suddenly decided to die of “NATURAL CAUSES” during a 30-day time span between April 30, 2023, and May 25, 2023, if you believe the “AUTOPSY REPORTS” that have been released by the Fort Bend County Medical Examiner, Harris County Medical Examiner, and the Travis County Medical Examiner, that have been obtained by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications.
Even more troubling, is the “CAUSE OF DEATH” that has been determined by Gerry Wayne Monroe and Alan D. Vera, who both mysteriously died of “HYPERTENSIVE AND ATHEROSCLEROTIC CARDIVASULAR DISEASE” within four days of one another.
As for Officer Fredrick Portis, his “CAUSE OF DEATH” was a “SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE DE TO ACUTE ANEURYSMAL RUPTURE IN THE POSTERIOR CEREBRAL ARTERIAL CIRCULATION DUE TO HYPERTENSIVE CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE” if you believe the Harris County Medical Examiner’s “AUTOPSY REPORT” that doesn’t even contain the correct spelling of this fallen officer’s name.
As the old saying goes, “There are no coincidences in Austin,” holds true. I find it difficult to believe that Gerry Wayne Monroe was found dead at his home of “NATURAL CAUSES” approximately two weeks after traveling to the Austin State Capital to testify against a Democrat operative, and then Alan D. Vera travels to the Austin State Capital, four days after the death of Gerry Wayne Monroe, to testify and also dies of “NATURAL CAUSES” according to two independent Medical Examiners.

The sudden death of 35-year-old, Tamoria Jones, who was the “ALLEGED LOVER,” and chief of staff for State Rep. Harold (HD-142), since way back in 2012, shook the Austin State Capital to its core – or did it?
Remember, “There are no coincidences in Austin,” is how the old saying goes.
Tamoria Jones’s death could be the one that comes back to bite some folks in the butt. Why? Well, the handling of her death, and the ‘hush-hush’ manner in which the local media, and “BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS” handled her death, all seem to point to foul play.
As it stands right now, the “AUTOPSY AND TOXICOLOGY REPORTS” for Tamoria Jones, are both still pending, according to what the Harris County Forensic Science Department, told me, when I paid them a visit last week on Thursday, September 14, 2023.
Now, if you are one of the people who believe in the notion that “DEATHS come IN THREE” you might also find it very interesting that the lifeless body of Tamoria Jones was allegedly dumped off at a local hospital by “THREE MEN” back on Saturday, July 1, 2023.

Republican House members at the State Capital in Austin, Texas are now calling for Dade Phelan, the House Speaker to resign, but he remains defiant, claiming that the Texas Senate did not do its job, and is launching attacks against Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, who acted as judge, presided over the impeachment trial for Attorney General Ken Paxton.

“There are no limits on how many RINOs can be taken out of office,” proclaims Dr. Steven Hotze, M.D., the president of Conservative Republicans of Texas.
“It’s like ridding the state of feral hogs,” he said speaking of the upcoming Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Republican Party Primary season, where he and other supporters of Attorney General Ken Paxton, are vowing to hunt down “RINOs” referring to “Republicans in Name Only” who played a role in the failed “SHAM IMPEACHMENT” of Attorney General Paxton.
Now that Paxton has been exonerated, let the games begin. Republican and Democrat candidates who plan to seek the nomination of their respective political party must be signed up by Monday, December 11, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., to have their name appear on the upcoming Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary ballot, and Republican Party Primary ballot in the state of Texas.

Mark your calendar for the start of “EARLY VOTING” for the “SUPER TUESDAY” which will begin on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, and will end on Friday, March 1, 2024, in our beloved Lone Star State.

According to Joseph “Joe” Menslage, the president and publisher of the Katy and Fort Bend Christian Magazines, “I have my own personal list ones I can help bring down,” he said referring to RINOs who will be up for reelection on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Republican Party Primary.
The RINOs who have been placed on Joe Menslage’s “2024 TARGET LIST” are State Rep. Jacey Jetton (HD-26), whose wife Fanny Jetton, is currently acting in his place while he is serving on military duty, State Rep. DeAyala Mano (HD-133), State Rep. Gary Gates (HD-28), and State Rep. Lacey Hull (138), according to a text message I received follow AG Paxton’s acquittal.

Only two Republicans in the Texas Senate crossed the political line to vote with their Democrat colleagues on Saturday, September 16, 2023, in the “SHAM IMPEACHMENT” proceedings. State Senator Kelly Hancock of North Richland Hills, Texas (Senate District 9), who voted to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton on 12 articles of impeachment, and State Senator Robert Nichols of Jacksonville, Texas (Senate District 3), who voted to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton on 11 articles of impeachment.

It didn’t come as a surprise that State Senator Borris L. Miles, the Democrat representing (Senate District 13), cast his vote to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton. However, it did come as a surprise that State Senator John Whitmire who represents (Senate District 15), and is seeking the support of Republican voters in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election didn’t cross the line and vote against all (16) sixteen articles of impeachment.

I thought that Senator John Whitmire was a student of the political game. After all, Whitmire has served in the Texas State Senate since 1983 and served as a member of the Texas House of Representatives from 1973 through 1982. And in a ceremonial situation, Whitmire served as “ACTING GOVERNOR OF TEXAS” for a day, back in 1993.

Is State Senator John Whitmire a Democrat or a Republican? And yes, this is a serious question, that Houstonians are pondering, as they try to determine whether to vote for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, or State Senator John Whitmire, in the race for Mayor of Houston, Texas, on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, on our beloved Bayou City.
As he runs for Mayor of Houston, it's kind of difficult to tell if State Senator John Whitmire is a Democrat who bleeds blue ‘through and through,’ or a closet Republican who has masterfully hidden his “CONSERVATIVE VALUES” from the people of Texas for more than three decades.

I remember an article that was published in the Houston Chronicle back on August 12, 2023, entitled, “Will GOP support win the Houston mayoral race for John Whitmire, a longtime Democrat?” Do you remember that article?
Well, the Houston Chronicle writer (Jasper Scherer), of their Austin Bureau, stated in his article, that State Sen. John Whitmire was emerging as the de facto choice of Republican voters and donors, who appear to view the veteran Democrat as the most viable Houston mayoral option they can stomach.”
The writer went on to say, “Whitmire’s campaign strategy is a test of whether he can assemble a coalition of conservatives and right-leaning moderates without ceding too many Democrats – the biggest partisan bloc in an increasingly blue city – to his main rival, U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.”
But the Houston Chronicle writer didn’t stop there, “The GOP support has helped fuel Whitmire’s enormous fundraising advantage, with more than $50,000 coming from donors who helped bankroll last year’s campaign of Alexandra del Moral Mealer, the Republican nominee for Harris County judge.”

Now, State Senator Whitmire is supposedly a Democrat, but some Democrats believe that he’s what you call a “DINO” commonly referred to as a person who is a “Democrat in Name Only” who is only pretending to be a Democrat, but who knows.
Whatever the case, it’s certainly beginning to look like Senator John Whitmire’s attempt to straddle the fence in the upcoming “2023 CITY OF HOUSTON MAYORAL ELECTION” may have backfired, and exposed him, with his vote to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton on Saturday, September 16, 2023.
Prior to Attorney General Ken Paxton being acquitted, State Senator Whitmire’s’ “SECRET DEAL WITH MODERATE REPUBLICANS” was safe, as real estate developer Richard Weekley, attorney Gary Polland, the publisher of the Texas Conservative Review, provided cover for him, behind the scenes.
But now that “HUNTING SEASON HAS ARRIVED” Gary Polland, who also served as a former chair of the Harris County Republican Party, and other conservatives may be shunned by Senator Whitmire, who has found himself in a “DOG FIGHT” for the Democrat vote.

Beyond State Senator John Whitmire’s fight to win the support of traditional Democratic voters, he now has another problem.
You can expect Whitmire to get hammered over the course of the next few weeks by “TRUE CONSERVATIVE PATRIOTS” like Dr. Steven Hotze, and many other conservatives who are now hunting for RINOs and DINOs to expose.

There seem to essentially be three “KING MAKERS” in local Republican Party politics in Harris County, Texas. Of the three, Dr. Steven Hotze is by far, “THE KING OF THE HILL,” when it comes to influencing conservative voters. Behind Dr. Hotze, is some guy by the name of Terry Lowry, who publishes something called “THE LINK LETTER” that sells ads to Republican candidates, and then distributes his small magazine in mostly conservative circles.
And then, following behind Dr. Hotze, and Terry Lowry, you have this guy by the name of attorney Gary Polland, who publishes something called the Texas Conservative Review, where he also sells advertisements to conservative candidates, and quietly supports Democrats (he likes) behind the scenes.
Harris County “Democrat” District Attorney Kim Ogg, who is a lesbian, and Houston’s first “openly gay” mayor Annise Parker (also a lesbian), have both been secretly supported by Polland, over the years.
Now, don’t be fooled, attorney Gary Polland is a lot more powerful than people realize, especially when it comes to playing both sides of the political aisle.
Polland’s Texas Conservative Review, and his status as a former chair of the Harris County Republican Party, make him a powerful force to be reckoned with in local politics – especially when it comes to nonpartisan elections.
Remember, it was attorney Gary Polland who stepped in to help Annise Parker become Houston’s first “openly gay” Mayor by defeating a Black attorney by the name of Gene Locke, who had previously served as the former Houston City Attorney.

There’s a lot of chatter flowing through conservative back channels right now. “Attorney Gary Polland is the man playing ball behind the scenes to assist “DEMOCRAT STATE SENATOR” John Whitmire to shore up his “CONSERVATIVE VOTES” in his battle against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, an unquestionable life-long Democrat, Julian Bemer Martinez, Lee Kaplan, Gilbert Garcia, M.J. Khan, Chanel Mbala, Annie “Mama” Garcia, M. “Griff” Griffin, B. Ivy, Kathy Lee Tatum, Robert Gallegos, Roy Vasquez, David C. Lowry, Gaylon S. Caldwell, Naoufal Houjami, and Dr. Jack Christie,” said a source close to these developments.
Now, if Polland supporting Democrats over Republicans sounds outlandish, all you have to do is think back a few years.
In case you don’t remember, back in the day, attorney Gary Polland, came under fire for endorsing an incumbent who had switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party, after he (attorney Gary Polland), had written several legal opinions that seemingly didn’t pass the smell test.
According to a post I ran across, on FACEBOOK, which was written by attorney Tom Zakes, “In one appellate court race, he (Gary Polland) endorsed an incumbent who had switched from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party, after writing several opinions either in favor of abortion clinics that were suing for injunctive relief, or affirming the convictions of pro-lifers protesting at such clinics, over objections that the trial courts did not allow the jury to consider the defenses of necessity or protection of a third person.”
In attorney Jakes’s FACEBOOK POST, he went on to say, “In that instance, the judge was his brother-in-law.”
“I guess it’s true what they say about “Happy wife, happy life,” state attorney Zakes.
Jakes went on to say, “One thing that Polland will do that Lowry doesn’t: If he decides not to endorse a candidate who has paid for advertising, he will offer them a full refund if they want to cancel the ad.”

When it comes to Dr. Steven Hotze, what you have to understand is that he is “THE KING OF THE HILL” and his “CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS OF HARRIS COUNTY SLATE” could very well be the oldest, widest circulated, and well-respected conservative slate in the Houston area.
And that being said, Dr. Hotze is throwing his support behind Dr. Jack Christie, the “TRUE CONSERVATIVE” who is running for Mayor of Houston, Texas on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City.
While Dr. Hotze’s old friend, State Senator John Whitmire is also in the race for Mayor, with Dr. Hotze backing Dr. Christie, over State Senator Whitmire, it’s game over, in terms of Whitmire being able to trick Republicans into voting for him, over “A TRUE CONSERVATIVE” such as Dr. Jack Christie, on Election Day.

For all of you who don’t know, contrary to what you hear in the mainstream media about Dr. Steven Hotze, he approaches politics from a purely biblical point of view, which includes limited government, punishment of evildoers, and protection of innocent human life.
Dr. Hotze first came on my radar back when he organized what was commonly referred to as the “STRAIGHT SLATE” when he pushed back against a “HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS ORDINANCE” that was being pushed Houston’s first female Mayor, the name of Kathy Whitmire, way back in 1985. At the time, I was still in High School, but I never forgot the “HOTZE BRAND” and today, I count him as one of my biggest supporters, along with other elected officials from both sides of the political aisle.

Conservatives, Democrats, and Libertarians are strongly encouraged to join Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©, Dr. Steven Hotze, the Conservative Republicans of Harris County, and a host of other concerned Houstonians as we push back against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and her corrupt buddies as we strive to dismantle the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” and stop their members in their tracks.
There’s no way around it, to clean up Texas politics, “GOOD CONSERVATIVES” and “GOOD DEMOCRATS” who truly love Texas must help us to settle the “ELECTION FRAUD DEBATE” by closely monitoring the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election from the start of “EARLY VOTING” on Monday, October 23, 2023, to the end of “EARLY VOTING” on Friday, November 3, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City.
We also need your help, to “INFORM AND EMPOWER” Houstonians from all walks of life, in their quest to “PROTECT THEIR INTERESTS” and return Houston City Hall back to the people by electing Jack Christie, on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, and unseating every “DINO” and "RINO" who will be on the ballot in the upcoming March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary and Republican Election, in Harris County, Texas.

The upcoming Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary Election, will be just as important, as the Republican Party Primary, and will feature some hotly contested races.
One of the hottest races on the “SUPER TUESDAY” ballot in Harris County, Texas will feature a local attorney by the name of Lilian Henny Alexander, seeking to unseat a longtime “DEMOCRAT JUDGE” by the name of Judge Julia Maldonado, who currently presides over the 507th Family District Court, in Harris County, Texas.
In closing, the “EARLY VOTING PERIOD” for the upcoming Tuesday, March 5, 2023, “SUPER TUESDAY PRIMARIES” for the Lone Star State, will begin on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, and will end on Friday, March 1, 2024, in the year of our LORD.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033