My name is Aubrey R. Taylor, and what the mainstream media and the major political party bosses don't want you to know about me is that I've influenced the outcome of more political races in Harris County, Texas, than any other living person, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, or from any other ethnic group. That said, I'm encouraging you to do your homework before you go to the polls to vote for candidates because of their perceived political party affiliation. The citizens of Harris County are being played for fools by "RINOs and DINOs" who are masquerading as Republicans and Democrats. However, I will start pulling back their masks as Tuesday, November 5, 2024, draws nearer.
The Two Best Candidates to Cast Ballots for in the HCAD Runoffs Are Kyle Scott and Ericka McCrutcheon on June 15, 2024
Partisan politics aside, Kyle Scott is the best choice in the (HCAD) Harris Central Appraisal District “RUNOFF ELECTION” for Place 2. In the (HCAD) Harris Central Appraisal District “RUNOFF ELECTION” for Place 3, Ericka McCrutcheon is the best option for Harris County voters to cast their ballot on Saturday, June 15, 2024.
The HCAD runoff races today are supposed to be nonpartisan, which means that partisan politics shouldn’t have anything to do with how Harris County voters arrive at the best candidates to vote for today. However, with the (HCRP), Harris County Republican Party as a body endorsing Kyle Scott and Ericka McCrutcheon, and the (HCD)), as a body endorsing Melissa Noriega and Ericka McCrutcheon, these nonpartisan races have turned ugly and highly partisan.
“We have two fantastic Democrats and Union endorsed candidates, Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke, who need your support,” said an email I received yesterday from the Harris County Democratic Party.
The email stated, “We need to send a strong message that Republicans can’t win in Harris County.” But did Mike Doyle and the Harris County Democratic Party stop to think about the reverse effect of making such a statement?
What happens if Kyle Scott and Ericka McCrutcheon, the two candidates endorsed by the Harris County Republican Party, defeat the two candidates (Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke) endorsed by the Harris County Democratic Party tonight?
Mike Doyle and the Harris County Democratic Party are playing a risky game today. If Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke get trounced by Kyle Scott and Ericka McCrutcheon, the party will look weak and discombobulated going into the most consequential Presidential Election of our lifetimes, which will occur on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

The Harris County Democratic Party (HCDP) lacks strong Black political consultants who know what they’re doing. As a body, it is so focused on celebrating “PRIDE MONTH” that it didn’t even bother to develop a plan to target African American voters in places like Acres Homes, specifically, Hiram Clarke and Sunnyside to return to the polls to vote for their endorsed candidates.
Relying heavily on the LGBTQ+ Community in the primaries is okay because we all know that the LGBTQ+ Community is engaged and mobilized and solidly behind Democrats. However, the LGBTQ+ Community base isn’t large enough to pull “DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES” through in countywide elections when 800,000 votes are needed – not 25,000 votes.
In earnest, the Harris County Democratic Party has gone far to the left, which could not bode well for “DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES,” who will run countywide on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Suppose you look at the voter turnout at the Acres Homes Multi-Service Center, the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, and the Sunnyside Health and Multi-Service Center from Monday, June 3, 2024, through Tuesday, June 11, 2024. In that case, it’s clear that these three “DEMOCRATIC STRONGHOLDS,” where African Americans traditionally show up, are underperforming in these HCAD runoffs.
It’s unheard of only to have 399 voters cast ballots at the Acres Homes Multi-Service Center during the early voting period in a countywide election.
And only 225 voters casting ballots at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center during early voting for a countywide election is a complete embarrassment.
The Sunnyside Health and Multi-Service Center is typically the most dependable “DEMOCRATIC STRONGHOLD” in all of Harris County, Texas, for Democrats. But only 360 votes, cast at this predominantly African American early voting site through nine days of early voting, is shameful.

Through nine days of early voting, the voter turnout has been low at “REPUBLICAN STRONGHOLDS.” Still, there’s been much more traffic at Republican early-voting sites than what’s been flowing through Democratic early-voting sites.
I’m not going to get too much into the numbers, but when you see Republican turnout numbers like 1,837 at the Trini Mendenhall Community Center, 1,446 at the Nottingham Park Building, 1,468 at the Kingwood Community Center, 1,052 at the Jurgens Hall Community Center, 1,278 at the Freeman Branch Library, and 1,523 at the Bayland Park Community Center, it could spell trouble for the two Democratic candidates tonight when the “EARLY VOTING NUMBERS” are released.

Democrats are relying too heavily on “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” to pull them through in countywide races, in my opinion. Whether or not Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke can get a large enough headstart on Kyle Scott and Ericka McCrutcheon to hold on for wins tonight remains to be seen.
Anything is possible, but I don’t believe that enough “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were filled out and returned to the Harris County Clerk’s Office for the two Democrats (Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke” to win their races with absentee mail ballots tonight.
Remember, the Harris County Clerk’s Office sent out 38,393 absentee mail ballots to eligible voters. Of the 38,393 mail ballots sent out – a measly 11,043 have been filled out and returned to the Harris County Clerk’s Office.
As of today, 27,350 absentee mail ballots still haven’t been filled out and returned, which is very concerning. Why? Absentee mail ballots could still decide the HCAD races, with in-person voting being as low as it turning out to be.

I don’t like to see candidates win elections using “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” returns in local elections. That said, I am encouraging my readers to go to the polls before 7:00 p.m. tonight and vote for Kyle Scott and Ericka McCrutcheon like their livelihood depends upon it — because it does.
Partisan politics aside, Kyle Scott is the best choice in the (HCAD) Harris Central Appraisal District “RUNOFF ELECTION” for Place 2. In the (HCAD) Harris Central Appraisal District “RUNOFF ELECTION” for Place 3, Ericka McCrutcheon is the best option for Harris County voters to cast their ballot on Saturday, June 15, 2024.
The HCAD runoff races today are supposed to be nonpartisan, which means that partisan politics shouldn’t have anything to do with how Harris County voters arrive at the best candidates to vote for today. However, with the (HCRP), Harris County Republican Party as a body endorsing Kyle Scott and Ericka McCrutcheon, and the (HCD)), as a body endorsing Melissa Noriega and Ericka McCrutcheon, these nonpartisan races have turned ugly and highly partisan.
“We have two fantastic Democrats and Union endorsed candidates, Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke, who need your support,” said an email I received yesterday from the Harris County Democratic Party.
The email stated, “We need to send a strong message that Republicans can’t win in Harris County.” But did Mike Doyle and the Harris County Democratic Party stop to think about the reverse effect of making such a statement?
What happens if Kyle Scott and Ericka McCrutcheon, the two candidates endorsed by the Harris County Republican Party, defeat the two candidates (Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke) endorsed by the Harris County Democratic Party tonight?
Mike Doyle and the Harris County Democratic Party are playing a risky game today. If Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke get trounced by Kyle Scott and Ericka McCrutcheon, the party will look weak and discombobulated going into the most consequential Presidential Election of our lifetimes, which will occur on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

The Harris County Democratic Party (HCDP) lacks strong Black political consultants who know what they’re doing. As a body, it is so focused on celebrating “PRIDE MONTH” that it didn’t even bother to develop a plan to target African American voters in places like Acres Homes, specifically, Hiram Clarke and Sunnyside to return to the polls to vote for their endorsed candidates.
Relying heavily on the LGBTQ+ Community in the primaries is okay because we all know that the LGBTQ+ Community is engaged and mobilized and solidly behind Democrats. However, the LGBTQ+ Community base isn’t large enough to pull “DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES” through in countywide elections when 800,000 votes are needed – not 25,000 votes.
In earnest, the Harris County Democratic Party has gone far to the left, which could not bode well for “DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES,” who will run countywide on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Suppose you look at the voter turnout at the Acres Homes Multi-Service Center, the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, and the Sunnyside Health and Multi-Service Center from Monday, June 3, 2024, through Tuesday, June 11, 2024. In that case, it’s clear that these three “DEMOCRATIC STRONGHOLDS,” where African Americans traditionally show up, are underperforming in these HCAD runoffs.
It’s unheard of only to have 399 voters cast ballots at the Acres Homes Multi-Service Center during the early voting period in a countywide election.
And only 225 voters casting ballots at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center during early voting for a countywide election is a complete embarrassment.
The Sunnyside Health and Multi-Service Center is typically the most dependable “DEMOCRATIC STRONGHOLD” in all of Harris County, Texas, for Democrats. But only 360 votes, cast at this predominantly African American early voting site through nine days of early voting, is shameful.

Through nine days of early voting, the voter turnout has been low at “REPUBLICAN STRONGHOLDS.” Still, there’s been much more traffic at Republican early-voting sites than what’s been flowing through Democratic early-voting sites.
I’m not going to get too much into the numbers, but when you see Republican turnout numbers like 1,837 at the Trini Mendenhall Community Center, 1,446 at the Nottingham Park Building, 1,468 at the Kingwood Community Center, 1,052 at the Jurgens Hall Community Center, 1,278 at the Freeman Branch Library, and 1,523 at the Bayland Park Community Center, it could spell trouble for the two Democratic candidates tonight when the “EARLY VOTING NUMBERS” are released.

Democrats are relying too heavily on “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” to pull them through in countywide races, in my opinion. Whether or not Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke can get a large enough headstart on Kyle Scott and Ericka McCrutcheon to hold on for wins tonight remains to be seen.
Anything is possible, but I don’t believe that enough “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” were filled out and returned to the Harris County Clerk’s Office for the two Democrats (Melissa Noriega and Pelumi Adeleke” to win their races with absentee mail ballots tonight.
Remember, the Harris County Clerk’s Office sent out 38,393 absentee mail ballots to eligible voters. Of the 38,393 mail ballots sent out – a measly 11,043 have been filled out and returned to the Harris County Clerk’s Office.
As of today, 27,350 absentee mail ballots still haven’t been filled out and returned, which is very concerning. Why? Absentee mail ballots could still decide the HCAD races, with in-person voting being as low as it turning out to be.

I don’t like to see candidates win elections using “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” returns in local elections. That said, I am encouraging my readers to go to the polls before 7:00 p.m. tonight and vote for Kyle Scott and Ericka McCrutcheon like their livelihood depends upon it — because it does.

Houston Business Connections Newspaper strongly encourages you to vote for KYLE SCOTT in the Saturday, June 15, 2024, runoff election for the (HCAD) Board of Directors, Place 3, in Harris County, Texas.
Houston Business Connections Newspaper strongly encourages you to vote for ERICKA McCRUTCHEON in the Saturday, June 15, 2024, runoff election for the (HCAD) Board of Directors, Place 3, in Harris County, Texas.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039