AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Diane Trautman and Gayle Young-Mitchell are facing off in the race for Harris County Clerk in the Tuesday, May 22, 2018, Democratic Party Primary Runoff Election. And Roslyn "Rozzy" Shorter and Marilyn Burgess are facing off in the race for Harris County District Clerk in the Democratic Party Primary. These are two of the key races that should be a major concern for Harris County Democrats on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. However, from the looks of the "EARLY VOTING" turnout numbers through the first (3) three days of "EARLY VOTING" I have to admit that it looks like the "DEMOCRATIC EARLY VOTING TURNOUT NUMBERS" could be favoring Diane Trautman in the race Harris County Clerk, and Marilyn Burgess in the race for Harris County District Clerk. How can I say this? Well for starters, as usual, the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center is again leading the way in "IN-PERSON VOTER TURNOUT" for the Democratic Party Primary with 1,129 "IN-PERSON" voters through the first (3) three days. In case you don't know, the turnout at this particular location is traditionally driven by GLBT voting -- and traditionally favors the non-African-American candidate. With this in mind, THE GLBT CAUCUS has endorsed Diane Trautman over Gayle Young-Mitchell in the race for Harris County Clerk. And in the race for Harris County District Clerk, THE GLBT CAUCUS has endorsed Marilyn Burgess of Roslyn "Rozzy" Shorter. The concern I have is that early voting locations like The Sunnyside Multi-Service Center have only seen 196 "EARLY IN-PERSON DEMOCRATIC VOTERS" through the first (3) three days of early voting. And at The Acres Homes Multi-Service Center? Well, only 104 "EARLY IN-PERSON DEMOCRATIC VOTERS" have shown up to cast their ballots there. The poultry numbers put up so far through the first (3) three days at traditional African-American leaning early voting locations could spell trouble for both, Gayle Young-Mitchell and Roslyn "Rozzy" Shorter -- especially if African-American voter interest doesn't increase over the next few days. With that said, you can still vote today, tomorrow, Friday, May 18, 2018 (the last day of early voting) for the runoffs -- or on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 (which is Election Day)." *The comments on this page are those of Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of any other person included below.

In case you don't already know, the third day (Wednesday, May 16, 2018) early voting "RUNOFF ELECTION" returns showed that Republicans in Harris County are still a little more excited than Democrats as it pertains to the Tuesday, May 22, 2018, Primary Runoff Elections: HARRIS COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRIMARY NUMBERS FOR YESTERDAY: (2,715) Early in Person Voters and (648) Mail Ballots Returned on Wednesday, May 16, 2018. HARRIS COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY PRIMARY: (3,266) Early in Person Voters and (397) Mail Ballots Returned on Wednesday, May 16, 2018. YESTERDAY'S COMBINED TOTAL FOR HARRIS COUNTY DEMOCRATS: 3,363 total votes. YESTERDAY'S COMBINED TOTAL FOR HARRIS COUNTY REPUBLICANS: 3,663 total votes. However, Democrats still hold a slight lead in the "OVERALL" voter turnout with 24,567 total votes. On the contrary, 24,172 early voters have cast ballots in the Harris County Republican Party Primary Runoff Election through the first (3) three days of early voting." *The comments on this page are those of Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of any other person included below.

The early voting period will last from today, Monday, May 14, 2018, through Friday, May 18, 2018 – and Election Day voting will take place on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Again, the polls will be open from 7:00a.m. to 7:00p.m. for your convenience.

Please be reminded that Houston Business Connections Newspaper© has discontinued the process of issuing endorsements in political contests. However, we remain committed to informing, empowering and arming our readership with the pertinent information they need to identify the “BEST-QUALIFIED” candidates who value, respect and appreciate their vote and support. So, with this stated goal in mind, we will endeavor to do our very best to assist our readers with the oftentimes daunting task of identifying “THE BEST QUALIFIED CANDIDATES” who value, respect, and appreciate “OUR” vote on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 in the Democratic Party Primary for Harris County, Texas.

In the race for United States Representative for the 7th Congressional District of Texas, Lizzie Pannill Fletcher and Laura Moser are set to face off for the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "DEMOCRATS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.

In the race for United States Representative for the 10th Congressional District of Texas, Tawana Walter-Cadien and Mike Siegel are set to face off for the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "DEMOCRATS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.

In the race for United States Representative for the 22nd Congressional District of Texas, Sri Preston Kulkarni and Letitia Plummer are set to face off for the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "DEMOCRATS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.

In the race for Texas State Senator for District 17, Fran Watson and Rita Lucido are set to face off for the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "DEMOCRATS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.


In the race for Texas State Representative for House District 133, Sandra G. Moore and Marty Schexnayder are set to face off for the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "DEMOCRATS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.


In the race for District Clerk for Harris County, Texas, Marilyn Burgess and Roslyn “Rozzy” Shorter are set to face off for the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "DEMOCRATS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.


In the race for County Clerk for Harris County, Texas, Diane Trautman and Gayle Young Mitchell are set to face off for the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "DEMOCRATS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.


In the race for County Treasurer for Harris County, Texas, Cosme Garcia and Dylan Osborne are set to face off for the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "DEMOCRATS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.


In the race for Harris County School Trustee, Position 3, At-Large, Josh Wallenstein and Richard Cantu are set to face off for the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "DEMOCRATS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.


In the race for Harris County School Trustee, Position 6, Precinct 1, Danyahel (Danny) Norris and Prince E. Bryant, II are set to face off for the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "DEMOCRATS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.


In the race for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2, Sharon M. Burney and Cheryl Elliott Thornton are set to face off for the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "DEMOCRATS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.


In the race for United States Representative for the 2nd Congressional District of Texas, Kevin Roberts and Dan Crenshaw are set to face off for the Republican nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "REPUBLICANS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.


In the race for United States Representative for the 29th Congressional District of Texas, Phillip Aronoff and Carmen Maria Montiel are set to face off for the Republican nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "REPUBLICANS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.


In the race for Judge, 295th District Court in Harris County, Michelle Fraga, and Richard Risinger are set to face off for the Republican nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "REPUBLICANS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.


In the race for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 5, Place 2, Jeff Williams and Mike Wolfe are set to face off for the Republican nomination on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraging all "REPUBLICANS" to elect the "BEST-QUALIFIED" candidate in this race.
On behalf of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©, I am imploring all “DEMOCRATIC” and “REPUBLICAN” voters to return to the polls to cast ballots for the “BEST-QUALIFIED” candidates who will give your respective political party the best chance of winning in the fall. `The battle for Texas will be tough on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 – and in case you’re wondering, my prayer and hope is for the “BEST-QUALIFIED” candidates who value “EVERY VOTE” to win on Election Day! God bless you! And may God continue to give the “BEST-QUALIFIED” and “OPEN-MINDED” Americans the courage, provision, and wisdom they need to step up and run for public office and win during this crucial moment in the history of our “GREAT” nation!

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