Kimberly and Ms. Vivian. Photo credit to Laurence Rice of Rice Business Report.

Kimberly Willis with good friends and supporters.

Kimberly with the Directors of ABC Contractors (Endorsement Photo)
Kimberly Willis is Leaving No Person Behind
Senior Citizens are an integral part of our community. They are the pillars that remind us that the struggles of yesterday have paved a bridge of opportunity for us all. They are the ones that stood up for justice and equality for many of us to share in the slice of the American dream.
Texas House District 139 has many issues but one issue in particular deeply touches my heart as well as the hearts of many in our community and that is preserving the livelihood of our senior citizens.
Today, one in three older adults is economically vulnerable, and three in four cope with multiple chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, or arthritis. The economic recession has hit these seniors hard, and a lifetime of work has turned into a daily struggle to stay healthy and make ends meet. Every day can be a challenge to pay for medical expenses, utility bills, food, housing, and transportation.
Should you honor me with your vote in the May 24th run-off election, I have a solid plan to address the needs of our older adults. A plan that will take our current programs and strengthen them. From making information more accessible to ensuring funds are appropriated for services that promote independent living so our seniors can age in place.
Working with other partnerships, we can weatherize and revitalize homes that have become unsafe. Budget friendly programs are available through grants and under-writing projects that will help our senior adults not only stay in their homes but provide caregiver services to ensure that their medical, legal and daily routine needs are met.
Yes, I will not just talk about the issues but will walk the walk necessary to ensure that no one is left behind. Maya Angelou said it best “I come as one, but stand as ten thousand”. With me in office your voices will never be silenced. You can count on me to fight for the services and programs our senior adults need to have a quality of life they deserve.
For more information about Kimberly Willis, visit www.willisfortexas
To get involved with your local community, please plan on attending the next House District 139 Community Council being held on April 19 at 6:00pm. The event is free to all residents of Texas House District 139. Independence Heights community will be the focus of this meeting which is being held at Esthers Cajun and Soul Food located at 5204 Yale St, Houston, TX 77022.

On Tuesday, May 24, 2016 our friend and supporter Kimberly Willis will be seeking to secure her place in history. A victory by Willis over her Democratic rival Jarvis Johnson would make Willis the first woman to ever represent House District 139 in the Texas House of Representatives. Willis is asking for "ALL HOUSE DISTRICT 139" voters to help her make history by turning out to vote for her in the Democratic Party runoff election. She led all vote-getters back on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 in the Democratic Party Primary with 3,919 votes (32.14%) and must now face off against (second place finisher) fellow Democrat Jarvis Johnson who finished with 3,483 votes (28.56%) in a “WINNER-TAKE-ALL-SHOWDOWN”. The winner of the Tuesday, May 24, 2016 Harris County Democratic Party Primary runoff election between Kimberly Willis and Jarvis Johnson will become the next State Representative for House District 139 – because “NO” Republican will be opposing the Democratic nominee on the Tuesday, November 8, 2016 “Presidential Election” ballot in Harris County. As of today, Kimberly Willis is the only candidate asking for our prayers, vote and support in the Tuesday, May 24, 2016 Democratic Primary "Runoff Race" for State Representative for House District 139 in Harris County, Texas. Early voting for this race will begin on Monday, May 16, 2016 and end on Friday, May 20, 2016. So, don't forget to vote early!

As President and CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper® and Ground Game Magazine® I am imploring every warm-blooded American to put people over politics when selecting candidates during the "2016 Presidential Election Cycle" that's currently in full swing. I’m also asking for you to vote for and support "QUALIFIED CANDIDATES" who "EXPRESS AND DEMONSTRATE" a sincere desire and willingness to represent "ALL CONSTITUENTS" who dwell within the jurisdictions to which they've been duly elected "BY THE PEOPLE" to serve during this very important and pivotal election cycle.