Showing posts with label Jimmy Leon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jimmy Leon. Show all posts

Monday, July 4, 2022

Our Freedoms Must Be Protected and Defended Daily As the War for the Soul of Our Nation Intensifies In the 2022 Midterms

We're free to celebrate "INDEPENDENCE DAY" because of the bravery of courageous members of our Armed Forces like Trever Nehls (top left), Judge DaSean Jones (center), and Alexandra del Moral Mealer (far right), and our "FOUNDING FATHERS" who were not career politicians. But were "BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN" who were labeled outlaws and 'angry extremists' during their day. However, it was through their refusal to quietly submit to "THE ESTABLISHMENT" and "POLITICAL ELITE" that we're free to live our dreams and pursue the happiness each of us desires as proud Americans. That being said, I would like to thank businessman Eric Carr, president, and CEO of E&E Construction, and Tony McCorvey, the president, and CEO, of Way Engineering for their generous support and for empowering me in my effort to "PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" in Texas. *Judge DaSean Jones and Trever Nehls being pictured in their uniforms should not be perceived as an endorsement by the Department of Defense.

Our Freedoms Must Be Protected and Defended Daily As the War for the Soul of Our Nation Intensifies In the 2022 Midterms


Make no mistake about it, the upcoming 2022 Midterm Election is indeed the most important election of our lifetime. So, it's imperative that we make it our business to make informed voting decisions, and protect the sanctity of our elections.

Voting is a deeply personal decision. So, please do not be afraid to "PROTECT YOUR DEMOCRACY" when you go into the voting polls to cast your vote. Listen!!! Our freedoms are under attack right now!!! And we're heading down a path, that's so divisive, that we could find ourselves in a civil war if we continue in the direction we're headed. That being said, please join me in "PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" in the 2022 Midterm Elections, in Harris County and Fort Bend County, on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033



"Over the course of the last few years, I've caught flack from both sides of the political aisle and have consistently been disrespected, shunned, and ignored by a lot of folks. I've also been threatened directly and indirectly since I began investigating local dirty politicians and their cronies who are committed to remaining in power by any means necessary. That being said, I am strongly encouraging you to do your own research and identify the candidates you like. Once you've developed your slate, I need for you to then, combine my slate with yours. Listen!!! The upcoming Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election is unquestionably the most important election of our generation. And thus, propaganda, flat-out lies, and deceptive news reports are being peddled to the public like popcorn at the "RINGLING BROS AND BARNUM & BAILEY CIRCUS" on a daily basis. So, please join me in "Putting People Over Politics" as God's plan for America continues to unfold during this pivotal moment in the history of our great nation."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Alexandra del Moral Mealer Discusses What Freedom Means to Her With Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©

"I looked to my grandfathers for mentorship while growing up. From an early age, I was inspired by their stories of service and leadership in the defense of our freedom. My maternal grandfather was the first in his family to graduate high school and through his career of service in the U.S. Navy, also became the first in his family to graduate college. My paternal grandfather was forced to flee Spain as a political refugee. He ultimately gained his U.S. citizenship through service in the U.S. Army.

Following in my family’s tradition, I decided to attend the United States Military Academy at West Point following the 9/11 Attacks. Upon graduation, I served in the Army bomb squad. Through my experience leading soldiers in combat, I demonstrated the skills necessary to lead during times of crisis and that has prepared me to lead the county through the crisis we currently face. The protection of our freedoms has been a theme throughout my life, one that my entire family has shared. They’re too important to sit idly by hoping that someone else will protect them and that’s especially true in Harris County, where our way of life has been under attack. I’m running for Harris County Judge to restore our way of life."

Trever Nehls Discusses What Freedom Means to Him With Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©

"As every American should know and never forget: Freedom isn’t free. The ability in our day-to-day lives to live as we see fit in the world’s most prosperous country is a consequence of the sacrifices of countless men and women who have sacrificed their lives defending America.

The United States Constitution explicitly establishes our freedoms. The freedom to speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and many others are integral to the uniquely American freedom we enjoy; however, the Constitution and the freedoms spelled out therein are little more than words and ideas without someone to defend them.

As a retired US Army Colonel, who served 33 years defending our Constitution, I know firsthand the sacrifices our men and women make on a daily basis to ensure our homeland is secure and Americans are able to enjoy their Constitutional freedoms.

For many people outside of America, freedom isn’t established by a constitution or defended by men and women in uniform. Instead, in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, the local populace has no freedom outside of what Al-Qaeda or the Taliban arbitrarily decides. The brutality of how the Taliban subjugate the Afghan people is truly horrific – that’s why you saw Afghan citizens desperately clinging to the landing gear of airplanes as they took off from the tarmac.

The Afghan people knew what it meant when America left: the little freedom they once enjoyed would be gone and they’d now be subjugated to the brutal, dictatorial rule of the Taliban. My Afghanistan interpreter, Agha, was able to get out before the Taliban assumed control – something we worked on for years after I returned to the states from my deployment there.

Agha is now living in Texas and is employed full-time with a national trucking and logistics company. He couldn’t be happier and more grateful to be living in a country where his freedom is established by the Constitution and defended by our men and women in uniform.

As Americans, we so often take for granted the blanket of freedom our Constitution and nation’s military provides. But we can always be reminded when we look to our nation’s veterans to share stories of the sacrifices they’ve endured and made to defend our freedom.

I hope the millions of Americans celebrating July 4th this weekend will reflect on and honor the sacrifices our military men and women have made so that we have something to celebrate on July 4th; and I hope they express pride to be living in the most free and prosperous country on Earth – a country which protects our endowed freedoms and liberties from those who would do it harm.

That’s what freedom means to me and millions of Americans who’ve served this country and honor its foundation, and I pray we never forget it."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033