Erica Albert appears to have lost the battle with Gerry Wayne Monroe's 22-year-old daughter Jaylen, who is his next of kin in the eyes of the law. That being said, the GOFUNDME that was set up by Ericka currently has $4,776, and Jaylen Monroe needs $2,500, to cover the remaining costs for the cremation of the "5-STAR GENERAL" she has ordered. That being said, the logical thing to do now, is for Ericka Albert, and Jaylen Monroe, to work together to get the GOFUNDME money released to cover the remaining $2,500 balance that's owed to Troy B. Smith Funeral Home. This craziness should have never happened in the first place, but anyone interested in helping out can call (713)734-8769, to reach the funeral home directly.

Gerry Wayne Monroe loved Ericka Albert deeply. However in "THE EYES OF THE LAW" Gerry Wayne Monroe's daughter Jaylen has the final say on what happens to Gerry Wayne Monroe. That being said, Jaylen Monroe, according to social media postings has decided to cremate the body of the "5-STAR GENERAL" and bar Ericka Albert from attending the funeral that's scheduled for 12:00 p.m., on Saturday, May 20, 2023, at Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church, which is located at 3015 North McGregor Way in Houston, Texas 77004. You can "CLICK HERE" for directions if you plan on attending and viewing a picture of Gerry Wayne Monroe at the service.

Jaylen Monroe, the 22-year-old daughter of Gerry Wayne Monroe, has decided to cremate the body of Gerry Wayne Monroe. From what I understand, there will only be a photo of the "5-STAR GENERAL" at the memorial service at Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church on Saturday, May 20, 2023, at 12:00 p.m., noon. In the "EYES OF THE LAW," Gerry's daughter Jaylen is his next of kin and has the final say so over what happens to her father. That being said, the proceeds from the GOFUNDME below should be released and go to cover the remaining balance of $2,500 that is owed.

Initially, the goal for the GOFUNDME that was set up by Ericka Albert had a stated goal of $35,000, to cover Gerry Wayne Monroe's funeral expenses. Then after a whole bunch of scrutiny, the stated goal was reduced to $8,000 after a few days of fundraising. According to sources, the GOFUNDME was frozen, because someone alleged that it was fraudulent. Anyways, the $4,776, remaining in the GOFUNDME is more than enough to cover the remaining balance of $2,500 and should be released to Jaylen Monroe to help her cover the final expenses of her father.

Gerry Wayne Monroe's "GOFUNDME ACCOUNT" still has $4,776 which is sitting in limbo from what I understand. According to a FACEBOOK POST, Gerry Wayne Monroe's 22-year-old daughter Jaylen Monroe is planning to cremate the body of "THE 5-STAR GENERAL" and only have a picture of him at his funeral. As Gerry Wayne Monroe's "NEXT OF KIN" it is within her rights to cremate her father if that's what she's compelled to do.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "My heart goes out to the Monroe family. That being said, Gerry Wayne Monroe's legacy and spirit must live on through activism. We are in a battle for the heart and soul of Harris County, Texas and it is incumbent on each of us, to use our unique platforms and sphere of influence to educate, inform, empower, and mobilize, our family, friends, and neighbors, as God's plan for our beloved country continues to unfold."
The Legacy of Gerry Wayne Monroe is Being Hijacked; Ericka Albert Shouldn’t Be Erased, Shutout, Ostracized, or Forgotten
I’ve tried to hold my peace. I’ve tried to wait until after Gerry Wayne Monroe was laid to rest, to publish an excellent article that would cement his legacy, and impact on America. But the phone calls and text messages I’m receiving have made it extremely difficult for me and those close to Gerry Wayne Monroe during the last years of his life.
It’s heartbreaking to sit back helplessly while Gerry Wayne Monroe’s legacy is torn. It’s also very disturbing to have people calling me on the day after his untimely death to see how much information he had turned over to the FBI, before dying.
Now, I’m hearing reports that Gerry Wayne Monroe’s body will be cremated. I’m also hearing that the fight over his body between his daughter (Jaylen Monroe) and Ericka Albert has been resolved, and his services are supposed to be held on Saturday, May 20, 2023, @ 12:00 p.m. at New Hope Church, according to sources.
To be brutally honest, this entire charade is becoming to look suspicious. Again, I’m trying to stay out of this “NIGGA CRAP” that’s playing out right now. Anybody who knows Gerry Wayne Monroe would know that he didn’t even go to church. They would also know that Gerry Wayne Monroe would not have wanted to have his body cremated. And anyone who knew Gerry Wayne Monroe, the “5-Star General” would also know that he loved his daughter “JAYLEN” with all his heart. But the love of Gerry Wayne Monroe’s life was the woman I believed was his wife, which is Ericka Albert.
Contrary to popular belief, Gerry Wayne Monroe and I hadn’t been brothers that long. For many years I disagreed with the tactics the “5-STAR GENERAL” used, to get his results. However, for every critical meeting that Gerry Wayne Monroe and I attended together, Ericka Albert was always there.
Ericka Albert was always behind the scenes, and sometimes she would even remain in the car for hours because she did not want the spotlight. On some trips to the state Capital, and other places, Ericka Albert would drive the “5-STAR GENERAL” to the meeting and then remain at the hotel. But not she wouldn’t do so because the “5-STAR GENERAL” was ashamed of her.
Truth be told, Ericka Albert knew that the “5-STAR GENERAL” was a player, and she remained with him because she loved him with her whole heart. Nope, she wasn’t a “side-piece” so to speak. For the record, Ericka Albert was the one who chose to stay in the background.
So, at the end of the day, nobody can erase Ericka Albert and Gerry Wayne Monroe's love for one another. And nobody can taint the legacy of the “5-STAR GENERAL” or erase the impact he made on the lives of the people who turned to him for help.
As it relates to his dire financial condition at the time of his death, what folks need to realize is that Gerry Wayne Monroe, the “5-STAR GENERAL” was a real advocate in every sense of the word. He didn’t want to take money from people who turned to him for help.
What people need to remember about Gerry Wayne Monroe is that he was the best “EDUCATION ADVOCATE” in the entire country. He was called to states all around America, and sometimes he wouldn’t even be compensated for his work.
In closing, Gerry Wayne Monroe left this earth fulfilling the calling that was placed on his life. And while, some folks hated him, and others loved him – everybody respected his game.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

The 5-Star General Made a Special Appearance at the Thursday, January 13, 2022, HISD Board Meeting Dressed in His Costume
Make no mistake about it Harris County has earned the right to be called one of the most corrupt counties in America. And when you get right down to it, the City of Houston has also rightfully earned the "DUBIOUS DISTINCTION" of being labeled the death capital of America. And believe it, or not, things are only going to get worse going forward if something doesn't change.
The legacy of the 5-Star General, can't be erased. And nobody will ever be able to fill his shoes. In my opinion, there should be a documentary done on Gerry Wayne Monroe and his life.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "For those of you who don't know, his name is "5-Star" and according to comments made by "THE 5 STAR GENERAL" at the Thursday, January 13, 2022, (HISD) Houston Independent School Board Meeting he had already eliminated about six or seven members of HISD's personnel, leading up him making his special appearance. You can "CLICK HERE" to see why there will never be another "5-STAR GENERAL" like Gerry Wayne Monroe, and get a better understanding of his creativity, ingenuity, and sense of humor.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "According to "5 Star" he was told to deliver a message to the HISD School Board. What's his message? Well, let "5 Star" tell it, there's another federal shoe about to drop in a few weeks. 'Somebody's going to jail again," said "5 Star" as he touts the fact that he hasn't been wrong on any of his previous warnings to the school board." You can "CLICK HERE" to see why there will never be another "5-STAR GENERAL" like Gerry Wayne Monroe, and get a better understanding of his creativity, ingenuity, and sense of humor.

THE 5-STAR GENERAL: "You've got a house full of rats. You've got a house full of snakes. And I'm going to help you get rid of all of them...so go tell Rodney at Harris County and Sylvester that I'm about to mess this whole game up." You can "CLICK HERE" to see why there will never be another "5-STAR GENERAL" like Gerry Wayne Monroe, and get a better understanding of his creativity, ingenuity, and sense of humor.