AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Have you seen this HOUSTON ISD WATCH POLL that's trending? More and more Black women are supporting Gerry Wayne Monroe every single day based on some of the exit polling data I've been receiving. Now, do you see that beautiful sister pictured above with Gerry Wayne Monroe, our 2021 Endorsed candidate for the HISD District IX seat? Well, that gorgeous lady is Councilwoman Arnetta Murray (District 2) of Iowa Colony. Now, we must make it our business going forward to elect strong individuals like Councilwoman Arnetta Murray and Gerry Wayne Monroe into positions of authority all across Texas. Why? Well, in my opinion, we need to balance things off in places like Harris County, Fort Bend County, Brazoria County across the Lone Star State. And that being said, I totally agree with Gerry Wayne Monroe, when he said, "Harris County is becoming more like Gotham City." And based on the results from the HOUSTON ISD WATCH POLL, above, a lot of other people from all walks of life are starting to fully understand exactly why Gerry called Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, THE JOKER, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, CATWOMAN, and Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia, THE RIDDLER, when he addressed them at a recent Commissioner's Court meeting."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I don't really like polls. And I certainly don't rely on non-official online polls to assist me with determining how election contests are going to finish, especially polls like the one you see above that's currently being conducted by HOUSTON ISD WATCH, that I ran across last night online. However, for what it's worth, 49% of the people who have voted in this poll believe that Gerry Monroe will win the HISD Board Trustee for District IX seat on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. Only 40% of the people who have voted in the poll believe that Myrna Guidry will beat Gerry Monroe on Tuesday, November 2, 2021."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We need more strong leaders like this beautiful sister to emerge during this pivotal time in American history! I've been watching Iowa Colony District 2 Councilwoman Arnetta Murray for some time now. And in my opinion, it is incumbent upon us to start electing people with a backbone, like Councilwoman Arnetta Murray into positions of authority all across Texas. Why? Well, we have too many people in public office who are turning a blind eye to corruption, especially in Harris County, Texas. So, to clean up the corruption and lawlessness we're seeing, we must endeavor to make certain that we are electing "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who value our "UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION" and the laws that govern us as a free nation."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I totally agree with Gerry Wayne Monroe, in his claim that Harris County is beginning to look a lot like Gotham City. So, please don't forget that a vote for Gerry Wayne Monroe, Dr. Kendall Baker, Caroline Walter, and Bridget Wade, on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, is a vote to show "CORRUPT POLITICIANS" that the people mean business when it comes to our kids."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "In my opinion, Gerry Wayne Monroe, is a hero who only wants the best for all HISD students. If you ask me, a vote for Gerry Wayne Monroe is a vote to fight the corruption at HISD and make our schools much safer. And like I said, I totally agree with Gerry Wayne Monroe, Harris County, Texas is becoming more and more like Gotham City, every single day."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I agree with Gerry Wayne Monroe when he referred to Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis as "THE JOKER" from Gotham City in the Batman Movie."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I agree with Gerry Wayne Monroe when he referred to Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo as "CATWOMAN" from Gotham City in the Batman Movie."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I agree with Gerry Wayne Monroe when he referred to Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia as "THE JOKER" from Gotham City in the Batman Movie."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I'm not sure where Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, THE JOKER, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, CATWOMAN, and Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia, THE RIDDLER found this so-called Harris County Elections Administrator (Isabel Longoria) but they need to send her back to Gotham City, or somewhere. Why? Well, according to published reports, this woman sent out 467,971 unsolicited mail-ballot applications back on, or about, August 11, 2021. And from what I read, she planned to send out another 76,736 unsolicited mail-ballot applications the following week. Can you believe this?"


Matias Kopinski
✅ Janette Garza Lindner
Elizabeth Santos

✅ Caroline Walter
Maria Benzon
Sue Deigaard

Gregory Allen Degeyter
Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca
✅ Kendall Baker

Dwight Jefferson
Anne Sung
Anne Sung
✅ Bridget Wade
Lee Macerlean Walker

✅ Gerry Monroe
Joshua Ryan Rosales
Myrna Guidry

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "A vote for Attorney Brandon Cofield Sr., is a vote to stop the racism that is 'alleged' to be going on right now at (HCC) Houston Community College in that $100 million dollar racial discrimination lawsuit that's working its way through the federal courts at this very moment."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. It is incumbent upon us to elected "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for the people. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. We must endeavor to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this crucial moment during the history of our great nation."
We Must Make it Our Business to Nominate the Right Democratic and Republican Candidates in the Upcoming 2022 Primary Elections
Make no mistake about it, who the people of Harris County, Texas choose to give another term to in 2022 must be about substance, job performance, judicial temperament, competence, and whether or not our members of the judiciary are following the law with their rulings. And that being said, in 2022, it is incumbent upon the voters of Harris County to evaluate the job performance of each and every sitting "ELECTED OFFICIAL" on a case-by-case basis and not as a group based on their political party affiliation, ethnicity, or gender.

If you are a candidate planning to run for office in 2022, you have to select the right candidate to run against. And the second most important thing to understand is that you have to select your race early, to avoid ending up in a crowded field of candidates on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas. So, if you need assistance trying to determine which race to enter, please call (281)788-3033, and I will do my very best to answer any questions you may have.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033