Tony Buzbee, a 2019 candidate running for mayor of the City of Houston does not like partisan political labels at all -- not one bit. Now, like many of us, sometimes he's very disappointed by how candidates he's supported choose to govern once they're in office. But we just can't do anything about how others choose to act! Can we? However, as warm-blooded Americans, what we can do is to continue to make our voices heard at the ballot box going forward. And the best way for us to accomplish this objective is by freely supporting the candidate (or candidates) of our own personal choices in local, state, and national elections. His wife Zoe, and daughter are seen above with former U.S. President Barack Obama. Tony Buzbee himself is seen above with former U.S. President Bill Clinton. And former Governor of Texas Rick Perry is also pictured above recognizing Tony Buzbee and his wife Zoe.
Attorney Tony Buzbee Has Never Been A Partisan Kinda Guy; According to Buzbee, Partisan Labels are Bull$**t, Have no Place Whatsoever in Local Nonpartisan Citywide Elections
According to 2019 City of Houston Mayoral Candidate Tony Buzbee, partisan labels are Bull$**t. Now, while I don’t particularly care for the language he used, I do think he has a point. And as for me, well, I totally agree! Partisanship has no place in "NONPARTISAN ELECTIONS" like the one that’s about to go down in Houston on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. After all, the very word nonpartisan, according to the Miriam Webster Dictionary means, “not partisan, especially: free from party affiliation, bias, or designation.” So, as "ELECTION DAY," Tuesday, November 5, 2019, creeps closer and closer, I would like to take this moment to remind all Houstonians, that the local Harris County Democratic Party bosses, and Harris County Republican Party bosses should not be playing ball in the upcoming citywide elections.

Over the years, local citywide elections have become increasingly more and more partisan, as party bosses, pundits, political hacks, talking heads, political entrepreneurs, and consultants have adopted a “WIN-AT-ALL-COST” methodology. But what happens in these cases is candidates belonging to one political party or the other gains an unfair advantage over their fellow competitors in given races.
Look, most local citywide elections in America are nonpartisan for a very good reason. In case you don’t know, many states in America first enacted nonpartisan election laws back during the Progressive Era in direct response to the perception that “POLITICAL PARTY BOSSES” and their “ORGANIZATIONAL MACHINES” were actually corrupting city governments throughout the nation. They thought enacting such measures would curtail the practice of "PARTISAN INTERFERENCE IN LOCAL CITYWIDE ELECTIONS" and lead to a more efficient and responsive city government.

When Houstonians waltz into the voting booth at the start of “EARLY VOTING” on Monday, October 21, 2019, they won’t see the letter “D” or “R” in front of, or behind any name on their ballot. Nor will they find the words “DEMOCRAT” or “REPUBLICAN” anywhere on their ballot during the “EARLY VOTING PERIOD” or on “ELECTION DAY” which is on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. And rightly so, because typical nonpartisan election laws permit only the names of candidates, without any party affiliation, to appear on the ballot. So to this end, I am strongly encouraging all “OPEN-MINDED HOUSTONIANS” to make it their business to elect the “BEST-QUALIFIED” candidates who value our vote, prayers, and support at the ballot box during this pivotal moment in the history of our great nation.

According to the folks at the Houston City Secretary’s Office candidates looking to run for office on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, can pay a filing fee, or they can collect signatures to have their name placed on the ballot. So, if you are a candidate wanting to run for MAYOR OF HOUSTON you can pay a 1,250.00 dollar filing fee or collect signatures to have your name placed on the ballot. If you are a candidate who would like to run for THE CITY OF HOUSTON CONTROLLER position you can pay a 750.00 dollar filing fee or collect signatures to have your name placed on the ballot. And if you are a candidate looking to run for one of the HOUSTON CITY COUNCIL positions you can pay a 500.00 dollar filing fee or collect signatures to have your name placed on the ballot. However, if you plan on going the route of collecting signatures to have your name placed on the ballot, the exact number of signatures needed won’t be determined until sometime in July of this year from what I understand. But, to be sure, all candidates interested in running for office on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the City of Houston General Election can call (832)393-1100 to speak directly with someone in the City Secretary’s Office. However, if you have any problem whatsoever in getting your questions answered, you can call me directly at (281)788-3033, and I will try to do what I can to help. And just in case you don’t already know, the City Secretary’s Office can be located at 900 Bagby St, Houston, TX 77002 on the first floor.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
The City of Houston Mayor at this time is Sylvester Turner. In case you don't know, Mayor Sylvester Turner is "ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION" on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The City of Houston Controller at this time is Chris Brown In case you don't know, Controller Chris Brown is "ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION" on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council District A seat is currently being held by Council Member Brenda Stardig. In case you don't know, Council Member Brenda Stardig is "TERM-LIMITED" and cannot run for re-election on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council District B seat is currently being held by Council Member Jerry Davis. In case you don't know, Council Member Jerry Davis is "TERM-LIMITED" and cannot run for re-election on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council District C seat is currently being held by Council Member Ellen Cohen. In case you don't know, Council Member Ellen Cohen is "TERM-LIMITED" and cannot run for re-election on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council District D seat is currently being held by Council Member Dwight Boykins. In case you don't know, Council Member Dwight Boykins is "ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION" on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council District E seat is currently being held by Council Member Dave Martin. In case you don't know, Council Member Dave Martin is "ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION" on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council District F seat is currently being held by Council Member Steve Le. In case you don't know, Council Member Steve Le is "ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION" on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council District G seat is currently being held by Council Member Greg Travis. In case you don't know, Council Member Greg Travis is "ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION" on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council District H seat is currently being held by Council Member Karla Cisneros. In case you don't know, Council Member Karla Cisneros is "ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION" on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council District I seat is currently being held by Council Member Robert Gallegos. In case you don't know, Council Member Robert Gallegos is "ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION" on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council District J seat is currently being held by Council Member Mike Laster. In case you don't know, Council Member Mike Laster is "TERM-LIMITED" and cannot run for re-election on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council District K seat is currently being held by Council Member Martha Castex-Tatum. In case you don't know, Council Member Martha Castex-Tatum is "ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION" on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council At-Large Position 1 seat is currently being held by Council Member Mike Knox. In case you don't know, Council Member Mike Knox is "ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION" on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council At-Large Position 2 seat is currently being held by Council Member David Robinson. In case you don't know, Council Member David Robinson is "ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION" on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council At-Large Position 3 seat is currently being held by Council Member Michael Kubosh. In case you don't know, Council Member Michael Kubosh is "ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION" on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council At-Large Position 4 seat is currently being held by Council Member Amanda Edwards. In case you don't know, Council Member Amanda Edwards is "ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR RE-ELECTION" on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.
The Houston City Council At-Large Position 5 seat is currently being held by Council Member Jack Christie. In case you don't know, Council Member Jack Christie is "TERM-LIMITED" and cannot run for re-election on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the upcoming City of Houston General Election.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
"Councilman Mike Knox is pictured above with former Houston City Council Member Toni Lawrence. On behalf of the Houston Business Connections Newspaper©, we would like to thank Councilman Mike Knox for valuing the vote, prayers, and support of every Houstonian. It's through the generous support from people like Councilman Knox that Houston Business Connections Newspaper is able to inform, empower and implore our readers actively pursue their dreams. And as always, please don't forget that it is imperative that we make it our business to elect the "BEST QUALIFIED" people who value us when we go to the polls to vote! And just in case you don't know, Councilman Mike Knox is running for re-election on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #1. But you don't have to wait until "ELECTION DAY" to cast your ballot for Mike Knox. The "EARLY VOTING PERIOD" will begin on Monday, October 21, 2019, and end on Friday, November 1, 2019."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

"On behalf of the Houston Business Connections Newspaper, we would like to thank Tony Buzbee for finding value in supporting the "2019 MLK HOLIDAY CELEBRATIONS" taking place in Houston, Texas on Monday, January 21, 2019. In case you don't already know, Tony Buzbee will be on the November 2019 ballot running for Mayor of Houston."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

On behalf of the Houston Business Connections Newspaper, we would like to thank Dr. Kendall L. Baker for finding value in supporting the "2019 MLK HOLIDAY CELEBRATIONS" taking place in Houston, Texas on Monday, January 21, 2019. In case you don't already know, Dr. Kendall Baker will be on the November 2019 ballot running for Mayor of Houston.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

"If you are a candidate planning to run for Mayor of Houston, City Controller, or Houston City Council on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, the information below will help you to better identify the status of each of the aforementioned positions. And as always, if you need branding assistance, strategy support, opposition research, push card design, push card distribution, yard sign design, yard sign printing, press-release support or outreach to our diverse readership call (281)788-3033 today!"

The Houston City Council is made up of sixteen Council Members, along with Mayor Sylvester Turner and City Controller Chris Brown. All these City leaders are limited to serving two four year terms.
The next general election for the City of Houston will take place on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, with the inauguration for the newly elected City Officials scheduled to take place on Thursday, January 2, 2020.
Currently, the Mayor Pro-Tem for the City of Houston is Ellen Cohen – who also serves as the Houston City Council District C Member. At this time, the Vice Mayor Pro-Tem for the City of Houston is Jerry Davis – who serves as the Houston City Council District D Member. Both council members are term-limited and prohibited from seeking re-election on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, in the General Election.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033