There’s absolutely no doubt that something very bad just unfolded in Harris County, Texas on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election. It’s clear that Republicans had their votes suppressed on Election Day in key strongholds. But was the suppression of votes in key Republican strongholds by design, or some sort of sinister plot that was agreed to beforehand?
It’s too early in my investigation to tell, but according to one of my sources, Don Hooper, the Republican Precinct Chair for Precinct #0016, could hold the answers. “Hooper is the precinct chair that contacted me and railed on me for nearly an hour telling me I better stop trying to get Carmen election and I better stop it now,” I was told in a text message.
“He claimed if she was to get elected it would f-up the entire agreement between the two parties,” said the text message I received. “His wife Rachel is the RPT General Counsel. They are both deep into politics,” said the texter.
Whether or not you believe the texter, who stated that Don Hooper, has alleged an agreement between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party is beside the point. Why? Well, if you look at the number of “EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS” that were left wide open and without any Republican poll watchers, alternate judges, or clerks, something is starting to look a little suspicious.
Take for instance the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center “EARLY VOTING LOCATION” and how Republicans left it completely open to potential voter fraud by not having any representation on site.
And in case you don’t know, Grace Taylor (Democrat), who served as the “ELECTION JUDGE” appears to hate and despise former President Donald Trump, based on several posting from her FACEBOOK account? But you don’t have to take my word for it, look at the screenshots below, from Grace Taylor’s FACEBOOK account, and you will clearly see how this “ELECTION JUDGE” should not have been left to oversee, “EARLY VOTING” at this predominantly Black “EARLY VOTING LOCATION” without any Republican oversight.

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 13, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 11, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 8, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 21, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

Grace Taylor (Democrat), the "ELECTION JUDGE" for the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center shared this FACEBOOK POST about on July 17, 2019. So do you think this woman should have been left to oversee the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center without a Republican Alternate Judge, Poll Watcher, or Clerk on site to watch over her activities?

The time has come for Americans from all walks of life, ethnicities, political beliefs, and socio-economic stations to rise up and proclaim, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" and get politically active as God's plan for America continues to unfold during these last days.
I’m thankful to God for His goodness, mercy, and grace today! In case you don’t know, I wasn’t born into the greatest of situations. However, throughout it all, I’ve persevered through every challenge, and can proudly say that I’ve cleared every obstacle that’s been placed in front of me, with God’s help.
As I look back over the last election season, it pleases me greatly to inform you that my “2022 MIDTERM ENDORSEMENT CARD” outperformed every other non-partisan card in the entire state of Texas. And just for the record, three out of the four awesome “GOP JUDICIAL CANDIDATES” who won their races in Harris County, Texas were all endorsed on my “2022 MIDTERM ENDORSEMENT CARD” on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in Harris County, Texas.
As I prepare to press forward into the “2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION CYCLE” I would like to inform everyone that my courage is unwavering. And just so you know, my commitment to “PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS” has grown stronger, and more tenacious. That being said, “MY WAR ON CORRUPTION” in Harris County, Texas will continue, as God’s plan for my life continues to unfold.
All of the public figures you see highlighted below will be featured inside “THE UPCOMING YEAR-END REVIEW EDITON” of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© that’s scheduled to be distributed to homes and businesses inside targeted areas of Harris County, Texas including, but not limited to, Sunnyside, South Park, Acres Homes, Kashmere Gardens, Hiram Clarke, Barrett Station, Corinthians Pointe, Greater Third Ward, Fourth Ward, Fifth Ward, Greater Greenspoint, Settegast, and many others.


Paula Goodhart (Republican), was endorsed by me over Judge Ronnisha Bowman (Democrat), in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 2, in Harris County, Texas, and she emerged victorious by a slim margin of 4,889 votes with 1,058,707 votes cast in their race.

"The First Amendment (1791) prohibits Congress from obstructing the exercise of certain individual freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and right to petition. Its Free Exercise Clause guarantees a person's right to hold whatever religious beliefs they want, and to freely exercise that belief, and its Establishment Clause prevents the federal government from creating an official national church or favoring one set of religious beliefs over another. The amendment guarantees an individual's right to express and to be exposed to a wide range of opinions and views. It was intended to ensure a free exchange of ideas, even unpopular ones. It also guarantees an individual's right to physically gather or associate with others in groups for economic, political, or religious purposes. Additionally, it guarantees an individual's right to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, Dr. Steven Hotze, publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texas News, (also Founder of the Liberty Center for God & Country), and Weston Martinez, president of The Voter Fraud Bureau of Investigations at "THE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" protest and rally against "CORRUPTION" and "VOTER SUPPRESSION" on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, in downtown Houston in front of the Harris County Commissioners Court Building located 1001 Preston Street.