Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (second from right), Mayor Sylvester Turner (far right), and State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., are three rogue "BLACK CAREER POLITICIANS" who should now be forced to answer some serious questions about their possible roles in the suppression of the story about Tamoria Jones's drug use after her untimely death. After relentless pressure from investigative reporter/publisher Aubrey R. Taylor, the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences has finally released "THE OFFICIAL AUTOPSY REPORT" for Tamoria Jones, the former lover, and chief of staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., who is the Democrat representative for House District 142, in Houston, Texas. CAUSE OF DEATH... According to the Harris County Medical Examiner, Tamora Jones's "CAUSE OF DEATH" was due to Acute ethanol, cocaine, methamphetamine, and fentanyl toxicity. The Harris County Medical Examiner also validated the reporting of investigative reporter/Aubrey R. Taylor by confirming that the dead body of Tamoria Jones was indeed dumped off at Memorial Hermann Hospital - Southwest, by 3 males back on Saturday, July 1, 2023, at 8:50 a.m., in the morning. You can "CLICK HERE" to review the full "AUTOPSY REPORT" for yourself to confirm Tamoria Jones's cause of death.

State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., (House District 142), Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (18th Congressional District of Texas), and Mayor Sylvester Turner (Houston, Texas), are three snakes that must not be allowed to trick, bamboozle, hoodwink, and peddle lies to African Americans any longer. Saturday, December 9, 2023, must be a day of reckoning in our beloved Bayou City. That crooked-crown-wearing Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee must not be allowed to slither, squirm, or manipulate her way into defeating state Senator John Whitmire, with the help of her corrupt allies. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is a foul-mouthed serpent, who has no soul or moral compass to guide her actions. This hussy is a child of the darkness and does not have any business serving as the Mayor of Houston, or in the United States Congress.

Harold Dutton, Jr., has finally spoken up now that the "OFFICIAL AUTOPSY REPORT" was released by the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences earlier this week. According to Luis A. Sanchez, M.D., the Chief Medical Examiner for Harris County, Texas, Tamoria Jones's "CAUSE OF DEATH" was Acute Ethanol, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, and Fentanyl Toxicity. State Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr., used his @RepHaroldDutton (X) formerly known as Twitter page, to state, "This raises questions because the street says folks using cocaine do not use meth and vice versa. Was this intake voluntary and knowing? I don't know!" You can "CLICK HERE" to view the "OFFICIAL AUTOPSY REPORT" for yourself to determine where foul play was involved in the untimely death of Tamoria Jones, the 35-year-old lover, and chief of staff for the 78-year-old state representative.

The dead body of Tamoria Jones was dumped off at Memorial Herman Hospital-Southwest by 3 males back on Saturday, July 1, 2023, at 8:50 a.m., according to the Harris County Medical Examiner. The official "AUTOPSY REPORT" by the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences confirms that investigative reporter/Aubrey R. Taylor, was accurate in his reporting on the matter involving the death of Tamoria Jones and that drugs had played a role in her death. The "CAUSE OF DEATH" in the Case No. ML23-2631, for Tamoria Jones, was determined to be by Acute Ethanol, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, and Fentanyl Toxicity, according to the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "The Harris County Insitute of Forensic Sciences has finally released the "OFFICIAL AUTOPSY REPORT" in the matter surrounding the "SUSPICIOUS DEATH" of Tamoria Jones, the alleged lover, and chief of staff for state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., who is the Democrat state Representative for House District 142 in Houston, Texas.
The Political Regime Headed by Rodney Ellis and Sylvester Turner Could Be Behind A Lot More than Mail Ballot Fraud
Did Tamoria Jones, get in over her head, when she fell in love with attorney state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., when he worked as her "ATTORNEY OF RECORD" on her DWI Case? Why did attorney Harold Dutton, 78, let his beautiful 24-year-old client move into his home a short time after he started representing her, in the DWI case she caught on (5/16/2012), Wednesday, May 16, 2012, in Harris County, Texas?
Is it possible that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and other local Black politicians were involved in the grooming of the now-dead Tamoria Jones? How much do they know? And why isn't any of them calling for an independent investigation into the untimely death of Tamoria Jones?
Court records seem to indicate that Tamoria Jones may have been groomed by "BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS" like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson and her attorney, lover, and mentor State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., to do their dirty work from the time that she was only 24 years of age. How can I make this claim?
For the record, State Rep. Harold Dutton Jr. was hired by Tamoria Jones as her "ATTORNEY OF RECORD" in her DWI case (CAUSE #1828025), back on (5/30/2012), Wednesday, May 30, 2012.
Less than three months after Tamoria Jones hired attorney State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., on (8/31/2012), Friday, August 31, 2012, according to her "VOTER REGISTRATION INFORMATION" on file with the Harris County Elections Administrator, she was already living with state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., at his home, which is located at 4001 Jewett Street, in Houston, Texas 77026.
Then less than two months later (10/1/2012), on Monday, October 1, 2012, during the 83rd Texas Legislative Session, Tamoria Jones (by her own admission) went to work for her lover, attorney, and mentor, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., at the State Capital in Austin, Texas.

How much did Tamoria Jones know about the “BALLOT HARVESTING SCHEMES” that ‘dirty’ local Black politicians like her boss, state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee have been operating for decades in Harris County, Texas? Did she know too much? Did Tamoria Jones get in too deep?
Remember, Tamoria Jones was dancing with the devil, but was trying to get out of the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” and was also attempting to leave her ‘alleged’ lover (state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr.) a few days before she died according to ‘propaganda’ published by the Houston Chronicle.
Factually speaking, rather than being able to break free of whatever she was involved in, Tamoria Jones’ ‘lifeless’ body ended up being dumped off at a Memoria Herman Hospital-Southwest by three men back on Saturday, July 1, 2023, and the circumstances swirling around her death have been covered up, and kept secret.
How much do people like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Mayor Sylvester Turner, Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and her ‘alleged’ lover/boss (State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr.) know, about her drug use, but are not sharing with the general public?

Had Tamoria Jones worked her way up to becoming one of the facilitators who was responsible for paying the “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS” under the guise of compensating poll workers?
Why was Tamoria Jones responsible for handling so much campaign cash, for her ‘alleged’ lover/boss (State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr.) in connection to his political campaign?
Just so you know, Tamoria Jones registered to vote at the home of her ‘alleged’ lover/boss, state Rep. Harold Dutton way back on (8/31/2012), August 31, 2012, a full (2) two months before she claimed to have started working for him on (10/1/2012), October 1, 2012, at the state capital, in Austin, Texas during the 83rd Texas Legislative session.
Are there any receipts or ‘canceled checks’ to show who was paid in cash by Tamoria Jones out of the money that was given directly to Tamoria by her “alleged’ lover/boss, state Rep. Harold Dutton? Or better yet, can state Rep. Dutton provide the names of the people who Tamoria Jones paid with all that cash?

How did the $14,000.00 given to Tamoria Jones by her ‘alleged’ lover state Rep. Harold Dutton get divided up on (3/1/2022), March 1, 2022, to supposedly pay poll workers?

Did any of the $15,000.00 that Tamoria Jones was handling on (2/19/2022), February 19, 2022, to supposedly pay the campaign make its way to any “ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTERS” to help her boss?

What about the so-called $5,500.00 consulting expense that was paid to Tamoria Jones on (11/4/2020), November 4, 2020, by her ‘alleged’ lover/boss, state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., for providing him with political advice?

So, who got paid out of the $5,100.00 that was paid to Tamoria Jones on (11/2/2020), November 2, 2020, by her ‘alleged’ lover/boss, as a poll worker expense?

Why was Tamoria Jones directly paid $6,200.00 back on (10/23/2020), October 23, 2022, to supposedly pay poll workers? What are the names of the poll workers who supposedly got paid?

What are the names of the poll workers whom Tamoria Jones supposedly paid out of the $9,8000.00 that her ‘alleged’ lover, state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., gave her back on (10/15/2020), October 15, 2023, out of his campaign account?

Why did state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., pay Tamoria Jones, his ‘alleged’ lover $11,000.00 to supposedly pay poll workers on (7/14/2020), July 14, 2020, out of his campaign account?

What about the $18,000.00 that state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr. paid his ‘alleged’ lover, Tamoria Jones, back on (3/9/2020), March 9, 2020, out of his campaign account to pay campaign workers?
Had Tamoria Jones worked her way up to becoming one of the facilitators who was responsible for paying the “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS” under the guise of compensating poll workers?
Why was Tamoria Jones responsible for handling so much campaign cash, for her ‘alleged’ lover/boss (State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr.) in connection to his political campaign?
Just so you know, Tamoria Jones registered to vote at the home of her ‘alleged’ lover/boss, state Rep. Harold Dutton way back on (8/31/2012), August 31, 2012, a full (2) two months before she claimed to have started working for him on (10/1/2012), October 1, 2012, at the state capital, in Austin, Texas during the 83rd Texas Legislative session.
Are there any receipts or ‘canceled checks’ to show who was paid in cash by Tamoria Jones out of the money that was given directly to Tamoria by her “alleged’ lover/boss, state Rep. Harold Dutton? Or better yet, can state Rep. Dutton provide the names of the people who Tamoria Jones paid with all that cash?

How did the $14,000.00 given to Tamoria Jones by her ‘alleged’ lover state Rep. Harold Dutton get divided up on (3/1/2022), March 1, 2022, to supposedly pay poll workers?

Did any of the $15,000.00 that Tamoria Jones was handling on (2/19/2022), February 19, 2022, to supposedly pay the campaign make its way to any “ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTERS” to help her boss?

What about the so-called $5,500.00 consulting expense that was paid to Tamoria Jones on (11/4/2020), November 4, 2020, by her ‘alleged’ lover/boss, state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., for providing him with political advice?

So, who got paid out of the $5,100.00 that was paid to Tamoria Jones on (11/2/2020), November 2, 2020, by her ‘alleged’ lover/boss, as a poll worker expense?

Why was Tamoria Jones directly paid $6,200.00 back on (10/23/2020), October 23, 2022, to supposedly pay poll workers? What are the names of the poll workers who supposedly got paid?

What are the names of the poll workers whom Tamoria Jones supposedly paid out of the $9,8000.00 that her ‘alleged’ lover, state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., gave her back on (10/15/2020), October 15, 2023, out of his campaign account?

Why did state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., pay Tamoria Jones, his ‘alleged’ lover $11,000.00 to supposedly pay poll workers on (7/14/2020), July 14, 2020, out of his campaign account?

What about the $18,000.00 that state Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr. paid his ‘alleged’ lover, Tamoria Jones, back on (3/9/2020), March 9, 2020, out of his campaign account to pay campaign workers?

For the record, dirty Black politicians have hidden “BALLOT HARVESTING SCHEMES” behind payments to consultants, or other individuals who would then take the check, convert it to cash, and then distribute it to their chosen ballot harvesters dating back to the 1990s.
For decades, Black areas of Harris County have been besieged by criminality during election cycles. However, since the “ELECTION FRAUD” was mostly contained to the Black community, it didn’t impact the county, and Republicans were able to maintain control of Harris County, and dominate the “ABSTENTEE BALLOT CATEGORY” in Midterm and Presidential Election cycles.

Under no circumstances should Houstonians replace one member of the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” with another. Mayor Sylvester Turner is a dirty, low-down, scoundrel, but Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is much worse. That being said, Houstonians must elect state Senator John Whitmire over Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee on Saturday, December 9, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

On Wednesday, September 27, 2023, Kaydrian Jones, the mother of Tamoria Jones, the now-dead chief of staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., called Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, to request that the investigation into her daughter's death be stopped. Her phone call to Aubrey R. Taylor Communications was shortly after the Texas Ethics Commission found State Rep. Harold Dutton Jr., guilty of violating election laws. Below you will see proof of the exchanges between Kaydrian Jones, and Aubrey R. Taylor that took place on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, after State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., was found guilty and fined by the Texas Ethics Commission of violating ethics laws.

On Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at 4:10 p.m., Kaydrian Jones, called Aubrey R. Taylor. At 4:10 p.m., Aubrey R. Taylor tried to call Kaydrian Jones back immediately, but she did not answer. At 5:45 p.m. Kaydrian Jones, the mother of Tamoria Jones, the now-dead (lover) and chief of staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., called Aubrey R. Taylor back at 5:45 p.m. to request that the investigation into the death of her daughter be stopped.

On Wednesday, September 27, 2023, the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) found State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr. (HD-142) guilty of ethics violations. That being said, the "AUTOPSY REPORT" for Tamoria Jones, the now-dead (lover) and chief of staff for the 78-year-old legislator is still pending. You can "CLICK HERE" for more information about what TEC ruled.

For the record, this court document proves that attorney State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., was hired by Tamoria Jones, and signed on as her "ATTORNEY OF RECORD" in her DWI case (CAUSE #1828025), back on (5/30/2012), Wednesday, May 30, 2012. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the document for yourself.
For the record, the "SWORN AFFIDAVIT" you see above, is proof that attorney State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., was still acting as the "ATTORNEY OF RECORD" for his 'alleged' lover on (3/2/2013), Saturday, March 2, 2013, which was five months after she went to work as his chief of staff on (10/2/2012), at the State Capital in Austin, Texas, and only 8 months after she listed his home as her place of residence on (8/31/2012), Friday, August 31, 2012, after she had hired him to act as her attorney in her DWI case. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the document for yourself.

“PRECINCT #259.”

So, did Richard Johnson, who was running as a Democrat, against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Richard Bonton, who was running as a Democrat against State Rep. Harold Dutton get cheated back during the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary?

So, did Richard Johnson, who was running as a Democrat, against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Richard Bonton, who was running as a Democrat against State Rep. Harold Dutton get cheated back during the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary?

The voter in (PRECINCT #259) who cast ballot #506009447184, had the option to vote for 150+ candidates but only chose to vote for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, in the race for the 18th Congressional District, and State Rep. Harold Dutton, in the race for State Representative for House District #142) back during the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary.
So, did Richard Johnson, who was running as a Democrat, against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Richard Bonton, who was running as a Democrat against State Rep. Harold Dutton get cheated back during the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary?

So, did Richard Johnson, who was running as a Democrat, against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Richard Bonton, who was running as a Democrat against State Rep. Harold Dutton get cheated back during the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary?

The voter in (PRECINCT #259) who cast ballot #700803805113, had the option to vote for 150+ candidates but only chose to vote for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, in the race for the 18th Congressional District, and State Rep. Harold Dutton, in the race for State Representative for House District #142) back during the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary.
So, did Richard Johnson, who was running as a Democrat, against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Richard Bonton, who was running as a Democrat against State Rep. Harold Dutton get cheated back during the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary?
So, did Richard Johnson, who was running as a Democrat, against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Richard Bonton, who was running as a Democrat against State Rep. Harold Dutton get cheated back during the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary?

State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., the State Representative for House District 142, serves as his own treasurer. And his now-dead, chief of staff (Tamoria Jones), lived with him and facilitated and served as a shield for his political activities, a common practice in local Harris County, Texas.

Back on 3/01/2022, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., wrote Tamoria Jones a check for $14,000.00 to pay campaign poll workers. But, how does the general public know what Tamoria Jones actually did with the money she was given? Did Tamoria Jones cash the check and then pay the campaign workers in cash? If so, who did she pay? How much did she pay them? What services did they provide? Where are the receipts?

Back on 2/19/2022, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., wrote Tamoria Jones a check for $15,000.00 to pay campaign workers. But, how does the general public know what Tamoria Jones actually did with the money she was given? Did Tamoria Jones cash the check and then pay the campaign workers in cash? If so, who did she pay? How much did she pay them? What services did they provide? Where are the receipts?

Back on 11/04/2020, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., wrote Tamoria Jones a check for $5,500.00 as a consulting expense. But, since she's listed as living with her boss, State Rep. Harold Dutton, how do we know what she did with the money?

Back on 11/02/2020, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., wrote Tamoria Jones a check for $5,100.00 to pay campaign poll workers. But, how does the general public know what Tamoria Jones actually did with the money she was given? Did Tamoria Jones cash the check and then pay the campaign workers in cash? If so, who did she pay? How much did she pay them? What services did they provide? Where are the receipts?

Back on 10/23/2020, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., wrote Tamoria Jones a check for $6,200.00 to pay campaign poll workers. But, how does the general public know what Tamoria Jones actually did with the money she was given? Did Tamoria Jones cash the check and then pay the campaign workers in cash? If so, who did she pay? How much did she pay them? What services did they provide? Where are the receipts?

Back on 10/15/2020, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., wrote Tamoria Jones a check for $9,800.00 to pay campaign poll workers. But, how does the general public know what Tamoria Jones actually did with the money she was given? Did Tamoria Jones cash the check and then pay the campaign workers in cash? If so, who did she pay? How much did she pay them? What services did they provide? Where are the receipts?

Back on 7/14/2020, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., wrote Tamoria Jones a check for $11,000.00 to pay campaign poll workers. But, how does the general public know what Tamoria Jones actually did with the money she was given? Did Tamoria Jones cash the check and then pay the campaign workers in cash? If so, who did she pay? How much did she pay them? What services did they provide? Where are the receipts?

Back on 3/09/2020, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., wrote Tamoria Jones a check for $11,000.00 to pay campaign poll workers. But, how does the general public know what Tamoria Jones actually did with the money she was given? Did Tamoria Jones cash the check and then pay the campaign workers in cash? If so, who did she pay? How much did she pay them? What services did they provide? Where are the receipts?

State Representative Harold Vermont Dutton listed his home address as 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas 77026 on his current "VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE" which is on file at the Harris County Election Administrator. Now, if you look below, you will see that Tamoria RaShon Jones, the now-dead, chief of staff for State Rep. Harold Dutton, also listed the same address as her residence. You can "CLICK HERE" to verify the document above for yourself.

Tamoria Rashon Jones, who is now dead, listed her home residence as 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas 77026, on her current "VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE" which is on file with the Harris County Elections Administrator. If you look at the document below, you will see that her home residence is the same as her boss's (State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr.), home address. You can "CLICK HERE" to verify this document for yourself.

State Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr., is listed as the owner of the home which is located at 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas, 77026, which his now-dead chief of staff listed as her residence on her "VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE" which is currently on file with the Harris County Elections Administrator. You can "CLICK HERE" to verify the address of the home for yourself.

$500,000 POTENTIAL BRIBERY CASE, please see, "Investigation: Mayor’s office received $500K offer asking mayor to help close private land deal," that was investigated by Channel 2 Investigates. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about the $500,000 potential bribery investigation involving a local businessman by the name of Jason Yoo, the CEO of JDDA Group of Companies, located at 11777 Katy Freeway, Suite 190, in Houston, Texas 77079.

$100,000.00 POTENTIAL BRIBERY CASE, please see, "Investigates: Emails show city council relations director, William Paul Thomas, had close communication with private businessman," You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about the $100,000 potential bribery investigation involving a local businessman by the name of Jason Yoo, the CEO of JDDA Group of Companies, located at 11777 Katy Freeway, Suite 190, in Houston, Texas 77079.

$500,000 POTENTIAL BRIBERY CASE, please see, "Investigation: Mayor’s office received $500K offer asking mayor to help close private land deal," that was investigated by Channel 2 Investigates. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about the $500,000 potential bribery investigation involving a local businessman by the name of Jason Yoo, the CEO of JDDA Group of Companies, located at 11777 Katy Freeway, Suite 190, in Houston, Texas 77079.

$100,000.00 POTENTIAL BRIBERY CASE, please see, "Investigates: Emails show city council relations director, William Paul Thomas, had close communication with private businessman," You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about the $100,000 potential bribery investigation involving a local businessman by the name of Jason Yoo, the CEO of JDDA Group of Companies, located at 11777 Katy Freeway, Suite 190, in Houston, Texas 77079.