Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson (District II), appears to be one of the biggest sellouts to ever sit on the Houston Community College Board of Trustees. When you get down to it, Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson is heading down a path that could ultimately bring shame on her family and the entire Black community if she doesn't reverse course. And the same goes for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee who has signed up to run for City of Houston Mayor on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City.

Former disgraced HCC Trustee Christopher Oliver was riding high as a member of the Houston Community College School Board (HCC) before he ended up admitting that he was taking envelopes stuffed with cash and Visa gift cards from Mayor Sylvester Turner's Public Works Director, by the name of Karun Sreerama, who was also doubling as an HCC Contractor. For the record, it is reported that Christopher Oliver accepted more than $225,259 in cash bribe payments.

Karun Sreerama was employed as Mayor Sylvester Turner's Public Works Director back when he got caught up in the bribery scandal with disgraced HCC Trustee Christopher Oliver that involved more than $225,259 in cash bribe payments.

Mayor Sylvester Turner had amassed a net worth that exceeded $113 million dollars by the time he was 64 years of age. But, I don't believe that. Today, Mayor Sylvester Turner is 68 years old, and he can't be sleeping well at night, as the walls are beginning to close in on him, and those inside his inner circle. His right-hand man William Paul Thomas walked into federal court and pleaded guilty to conspiracy tied to cash bribes he had received prior to being indicted or formally charged by the FBI. What does that tell you about how deep the corruption is running at Houston City Hall these days? Anyways, everyone with half a brain should be able to see that William Paul Thomas was not acting alone in the bribery scheme that he was actively involved in.

Former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles "Chuck" Marler believes that Mayor Sylvester Turner could be the "BIG FISH" that the FBI is after. He also believes that attorney Rachel Hooper should wait until after William Paul Thomas is sentenced on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, to refile her lawsuit in the possible "BID-RIGGING SCHEME" that played out in the $470 million Hobby Airport concessions contract. Attorney Rachel Hooper was forced to pull the lawsuit that she filed against the City of Houston, Texas, and Areas HOV JV, LLC, on behalf of Chris Pappas, 4 Families of Hobby, LLC, and Pappas Restaurants, Inc., in the 189th Civil District Court when Mayor Sylvester Turner went to Brazil rather than show up in court for the hearing. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the lawsuit that attorney Rachel Hooper had to temporarily pull.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We must make it our business to start "PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" going forward into the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election, the 2024 Democratic Party Primary, and 2024 Republican Party Primary. Our nation is at a serious crossroads, and a serious course correction is desperately needed in America."
Charlene Ward Johnson Is on A Collision Course Careening Straight Toward an FBI Investigation; Remember Chis Oliver?
At 3:00 p.m. on tomorrow, (Wednesday, May 3, 2023), the Houston Community College (HCC) Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting. From what I understand, this “SPECIAL MEETING” is being called to deal with a few personnel matters.
What’s supposed to take place tomorrow at the HCC Headquarters is a serious discussion that will include how the transition away from Dr. Cesar Maldonado will take place and could possibly include the naming of an “INTERIM CHANCELLOR” or “ACTING CHANCELLOR” and or the laying of the groundworks for how the search for a new HCC Chancellor will be conducted.
Now, I’m not sure what’s going on inside the mind of HCC Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson – but she’s been showing her tail, ever since she got elected.
Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson seems to believe that she’s smarter than everyone else on the board. But is she? I think not!!! Doesn’t she remember what happened to former Houston Community College trustee Chris Oliver when he caught that 70-month prison sentence after his bribery conviction?
What is bribery? Well, according to Cornell University, bribery is defined generally as corrupt solicitation, acceptance, or transfer of value in exchange for official action. That being said, what in the hell is wrong with Charlene Ward Johnson, the District II Trustee for Houston Community College?
What is bribery? Well, according to Cornell University, bribery is defined generally as corrupt solicitation, acceptance, or transfer of value in exchange for official action. That being said, what in the hell is wrong with Charlene Ward Johnson, the District II Trustee for Houston Community College?
Can’t Charlene see that the ‘gig’ is already up? Does Charlene Ward Johnson realize that she’s already been exposed? Doesn’t she know that the money she received from Jonathan Day, the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC, isn’t supposed to be impacting her voting on the HCC School Board?
In case you don’t remember, Jonathan Day, the chairman of the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC, funded Charlene Ward Johnson's campaign for the HCC Board Trustee for District II seat.
State Senator John Whitmire was also one of the key supporters of Charlene Ward Johnson's bid to win the vacant HCC Board seat that was left vacant when Rhonda Skillern-Jones resigned.
So, why did HCC Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson wait until Wednesday, March 1, 2023, the day she voted to extend the contract of Dr. Cesar Maldonado, to correct her 2022 Campaign Finance Reports?
According to the official records, at 10:22am, on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Charlene Ward Johnson amended/corrected her report that covered the period of 3/29/2022 through 4/27/2022. And then, two minutes later at 10:24a.m., on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, she also amended/corrected her report that covered the period of 5/08/2022 through 6/30/2022.
It has also been discovered that the (three) trustees who Charlene Ward Johnson appears to have formed an alliance with (Monica Flores Richart, Eva L. Loredo, and Dr. Adriana Tamez) are on something serious as it relates to Dr. Cesar Maldonado's departure right about now. Remember, all four of these women who voted to extend the contract of Dr. Cesar Maldonado, received thousands and thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Jonathan Day, and the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC, over the course of the last few years.
Doesn’t Charlene, Monica, Eva, and Adriana realize that the eyes of Texas are upon them? Remember, at the time that he pleaded guilty, disgraced school board trustee Christopher Oliver stated that the lines are blurry.” You don’t come from wealth. You’re in an elected position. Things are thrown at you,” he explained at his sentencing hearing.
Christopher Oliver, pleaded guilty in May of 2017 to taking envelopes stuffed with cash and Visa gift cards – totaling more than $12,000. But what people seem to be forgetting is that the guy who was bribing Trustee Oliver was an HCC contractor by the name of Karun Sreerama, who at the time was employed as Mayor Sylvester Turner’s public works director.
Elected officials like Mayor Sylvester Turner, former HCC Trustee Christopher Oliver, and current HCC Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson are the worst. Remember, back between 2009 and 2016, Chris Oliver received 69 bribe payments that totaled more than $225,259 from at least four people who were seeking contracts with the Houston Community College System.
And speaking of starting out broke and making a come-up, Mayor Sylvester Turner is a picture-perfect example of a politician on the come-up. What do you think Mayor Sylvester Turner is worth?
I don’t know how much Mayor Sylvester Turner is worth today, but a few years ago when I checked his net worth was estimated to be in the neighborhood of about $113 Million. According to Wikipedia, Forbes, IMDb, and several other online resources, Mayor Sylvester Turner’s net worth was estimated to be around $113 million when he was 64 years old. But that was four years ago, Mayor Sylvester Turner is currently 68 years of age – which is too old to be going to prison.
Why am I talking about Mayor Sylvester Turner and prison in the same sentence? Well, Mayor Sylvester Turner has somehow managed to use politics to enrich himself.
Can’t Charlene see that the ‘gig’ is already up? Does Charlene Ward Johnson realize that she’s already been exposed? Doesn’t she know that the money she received from Jonathan Day, the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC, isn’t supposed to be impacting her voting on the HCC School Board?
In case you don’t remember, Jonathan Day, the chairman of the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC, funded Charlene Ward Johnson's campaign for the HCC Board Trustee for District II seat.
State Senator John Whitmire was also one of the key supporters of Charlene Ward Johnson's bid to win the vacant HCC Board seat that was left vacant when Rhonda Skillern-Jones resigned.
So, why did HCC Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson wait until Wednesday, March 1, 2023, the day she voted to extend the contract of Dr. Cesar Maldonado, to correct her 2022 Campaign Finance Reports?
According to the official records, at 10:22am, on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Charlene Ward Johnson amended/corrected her report that covered the period of 3/29/2022 through 4/27/2022. And then, two minutes later at 10:24a.m., on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, she also amended/corrected her report that covered the period of 5/08/2022 through 6/30/2022.
It has also been discovered that the (three) trustees who Charlene Ward Johnson appears to have formed an alliance with (Monica Flores Richart, Eva L. Loredo, and Dr. Adriana Tamez) are on something serious as it relates to Dr. Cesar Maldonado's departure right about now. Remember, all four of these women who voted to extend the contract of Dr. Cesar Maldonado, received thousands and thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Jonathan Day, and the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC, over the course of the last few years.
Doesn’t Charlene, Monica, Eva, and Adriana realize that the eyes of Texas are upon them? Remember, at the time that he pleaded guilty, disgraced school board trustee Christopher Oliver stated that the lines are blurry.” You don’t come from wealth. You’re in an elected position. Things are thrown at you,” he explained at his sentencing hearing.
Christopher Oliver, pleaded guilty in May of 2017 to taking envelopes stuffed with cash and Visa gift cards – totaling more than $12,000. But what people seem to be forgetting is that the guy who was bribing Trustee Oliver was an HCC contractor by the name of Karun Sreerama, who at the time was employed as Mayor Sylvester Turner’s public works director.
Elected officials like Mayor Sylvester Turner, former HCC Trustee Christopher Oliver, and current HCC Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson are the worst. Remember, back between 2009 and 2016, Chris Oliver received 69 bribe payments that totaled more than $225,259 from at least four people who were seeking contracts with the Houston Community College System.
And speaking of starting out broke and making a come-up, Mayor Sylvester Turner is a picture-perfect example of a politician on the come-up. What do you think Mayor Sylvester Turner is worth?
I don’t know how much Mayor Sylvester Turner is worth today, but a few years ago when I checked his net worth was estimated to be in the neighborhood of about $113 Million. According to Wikipedia, Forbes, IMDb, and several other online resources, Mayor Sylvester Turner’s net worth was estimated to be around $113 million when he was 64 years old. But that was four years ago, Mayor Sylvester Turner is currently 68 years of age – which is too old to be going to prison.
Why am I talking about Mayor Sylvester Turner and prison in the same sentence? Well, Mayor Sylvester Turner has somehow managed to use politics to enrich himself.
“William-Paul Thomas, the former assistant and right-hand man to Mayor Sylvester Turner, is scheduled for sentencing in his Federal Conspiracy case on June 20th, 2023,” according to former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles Marler.
According to Marler, “William-Thomas reached a plea deal with Federal Prosecutors. The plea deal is sealed, which means there are elements of his plea that the Prosecutors do not want to be made public before William Paul Thomas’ sentencing.”
“His plea deal will become public after his sentencing on June 20th, which means there could be charges filed against other conspirators before the sentencing of William Paul Thomas,” he explains.
“The businessmen who were bribing the William-Paul Thomas (The Mayor's Office) are already working with the Federal Prosecutors as alluded to in William-Paul Thomas's indictment,” says Marler.
To make his point, Marler pointed to Count One, in William Paul Thomas’ indictment which states, "William-Paul Thomas did knowingly conspire, confederate, and agree with others known and unknown to the United States, including Businessman 1, to commit offenses against the United States..."
“So, the BIG question is, who is the bigger fish that's listed as others known and unknown? I think that the Pappas Brothers need to wait and refile their lawsuit after the June 20, 2023, sentencing of William Paul Thomas – because that's when they'll have more evidence for their lawsuit,” Marler proclaims.
According to Marler, “William-Thomas reached a plea deal with Federal Prosecutors. The plea deal is sealed, which means there are elements of his plea that the Prosecutors do not want to be made public before William Paul Thomas’ sentencing.”
“His plea deal will become public after his sentencing on June 20th, which means there could be charges filed against other conspirators before the sentencing of William Paul Thomas,” he explains.
“The businessmen who were bribing the William-Paul Thomas (The Mayor's Office) are already working with the Federal Prosecutors as alluded to in William-Paul Thomas's indictment,” says Marler.
To make his point, Marler pointed to Count One, in William Paul Thomas’ indictment which states, "William-Paul Thomas did knowingly conspire, confederate, and agree with others known and unknown to the United States, including Businessman 1, to commit offenses against the United States..."
“So, the BIG question is, who is the bigger fish that's listed as others known and unknown? I think that the Pappas Brothers need to wait and refile their lawsuit after the June 20, 2023, sentencing of William Paul Thomas – because that's when they'll have more evidence for their lawsuit,” Marler proclaims.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

It was recently discovered that the (four) trustees (Charline Ward Johnson, Monica Flores Richart, Eva L. Loredo, and Dr. Adriana Tamez) who voted to extend the contract of Dr. Cesar Maldonado, received a combined $78,000.00 in campaign contributions from Jonathan Day, and the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC, according to the Houston Chronicle. However, the $19,000 received by Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson can’t be lumped in with the money received by the other three trustees. Why not? Well, because Charlene Ward Johnson’s entire campaign appears to have been funded by Jonathan Day, and the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC, which means that this “POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE” is the primary reason that Charlene Ward Johnson is even sitting on the board of trustees right now.
So in essence, it’s highly likely that Johnathan Day wields a tremendous amount of influence over Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson, and could actually own her. Now, that being said, all you have to do is look at the timeline below to see exactly what I’m talking about.
At 10:22a.m. on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, (the day Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson voted to extend the contract of Dr. Cesar Maldonado) HCC Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson “AMENDED AND CORRECTED” her campaign finance report to reflect that she had received (2) two payments from Houston Business Education Coalition PAC (HBEC) back during 2022, while she was a candidate running for the HCC District II seat.
Back On 4/18/2022 – Charlene Ward Johnson received a payment in the amount of $7,000.00 from the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC (HBEC), while she was running for the HCC Board Trustee for District II seat.
NOTE: Early voting was set to begin on Monday, April 25, 2022, for the HCC District II, seat. So, Jonathan Day (Houston Business Education Coalition PAC) gave Charlene Ward Johnson her first donation of $7,000.00 on 4/18/2022, which was only one week before the start of early voting, which began on Monday, April 25, 2022, for the “SPECIAL ELECTION” for the HCC District II seat.
Back On 4/27/2022 – Charlene Ward Johnson received a payment in the amount of $3,000.00, which was only two days after the start of “EARLY VOTING” which began on Monday, April 25, 2022, for the “SPECIAL ELECTION” for the HCC District II seat.
At 10:24a.m. on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, (the day Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson voted to extend the contract of Dr. Cesar Maldonado) HCC Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson “AMENDED AND CORRECTED” her campaign finance report to reflect that she had received (2) two more payments from Houston Business Education Coalition PAC (HBEC) back during 2022, while she was a candidate running for the HCC District II seat.
Back on 5/25/2022 – Charlene Ward Johnson received a payment in the amount of $7,500.00 from the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC (HBEC), while she was preparing to face off against Kathy “Lynch” Gunter on Saturday, June 18, 2022, in the runoff election for the HCC District II seat.
Back on 6/03/2022 – Charlene Ward Johnson received a payment in the amount of $1,500.00.00 from the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC (HBEC), as the start of “EARLY VOTING” for her Saturday, June 18, 2022, runoff election with Kathy “Lynch” Gunter was approaching.
NOTE: The date of Friday, June 3, 2022, that Charlene Ward Johnson received the payment in the amount of $1,500.00 from the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC (HBEC) is very significant. Why? Well, because she received the $1,500.00 on Friday, right before “EARLY VOTING” was set to begin on Monday, June 6, 2022, for the “RUNOFF ELECTION” for the HCC District seat between Charlene Ward Johnson and Kathy “Lynch” Gunter.
By having her campaign financed by Jonathan Day, the chairman of the Houston Business Education Coalition, with (4) four timely payments right before “EARLY VOTING” for the Saturday, May 7, 2022, special election, and Saturday, June 18, 2022, runoff election, Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson was more than likely obligated to side with the Hispanic Board Members (Monica Flores Richart, Eva L. Loredo, and Dr. Adriana Tamez) to extend Dr. Cesar Maldonado’s contract on Wednesday, March 1, 2022.
From what I can see, HCC Trustee Charlene Ward Johnson is lying through her teeth. Remember, all of the checks that Jonathan Day and the Houston Business Education Coalition PAC wrote to Charlene Ward Johnson (4/18/2022, 4/27/2022, 5/25/2022, and 6/03/2022) were written to help her defeat Kathy “Lynch” Gunter, and vote exactly the way she voted to extend the contract of Dr. Cesar Maldonado on Wednesday, March 1, 2022, along with the (3) three Hispanic HCC Board Members.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033