Gerry Wayne Monroe, there's not going to even be a funeral service taking place at Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church (tomorrow) Saturday, May 20, 2023. What a shame!!! At least the flags were flown half-mast at his beloved Jack Yates High School in honor of the ole "5-Star" last week. Lord have mercy...

What's the likelihood that Aubrey R. Taylor and Gerry Wayne Monroe would receive "DEATH THREATS" from Pennsylvania back on Saturday, October 24, 2020, on the same day that the Biden/Harris Campaign was in Pennsylvania for a campaign rally?


The text message you see above was sent to Aubrey R. Taylor at 11:05 p.m. back on Saturday, October 24, 2020, during the "EARLY VOTING" for the 2020 Presidential Election. The only two people that Aubrey R. Taylor and Gerry Wayne Monroe were talking about a few hours before receiving "THREATENING TEXT MESSAGES" were Dallas Jones, who was serving as the Texas Political Director for the Biden/Harris Campaign, and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis.


The text message you see above was sent to Gerry Wayne Monroe at 11:11 p.m. back on Saturday, October 24, 2020, during the "EARLY VOTING" for the 2020 Presidential Election. The only two people that Gerry Wayne Monroe and Aubrey R. Taylor were talking about a few hours before receiving "THREATENING TEXT MESSAGES" were Dallas Jones, who was serving as the Texas Political Director for the Biden/Harris Campaign, and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis.

Gerry Wayne Monroe was a winner! He deserves much better than what he's getting right now. Gerry Wayne Monroe, the "5-Star" wasn't the biggest, fastest, or most agile, but he had a lot of heart when he was on the gridiron. He played "RIGHT GUARD" on the 1985 Texas State Championship Jack Yates football team. For those of you who don't know, Gerry Wayne Monroe wore #62, on the team that went 16-0 and beat Odessa Permian by a score of 37-0, in the Class 5A State Championship.

Aubrey R. Taylor, investigative reporter/publisher, Charles "Chuck" Marler, former FBI Investigative Specialist, Dr. Steven Hotze publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texas News (CRTX NEWS), Molly White, former state Representative for House District 55, in Texas, and Gerry Wayne Monroe, the "5-Star General" at the State Captial in Austin, Texas.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Please don't forget that on, Monday, July 31, 2023, beginning at 7:00a.m., a "PRAYER RALLY" will be held at the Harris County Civil Courthouse at 201 Caroline in downtown Houston, Texas 77002. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the current digital version of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© online. Please call (281)788-3033 for more information."
According to his birth certificate, Gerry Wayne Monroe was born on Saturday, February 10, 1968, and graduated from Yates High School in the class of 1986. Now for those of you who don’t know, Gerry Wayne Monroe, the man we’ve all come to love (and hate), was number 62 and played the ‘Right Guard’ position on the 1985 Yates High School Football Team, that is widely considered to be one of the best Texas high school football teams of all time.
Yates High School was everything to Gerry Wayne Monroe, the man we all grew to love, admire, and respect cherish over the years. Gerry’s public persona as the “5-Star General” worked well for him, but it also made him a target. He made a lot of enemies, and because of this, he was forced to keep his circle of “true friends” very tight.
And when it came to the love of his life, Ericka Albert, and his children, he didn’t want the public to know much about them, for obvious reasons. “When people know who you love, they will hurt them if they can’t get to you,” he always said.
Gerry’s public persona as the “5-Star General” was much different than the private life he lived when the cameras were turned off. That being said, Gerry Wayne Monroe, never really talked about his daughter (Jaylen Monroe), because he wanted her to live a normal life, and not one where he had to be worried about anyone harming her.
The Houston Chronicle published a very good article about the “5-Star General,” titled, "Gerry Monroe, one of Houston’s most outspoken education activists, dead at 55,” back on Monday, May 1, 2023.
“Monroe’s dedication to Houston school children, however, meant that he didn’t always have time for his own,” said Sam Gonzalez, the staff writer for the Houston Chronicle. However, this statement about Gerry wasn’t completely accurate.
I guess the Houston Chronicle writer came to this conclusion after speaking with Jaylen Monroe, the 22-year-old daughter who told the newspaper that her relationship with her father was “very complex but still very loving.”
According to what Jaylen told the Houston Chronicle, “He always made it clear the line of communication was open and that he loved me and would do anything for me.” Jaylen went on to say, “I’ve followed him throughout the years of him doing his activism…and I’m proud of what he’s done. Even though he wasn’t able to give me the same things he gave everyone else.”
But she did go on to say, “I’m proud he was able to do it for other people.”
Now, a lot of times, children don’t understand what’s going on in the lives of their parents – especially parents who have public personas like the one Gerry Wayne Monroe, had built for himself, playing the role of the “5-Star General.”
I’m not going to make excuses for how Gerry Wayne Monroe lived his life. However, the “5-Star General” was always looking over his shoulder. He had more enemies than me, and thus, didn’t want people to know his weaknesses or vulnerabilities.
While he only talked about his love and admiration for his daughter a few times on, “THE WAR ZONE,” this was by design, to keep Jaylen, and his other children safe.
Back on Tuesday, March 29, 2016, Gerry Wayne Monroe, stated, “For those that don’t know the forgotten child in all this marriage drama Miss Jaylen Monroe has been accepted into The High School for Law Enforcement.”
He went on to say, “She is currently a student at Yates. I’m very proud of you my beautiful daughter.” In my opinion, this was one of the proudest moments of Gerry’s life. It took a lot for him to make this public statement about Jaylen, given all of the enemies he had amassed by this time.
“Keep grinding and shining. The dam Apple didn’t fall too far from the tree. Good job my daughter’s mother is Lisa,” he said.
Fast forward to Wednesday, December 26, 2018, at 4:54 p.m. Gerry Wayne Monroe was undergoing some serious health challenges. However, he began to get a lot more serious about his destiny, legacy, and the calling that he believed was placed on his life by God. While he didn't go to church and was known for screwing up the church's money, he still loved God.
While laying on his death bead back in 2018, he stated, “3 years ago and left for dead. When you are self-made it takes time to regroup. I've FOUGHT when some gave up on me. I lost it all because my health wouldn’t let me GRIND.”
So, Gerry’s health issues hampered his ability to make money the way he had been accustomed to doing before nearly dying. But he didn’t give up, he kept grinding, and fighting for the kids of HISD, even though he was dying slowly.
The “5-Star General,” cut a lot of people out of his life to keep the real nature of his health issues private. “My circle has always been small. Now it will become smaller,” he said back in December of 2018.
“Everybody ain't trying to go where I'm going. Nobody will do it the way I will do it. But it has to be done. I am going to do what I do best. Those that wish to be in my circle it's a waste of your time,” he proclaimed.
“Let's see where this journey takes me next,” as he willed himself to get better.
He went on to boldly declare, “And if I lose a few friends in the process -- who gives a dam. I just know it's time for the resurrection. I was born for this. So now, the work begins.”
Gerry Wayne Monroe knew his days were numbered, so he got a lot more serious about his legacy. Up until the 2020 Presidential Election, Gerry Wayne Monroe had been a lifelong Democrat. But it was at this point that began to become displeased with all of the corruption he was seeing in local Harris County, Texas politics.
Before the 2020 Presidential Election, he was totally in love with Democrats. “I’m getting off the plantation,” he began saying behind closed doors. “I’m going to become a Republican,” he started to boldly declare.”
“These Democrats don’t give a damn about these kids,” he would say over and over again. And in his mind, ole “5-Star” decided to try to remove Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis. The “5-Star General” didn’t like how his ‘good friend’ former Judge Maria T. Jackson was treated back during the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary race, for Harris County Commissioner – he felt that his ‘good friend’ had been worked over with the “ABSENTEE BALLOTS” and got a raw deal.
But when you get right down to it, Gerry Wayne Monroe was born to be an activist – not a politician. And this became obvious at the ballot box, as voters repeatedly rejected his candidacy for public office. Why? Well, it takes a certain breed of a person to hold public office, and Gerry Wayne Monroe didn’t play the games that some folks play to win public office.
For the record, Gerry Wayne Monroe first ran for office back on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, when he decided to try and take out Incumbent HISD Trustee Wanda Adams, in the race for District IX. In the end, Gerry Wayne Monroe finished with 599 votes for 7.35% of the vote. Comparatively speaking, Wanda Adams, the sitting trustee at the time finished with 5,575 votes for 68.43% of the vote, and the second-place finisher was Dr. Carla Brown, who finished with 1,973 votes for 24.22% of the vote.
In his second run for public office, Gerry Wayne Monroe ran for the open HISD District IX seat that was left vacant after HISD Trustee Wanda Adams, left the school board, and ran for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2, in Harris County, Texas.
On Tuesday, November 2, 2021, in the race for HISD District IX, Gerry Wayne Monroe performed much better than he performed four years prior. He received 1,786 votes for 22.5% of the vote, to finish second behind Myrna Guidry, who received 4,813 votes, for 60.5% of the vote. And the third-place finisher was Joshua Rosales, who finished with 1,352 votes, for 17.0% of the vote.
Back on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Gerry Wayne Monroe made his debut running for office in a partisan race by running for the House District 131 seat as a Republican, in a predominantly Democratic District. He did not run a campaign against the Democratic incumbent, Alma A. Allen, but rather, used the opportunity to simply keep his mind fresh on the minds of voters.
On Tuesday, Tuesday, March 1, 2022, in the Republican Party Primary, Gerry Wayne Monroe ran unopposed and still received 1,391 votes, for 100% of the vote.
With absolutely no campaigning at all, on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election, 6,002, Republican voters cast their vote for ole “5-Star” to serve as their state Representative for House District 131, but he came up short.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

The 5-Star General Made a Special Appearance at the Thursday, January 13, 2022, HISD Board Meeting Dressed in His Costume
Make no mistake about it Harris County has earned the right to be called one of the most corrupt counties in America. And when you get right down to it, the City of Houston has also rightfully earned the "DUBIOUS DISTINCTION" of being labeled the death capital of America. And believe it, or not, things are only going to get worse going forward if something doesn't change.
The legacy of the 5-Star General, can't be erased. And nobody will ever be able to fill his shoes. In my opinion, there should be a documentary done on Gerry Wayne Monroe and his life.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "For those of you who don't know, his name is "5-Star" and according to comments made by "THE 5 STAR GENERAL" at the Thursday, January 13, 2022, (HISD) Houston Independent School Board Meeting he had already eliminated about six or seven members of HISD's personnel, leading up him making his special appearance. You can "CLICK HERE" to see why there will never be another "5-STAR GENERAL" like Gerry Wayne Monroe, and get a better understanding of his creativity, ingenuity, and sense of humor.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "According to "5 Star" he was told to deliver a message to the HISD School Board. What's his message? Well, let "5 Star" tell it, there's another federal shoe about to drop in a few weeks. 'Somebody's going to jail again," said "5 Star" as he touts the fact that he hasn't been wrong on any of his previous warnings to the school board." You can "CLICK HERE" to see why there will never be another "5-STAR GENERAL" like Gerry Wayne Monroe, and get a better understanding of his creativity, ingenuity, and sense of humor.

THE 5-STAR GENERAL: "You've got a house full of rats. You've got a house full of snakes. And I'm going to help you get rid of all of them...so go tell Rodney at Harris County and Sylvester that I'm about to mess this whole game up." You can "CLICK HERE" to see why there will never be another "5-STAR GENERAL" like Gerry Wayne Monroe, and get a better understanding of his creativity, ingenuity, and sense of humor.