HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
"The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of part of the market value of the residence homestead of a partially disabled veteran or the surviving spouse of a partially disabled veteran if the residence homestead was donated to the disabled veteran by a charitable organization for less than the market value of the residence homestead and harmonizing certain related provisions of the Texas Constitution." –
HBC MAGAZINE© NOTE: Dr. Letitia Plummer is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in the State of Texas to research
“PROPOSITION 1” and exercise your right to vote in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017, General Election. Dr. Plummer is also asking for the vote, prayers, and support of “EVERY” registered voter in Brazoria County, Fort Bend County, and Harris County who is eligible to cast a vote in the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary race for U.S. Congress, 22nd Congressional District of Texas.
Dr. Plummer is a small business owner who is fighting for Medicare for All, as well as Education, and Jobs for “EVERY” Texan. You can visit for more information.
"The constitutional amendment to establish a lower amount for expenses that can be charged to a borrower and removing certain financing expense limitations for a home equity loan, establishing certain authorized lenders to make a home equity loan, changing certain options for the refinancing of home equity loans, changing the threshold for an advance of a home equity line of credit, and allowing home equity loans on agricultural homesteads." – HBC MAGAZINE© NOTE: Dr. Letitia Plummer is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in the State of Texas to research
“PROPOSITION 2” and exercise your right to vote in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017, General Election. Dr. Plummer is also asking for the vote, prayers, and support of “EVERY” registered voter in Brazoria County, Fort Bend County, and Harris County who is eligible to cast a vote in the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary race for U.S. Congress, 22nd Congressional District of Texas.
Dr. Plummer is a small business owner who is fighting for Medicare for All, as well as Education, and Jobs for “EVERY” Texan. You can visit for more information.
"The constitutional amendment limiting the service of certain officeholders appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate after the expiration of the person's term of office." – HBC MAGAZINE© NOTE: Dr. Letitia Plummer is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in the State of Texas to research
“PROPOSITION 3” and exercise your right to vote in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017, General Election. Dr. Plummer is also asking for the vote, prayers, and support of “EVERY” registered voter in Brazoria County, Fort Bend County, and Harris County who is eligible to cast a vote in the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary race for U.S. Congress, 22nd Congressional District of Texas.
Dr. Plummer is a small business owner who is fighting for Medicare for All, as well as Education, and Jobs for “EVERY” Texan. You can visit for more information.
"The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to require a court to provide notice to the attorney general of a challenge to the constitutionality of a state statute and authorizing the legislature to prescribe a waiting period before the court may enter a judgment holding the statute unconstitutional." – HBC MAGAZINE© NOTE: Dr. Letitia Plummer is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in the State of Texas to research
“PROPOSITION 4” and exercise your right to vote in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017, General Election. Dr. Plummer is also asking for the vote, prayers, and support of “EVERY” registered voter in Brazoria County, Fort Bend County, and Harris County who is eligible to cast a vote in the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary race for U.S. Congress, 22nd Congressional District of Texas.
Dr. Plummer is a small business owner who is fighting for Medicare for All, as well as Education, and Jobs for “EVERY” Texan. You can visit for more information.
"The constitutional amendment on professional sports team charitable foundations conducting charitable raffles." – HBC MAGAZINE© NOTE: Dr. Letitia Plummer is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in the State of Texas to research
“PROPOSITION 5” and exercise your right to vote in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017, General Election. Dr. Plummer is also asking for the vote, prayers, and support of “EVERY” registered voter in Brazoria County, Fort Bend County, and Harris County who is eligible to cast a vote in the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary race for U.S. Congress, 22nd Congressional District of Texas.
Dr. Plummer is a small business owner who is fighting for Medicare for All, as well as Education, and Jobs for “EVERY” Texan. You can visit for more information.
"The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty." – HBC MAGAZINE© NOTE: Dr. Letitia Plummer is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in the State of Texas to research
“PROPOSITION 6” and exercise your right to vote in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017, General Election. Dr. Plummer is also asking for the vote, prayers, and support of “EVERY” registered voter in Brazoria County, Fort Bend County, and Harris County who is eligible to cast a vote in the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary race for U.S. Congress, 22nd Congressional District of Texas.
Dr. Plummer is a small business owner who is fighting for Medicare for All, as well as Education, and Jobs for “EVERY” Texan. You can visit for more information.
"The constitutional amendment relating to legislative authority to permit credit unions and other financial institutions to award prizes by lot to promote savings." – HBC MAGAZINE© NOTE: Dr. Letitia Plummer is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in the State of Texas to research
“PROPOSITION 7” and exercise your right to vote in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017, General Election. Dr. Plummer is also asking for the vote, prayers, and support of “EVERY” registered voter in Brazoria County, Fort Bend County, and Harris County who is eligible to cast a vote in the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary race for U.S. Congress, 22nd Congressional District of Texas.
Dr. Plummer is a small business owner who is fighting for Medicare for All, as well as Education, and Jobs for “EVERY” Texan. You can visit for more information.
City of Houston, Bond Election
City of Houston, PROPOSITION A
The issuance of $1,010,000,000 pension obligation bonds for the purpose of funding a portion of the unfunded liability of the City with respect to the Houston Police Officers' Pension System and the Houston Municipal Employees Pension System as contemplated by the pension reform plan contained in Senate Bill 2190 (adopted in the 85th (2017) Texas Legislature, Regular Session), and the levying of taxes sufficient for the payment thereof and interest thereon. SPECIAL NOTE:
Houston Business Connections Magazine© is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in the city of Houston to do your research and make an informed voting decision on
“PROPOSITION A” prior to the start of early voting (which begins on Monday, October 23, 2017) for the Tuesday, November 7, 2017 General Election.
City of Houston, PROPOSITION B
The issuance of $159,000,000 public safety improvement bonds for the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation and equipment of public safety permanent improvements for the police and fire departments and the levying of taxes sufficient for the payment thereof and interest thereon. SPECIAL NOTE:
Houston Business Connections Magazine© is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in the city of Houston to do your research and make an informed voting decision on
“PROPOSITION B” prior to the start of early voting (which begins on Monday, October 23, 2017) for the Tuesday, November 7, 2017 General Election.
City of Houston, PROPOSITION C
The issuance of $104,000,000 park improvement bonds for the conservation, improvement, acquisition, construction and equipment of neighborhood parks, recreational facilities and bayous, including such green spaces along all bayous to create an integrated system of bayou walking, running and bicycle trails to enhance, preserve and protect the health of citizens, water quality, natural habitat and native wildlife and the levying of taxes sufficient for the payment thereof and interest thereon. SPECIAL NOTE:
Houston Business Connections Magazine© is encouraging “ALL”registered voters in the city of Houston to do your research and make an informed voting decision on
“PROPOSITION C” prior to the start of early voting (which begins on Monday, October 23, 2017) for the Tuesday, November 7, 2017 General Election.
City of Houston, PROPOSITION D
The issuance of $109,000,000 public facility improvement bonds for the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, remediation and equipment of permanent improvements that support public health and wellness, sanitation and other essential governmental and general services of the City and the levying of taxes sufficient for the payment thereof and interest thereon. SPECIAL NOTE:
Houston Business Connections Magazine© is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in the city of Houston to do your research and make an informed voting decision on
“PROPOSITION D” prior to the start of early voting (which begins on Monday, October 23, 2017) for the Tuesday, November 7, 2017 General Election.
City of Houston, PROPOSITION E
The issuance of $123,000,000 library improvement bonds for the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation and equipment of the public library system and the levying of taxes sufficient for the payment thereof and interest thereon. SPECIAL NOTE:
Houston Business Connections Magazine© is encouraging “ALL”registered voters in the city of Houston to do your research and make an informed voting decision on
“PROPOSITION E” prior to the start of early voting (which begins on Monday, October 23, 2017) for the Tuesday, November 7, 2017 General Election.
City of Houston, PROPOSITION F
(Relating to the area formerly known as the City of Houston Heights as it existed on February 19, 1918.) The legal sale of mixed beverages. SPECIAL NOTE:
Houston Business Connections Magazine© is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in the city of Houston to do your research and make an informed voting decision on
“PROPOSITION F” prior to the start of early voting (which begins on Monday, October 23, 2017) for the Tuesday, November 7, 2017 General Election.
City of Missouri City General and Special Election Recommendations from Mayor Allen Owen

Mayor Allen Owen is Missouri City's 10th mayor since Missouri City’s incorporation back in 1956. He and his family have lived in Missouri City for more than 36 years. Mayor Owen continues to dedicate much of his time and expertise towards the development of a community where he and his wife of 46 years, Jane, raised their three children. In case you don’t know, Mayor Allen Owen was first elected mayor of Missouri City back on Saturday, May 7, 1994. Prior to that time he was a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission for five years and a City Council member for eight years, including serving as mayor pro-tem. Mayor Allen Owen earned degrees from Southern Methodist University's Graduate School of Finance and Banking and from Stephen F. Austin State University.
Community Involvement
From the beginning of Mayor Owen's association with Missouri City, he has been highly visible in the community that now has grown to well over 68,000 residents and numerous businesses. He continues to play a major role in building a strong economy evidenced by Missouri City's attraction of quality residential and commercial development.
Mayor Owen combines his position as retired senior vice president and Texas government liaison for Wells Fargo Bank of Texas with assuring he is available to hear and work with the City's residents on their needs. He actively participates in numerous community activities, including tireless volunteer hours with the YMCA, United Way, March of Dimes, and many other organizations.
Additional Service
Mayor Owen serves on the boards of the Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce, Fort Bend Women's Center, Fort Bend Literacy Council, and the Fort Bend Community Justice Council. He is also a lifetime vice president and director of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, a lifetime member of the Fort Bend Fair, past president of the Texas 4H Foundation, and president of the Asian American Family Services Center.

Mayor Allen Owen is not endorsing either candidate in the race for Missouri City Council, District A in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017, General Election.
Councilmember Yolanda Ford is being challenged by Sonja Giddings in the race for Missouri City Council, District A. Councilmember Ford has been a resident of Missouri City for more than 35 years. She has a passion for public service, community development, design, and entrepreneurship. Professionally, Councilmember Yolanda Ford’s background is in urban planning, architecture, community development and government contract management. She currently holds a Masters of Architecture (M. Arch) from Prairie View A & M University and a Bachelor of Science (B.S) from the University of Houston.
HER CHALLENGER: In case you don’t know,
Sonja Giddings has been a resident of Missouri City for over 12 years. She’s a graduate of Grambling State University. Ms. Giddings is a member of Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church, Grambling State University National Alumni Association, DLW Chapter of Grambling State Alumni Chapter -- Houston, Texas, American Federation of Teachers, Former Board Member of The People’s Family Workshop of the Arts and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. Back on Saturday, May 7, 2016, Sonja Giddings ran for Fort Bend Independent School District Trustee for Position 7 under the name (Sonja Nelson Leonard) and finished last in a field of five candidates.
City of Missouri City, CHARTER PROPOSITION A
Shall Section 3.05 of Article III of the Charter of the City of Missouri City be amended to clarify that the mayor pro tem of the city council may be elected at the first regular city council meeting following a runoff election? MAYOR ALLEN OWEN is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in Missouri City, Texas to vote “
YES” on
CHARTER PROPOSITION A in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017 General Election. Mayor Owen told
Houston Business Connections Magazine© recently that CHARTER PROPOSITION A needs to be approved because of the possibility of run-offs.
City of Missouri City, CHARTER PROPOSITION B
Shall Subsection 4.01.A of Article IV of the Charter of the City of Missouri City be amended to remove the requirement that the city manager must be bonded at city expense in an amount not less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000)? MAYOR ALLEN OWEN is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in Missouri City, Texas to vote
“YES” on
CHARTER PROPOSITION B in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017, General Election. Mayor Owen told
Houston Business Connections Magazine© recently that
CHARTER PROPOSITION B needs to be approved because the city of Missouri City already has an “Umbrella Policy” that addresses this concern.
City of Missouri City, CHARTER PROPOSITION C
Shall Subsections 4.01.D and 4.01.F of Article IV of the Charter of the City of Missouri City be amended to provide that the city manager may appoint, suspend, and remove department directors and assistant city managers without the concurrence of the city council? MAYOR ALLEN OWEN is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in Missouri City, Texas to vote
“YES” on
CHARTER PROPOSITION C in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017, General Election. Mayor Owen told
Houston Business Connections Magazine© recently that
CHARTER PROPOSITION C needs to be approved because the City Manager should have this right. According to Mayor Owen, the City Manager should be able to simply present these actions to City Council in the form of information.
City of Missouri City, CHARTER PROPOSITION D
Shall Section 4.05 of Article IV of the Charter of the City of Missouri City be amended to allow the city manager to establish, combine, discontinue, redesignate, or combine city departments? MAYOR ALLEN OWEN is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in Missouri City, Texas to vote “YES” on CHARTER PROPOSITION D in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017, General Election. Mayor Owen told
Houston Business Connections Magazine© recently that CHARTER PROPOSITION D needs to be approved because, along with other duties the City Manager should be afforded the opportunity to establish, combine, discontinue, redesignate or combine city departments.
City of Missouri City, CHARTER PROPOSITION E
Shall Sections 6.01 and 6.02 of Article VI of the Charter of the City of Missouri City be amended to make the Charter consistent with City of Missouri City Resolution No. R-16-32, adopted on October 17, 2016, changing the City's election date from May to November? MAYOR ALLEN OWEN voted against this measure when it was initially brought before Missouri City Council. He recently told
Houston Business Connections Magazine© that he voted against this because all the other cities, school districts, and municipal utility districts “ALL” have their election in May and that he believes people should be able to vote on Missouri City issues without having to read through a lengthy ballot where Missouri City, Texas is at the bottom of the said ballot. So, Mayor Allen Owen is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in Missouri City to vote
“NO” on
CHARTER PROPOSITION E in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017, General Election.
City of Missouri City, CHARTER PROPOSITION F
Shall Section 7.01 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Missouri City be amended to change the name of the city's finance department to the "financial services department?" MAYOR ALLEN OWEN is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in Missouri City, Texas to vote
“YES” on
CHARTER PROPOSITION F in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017 General Election. Mayor Owen told
Houston Business Connections Magazine© recently that
CHARTER PROPOSITION F is simply a name change to reflect the duties of that particular position consistent with other cities titles.
City of Missouri City, CHARTER PROPOSITION G
Shall Sections 9.01 and 9.03 of Article IX of the Charter of the City of Missouri City be amended to change the City of Missouri City's fiscal year from July 1 through June 30 to October 1 through September 30? MAYOR ALLEN OWEN is encouraging “ALL” registered voters in Missouri City, Texas to vote
“YES” on
CHARTER PROPOSITION G in the Tuesday, November 7, 2017 General Election. Mayor Owen told
Houston Business Connections Magazine© recently that
CHARTER PROPOSITION G will help Missouri City’s governing body to plan better for the budget if they’re afforded the opportunity to see what the CAD revenues are going to be (early on) rather than having to play the guessing game. According to Mayor Owen, Tax rolls aren’t actually available for review until later in the year, after the “ORIGINAL FISCAL” year.
Houston Community College System, Board of Trustees Candidates for the Tuesday, November 7, 2017 General Election
HCCS, Trustee, District IV
Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, the H
CCS Trustee for District IV is being challenged by
Manny Barrera and
Daniel "DC" Caldwell, on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. The early voting period will begin on Monday, October 23, 2017 and end on Friday, November 3, 2017.
Houston Business Connections Magazine© will not be making an endorsement in this race.
HCCS, Trustee, District V
Robert Glaser, (right) the
HCCS Trustee for District V is being challenged by
Victoria Bryant (left) on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. The early voting period will begin on Monday, October 23, 2017, and end on Friday, November 3, 2017.
Houston Business Connections Magazine© will not be making an endorsement in this race.

HCCS, Trustee, District IX
Eugene "Gene" Pack, (right)
David Jaroszewski and
Pretta VanDible Stallworth (left) are the candidates running
HCCS Trustee for District IX on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. The early voting period will begin on Monday, October 23, 2017 and end on Friday, November 3, 2017.
Houston Business Connections Magazine© will not be making an endorsement in this race. The HCCS District IX seat was held by Christopher W. Oliver who will not be running for re-election.
Houston Independent School District, Trustee and Special Election Candidates for the Tuesday, November 7, 2017 General Election

Houston ISD, Trustee, District I
Monica Flores Richart, (left)
Elizabeth Santos, and
Gretchen Himsl are the candidates running for
HISD Trustee for District I on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. The early voting period will begin on Monday, October 23, 2017 and end on Friday, November 3, 2017.
Houston Business Connections Magazine© will not be making an endorsement in this race. The HISD District I seat is currently held by Anna Eastman who will not be running for re-election.

Houston ISD, Trustee, District III - Unexpired Term
Carlos Perrett, (left)
Sergio Lira, (middle)
Rodolfo (Rudy) Reyes and
Jesse A. Rodriguez (right) are the candidates running for
HISD Trustee for District III on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. The early voting period will begin on Monday, October 23, 2017, and end on Friday, November 3, 2017.
Houston Business Connections Magazine© will not be making an endorsement in this race. – HBC MAGAZINE© NOTE: José Leal was appointed to the Board of Education in August 2017 by unanimous vote of HISD trustees. He is serving a portion of the unexpired term of District III representative, a position left vacant by the passing of Trustee Manuel Rodriguez Jr. José Leal’s term expires in January 2018. However, he isn't on the Tuesday, November 7, 2017, ballot.

Houston ISD, Trustee, District V
Susan Shafer, (left)
Sue Deigaard, Kara DeRocha, and
Sean Cheben are the candidates running for
HISD Trustee for District V on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. The early voting period will begin on Monday, October 23, 2017, and end on Friday, November 3, 2017.
Houston Business Connections Magazine© will not be making an endorsement in this race. The HISD District V seat is currently held by Michael Lunceford who will not be running for re-election.

Houston ISD, Trustee, District VI
Daniel Albert, (left)
Robert Lundin, and
Holly Flynn Vilaseca are the candidates running for
HISD Trustee for District VI on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. The early voting period will begin on Monday, October 23, 2017 and end on Friday, November 3, 2017.
Houston Business Connections Magazine© will not be making an endorsement in this race. Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca was appointed to the Board of Education in January 2017, by unanimous vote of the trustees, to serve the unexpired trustee term representing District VI. Her goal is to ensure that students have access to rich, engaging, and personalized learning experiences that equip them with the skills to succeed in their chosen career after high school. Throughout her career, she has worked to close the achievement gap.

Houston ISD, Trustee, District VII
Anne Katherine Sung, (left) the
HISD Trustee for District VII is being challenged by
John Luman on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. The early voting period will begin on Monday, October 23, 2017, and end on Friday, November 3, 2017.
Houston Business Connections Magazine© will not be making an endorsement in this race. Anne Sung was elected to the Board of Education in 2016. She is committed to pursuing equitable policies and programs that build strong schools in every neighborhood. She intends to focus more attention on fiscal responsibility to ensure that district dollars are managed to the greatest benefit for students’ academic success according to HISD’s website.

Houston ISD, Trustee, District IX
Wanda Adams, (left) the
HISD Trustee for District IX is being challenged by
Karla Brown and
Gerry W. Monroe on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. The early voting period will begin on Monday, October 23, 2017 and end on Friday, November 3, 2017.
Houston Business Connections Magazine© will not be making an endorsement in this race. Wanda Adams was elected to the HISD Board of Education in 2013 after serving the limit of three two-year terms as Houston City Councilmember for District D. In addition to representing HISD District IX, Adams also currently serves as Board of Education President. Her commitment is to continue to incorporate strong literacy programs, strengthen parent and community engagement, and decrease the number of low-performing schools in HISD according to HISD’s website.

Houston Business Connections Magazine© “POWER RANKINGS” is published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. Aubrey R. Taylor is the publisher/CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications and has more than 26-years of experience in marketing branding, public relations and political consulting. He’s publicly promoted Republican and Democratic candidates in statewide elections and in local municipalities throughout the State of Texas. He’s also publicly promoted (through his publications) such corporations and institutions as: Shell Oil, The City of Houston, Texas Southern University, Prairie View A&M University, Chevron, Waste Management, Nationwide Insurance, Momentum Jaguar/BMW, State Farm Insurance, and Allstate Insurance to name a few.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033