Showing posts with label Donald Trump Executive Order. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump Executive Order. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Ben Hall Law Firm Bravely Celebrates Judge Erica Hughes With a Fundraiser; Trump Recognizes Black History Month

President Donald Trump Donald Trump's sweeping executive orders aimed at downplaying the celebration of the MLK Holiday, Black History Month, and Juneteenth did not strike fear into the heart of high-profile Dr. Benjamin Hall, III, in any way, shape, or form. On Tuesday, February 4, 2025, high-profile attorney Dr. Benjamin L. Hall III, a Harvard-trained lawyer with over 30+ years of experience and verdicts totaling over $300,000,000, will honor Judge Erica Hughes with a special fundraiser at his law practice during the first week of Black History Month which will last through Saturday, March 1, 2025. Judge Erica Hughes is one of many “TRAILBLAZING” African American women who will be featured by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications during Black History Month.

Judge Erica Hughes, the newly elected presiding judge for the 151st Criminal District Court, has endured a lot to make it to this point in her life. She endured being called unqualified, an animal, and a person exhibiting predatorial behavior but found a way to overcome every obstacle placed before her. On Tuesday, February 4, 2025, high-profile attorney Dr. Benjamin L. Hall III, a Harvard-trained lawyer with over 30+ years of experience and verdicts totaling over $300,000,000, will honor Judge Erica Hughes with a special fundraiser at his law practice. Judge Erica Hughes is one of many “TRAILBLAZING” African American women who will be featured by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications during Black History Month.

Judge Erica Hughes didn't waste any time getting started. "We had an incredible first month! From completing training to successfully handling our first jury trial and officiating a beautiful wedding for a lovely couple, we are off to a strong start. Our focus remains on efficiency and exceptional service. We welcome all to the 151st," said Judge Erica Hughes, the presiding judge for the 151st Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas.


Attorney Benjamin Hall, III, a Harvard Law School graduate who holds a Ph.D. degree from Duke University, is celebrating Judge Eric Hughes at 530 Lovett Blvd, Houston, TX 77006. Judge Hughes is a "MODERN-DAY TRAILBLAZER" and a distinguished Harris County, Texas judiciary member. For more information on attorney Ben Hall, please call (713) 942-9600 today!

I’m Aubrey R. Taylor, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, one of Texas's most formidable politically-focused publications. With the help of my chief investigator, Charles Marler, a former FBI Investigative Specialist, my investigative team is second to none. NOTE: My thoughts, opinions, and reports are published under my First Amendment-protected rights afforded to me under the “FREEDOM OF SPEECH” and “FREEDOM OF THE PRESS” clauses in the U.S. Constitution.

The Ben Hall Law Firm Bravely Celebrates Judge Erica Hughes With a Fundraiser; Trump Recognizes Black History Month


It’s impossible to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” without recognizing African Americans’ contributions to shaping our great nation. Anyone who believes that the contributions “MY ANCESTORS” have made to America’s history can be erased with the stroke of a pen is stone-cold looney. Sure, “the pen is mightier than the sword,” as first stated by Edward Bulwer-Linton in 1839, but the pen isn’t that powerful.

What African Americans need to be paying close attention to isn’t what Republicans and President Donald Trump are doing. Blacks should pay close attention to whether their friends from other ethnic groups are continuing to celebrate MLK Day, Black History Month, and Juneteenth along with us and then act accordingly.

“We remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends,” stated famed civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and more valid words have never been spoken.

There’s absolutely nothing stopping our fellow Americans who value our contributions from celebrating and financially supporting MLK Day, Black History Month, and Juneteenth events other than the fact that they never wanted to lend their financial resources to support these holidays in the first place – that’s a fact.


I don’t know about you, but I am confused as hell. And many other Americans are just as confused as I am as Black History Month begins.

Is President Donald J. Trump barring Black History Month or not? Yesterday, President Trump issued a proclamation recognizing February as Black History Month. However, at the same time he was issuing his proclamation recognizing “BLACK HISTORY MONTH,” the Department of Defense was busy issuing guidance declaring “Identity months dead.” What’s going on in Washington, D.C. these days?

According to published reports, The proclamation issued by President Trump calls for “public officials, educators, librarians, and all the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.” But what does that mean?

To make matters even more confusing, President Donald J. Trump now claims that he is “honored” to recognize February as Black History Month and that “black Americans have been among our country’s most consequential leaders,” and he’s correct.

President Trump stated, “American heroes such as Frederick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, Thomas Sowell, Justice Clarence Thomas, and countless others represent what is best in America and her citizens,” that’s true.

It’s vitally important to recognize our ancestry and heritage, but Trump’s position on “BLACK PEOPLE” and our value to America is unclear. Does he value or not the 21% of Black males who voted for him in the 2024 Presidential Election?

I understand the fact that President Trump needs to cater to the MAGA “Make America Great Again” voters who supported him. Still, he also received significant support from many Latinos and African Americans that he’s promised never to forget.

“To the Black and Hispanic communities, I want to thank you for the tremendous outpouring of love and trust that you have shown me with your vote,” stated Trump during his inaugural address on MLK Day, Monday, January 20, 2025.

President Trump is a man of his word – right? He stated, “We set records, and I will not forget it. I’ve heard your voices in the campaign, and I look forward to working with you in the years to come,” that’s what he said, but that wasn’t all.

He explained, “Today is Martin Luther King Day. And his honor – this will be a great honor. But in his honor, we will strive together to make his dream a reality. We will make his dream come true.”

The jury is still out on whether President Trump meant the words he espoused out of his mouth at his inauguration. Still, my commitment to recognizing “TRAILBLAZERS” during Black History Month has not and will never change.


Many Americans are questioning whether or not they can celebrate “BLACK HISTORY MONTH,” which will last from Saturday, February 1, 2025, through Saturday, March 1, 2025. However, one local high-profile attorney, Dr. Benjamin L. Hall III, a Harvard-trained lawyer with over 30+ years of experience and verdicts totaling over $300,000,000, isn’t afraid, isn’t scared to honor current “TRAILBLAZING” African American women during Black History Month.

Did I mention that Attorney Ben Hall has a dual-board certification from the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Civil Trial and Personal Injury law? Did you know that only 1% of attorneys have achieved this accomplishment?


On Tuesday, February 4, 2025, from 5:30 p.m. through 7:30 p.m., Attorney Ben Hall will be hosting a “BIRTHDAY FUNDRAISER” for the Honorable Judge Erica Hughes, the newly elected and installed presiding judge for the 151st Civil District Court, in Harris County, Texas.

The Hall Law Firm’s featured “BIRTHDAY FUNDRAISER” for Judge Hughes should serve as a signal that it is okay to honor and recognize past and present “AFRICAN AMERICAN TRAILBLAZERS” during Black History Month in Harris County, Texas.

Any attorneys who wish to show Judge Erica Hughes some love can make contributions of $5,000.00 as a champion, $2,500.00 as a host, $1,000.00 as a patron, and $500.00 as a friend by going to her website or at the celebration.

The Law office of Ben Hall is located at 530 Lovett Boulevard, in Houston, Texas 77006, which is near Montrose.


The honorable Judge Erica Hughes fought through being called an animal, unqualified, and other insults accusing her of exhibiting predatory behavior to emerge a winner.

If you remember, the 180th Civil District Court bench was held by Judge Mike Engelhart (Democrat) until Erica Hughes ran against him on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, and defeated him by 33,504 in the 2024 Democratic Party Primary.

Comparatively speaking, Erica Hughes received 93,468 votes, 60.92%, and Mike Engelhart received 59,964 votes, 39.08%. Republicans gave Mike Engelhart cover by not challenging his bench and, in the end, allowed Erica Hughes to enjoy a strait pathway to victory unopposed after she dispatched Engelhart on Super Tuesday in the 2024 Democrat Party primary.


Current and past African American judges have endured discrimination and systematic racism in Harris County, Texas – this is a fact. Over the last two election cycles, a very blatant pattern of systematic targeting of “BLACK JUDGES” has become evident.

Official canvass reports reveal that names of “BLACK JUDGES” and judicial candidates are starting to get used as identifiable characteristics as part of a “RACIST SCHEME” to purge anyone with an ethnic-sounding name from local judicial benches in Harris County, Texas.

This “RACIST SCHEME” has disproportionately impacted “BLACK JUDICIAL NOMINEES,” with ethnic-sounding names running as Democrats more than any other ethnic, and it must not be allowed to continue.

Why am I addressing this issue and tackling it head-on? Well, because local Black elected leaders, except for State Rep. Jolanda Jones (HD-147), are too cowardly to step up and address the issue, which has become a serious problem that has the potential to get very ugly heading into the 2026 Midterm Election cycle.

What am I talking about?

As of today, Saturday, February 1, 2024, there are (26) twenty-six African American judges up for re-election in the “2026 DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRIMARY” election scheduled for next year. Of the (26) twenty-six incumbent Democrat Judges, (24) twenty-four are Black females, (2) and two are Black males (Judge DaSean Jones), and (Judge Sedrick T. Walker), are the only two Black male incumbents, which is part of the problem.

We are asking African American females to carry the entire load of the “BLACK COMMUNITY,” which is unfair to them. Sure, they’re strong! Sure, they’re mighty! But God made us male and female for a reason.

Lieutenant Colonel Judge DaSean Jones commands a different level of respect when he walks into a room. Why? Well, he’s not afraid to die for what he believes in, and therefore, he’s not afraid to stand up to racist people like Mike Doyle, who currently serves as the chairman and treasurer of the Harris County Democratic Party.

Why am I calling Mike Doyle a racist? I’m calling this boy a racist because I can!!!

I’m not afraid of Mike Doyle or any of the other (DINOs) “Democrats in Name Only” or (RINOs) “Republicans in Name Only,” who have conjured up this “RACIST SCHEME” by their overt or covert acts.


President Donald Trump is sending a bunch of mixed signals right now. On the one hand, he’s telling government departments not to discontinue Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Still, he turns around and issues a proclamation stating, “Public officials, educators, librarians, and all the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.”

I don’t know what our president is up to. However, I am thankful that The Ben Hall Law Firm dared to step up and honor Judge Erica Hughes, a true “AMERICAN TRAILBLAZER” that every American should be proud of and celebrate during this pivotal moment in American history.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Lieutenant Colonel DaSean Jones has TWO BRONZE STAR MEDALS, a Combat Action Badge, a Meritorious Service Medal, a Global War on Terrorism, a Global War Expeditionary, an Army Commendation Medal (3OLC), Army Achievement Medal (10LC), an Overseas Ribbon, Korea Defense Service Medal, Overseas Training Ribbon, a National Defense Service Ribbon, and a Parachute Badge to his credit. SPECIAL NOTE: The appearance of Judge DaSean Jones in his military uniform and U.S. Department of Defense visual information does not imply or constitute DOD endorsement.

Tami C. Pierce (left) and her wife/husband, Dr. Stephanie L. Gross-Pierce, have a loving marital relationship that they've shared for more than 22 years. For the most part, before Tami C. Pierce threw her hat into the political ring, she and her wife Stephanie lived a quiet, peaceful life, staying to themselves and out of politics. However, today, a small group of (DINOs), "Democrats in Name Only," and (RINOs), "Republicans in Name Only," have allied themselves together and embraced Tami C. Pierce's campaign for the 180th Criminal District Court as part of a grander scheme to purge "BLACK JUDGES" from local judicial benches in Harris County, Texas. Kay Shepard, who is suspected of being a closet member of the "LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY," is acting as the 'attack dog' for Mike Doyle, the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party, who also favors "LGBTQ+ WOMEN AND MEN," over "HETEROSEXUAL MEN AND WOMEN," as proven by his recent actions. It appears that Kay Shepard, in her twisted mind and vexed spirit, believes that she is helping her fellow "LGBTQ+ SISTERS"  and a more significant cause by working to defeat Lieutenant Colonel Judge DaSean Jones. By definition, a heterosexual person is someone who is exclusively sexually or romantically attracted to someone of the opposite sex; after having her sexual advances allegedly rebuffed by State Rep. Shawn Thierry at an event, Kay Shepard began to attack her (State Rep. Thierry) profusely and oppose her politically as well.

General Merrick Garland chose Judge Erica Hughes to serve as an Immigration Judge, where she will preside over cases beginning in January 2022. In addition to this new role, Judge Erica Hughes has been an esteemed member of the U.S. Army National Guard of Texas in Austin since 2016, serving as a Judge Advocate. On January 1, 2025, Judge Erica Hughes, after being called an animal by an "LGBTQ ATTORNEY." named Ben L. Aderholt and unqualified by fellow judges from within her own party, will take the bench as the presiding judge for the 151st Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Erica Hughes is pictured above with State Rep. Jolanda Jones (HD-147) and Judge DaSean Jones, the presiding judge for the 180th Criminal District Court.


There are 24 Civil District Court benches in Harris County, Texas, and heading into the upcoming 2026 Midterm Elections, African American Democrat judges will occupy 8 (on Wednesday, January 1, 2025).

55th - Judge Latosha Lewis Payne
151st - Judge Erica Hughes
152nd - Judge-Elect TaKasha Francis
164th Juddge Cheryl Elliott Thornton
189th - Judge Tamika Craft
270th - Judge Dedra Davis
333rd - Judge Tracy D. Good
334th - Judge Dawn Rogers


There are 23 Criminal District Court benches in Harris County, Texas, and heading into the upcoming 2026 Midterm Elections, African American Democrat judges (on Wednesday, January 1, 2025) will occupy 10 of them.

174th - Judge Hazel B. Jones
176th - Jones Nikita V. Harmon
180th - Judge DaSean Jones
184th - Judge Katherine N. Thomas
208th - Judge Beverly Armstrong
262nd - Judge Lori Chambers Gray
263rd - Judge Melissa M. Morris
339th - Judge Te'iva J. Bell
482 - Judge Veronica M. Nelson
487th - Judge Stacy Allen Barrow


There are 11 Family District Court benches in Harris County, Texas, and heading into the upcoming 2026 Midterm Elections, African American Democrat judges will occupy 7 (on Wednesday, January 1, 2025).

245th - Judge Angela M. Lancelin
246th - Judge Angela Graves-Harrington
257th - Judge Sandra Peake
280th - Judge Damieane "Dianne" Curvey
309th - Linda Marie Dunson
311th - Judge Germaine "Ja'net" Tanner
507th - Judge Lillian Henny Alexander


There are only three Juvenile District Court benches in Harris County, Texas, and heading into the upcoming 2026 Midterm Elections, African American Democrat judges will occupy one (on Wednesday, January 1, 2025).

314th - Judge Michelle Moore


There are only four County Civil Court at Law benches in Harris County, Texas, and heading into the upcoming 2026 Midterm Elections, African American Democrat judges will occupy two (on Wednesday, January 1, 2025).

No. 1 - Judge Audrie Lawton-Evans
No. 3 - Judge LaShawn A. Williams


There are only 16 County Criminal Court Law benches in Harris County, Texas, and heading into the upcoming 2026 Midterm Elections, African American Democrat judges will occupy 6 (on Wednesday, January 1, 2025).

No. 4 - Judge Shannon Baldwin
No. 9 - Judge Toria J. Finch
No. 10 - Judge Juanita A. Jackson
No. 11 - Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II
No. 12 - Judge Genesis Draper
No. 15 - Judge Tonya Jones


There are only four Probate Courts in Harris County, Texas, and heading into the upcoming 2026 Midterm Elections, African American Democrat judges will occupy one (on Wednesday, January 1, 2025).

No. 5 - Judge-Elect Fran Watson


There are only 16 Justice of the Peace Courts in Harris County, Texas, and heading into the upcoming 2026 Midterm Elections, African American Democrat judges will occupy four (on Wednesday, January 1, 2025).

3.1 - Judge Joe Stephens
3.2 - Judge Lucia Bates
7.1 - Judge Wanda Adams
7.2 - Judge Sharon Burney

Below are the photos and courts held by African American Democratic incumbents in Harris County, Texas, which will be relevant in the 2026 midterms.

Judge Lashawn Williams, Judge Angela Graves Harrington, Judge Shannon Baldwin, Judge Tonya Jones, and Judge Toria J. Finch will be in the fight of their political lives as Democrats are already contemplating challenging the (26) twenty-six "AFRICAN AMERICAN JUDGES" who are up for re-election in the upcoming 2026 Midterm Election for Harris County, Texas. However, I'm not sure why so many potential candidates are seeking to run against the (26) twenty-six African American incumbent judges when there will be (68) sixty-eight local benches up for grabs in the 2026 Midterm Election in Harris County, Texas.

There are (68) Sixty-Eight Local Benches to Choose From in the 2026 Midterms

55th Civil District Court
Judge Latosha Lewis Payne (DEM)

113th Civil District Court
Judge Rabeea Collier (DEM)

157th Civil District Court
Judge Tanya Garrison (DEM)

180th Criminal District Court
Judge DaSean Jones (DEM)

182nd Criminal District Court
Judge Danilo "Danny" Lacayo (DEM)

183rd Criminal District Court
Kristin M. Guiney (REP)

Judge Kristin M. Guiney ran for the 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 8, and defeated Judge Richard Hightower and, therefore, will not be on the 2026 Midterm Election ballot.

184th Criminal District Court
Judge Katherine "Kat" Thomas (DEM)

185th Criminal District Court
Judge Andrea Beall (DEM)

189th Civil District Court
Tamika Craft-Demming (DEM)

190th Civil District Court
Judge Beau Miller (DEM)

208th Criminal District Court
Judge Beverly Armstrong (DEM)

209th Criminal District Court 
Judge Brian E. Warren (DEM)

228th Criminal District Court
(Deceased) Judge Frank Aguilar (DEM)

230th Criminal District Court
Judge Chris Morton (DEM)

232nd Criminal District Court
Judge Josh Hill (Dem)

234th Civil District Court
Judge Lauren Reeder (DEM)

248th Criminal District Court
Judge Hilary Unger (DEM)

262nd Criminal District Court
Judge Lori Chambers Gray (DEM)

263rd Criminal District Court
Judge Melissa Marie Morris (DEM)

269th Civil District Court
Judge Cory Don Sepolio (DEM)

270th Civil District Court
Judge Dedra Davis (DEM)

281st Civil District Court
Judge Christine Weems (DEM

295th Civil District Court
Judge Donna Roth (DEM)

482nd Criminal District Court
Judge Veronica M. Nelson (DEM)

246th Family District Court
Judge Angela Graves Harrington (DEM)

247th Family District Court
Judge Janice Berg (DEM)

257th Family District Court
Judge Sandra Peake (DEM)

280th Family Protective Court
Judge Damiene Dianne Curvey (DEM)

308th Family District Court
Judge Gloria Lopez (DEM)

309th Family District Court
Judge Linda Marie Dunson (DEM)

310th Family District Court
Judge Sonya Leah Heath (DEM)

311th Family District Court
Judge Germaine Ja'net Tanner (DEM)

312th Family District Court
Judge Teresa J. Waldrop (DEM)

313th Juvenile District Court
Judge Natalia Cokinos Oakes (DEM)

314th Juvenile District Court
Judge Michelle Moore (DEM)

315th Juvenile District Court
Judge Leah Shapiro (DEM)

Harris County Judge
County Judge Lina Hidalgo (DEM)

County Civil Court at Law No. 1
Judge Audrie Lawton Evans (DEM)

County Civil Court at Law No. 2
Judge Jim F. Kovach (DEM)

County Civil Court at Law No. 3
Judge LaShawn A. Williams (DEM)

County Civil Court at Law No. 4
Judge M.K. Monica Singh (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 1
Judge Alex Salgado (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 2
Judge Paula Goodhart (REP)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 3
Judge Leslie Johnson (REP)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 4
Judge Shannon Baldwin (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 5
Judge David Marcel Fleischer (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 6
Judge Kelly Andrews (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 7
Judge Andrew A. Wright (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 8
Judge Erika Ramirez (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 9
Judge Toria J. Finch (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 10
Judge Juanita Jackson (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 11
Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 12
Judge Genesis E. Draper (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 13
Judge Raul Rodriguez (DEM)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 14
Judge Jessica N. Padilla (REP)

County Criminal Court at Law No. 15
Judge Tonya Jones (DEM)

County Probate Court No. 1
Judge Jerry Simoneaux (DEM)

County Probate Court No. 2
Judge Pamela Medina (DEM)

County Probate Court No. 3
Judge Jason Cox (DEM)

County Probate Court No. 4
Judge James Horwitz (DEM)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1, Place 2
Judge Steve Duble (DEM)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 2
Judge Delores Lozano (DEM)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3, Place 2
Judge Lucia Bates (DEM)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Place 2
Judge Laryssa Korduba (REP)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 2
Judge Bob Wolfe (REP)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 6, Place 2
Judge Angela D. Rodriguez (DEM)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 7, Place 2
Judge Sharon M. Burney (DEM)

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 8, Place 2
Judge Louie Ditta (REP)


Judge Latosha Lewis Payne is the presiding judge for the 55th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Latosha Lewis Payne will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Tamika “Tami” Craft is the presiding judge for the 189th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Tamika “Tami” Craft will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge DaSean Jones is the presiding judge for the 180th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. He will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election. However, Judge DaSean Jones must defeat his Republican challenger, Tami C. Pierce, on Saturday, May 3, 2025, to remain the presiding judge for the 180th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas.


Judge Katherine N. Thomas is the presiding judge for the 184th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Katherine N. Thomas will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Beverly D. Armstrong is the presiding judge for the 208th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Beverly D. Armstrong will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Angela M. Lancelin is the presiding judge for the 245th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Angela M. Lancelin will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Angela Graves Harrington is the presiding judge for the 246th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Angela Graves Harrington will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Sandra J. Peake is the presiding judge for the 257th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Sandra J. Peake will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Lori Chambers Gray is the presiding judge for the 262nd Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Lori Chambers Gray will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Melissa M. Morris is the presiding judge for the 263rd Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Melissa M. Morris will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Dedra Davis is the presiding judge for the 270th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. 


Judge Damiane “Dianne” Curvey presides over the 280th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge “Damiane “Dianne” Curvey will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Linda Marie Dunson is the presiding judge for the 309th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. Judge Linda Marie Dunson will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Germaine Tanner is the presiding judge for the 311th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. 


Judge Michelle Moore is the presiding judge for the 314th Juvenile District Court in Harris County, Texas. 


Judge Veronica M. Nelson is the presiding judge for the 482nd Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. 


Judge Shannon Baldwin is the presiding judge for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 4 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Shannon Baldwin will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Toria J. Finch presides over the County Criminal Court at Law No. 9 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Toria J. Finch will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Juanita Jackson is the presiding judge for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 10 in Harris County, Texas. 


Judge Sedrick T. Walker II is the presiding judge for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 11 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Sedrick T. Walker II will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Genesis Draper presides for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 12 in Harris County, Texas. 


Judge Tonya Jones is the presiding judge for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 15 in Harris County, Texas. 


Judge Audrie Lawton Evans is the presiding judge for the County Civil Court at Law No. 1 in Harris County, Texas. Judge Audrie Lawton Evans will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge LaShawn A. Williams is the presiding judge for the County Civil Court at Law No. 3 in Harris County, Texas. Judge LaShawn A. Williams will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Lucia Bates is the Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3, Place 2, in Harris County, Texas. Judge Lucia Bates will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.


Judge Sharon Burney is the Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2, in Harris County, Texas. Judge Sharon Burney will be up for reelection in the 2026 Midterm Election.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039