Vote for the following Republicans on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County: Ted Cruz, Kenneth Omoruyi, Michael T. McCall, Aaron Hermes, Christian V. Garcia, Brian Babin, Christi Craddick, John Devine, Sharon Keller, Barbara Parker Hervey, Michelle Slaughter, Briscoe Cain, John Perez, Jared Woodfill, Tonya McClaughlin, Mike Knox, Steve Radack, and James Lombardino.

Only 37,408, votes have been cast in the Harris County Democratic Party Primary through the first (5) five days of "EARLY VOTING" for the hotly contested Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the daily vote totals for yourself.


Republican voters are outnumbering Democratic voters through the first (5) five days of "EARLY VOTING" in Harris County, Texas. The total number of Democrats who have voted (in-person) in Harris County, Texas through the first (5) five days stands at 37,408, according to the numbers released by Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth. The total number of Republicans who have voted (in-person) in Harris County, Texas through the first (5) five days stands at 40,490, according to the numbers released by Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the "DAILY BREAKDOWN" for each Early Voting Location.
A Serious Disconnect Appears to be Forming Between Blacks and the Democratic Party in Harris County, Texas, and Beyond
The topic of discussion on a recent edition of the Isiah Factor “UNCENSORED” asked the question: “Are Black people neglected by the Democratic Party?” Three of the guests who weighed in and shared their thoughts on the aforementioned program were, State Representative Ron Reynolds (HD-27), in Fort Bend County, who happens to be an African American Democrat; State Representative Jolanda Jones (HD-147), in Harris County, who happens to be an African American Democrat, and Attorney Kevin Fulton, a well-known local conservative, who has been a leader in Republican Party Politics for decades.
Only 40,490, votes have been cast in the Harris County Republican Party Primary through the first (5) five days of "EARLY VOTING" for the hotly contested Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Republican Party Primary. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the daily vote totals for yourself.

The topic of discussion on a recent edition of the Isiah Factor “UNCENSORED” asked the question: “Are Black people neglected by the Democratic Party?” Three of the guests who weighed in and shared their thoughts on the aforementioned program were, State Representative Ron Reynolds (HD-27), in Fort Bend County, who happens to be an African American Democrat; State Representative Jolanda Jones (HD-147), in Harris County, who happens to be an African American Democrat, and Attorney Kevin Fulton, a well-known local conservative, who has been a leader in Republican Party Politics for decades.
If you ask me, the topic discussed on the Isiah Factor “UNCENSORED” on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, which was also the first day of “EARLY VOTING” is extremely timely. Especially when you look at the dismally low turnout that’s unfolding right now, during “EARLY VOTING” through the first two days of what is one of the most important presidential election cycles of our lifetime.
If you take a look at the voter turnout at the top predominantly African American “EARLY VOTING LOCATION” from Tuesday, February 20, 2024, and Wednesday, February 21, 2024, the voter apathy that’s unfolding is evident and unmistakable.
At the Sunnyside Health and Multi-Service Center, only 306 in-person votes were cast on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, and only 244 in-person votes were cast on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, through the first two days of the current “EARLY VOTING” cycle – which is an abysmal turnout.
Comparatively speaking, if you think back to the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary, during the “EARLY VOTING PERIOD” on Tuesday, February 18, 2020, a total of 235 in-person votes were cast at the Sunnyside Multi-Service Center during the middle of the COVID 19 pandemic.
On the second day of “EARLY VOTING” back during Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary, during the “EARLY VOTING PERIOD” on Wednesday, February 19, 2020, a total of 226 in-person votes were cast at the Sunnyside Multi-Service Center, as voters refrained from voting in person out of fear of contracting the “CORONA VIRUS” if they voted in-person.

If you think back, most of the votes being cast back during the height of “CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC” were cast by “ABSENTEE BALLOT” in Harris County, Texas. And if you do a quick comparison, it becomes evident, that the “ABSENTEE BALLOT COUNT” is already trending downward considerably when comparing the first two days of early voting (Tuesday, February 20, 2024, and Wednesday, February 21, 2024) to (Tuesday, February 18, 2020, and Wednesday, February 19, 2020), if we’re strictly comparing numbers to numbers.

“BACK IN 2020.”
In case you don’t know, back on Tuesday, February 18, 2020, a total of 11,571, absentee mail ballots were returned to the Harris County Clerk (Diane Trautman) by Democratic Party Primary voters. And on the following day, Wednesday, February 19, 2020, a total of 446, absentee mail ballots were returned by Democratic Party Primary voters. That being said, through the first two days of “EARLY VOTING” back during the Tuesday, March 3, Democratic Party Primary, a total of 12,017, absentee mail ballots were cast.

Earlier this week, on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, a total of 3,769, absentee mail ballots were returned to Harris County Clerk (Teneshia Hudspeth) by Democratic Party Primary voters. And on the following day, Wednesday, February 21, 2024, only 178 absentee mail ballots were returned by Democratic Party Primary voters. That being said, through the first two days of “EARLY VOTING” for the ongoing 2024 Democratic Party Primary, it has become clear, that Democratic Party Primary voters from an overall perspective are not casting ballots in the Democratic Party Primary.

When you get down to it, “VOTER APATHY” simply means disinterested. And in political terms, the term “VOTER APATHY” means that there’s a lack of interest. But the “BIG QUESTION” everyone should be asking right now, is: “Why are voters apathetic?” This brings me back to the Tuesday, February 20, 2024, episode of Isiah Carey's “UNCENSORED” which featured State Rep. Ron Reynolds (Black Democrat), State Rep. Jolanda Jones (Black Democrat), and Attorney Kevin Fulton (Black Conservative), sharing their thoughts about Black people being neglected by the Democratic Party.

As he walked out onto the set for his program, Isiah Carey shared some startling data. “According to Pew Research, 80% of black voters identify with the Democratic Party compared to just 7% who identify as Republican,” explained Carey.
ISIAH CAREY: “In the current political climate – the question arises, How much does the Democratic Party ‘care’ actually about Black people?”

State Rep. Ron Reynolds shared, “Isiah, I want to be very candidate with you, they are not. I believe that the Democratic Party has taken the African American vote for granted.”

If you think back, most of the votes being cast back during the height of “CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC” were cast by “ABSENTEE BALLOT” in Harris County, Texas. And if you do a quick comparison, it becomes evident, that the “ABSENTEE BALLOT COUNT” is already trending downward considerably when comparing the first two days of early voting (Tuesday, February 20, 2024, and Wednesday, February 21, 2024) to (Tuesday, February 18, 2020, and Wednesday, February 19, 2020), if we’re strictly comparing numbers to numbers.

“BACK IN 2020.”
In case you don’t know, back on Tuesday, February 18, 2020, a total of 11,571, absentee mail ballots were returned to the Harris County Clerk (Diane Trautman) by Democratic Party Primary voters. And on the following day, Wednesday, February 19, 2020, a total of 446, absentee mail ballots were returned by Democratic Party Primary voters. That being said, through the first two days of “EARLY VOTING” back during the Tuesday, March 3, Democratic Party Primary, a total of 12,017, absentee mail ballots were cast.

Earlier this week, on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, a total of 3,769, absentee mail ballots were returned to Harris County Clerk (Teneshia Hudspeth) by Democratic Party Primary voters. And on the following day, Wednesday, February 21, 2024, only 178 absentee mail ballots were returned by Democratic Party Primary voters. That being said, through the first two days of “EARLY VOTING” for the ongoing 2024 Democratic Party Primary, it has become clear, that Democratic Party Primary voters from an overall perspective are not casting ballots in the Democratic Party Primary.

When you get down to it, “VOTER APATHY” simply means disinterested. And in political terms, the term “VOTER APATHY” means that there’s a lack of interest. But the “BIG QUESTION” everyone should be asking right now, is: “Why are voters apathetic?” This brings me back to the Tuesday, February 20, 2024, episode of Isiah Carey's “UNCENSORED” which featured State Rep. Ron Reynolds (Black Democrat), State Rep. Jolanda Jones (Black Democrat), and Attorney Kevin Fulton (Black Conservative), sharing their thoughts about Black people being neglected by the Democratic Party.

As he walked out onto the set for his program, Isiah Carey shared some startling data. “According to Pew Research, 80% of black voters identify with the Democratic Party compared to just 7% who identify as Republican,” explained Carey.
ISIAH CAREY: “In the current political climate – the question arises, How much does the Democratic Party ‘care’ actually about Black people?”

State Rep. Ron Reynolds shared, “Isiah, I want to be very candidate with you, they are not. I believe that the Democratic Party has taken the African American vote for granted.”
“African Americans have been the lifeblood of the Democratic Party – the most loyal base of the Democratic Party,” explained State Rep. Reynolds.
According to State Rep. Reynolds, “And that loyalty has been taken for granted – when it comes to consultants, and when it comes to candidates they’re investing in – when it comes to candidates they’re promoting for higher-office.”
“Blacks have not gotten the kind of support that they should get based on the enormous support that they give to the Democratic Party,” proclaimed State Rep. Reynolds. “So I think there’s room for improvement,” he says.
State Rep. Reynolds went on to explain, “Unfortunately African Americans haven’t had much of a choice, because the Republican Party’s policies don’t benefit the African American community. So, we’re kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place; but the Democratic Party has been the best party for our values – but unfortunately, we’ve been taken for granted.”

According to Attorney Kevin Fulton, there’s some brainwashing going on when it comes to being Black and growing up in Black communities – in black neighborhoods. “I was a Democrat before I switched parties,” explained Attorney Fulton. “I can tell you that I felt that the Democratic Party no longer valued my vote, and so I looked to do something else,” he proclaimed.
“Representative Reynolds is correct. We give the vote to the Democratic Party higher than any demographic there is out there, and what have we gotten for that,” asked Attorney Fulton.
He went on to explain, “We’ve gotten our communities still with high crime; we have health disparities, and if you look at what’s happening in some states – like New York, where it’s a “LIBERAL BASTION” they’re taking money out of “BLACK PROGRAMS” and giving it to people who have entered illegally.”
“If you look at Chicago, they’re “TAKING AWAY COMMUNITY CENTERS” and things like that, away from Black communities and giving it to other people who have just entered the communities,” he says.
Attorney Fulton also aimed at California, “I look at California, that’s supposed to be “A LIBERAL UTOPIA,” and do you realize that in California, there are (52) fifty-two congress people elected every two years, and they have not elected “A BLACK MAN” in 24 years,” explains Attorney Fulton.
“That is “UNBELIEVABLE,” state Attorney Fulton. “And the reason why, is that they feel like they don’t have to do anything for “BLACK PEOPLE” because they are going to get the vote at a high level regardless of what they do,” he said.
He also had a stern message for the Republican Party. “I would like to see the Republican Party stop thinking, ‘No Matter What We Do Blacks are Not Going to Vote for Us,” he said. “That attitude has to go away,” he demanded.
“The Black Caucus has a saying, “No Permanent Friends. No Permanent Enemies. Only Permanent Interests” explained Attorney Fulton. “We should put our interests out there, and make both parties try to gain the vote.”

According to State Rep. Jolanda Jones, “When you look at the things that the Republican Party votes for in the house – they (literally) pass legislation that is not good for black people.”
“What I try to do, is stay within the Democratic Party, and push the party to do better,” she proclaims.

State Rep. Jolanda Jones, exposed a very important fact when she stated, “I think a perfect example of how black people aren’t supported by the Democratic Party as they should – is to look at elections two years ago.”
“The only Democrats!!! Let me say that again…The only Democrats!!!, that lost in the last elections, were ‘BLACK DEMOCRATS’ with ‘BLACK SOUNDING NAMES,’” stated State Rep. Jones.
“What does that mean in layman’s terms,” she asked.
According to State Rep. Jones, “For the most part, Democrats voted for people that they thought were Democrats, but if they ‘SOUNDED BLACK’ then they voted for somebody other than Democrats, where (actually) Republicans benefited from that.”
“So there’s a lot to be done,” she explains.
“When I used to be on the State Democratic Executive Committee, much more money more money was put into “LATINO OUTREACH” than “BLACK OUTREACH,” explained State Rep. Jones.
State Rep. Jones, made an eye-opening statement toward the end of her segment on the Isiah Factor “UNCENSORED” when she stated, “I’ve always said this, ‘Black people are the highest demographic who vote Democrats.”
“So, if you get us to the polls, with GOTV efforts (Get Out the Vote Efforts), then we’re going to, over 90% vote for Democrats,” she says. “But if you get other demographics…you have Hispanic people, some are Democrats, and some are Republicans,” explains State Rep. Jones.
She went on to say, “If you just drive Latinos to the polls – it’s a mixed bag. Some may vote for Democrats and some may vote for Republicans.”
“The Democratic Party has not figured out that it needs to speak about issues that are important to “BLACK PEOPLE” in the Democratic Party,” she says.

According to State Rep. Jolanda Jones, “For example, criminal justice reform is an issue that’s important to Black people – that is something that will motivate us to come to the polls.”
“Abortion is a bigger issue for not-Black people. So if all of your messaging is: ABORTION, ABORTION, ABORTION – ‘where entitled to ABORTION,’ then some Black people will stay home,” stated State Rep. Jolanda Jones.
State Rep. Jolanda Jones, delivered a stern message to local Democratic officials when she stated, “Unless, and until, the ‘DEMOCRATIC PARTY LEADERSHIP’ starts listening to its Black-electeds…because we tell them, what are Black-issues.”
“When they start listening to us, I believe that Harris County will be solidly Democratic – until they start doing that,” she proclaims.
According to State Rep. Jones, “Right now, you have Republicans who are getting elected citywide, and Republicans who are getting elected countywide. When say for example, in Dallas County, they’ve figured it out, and they always get Democrats.”
“So, in Harris County, and across the country, you hear all of this stuff they’re saying about Biden and issues that he’s talking about, that’s not motivating Black people to come out to vote.”

State Rep. Jolanda Jones believes that Democrats must do better, otherwise, the country is going to be destroyed.

I’m strongly encouraging “DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRIMARY VOTERS” to do their research before going to the polls on “SUPER TUESDAY” which is Tuesday, March 5, 2024. That being said, after you’ve researched the candidates, please use my “ENDORSEMENT SLATE” to fill out the remainder of your ballot.
Early voting began back on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, and will end on Friday, March 1, 2024.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039