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BULLETIN: Missouri City Texas Mayor Allen Owen has announced his plans to file for re-election for Mayor of Missouri City Texas.
Mayor Owen has made his home in Missouri City for nearly 40 years, and is passionately proud of his city. “I love this city. I have dedicated my life as a committed husband, father, business leader and civic volunteer to making Missouri City the best city imaginable.”
After recently retiring from the banking industry, he has become increasingly involved in improving the quality of life in Missouri City. “For the last 2 years, we have worked hard with our City Council, the economic development team and the local business community to attract over $500,000,000 in new business, leading to hundreds of new jobs.”
According to Forbes Magazine, Missouri City continues to be one of the safest, most affordable, and best places to live in the country. And according to a recent Rice University study, Missouri City was named “…the most ethnically diverse city in the region.”
“I am particularly pleased by the continuing emphasis by our City Council on improving our public safety. We recently opened our first Mini-Police Station, and started construction of Fire Station Number 5. We approved pay increases for our Police and Fire Forces, and hired 5 new Motorcycle Police Officers.” And in spite of struggling economic conditions in other areas, “Missouri City home values have continued to rise but still remain one of the best buys in the region, because of its proximity to Houston and the Texas Medical Center.”
Mayor Owen serves on numerous boards, committees and volunteer organizations, all focused on making Missouri City and the surrounding area a great place to live, work, open a business and raise a family.
Owen and his wife of 45 years are members of First United Methodist Church. Mayor Owen graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University, and Southern Methodist University – Graduate School of Finance and Banking.
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Monday, April 28, 2014 is the first day for early voting by personal appearance for the 2014 Mayoral Election in Missouri City, Texas. Please make a mental note that Mayor Allen Owen is asking for your vote and support during the early voting period.
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Tuesday, May 6, 2014 is the last day of early voting by personal appearance in the 2014 Mayoral Election in Missouri City, Texas.
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Saturday, May 10, 2014 is Election Day for the 2014 Mayoral Election in Missouri City, Texas. Please make a mental note that Mayor Allen Owen is asking for your vote and support.


Alvin - Race for Mayor
2014 RACE FOR MAYOR OF ALVIN: The current mayor of Alvin, Texas is Gary Appelt. Mayor Appelt is not running for re-election in the Saturday, May 10th Mayoral Election. The candidates Alvin, Texas voters will have to choose from in the race for mayor on Saturday, May 10th are as follows: Paul Horn, Jim Landriault, Ricky D. Forrest and J.R. Dick Tyson.
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Alvin - Race for City Council District E
2014 RACE FOR ALVIN CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT E: The current Alvin City Council District E council member is Greg Bullard – who is not running for re-election in the Saturday, May 10th General Election. The candidates Alvin, Texas voters will have to choose from in the race for Alvin City Council District E are as follows: Gabe Adame, Santos Garza and Mark "Bubba" Blevins.
2014 SPECIAL ELECTION FOR ALVIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT C: There will be a special election on the Saturday, May 10th ballot in Alvin, Texas for the Alvin City Council District C seat currently being held by Jim Landriault.
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Alvin Community College – Position 4
2014 ALVIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF REGENTS POSITION 4: The current Alvin Community College Regent for Position 4 is Brenda Brown – who is not running for re-election in the Saturday, May 10th General Election. The candidates voters will have to choose from in the race for Alvin Community College Position 4 are as follows: Patton Ritter and Jody Droege.
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Alvin Community College – Position 5
2014 ALVIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF REGENTS POSITION 5: The current Alvin Community College Regent for Position 5 is Mike Pyburn. Regent Pyburn is not being challenged in the Saturday, May 10th General Election.
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Alvin Community College – Position 6
2014 ALVIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF REGENTS POSITION 6: The current Alvin Community College Regent for Position 6 is Cheryl Knape. Regent Knape is not being challenged in the Saturday, May 10th General Election.

Pearland – Race for Mayor
2014 RACE FOR MAYOR OF PEARLAND: The current mayor of Pearland, Texas is Tom Reid. Mayor Reid is being challenged by for his seat by Woody Owens and Charles McMurrey in the Saturday, May 10th Mayoral Election for Pearland, Texas.
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Pearland – Race for City Council Position 3
2014 RACE FOR PEARLAND CITY COUNCIL AT-LARGE POSITION 3: The current Pearland City Council At-Large Position 3 Council Member Susan Sherrouse is being challenged by Gary Moore in the Saturday, May 10th, General Election.
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Pearland – Charter Amendments
2014 CHARTER AMENDMENTS FOR PEARLAND: There will be (16) sixteen Charter Amendments on the Saturday, May 10th General Election ballot in Pearland, Texas.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Sections 3.01 and 5.05, regarding the number of City Council members. This amendment phases in an increase to the size of City Council from five (5) council members to seven (7) council members over a period of 3 years.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Section 3.06 regarding the procedure to fill a vacancy on the council. This amendment allows for the council to fill a vacancy of a council member of one year or less by appointment.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Sections 6.13 and 6.20, regarding changes to ordinances proposed by initiatives and ordinances passed by popular vote. This amendment allows City Council to make changes to ordinances proposed by initiatives and ordinances passed by petition or popular vote so that such ordinances comply with federal and state laws.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Section 3.08, regarding meetings of City Council. This amendment removes language in the charter allowing City Council to consider a subject by unanimous consent of the City Council although that item was not posted on an agenda in conformance to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Section 3.13, regarding Audits and examination of city books and accounts. This amendment simplifies the language in the charter regarding who City Council selects to conduct the annual audit of the City’s finances.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Sections 4.04 and 4.08, regarding the removal of the Departments of taxation and the Department of health and sanitation. This amendment removes language in the charter that refers to departments in the City that are defunct or whose duties have been assumed by another department or agency.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Section 4.05, regarding the approval of the city manager and city council of the selection of assistants in the Department of finance. This amendment removes language in the charter that requires the city manager and city council to approve assistants employed in the Department of finance.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Section 4.09, regarding the creation of a fire department. This amendment recognizes the creation of a fire department and the use of that department instead of contracting fire services to a volunteer fire department.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Section 4.10, regarding the removal of duties assigned to the Department of public works that are performed by another department or entity. This amendment removes the duty of collecting garbage by the Department of public works as this service is now provided by a third party vendor and it removes duty of performing building inspections by the Department of public works as this duty is now performed by another department.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Section 4.12, regarding the Department of parks, recreation and beautification. This amendment recognizes the establishment of a department of parks and recreation and clarifies that the director of this department is the liaison with the park, recreation and beautification board.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Sections 8.06, 8.08, 8.10, 8.11, and 8.14 regarding the budget. This amendment allows for changes in the notice, amendment, scheduling, publication, and appropriation processes of the budget.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Section 8.18 regarding disbursement of funds. This amendment removes the authority of members of city council to countersign checks, vouchers and warrants for the withdrawal of money from the city depository.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Section 8.22 regarding tax liens. This amendment extends the commencement date for seizure and foreclosure proceedings.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Sections 10.09. 10.11, and 10.16 regarding the transition from a general law city to a home rule municipality. This amendment removes references to language in the charter that only pertains to the initial transition from a general law city to a home rule municipality.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Section 10.15 regarding the frequency of the appointment of a Charter Review Commission. This amendment increases the duration of the time period between required appointments of the Charter Review Commission from four years to six years.
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THE AMENDMENT OF the Pearland Charter, Section 10.17 regarding the meaning of the word “city.” This amendment deletes the meaning of the word “city” as the “City of Pearland” as this definition is already defined in Section 1.02 of the Charter.

FORT BEND COUNTY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - The Board of Trustees for Fort Bend County is comprised of seven local citizens. These citizens provide an important public service to the Fort Bend community and serves on the Board of Trustees without compensation. In accordance with the Texas Elections Code, Fort Bend ISD calls Board elections for the second Saturday in May of each year. Vacancies occurring after the election are filled by appointment until the next election is conducted.
Trustees are elected to three-year terms on a rotating basis. Two are elected each year, one from each side of the district (Position 1, 2 and 3 on the West, and Positions 5, 6 and 7 on the East). Also, every third year, the “at large” Position 4, is elected.
The seven Board of Trustees Members are voted on by all residents of the district, and represent all residents of the district.
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Fort Bend ISD School Trustee - Position 1
FORT BEND ISD SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE – POSITION 1: The current Fort Bend ISD School Board Trustee for Position 1 is Susan Hohnbaum – who is not running for re-election. The candidates running for Fort Bend ISD School Board in the Saturday, May 10th General Election are as follows: Jason Burdine, Ramesh Cherivirala, Sardar Qaisar and C.J. Udoagwu.
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Fort Bend ISD School Trustee - Position 4
FORT BEND ISD SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE – POSITION 4: The current Fort Bend ISD School Board Trustee for Position 4 is Bruce Albright. Trustee Albright is being challenged by Deron R. Harrington, Kristin K Tassin and Rodrigo Carreon in the Saturday, May 10th General Election.
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Fort Bend ISD School Trustee - Position 5
FORT BEND ISD SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE – POSITION 5: The current Fort Bend ISD School Board Trustee for Position 5 is Patsy Taylor. Trustee Taylor is being challenged by Kris Allfreyand KP George in the Saturday, May 10th General Election.
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The mayor and City Council for Missouri City are responsible for policy functions under provisions of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Missouri City, which was adopted in 1974. The mayor and two council members are elected at large every two years in even-numbered years, while four district council members are elected every two years in odd-numbered years. The mayor is entitled to vote on all issues and has no power to veto City Council action. The election of City Council members is held on the second Saturday in May of each year.
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Missouri City Race for Mayor
2014 RACE FOR MAYOR OF MISSOURI CITY – The current Mayor of Missouri City, Texas is Allen Owen. Mayor Owen is being challenged by Noel Pinnock in the Saturday, May 10th Mayoral Election for Missouri City Texas.
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Missouri City Council – At-Large Position 2
2014 RACE FOR MISSOURI CITY COUNCIL AT-LARGE POSITION 2 – The current Missouri City Council At-Large Position 2 Council Member is Danny Nguyen. Council Member Nguyen is being challenged by Chris Preston in the Saturday, May 10th General Election.
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Missouri City – Special Election
2014 SPECIAL ELECTION PROPOSITIONS: At their Monday, Feb. 17, Regular Meeting, Missouri City Council Members voted 5-2 to approve an ordinance that places four bond propositions on the May 10, 2014, general election ballot. Following multiple meetings with members of the Bond Exploratory Committee (BEC) and City Staff throughout December and January, City Council approved the following four bond categories for the ballot:
Missouri City - Proposition 1 — Deals with DRAINAGE PROJECTS ($6.5 million) – Proposition #1 includes, but is not limited to acquiring equipment, studies, costs associated with necessary land acquisition and construction of various drainage improvements throughout the city.
Missouri City - Proposition 2 — Deals with MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS ($22.8 million) – Proposition #2 includes, but is not limited to costs for studies, equipment, sidewalk and bridge improvement, land acquisition, and construction of roads.
Missouri City - Proposition 3 — Deals with CONSTRUCTION of Fire Station No. 6 ($5 million) – Proposition #3 includes, but is not limited to costs for studies, equipment, land acquisition, and construction of a new Missouri City fire station.
Missouri City - Proposition 4 — Deals with City Facilities ($5.7 million) – Proposition #4 includes, but is not limited to costs associated with acquiring, repairing and improving land, facilities and equipment. This proposition also covers costs associated with a study of Missouri City’s City Hall complex and necessary repairs recommended.
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The “City Commission” for Richmond, Texas is composed of a “Mayor” and two (2) “Commissioners.” The Mayor of Richmond and each Commissioner is elected at large, and unless they are removed from office, they serve for term of three (3) years.
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Richmond – Race for Mayor
2014 RACE FOR MAYOR OF RICHMOND – The current Mayor of Richmond, Texas is Evalyn W. Moore. Mayor Moore is being challenged by Gary Gillen in the Saturday, May 10th Mayoral Election for Missouri City Texas. Gillen is currently a City Commissioner for Richmond and has chosen to run for mayor rather than seek re-election city commissioner.
2014 CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR THE TWO COMMISSION SEATS – The candidates running for the open commission seats in the Saturday, May 10th Mayoral Election for Richmond Texas are: William “Bill” Dostal (a current city commissioner), Robert (Glen) Gilmore, Carlos Garcia, Tres Davis, Gennaro D’onofrio, Jesse Torres, and Milton Wright.
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The City of Sugarland will not be holding a General Election on Saturday, May 10, 2014. None of the incumbents up for re-election drew challengers this election cycle. Mayor James Thompson, Council Member Himesh Gandhi (At-Large Position 1) and Joe R. Zimmerman (At-Large Position 2) are the incumbents who would have been on the ballot this year.

The City Secretary serves as the Elections Administrator for the City of Galveston. The Mayor is elected at-large and six members of Council are elected from districts every even-numbered year.
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Galveston - Race for Mayor
2014 RACE FOR MAYOR OF GALVESTON: The current mayor of Galveston, Texas is Lewis Rosen. Mayor Rosen is not running for re-election in the Saturday, May 10th Mayoral Election. The candidates Galveston, Texas voters will have to choose from in the race for mayor on Saturday, May 10th are as follows: Don Mafrige, Jim Yarbrough, Raymond Guzman, Jr. and Elizabeth Beeton.
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Galveston City Council – District 1
2014 RACE FOR GALVESTON CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 1 – The current Galveston City Council District 1 Council Member is Cornelia Harris Banks. Council Member Banks is being challenged by Ronald Anthony Dean and Tarris Woods in the Saturday, May 10th General Mayoral Election.
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Galveston City Council – District 2
2014 RACE FOR GALVESTON CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 2 – The current Galveston City Council District 2 Council Member is Rusty Legg. Council Member Leg is not running for re-election. The candidates running for Galveston City Council for District 2 in the Saturday, May 10, 2014 Mayoral Election are: Craig Brown, Susan Fennewald and Richard Batie.
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Galveston City Council – District 3
2014 RACE FOR GALVESTON CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 3 – The current Galveston City Council District 3 Council Member is Elizabeth Beeton. Council Member Beeton is not running for re-election. She has decided to run for mayor. The candidates running for Galveston City Council for District 3 in the Saturday, May 10, 2014 Mayoral Election are: Ralph McMorris and Kate Marx.
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Galveston City Council – District 4
2014 RACE FOR GALVESTON CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 4 – The current Galveston City Council District 4 Council Member is Norman Pappous. Council Member Pappous is being challenged by David Hoover in the Saturday, May 10, 2014 General Mayoral Election.
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Galveston City Council – District 5
2014 RACE FOR GALVESTON CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 5 – The current Galveston City Council District 5 Council Member is Terryilyn Tarlton. Council Member Tarlton is being challenged by Diana Bertini and Bill Quiroga in the Saturday, May 10, 2014 General Mayoral Election.
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Galveston City Council – District 6
2014 RACE FOR GALVESTON CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 6 – The current Galveston City Council District 6 Council Member is Marie Robb. Council Member Robb is being challenged by Carolyn Sunseri in the Saturday, May 10, 2014 General Mayoral Election.
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Galveston College
Galveston Community College District is electing persons to serve on its Board of Regents in Positions, #4, #5, and #6. Each of the candidates elected will serve for a term of (6) six years. A special election to fill the unexpired Position #2 seat which expires in May of 2018 will also take place on Saturday, May 10, 2014.
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Galveston College Board of Regents – Position 4
2014 RACE FOR GALVESTON COLLEGE BOARD OF REGENTS PLACE 4 – The current Galveston College Board Regent for Position 4 is Raymond Lewis. Regent Lewis is running unopposed in the Saturday, May 10, 2014 General Election.
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Galveston College Board of Regents – Position 5
2014 RACE FOR GALVESTON COLLEGE BOARD OF REGENTS PLACE 5 – The current Galveston College Board Regent for Position 5 is Paul Cunningham. Regent Cunningham is is not running for re-election in the Saturday, May 10, 2014 General Election. The candidates running Position 5 are as follows: Ann Heidel, Sheryl Rozier and Michael B. Hughes.
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Galveston College Board of Regents – Position 6
2014 RACE FOR GALVESTON COLLEGE BOARD OF REGENTS PLACE 6 – The current Galveston College Board Regent for Position 6 is Carroll G. Sunseri. Regent Sunseri is running unopposed in the Saturday, May 10, 2014 General Election.
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Galveston College Board of Regents - Special Election
On Saturday, May 10, 2014 a special election is being held to fill the Unexpired Galveston College Board Position 2 seat currently being held by Fred D. Raschke.
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