Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis (second from left) reported having a massive war chest on 7/15/2024. In contrast, his opponent, Gerry Vander-Lyn (not pictured), reported on 7/15/2024 that she only had $506.00 in her bank account. Sean Teare (far left), the Democrat nominee for Harris County District Attorney, reportedly has $154,034.83 cash on hand, and Dan Simons (right), his Republican opponent, is trending upward after reporting $98,359.57 cash on hand. Both men will grow their campaign coffers significantly between today and Election Day. IN OTHER NEWS… Elon Musk (center) has pledged $45 million per month to a pro-Trump Super PAC called the America PAC each month, presumably for July, August, September, October, and possibly November, for outreach and voter integrity, according to published reports. You can “CLICK HERE” to view our “VOTER EMPOWERMENT” edition as well as our (FIRST WAVE) of endorsements.

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis is the big dog on the block in Harris County, Texas. According to his campaign report filed on Monday, July 15, 2024, Ellis has $6,239,978.00 in his campaign war chest. By comparison, the Harris County Democratic Party only has $46,0033.84 in the bank, according to the campaign finance report filed by Mike Doyle, the Harris County Democratic Party Chairman, on July 15, 2024, under penalty of perjury.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, for the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election. It is incumbent upon us to make it our business to select the best candidate available in every down-ballot race."
Commissioner Rodney Ellis Has $6,239,978 in the Bank; Elon Musk Plans to Spend $45 Million A Month; Simons Closes Gap on Teare
Super PACs are about to play a significant role in influencing the outcomes of down-ballot races across America. According to published reports, Elon Musk, the owner of “X,” formerly known as Twitter, SpaceX, and Tesla, plans to infuse $45 million monthly into a “SUPER PAC” to back former President Donald Trump’s bid to reclaim the White House on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
The America PAC was formed in May earlier this year and has already developed a list of billionaire donors behind getting former President Trump reelected.
According to published reports, America PAC will focus most of its attention on voter outreach and registration efforts, intending to combat voter fraud ballot harvesting in Democratic strongholds.
How does Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis plan to use the $6 million he reportedly has sitting in the bank? In contrast, Commissioner Ellis’s fellow down-ballot Democratic nominees could need financial assistance if America PAC aims Harris County, Texas.
What is Mike Doyle, the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party (HCDP), planning to do? Does the HCDP have a “COORDINATED CAMPAIGN” up and running?
According to the campaign finance report filed by Mik Doyle on 7/15/2024, the Harris County Democratic Party only has $46,033.84 in its bank account. What is going on in Harris County?
It’s time to get serious.
Will anyone grow courage and compel Precinct One Commissioner Rodney Ellis to show love and become a team player?
Does anyone recognize Commissioner Rodney Ellis has enough money in his campaign war chest to kickstart the “COORDINATED CAMPAIGN” to help his Democrat colleagues fend off their Republican opponents if he genuinely cared about his fellow Democrats?
Still, Commissioner Rodney Ellis isn’t doing anything to help his fellow down-ballot Democrats, and nobody even seems to care.
All I keep hearing is Trump this – and that, while Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis is feeding high on the hog and raking in every donation he can while some of his fellow down-ballot Democrats could be on the verge of getting defeated on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, because they don’t have any money to fend for themselves.
Is anyone doing anything to help?
To be exact, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis reported on 7/15/2024 that he has $6,239,978.00 in his campaign coffers as he prepares to face off against a Republican opponent, Gerry Vander-Lyn, who reported on 7/15/2024, that she only has $506.00 cash on hand – which means Ellis doesn’t even have a to run a campaign to defeat his Republican challenger.

Down-ballot Democrats and Republicans will need serious help to get their messages out between today and Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in Harris County, Texas, with the top of the ticket on both sides hogging up all of the donations.
The last time I checked, lip service doesn’t buy flyers, push cards, campaign signs, t-shirts, canvassers, bloc-walkers, poll workers, radio or TV ads.
In other words, it’s time to put up or shut up for people like Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, in my opinion. These stealth candidates with hefty campaign coffers on both sides of the aisle must find creative ways to help their fellow nominees running in less glamourous down-ballot races.

With the attempted assignation of former President Donald Trump on Saturday, July 13, 2024, we’re about to see a dramatic shift in political rhetoric and strategies as Tuesday, November 5, 2024, draws near – especially in “BATTLE GROUND” states.
Competent down-ballot candidates should assess the political climate throughout America and their specific state/county and make the necessary adjustments.
Regarding Texas, I don’t believe that the Lone Star State was ever considered a “BATTLEGROUND” or in jeopardy. After all, no Democrat has won the state of Texas in over three decades.

Talking about the “GOLDEN PRIZE” in Texas (Harris County) got a whole lot more interesting on Saturday, July 13, 2024, when the attempted assassination of former President Trump, no matter what side of the political aisle you plan to support on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the most consequential Presidential Election of our lifetime.
Former President Trump has performed poorly in Harris County, Texas. Still, I expect an uptick in support for his candidacy this time when he faces off against President Joe Biden.
Remember, on Tuesday, November 3, 2024, the Joseph R. Biden/Kamala D. Harris ticket received 9,18,193 votes, for 55.96% of the vote in Harris County, Texas. Comparatively speaking, Donald J. Trump/Michael R. Pence received 700,630 votes, for 42.70%.
The previous time, when Trump faced off against former first lady and secretary of state Hillary Clinton, the results were the same — he nearly lost by almost 200,000 votes in Harris County, Texas.
As a refresher, on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, the ticket of Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine received 707,914 votes, for 53.95% of the vote in Harris County, Texas. By comparison, the Donald J. Trump/Mike Pence ticket received 545,955 votes for 41.61% of the vote.
The stark difference between 2020 and 2016 is that “STRAIGHT-TICKET” voting was allowed in 2016. However, casting a straight ticket vote was abolished in Texas before the 2020 Presidential Election.
Democratic straight-ticket voters accounted for 472,030 of the 707,914 votes received by the Democratic presidential election ticket (Clinton/Kaine), while Republican straight-ticket voters accounted for 401,663 of the 545,955 votes received by (Trump/Pence), in Harris County, Texas.
There was also a stark difference in the “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT” category in the last two presidential election cycles. In 2020, the (Trump/Pence) ticket only received 61,681 votes by absentee mail ballot, while the (Biden/Harris) ticket received 114,103 votes through absentee mail ballots.
Looking back at 2016, you will discover that the absentee mail ballot totals were much closer, but the results were the same. Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine received 54,765 votes by absentee mail ballot, and Donald J. Trump/Mike Pence received 42,181 votes through absentee mail ballots.

Aside from the presidential election race, which will presumably feature Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance representing the Republican Party and Joseph R. Biden and Kamala D. Harris representing the Democrats, eyes from folks across the entire state will set their sights on Harris County, Texas.
Everyone will focus on the District Attorney race between Sean Teare (Democrat) and Attorney Dan Simons, the Republican nominee.
I can already see that Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis is trying to use his influence to gain control of the District Attorney’s Office. He has uniquely positioned a protégé of his named Shekira Dennis, the owner of Nextwave Strategies, inside Sean Teare’s campaign.
Remember, Commissioner Rodney Ellis endorsed Sean Teare on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, over Democratic incumbent Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg when he soundly defeated her in her bid for re-election. As a refresher, Sean Teare received 126,449 votes, which ended up being 75.00% of the vote, while Kim Ogg received 42,149, only 25.00%.

One of the things I found very interesting is that Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg performed very poorly in every election phase on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 – which was a surprise. However, more than anything, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg went from receiving 17,718 absentee mail ballots in 2020 against three solid opponents to only receiving 3,702 absentee mail ballots against Sean Teare on Super Tuesday.
Even still, Sean Teare spent a boatload of money. However, Sean Teare only received 126,449 votes in the Democratic Party Primary on March 5, 2024 – which could be a significant problem for him as he prepares to face off against Attorney Dan Simons, who received 145,293 in the Republican Party Primary.
Remember, there won’t be any straight-ticket voting on Tuesday, November 5, 2025, and voters who supported Kim Ogg are free to vote for Dan Simons if they choose to do so.

Dan Simons will run for Harris County District Attorney against Sean Teare on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in what is expected to be an extremely close race.
Dan Simons was born and raised in Southeast Texas. His family was impoverished and lived through the struggle of poverty. During his childhood, there were times when he was homeless and had no choice but to live in cars or tents to survive. Dan constantly faced problems and chaos in his family, ultimately being placed in foster care at a young age. He has four brothers and one sister, none of whom ever graduated high school, much like his parents.
At twelve, seeking stability to graduate high school, he made the tough decision to move in with a family he met through the Salvation Army. Through sheer determination and hard work, he graduated at the top of his class and was named All-District Quarterback in his senior high school. Dan became the first person in his family to graduate from high school.
After graduating high school in 1996, he joined the United States Air Force to serve his country.
In 2005, he moved back to Texas, intending to further his education and become a lawyer. He graduated from Sam Houston State University in 2008 at the top of his class. He went on to attend the Thurgood Marshall School of Law in Houston, graduating Magna Cum Laude in December of 2011. He received his Masters in Tax Law from the University of Houston in 2013.
As Assistant District Attorney, Dan handled thousands of cases. He tried 29 Misdemeanor Jury Trials and had five acquittals; 13 Felony Jury Trials and had only one acquittal; and 26 Justice of the Peace Court and Jury Trials. Dan's total conviction rate was 84%.
As a Misdemeanor Chief in Criminal Court No. 14, Dan Simons reduced the docket by over 200 cases in less than four months — a 20% reduction that reduced the court's burden and saved the county costs. In early 2017, he left the DA’s Office to work in private practice.
In 2018, he started his practice, Dan Simons Law Firm, focusing on criminal cases in Harris County, Fort Bend County, and Montgomery County, Texas.

Harris County has enough politicians. We need a Harris County District Attorney who isn’t afraid of political party bosses. We need a truth-seeking prosecutor – not a politician.
We need someone committed to restoring public safety, trust, and peace of mind in Harris County, Texas; Dan Simons is the right man for the job.
We need a Harris County DA who will protect the people, respect them, and give victims the justice they deserve; Dan Simons fits the bill, in my opinion.
Dan Simons is committed to ensuring that business owners receive equal protection under the law, enabling local communities to thrive rather than merely survive.
We’ve got some innocent citizens getting charged and convicted of crimes they may not have committed. With an honest man like Dan Simons as the Harris County District Attorney, wrongful convictions will decrease significantly, while lawbreakers can expect to receive the punishment they deserve.
Moreover, we can’t do anything about the past, but with Dan Simons as our District Attorney, addressing mistakes expeditiously rather than hiding them – could serve as a much-needed foundation to rebuild trust in our criminal justice system.

On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, down-ballot candidates on both sides of the aisle running for office in Harris County, Texas, like Dan Simons, will be endorsed and supported by Houston Business Connections Newspaper. I strongly encourage you to vote for every candidate on “OUR EMPOWERMENT SLATE” and to encourage your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers to do the same.
Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, in Harris County. And remember, “THERE’S NO PLACE FOR HATE” in Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039