The guy you see on the right looks upset, doesn't he? Well, you would be upset too if Shekira Dennis and Erika Johnson, the owners of Next Wave Strategies, LLC, listed the name of your company as a "SUBCONTRACTOR" to secure a COVID-19 Outreach Contract in Fort Bend County without your permission. What am I talking about? Well, Rob Perry, is the owner of XOMAD, LLC, one of the companies that Shekira listed as a "SUBCONTRACTOR" who would be getting paid for "PROFESSIONAL SERVICES" as a part of the COVID-19 Outreach Contract that she was awarded by Fort Bend County Judge KP George, Commissioner Grady Prestige, and Commissioner Ken Demerchant, all Democrats. In case you're wondering, according to Rob Perry, his company wasn't even a part of the deal, and hasn't been paid one penny by Shekira Dennis.

Fort Bend County Commissioner Grady Prestage (Precinct 2), is one of the Democrats who voted to give Shekira Dennis the COVID-19 Outreach Contract that's valued at over $1,035,000.00 dollars. It's going to be interesting to see if County Judge KP George, Commissioner Grady Prestage, or Commissioner Ken Demerchant even bothered to try and vet the companies Shekira Dennis listed as "SUBCONTRACTORS" under the "PROFESSIONAL SERVICES" portion of the contract.

Glen Austin, Brandon Dudley, and Shekira Dennis were all mentored by Commissioner Rodney Ellis. In fact, the relationship between Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Shekira Dennis, the woman who was awarded the COVID-19 Outreach Contract potentially worth $1,035,000.00 goes all the way back to when Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis was still serving as a state Senator in the Texas Legislature. In fact, back on March 16, 2016, Rodney stated, "So proud to have mentored these leaders in the Texas Legislative Internship Program."

Shekira Dennis is the Managing Partner at Next Wave Strategies, LLC, and Erika Johnson also claims to be a Managing Partner of Next Wave Strategies. However, their smiles could potentially turn into frowns in the very near future, if Rob Perry, the CEO of XOMAD has his way. You see, Shekira and Erika listed XOMAD as one of the SUBCONTRACTORS, in the "BUDGET" section of their proposal to secure the "COVID-19 Outreach Contract that valued at over $1,035.000, over in Fort Bend County, Texas. XOMAD, LLC was listed under the "PROFESSIONAL SERVICES" section as one of the (Sub-Contractors/Consultants), along with two other companies. However, XOMAD tried to reach out to Shekira Dennis and Erica Johnson, after they were awarded the COVID-19 Contract and the pair won't return their phone calls.

XOMAD, LLC, according to its owner Rob Perry is considered to be of the top influencer marketing agencies in the world. As you can see above, Shekira Dennis, the owner of Next Wave Strategies, LLC., listed XOMAD as one of their subcontractors in their proposal to secure the COVID-19 Outreach Contract that has a potential value of $1,035,000 dollars.

Rob Perry, the CEO of a company called XOMAD, LLC based in Manhattan Beach, California isn't a happy camper right about now. Why? Well, Shekira Dennis, the owner of Next Wave Strategies, LLC. included listed his company (XOMAD, LLC) in her proposal to get her COVID-19 Outreach Contract over in Fort Bend County, Texas, and never even told him about it. And the worse part of the deal is that, according to Rob Perry, he never gave Shekira Dennis, or Erika Johnson, permission to use the name of his company. And for the record, XOMAD, LLC, hasn't even been paid a dime on the contract.
Rob Wants Shekira in Jail for What Could Amount to Defrauding the Government, Other Crimes Related to COVID-19 Contract
I'm sure by now you know that Shekira Dennis, the owner of Next Wave Strategies, LLC is mentioned on pages 12 and 13 of the "SEARCH WARRANT" that was executed by Daron Parker, a peace officer employed by the Texas Department of Public Safety, and who is currently assigned to the Texas Rangers Division. That being said, what you might not know, is that Rob Perry, the owner of XOMAD, LLC. has been trying to make contact with Shekira Dennis for months. In fact, Rob Perry, the CEO, of XOMAD, LLC, and Dannie Nguyen, the Head of Tech Products & Strategic Growth at XOMAD, LLC, communicated by phone and email with Shekira Dennis and Erika Johnson on several occasions, as you will see in the email thread below in this exclusive report.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Dannie Nguyen, is the Head of Tech Products & Strategic Growth at XOMAD, LLC, based in Manhattan Beach, California. if you look at the email thread below, you will clearly see that all communications between XOMAD, LLC, and Next Wave Strategies, LLC, stopped after Shekira Dennis had used the XOMAD, LLC, name as one of the "SUBCONTRACTORS" to secure the COVID-19 Outreach Contract that she got awarded by Fort Bend County Judge KP George, Commissioner Grady Prestage, and Commissioner Ken Demerchant, all Democrats.

Rob Perry, the CEO of a company called XOMAD, LLC based in Manhattan Beach, California isn't a happy camper right about now. Why? Well, Shekira Dennis, the owner of Next Wave Strategies, LLC. included listed his company (XOMAD, LLC) in her proposal to get her COVID-19 Outreach Contract over in Fort Bend County, Texas, and never even told him about it. And the worse part of the deal is that, according to Rob Perry, he never gave Shekira Dennis, or Erika Johnson, permission to use the name of his company. And for the record, XOMAD, LLC, hasn't even been paid a dime on the contract

Around the same time, Shekira Dennis was awarded her COVID-19 Outreach Contract, potentially worth $1,035,000.00 by Fort Bend County Judge KP George, Commissioner Grady Prestage, and Commissioner Ken Demerchant, she was also strengthening her ties with Carroll G. Robinson, the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, and Antron D. Johnson, who would eventually become the chief consultant and campaign manager of Fort Bend County Judge KP. George.
Shekira's Name Appears On Pages 12 and 13 of the Search Warrant Executed by the Texas Rangers Last Week in Harris County
Shekira Dennis is mentioned on pages 12 and 13 of the "SEARCH WARRANT" that was executed by Daron Parker, a peace officer employed by the Texas Department of Public Safety, and who is currently assigned to the Texas Rangers Division. That being said, Shekira Dennis is a "DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL OPERATIVE" and the managing partner of Next Wave Strategies, LLC. Now, exactly how much she knows about what's going on with Carroll G. Robinson, Antron D. Jones, and their defunct Political Action Committees, isn't for me to decide. However, Shekira Dennis, and people like Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis donated money to The Texas Black Democrats PAC back on 1/14/2020. And while, Shekira Dennis may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the money she donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 1/10/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929, by now, she's surely aware that Carroll G. Robinson and Antron D. Johnson are running what looks a lot like a Political Action "PONZI SCHEME" where money is being taken in, and then funneled out as bogus expenditures.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

If you take the time to read this "SEARCH WARRANT" related to raids that were conducted on the homes and offices of the folks connected to the $11 million COVID-19 Targeted Community Vaccine Outreach Contract that Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo awarded to Felicity Pereyra, the owner of Elevate Strategies, LLC, you will find the name Shekira Dennis, owner of Next Wave Strategies, LLC, mentioned on (PAGES 12 AND 13) of the warrant. (CLICK HERE) to read the warrant.

On page 12, it states, "I have viewed the transcript of a text message conversation between Dunn and Triantaphyllis from February 4, 2021. Triantphyllis texted Aaron Dunn at 3:47 p.m. "Is the RFP out? Want to tell Purchasing to send out the link to the RFP to Felicity and plus maybe others." Dunn responded at 3:49 p.m., "No tomorrow. So there's still time." Triantaphyllis responded at 3:56 p.m. "Have them send it to: Felicity Pereyra (felicity@elevatestragegiesllc.com) Frances Valdez (frances@houstoninaction.org) Shekira Dennis (Shekira@next-wave.co). (CLICK HERE) to read the full search warrant.

On page 13, it states, "I have reviewed an email from February 24, 2021, at 10:26 a.m. from Dunn to Dopslauf with Triantaphyllis and Venables cc'ed. The subject line was "Draft email to potential vendors." In the body, Dunn stated that they had drafted an email to send to potential vendors and wanted to make sure it followed procurement rules before it was sent out. The potential recipients were listed as: 1) Felicity Pereyra (felicity@elevatestragegiesllc.com) 2) Frances Valdez (frances@houstoninaction.org) 3) Shekira Dennis (Shekira@next-wave.co) 4) Paula Cuccaro (Paula.M.Cuccaro@uth.tmc.edu). The draft email stated: "To whom it may concern, Harris County is currently seeking bids for vendors to implement a targeted COVID-19 vaccine outreach effort, with the goal of ensuring vaccination uptake throughout Harris County, especially vulnerable and hard-to-reach communities. The selected vendor will create and oversee a community outreach strategy, analyze and report on vaccine adoption data, support ongoing messaging and marketing activities, and conduct-community-based outreach and engagement...." (CLICK HERE) to read the full search warrant.

Around the same time, Shekira Dennis was awarded her COVID-19 Outreach Contract, potentially worth $1,035,000.00 by Fort Bend County Judge KP George, Commissioner Grady Prestage, and Commissioner Ken Demerchant, she was also strengthening her ties with Carroll G. Robinson, the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, and Antron D. Johnson, who would eventually become the chief consultant and campaign manager of Fort Bend County Judge KP. George.

Do you see these two dudes? This guy pictured above on the left is none other than Antron D. Johnson, and the guy on the right is Carroll G. Robinson, the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats. Now, this Antron D. Johnson dude is listed as the treasurer for three "GPAC'S" that my team has been investigating for some time now. And guess who paid the sum of $100 dollars to get all three of these "GPACS" started? You guessed it -- Carroll G. Robinson!
There's a serious problem swirling over the heads of Antron D. Johnson, and Carroll G. Robinson. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. And all Fort Bend County District Attorney Brian Middleton or Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg has to do, is pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and then ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. And what Shelly, is going to tell them is that American Technology Consulting does not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

On January 10, 2021, Shekira Dennis gave the Texas Black Democrats PAC a donation in the amount of $500.00 dollars. On the campaign finance report dated 7/15/2021, and sworn to under penalty of perjury Antron D. Johnson, the treasurer for this “GPAC” listed Shekira Dennis as a consultant with Next Wave Strategies.

On March 23, 2021, Shekira Dennis was paid by the Texas Black Democrats PAC the sum of $4,590.00 dollars in the form of a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” according to the sworn statement provided to the Texas Ethics Commission by Antron D. Johnson, the treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. The $4,590.00 dollars was paid to Next Wave Strategies by the Texas Black Democrats PAC as a Fundraising Consultant.

On June 1, 2021, Shekira Dennis was paid by the Texas Black Democrats PAC the sum of $1,820.00 dollars in the form of a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” according to the sworn statement provided to the Texas Ethics Commission by Antron D. Johnson, the treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. The $1,820 dollars was paid to Next Wave Strategies by the Texas Black Democrats PAC for what appears to be a General Consulting expense.

It’s perfectly clear that Shekira Dennis donated money to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, and was paid money by the Texas Black Democrats PAC to raise funds. That being said, Shekira Dennis, the managing director of Next Wave Strategies, LCC, may have been lobbying “ELECTED OFFICIALS” to get them to make donations to the Texas Black Democrats PAC as part of her duties as outlined on the campaign finance report that was submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, the treasurer for the “GPAC” back on 7/15/2021. What is lobbying? Well, in a sense, “Direct Lobbying” is an attempt to influence legislation through communication. And “Grassroots Lobbying” is an attempt to influence legislation by effectively impacting the opinions and decisions of the general public. So, as it relates to the political connections, affiliations, and interests, of Shekirra Dennis, it is very easy to see, how she uniquely positioned herself to be awarded the COVID-19 Outreach Contract that she was given by Fort Bend County Judge KP George, Fort Bend County Commissioner Grady Prestage, and Fort Bend County Commissioner Ken Demerchant. And it's also easy to see how she had maneuvered herself into a position where she stood to make millions and millions of dollars, for what appears to be some sort of "POLITICAL PONZI SCHEME" being operated by Carroll G. Robinson and his boy Antron D. Johnson.

Our ongoing investigation into the “SCHEME” that appears to look a lot like a “PONZI SCHEME” or “PYRAMID SCHEME” being operated by Carroll G. Robinson, chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, and his boy Antron D. Johnson, the treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, TxMuniPAC, and ReformHISD, has to lead us to what we believed to be “BOGUS CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES” being reported to the Texas Ethics Commission by Antron D. Johnson, under penalty of perjury.

On 4/05/2020, a payment in the amount of $5,000.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 7/19/2020, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, supposedly located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $5,000.00 dollars as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for “BLACK VOTER OUTREACH” of some sort. But we have very good reason to believe that Antron D. Johnson perjured himself by lying on this particular campaign finance report! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 4/06/2020, a payment in the amount of $1,500.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 10/26/2020, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, supposedly located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $1,500.00 dollars as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for “STATEWIDE GOTV ROBODIALS AND TEXT MESSAGES” of some sort. But we have very good reason to believe that Antron D. Johnson perjured himself by lying on this particular campaign finance report! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 4/15/2020, a payment in the amount of $1,500.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 10/26/2020, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, supposedly located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $1,500.00 dollars as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for “RURAL TEXAS ROBO CALLS AND TEXT MESSAGES” of some sort. But we have very good reason to believe that Antron D. Johnson perjured himself by lying on this particular campaign finance report! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 10/27/2020, a payment in the amount of $1,500.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 1/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, supposedly located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $1,500.00 dollars as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for “BLACK VOTER OUTREACH” of some sort. But we have very good reason to believe that Antron D. Johnson perjured himself by lying on this particular campaign finance report! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 10/29/2020, a payment in the amount of $2,000.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 1/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, supposedly located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $2,000.00 dollars as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for “ADVERTISING” of some sort. But we have very good reason to believe that Antron D. Johnson perjured himself by lying on this particular campaign finance report! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 10/29/2020, a payment in the amount of $4,000.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 1/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, supposedly located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $4,000.00 dollars as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for “OUTREACH” of some sort. But we have very good reason to believe that Antron D. Johnson perjured himself by lying on this particular campaign finance report! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 10/29/2020, a payment in the amount of $1,000.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 1/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $1,000.00 dollars as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for “OUTREACH” of some sort. But we have very good reason to believe that Antron D. Johnson perjured himself by lying on this particular campaign finance report! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 11/20/2020, a payment in the amount of $900.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 1/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $900.00 dollars as an “ADVERTISING EXPENSE” for “BLACK VOTER OUTREACH” of some sort. But we have very good reason to believe that Antron D. Johnson perjured himself by lying on this particular campaign finance report! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 1/25/2021, a payment in the amount of $1,687.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $1,687.00 dollars as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for consulting services rendered. But we have very good reason to believe that Antron D. Johnson perjured himself by lying on this particular campaign finance report! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 12/1/2021, a payment in the amount of $725.00 dollars was paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 1/18/2022, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. On this particular campaign finance report, Antron D. Johnson is now claiming that American Technology Consulting is located at 7713 Stoney Creek Ct in Fairfax Station, VA 22039. In previous filings, Antron D. Johnson provided sworn statements campaign finance reports stating that American Technology Consulting, was located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929. But we have very good reason to believe that Antron D. Johnson perjured himself by lying on those campaign finance reports.

On 2/01/2021, a payment in the amount of $2,331.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $2,331.00 dollars as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for consulting services rendered. But we have very good reason to believe that Antron D. Johnson perjured himself by lying on this particular campaign finance report! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 4/05/2021, a payment in the amount of $3,000.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $3,000.00 dollars as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for consulting services rendered. But we have very good reason to believe that Antron D. Johnson perjured himself by lying on this particular campaign finance report! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 4/13/2021, a payment in the amount of $1,950.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., DC 01929 was paid the $1,950.00 dollars as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for consulting services rendered. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

On 6/07/2021, a payment in the amount of $1,820.00 dollars was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, according to the sworn statement made on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury by Antron D. Johnson, to the Texas Ethics Commission, in his capacity acting as Treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC. Now, according to Antron D. Johnson’s sworn statement, American Technology Consulting, located at 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C.,DC 01929 was paid the $1,820 dollars as a “CONSULTING EXPENSE” for consulting services rendered. But there’s a problem! How did the Texas Black Democrats PAC pay American Technology Consulting in Washington D.C. at the zip code 01929, when that’s the zip code for Northeast Massachusetts?

I'm sure by now, Mike Collier knows that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/01/2021, 2/13/2021, 4/01/2021, 6/17/2021, and 6/21/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

It is unclear right now how much Mike Collier knows about the inner-workings of the "SCHEME” that’s being run by Carroll G. Robinson, chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, and his boy Antron D. Johnson, the treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, TxMuniPAC, and ReformHISD. However, during our ongoing investigation, we've discovered a bunch of small donations that have been donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC by Mike Collier.

On 10/05/2020, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 10/26/2020, under penalty of perjury.

On 10/07/2020, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 10/26/2020, under penalty of perjury.

On 10/15/2020, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 10/26/2020, under penalty of perjury.

On 11/28/2020, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 1/15/2021, under penalty of perjury.

On 2/01/2021, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury.

On 2/13/2021, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury.

On 4/01/2021, Mike Collier donated $1,000.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury.

On 6/17/2021, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury.

On 6/21/2021, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 7/15/2021, under penalty of perjury.

On 7/21/2021, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 1/18/2022, under penalty of perjury.

On 8/21/2021, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 1/18/2022, under penalty of perjury.

On 9/03/2021, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 1/18/2022, under penalty of perjury.

On 10/23/2021, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 1/18/2022, under penalty of perjury.

On 11/21/2021, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 1/18/2022, under penalty of perjury.

On 12/21/2021, Mike Collier donated $100.00 dollars to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, according to the campaign finance report that was signed off on by Antron D. Johnson and submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on 1/18/2022, under penalty of perjury.

As far as I know, Judge Mike Engelhart may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 9/01/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

As far as I know, Judge Jerry Zimmerer may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/20/2020, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

As far as I know, Attorney Ben Hall may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 10/05/2020, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

As far as I know, Attorney Michael Harris may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 10/05/2020, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

As far as I know, State Senator Borris L. Miles may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 10/21/2020, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

As far as I know, Attorney Gilbert Garcia may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 11/01/2020, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

As far as I know, Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/24/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

As for as I know, Harris County Treasurer Dylan Osbourne may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/14/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

As for as I know, Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 5/01/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

I don't know how much Mayor Sylvester Turner knows about what's going on with these defunct Political Action Committees that are popping up all over the place. And it's still a little unclear as to whether Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth (Democratic – Harris County Clerk), is fully aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money she donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 5/02/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

I really like Joe Jaworski as a person. He's awesome and above board. That being said, I don't think Joe is even aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/23/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

I've heard a lot of good things about Cecil Shaw over the years. Cecil is a really good guy. Now, as for Judge Scot “dolli” Dollinger he may not even be unaware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/12/2021 and 4/27/2021 was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

At this point, I don't really know how much Judge Jim Kovach knows about the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/23/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

I really like Judge Clinton Wells a lot. That said, I would be really surprised if Judge Wells knew anything about the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/14/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

I was really proud of Judge Sedrick Walker when he took the bench. Judge Walker may not even be unaware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/24/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

At this time, it's unclear how much Gerald Womack, and Argentina James (Democratic – Public Relations Operative), know about these defunct Political Action Committees. But I would be highly surprised if Argentina James knew about the fact that a portion of the money she donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/20/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

I'm not sure how much Pastor Max Miller or Melanie Miles know about what's going on with all of these defunct Political Action Committees. As far as I know, Melanie may not even be unaware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money she donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 5/29/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

I don't think that Councilman Ed Pollard knows anything about all of these defunct Political Action Committees. And I certainly don't believe that he's even aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/20/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. I'm sure by now, Mike Collier has discovered that 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C., but is instead the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But if not, I'm sure that Mike Collier has enough sense to pick up the phone and call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's actually located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. It is incumbent upon us to elect "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for us. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. We must make it our collective effort to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this crucial moment in time."
Favoritism and Party Politics Have No Place Inside Our Harris County Courtrooms
At the end of the day, the judicial races are the most important races on the ballot. That said, who we allow to put on that black robe and occupy judicial benches (especially in Harris County, Texas) matters a great deal. Over the years, through straight-ticket voting, and folks going into the polls playing "Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe" we've allowed a few bad folks to slip through the cracks. Now, I'm not trying to play party politics in any way, shape, or form, with my words. All I'm trying to say is that nobody is perfect, but if we make it our goal to elevate people who fear God and have a backbone into positions of authority, every one of us will be afforded the opportunity to live our best life.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033