The honorable Mayor Allen Owen and his wife Jane are asking for the vote, prayers, and support of every single registered Missouri City, Texas resident who is eligible to cast a vote on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the "NON-PARTISAN" race for Mayor of Missouri City, Texas. In case you haven't heard already, Fred G. Taylor (no relation to Aubrey R. Taylor) and Councilwoman Yolanda Ford have both decided to challenge Mayor Allen Owen on the November ballot. So, please remind all your family and friends that early voting for the 2018 General Mayoral Election for Missouri City will begin Monday, October 22, 2018, and end on Friday, November 2, 2018, in what is expected to be a record turnout for Missouri City, Texas.
Mayor Allen Owen, Council Member Jerry Wyatt Both Vow to Fight Off Challengers on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in Missouri City, Texas says Aubrey R. Taylor, Publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©
The battle lines have been drawn in what is shaping up to be one of the most highly contested general elections in the history of Missouri City, Texas. Get this, never before has Mayor Allen Owen and one of his trusted allies (Councilman Jerry Wyatt) been charged with having to face would be opponents in a November setting – on a Midterm Election ballot. But Mayor Allen Owen, the mayor of Missouri City and Jerry Wyatt, the At-Large Position #1 Councilman for Missouri City reassured the packed house who came out to support Owen at the Bluebonnet Room inside the City Centre located at the Quail Valley Golf Course, 2880 La Quinta Drive in Missouri City, Texas for his coming out party and fundraiser held on Wednesday, August 22, 2018, that they're both ready and able to defend their positions.

Former Missouri City Councilman Danny Nguyen is pictured with Linda M. Emery the wife of Missouri City Councilman Floyd Emery.

Burt and Sandra Levine have declared their public support for Mayor Allen Owen in his bid for re-election in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, General Mayoral Election for Missouri City, Texas. Mayor Owen faces challenges from Councilwoman Yolanda Ford and a guy by the name of Fred G. Taylor who lost to Mayor Owen the last time he challenged him.

Councilman Jerry Wyatt is also supporting his good friend Mayor Allen Owen in his Tuesday, November 6, 2018 bid for re-election. Councilman Wyatt will also be facing a challenger in the race for Missouri City Council At-Large Position #1 on November 6th.

Former Missouri City Councilman Don Smith introduced his good friend Mayor Allen Owen to a packed house of supporters in the Bluebonnet Room located inside the City Centre at the Quail Valley Golf Course, 2880 La Quinta Drive in Missouri City, Texas for his coming out party and fundraiser.
“I plan to fight, and fight hard,” said Mayor Owen to the applause of a packed house that looked a lot like a “Who’s Who in Fort Bend County" list of dignitaries. A few of those who were in attendance were Danny Nguyen, former Missouri Councilman; Floyd Emery, current Missouri City Councilman, and his wife; Don Smith, former Houston City Councilman, Noel Pinnock a former Missouri City Mayor Candidate; Robert ‘Bob’ Hebert, Fort Bend County Judge, James Patterson, Fort Bend County Commissioner for Precinct 4; Jacquie Baly, a Political Analyst; Burt Levine and his wife Sandra; Lorenza P. Butler, Jr., publisher Emeritus of the Houston Informer and Texas Freeman – the oldest and continuously published Black Newspaper and Radio Station west of the Mississippi River; Jason Burdine, President of Fort Bend ISD; Dave Rosenthal, the Fort Bend ISD Trustee for Position 7; Jim Rice, the Fort Bend ISD Trustee for Position 3; Kristin K. Tassin, the Fort Bend ISD Trustee for Position 4; Susan Soto, a 2018 Candidate for Missouri City Council At-Large Position #2, and H.R. "Buddy" Snyder, also a 2018 Candidate for Missouri City Council At-Large Position #2 were just a few of those in attendance.
Just in case you don’t know, Mayor Allen Owen opposed having the Missouri City, General Election being moved to November. However, back during October of 2016, at a Regular City Council meeting, Missouri City Councilmembers voted 4-3 to approve a resolution that moved the City's general's elections from May to November. But can Mayor Allen Owen still win? "I plan to do everything in my power to continue working for the people of this great city," said Mayor Owen. "I love this city," he proclaimed as the crowd broke out into applause for their beloved mayor. But Mayor Owen and Councilman Wyatt are swimming in unchartered waters with the election being held in November, rather than May – as usual. First off, the turnout is going to be a lot more robust, as would be vote-casters will have greater incentives to come out to vote in the Midterm Election. The only question is whether they're going to vote a straight-ticket and go home, or continue down their ballot (all the way to the bottom) and vote in the Mayoral and Council races for Missouri City. So, to be sure, Owen, Wyatt, and Preston, the At-Large Position #2 candidate who will also be on the ballot will not only have to fight to hold off feisty challengers; but they will also have to educate voters on what they need to do to cast their ballots for them in their respective races.
In the race for Mayor of Missouri City, Mayor Allen Owen, Fred G. Taylor, and Yolanda Ford, the Missouri City Councilwoman representing District A, will face off on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. Owen defeated Taylor (no relation) in his last re-election bid. In case you don’t know, win, lose, or draw, Councilwoman Ford will have to vacate her seat at the council table once the Midterm Election is over.
Just in case you don’t know, Mayor Allen Owen opposed having the Missouri City, General Election being moved to November. However, back during October of 2016, at a Regular City Council meeting, Missouri City Councilmembers voted 4-3 to approve a resolution that moved the City's general's elections from May to November. But can Mayor Allen Owen still win? "I plan to do everything in my power to continue working for the people of this great city," said Mayor Owen. "I love this city," he proclaimed as the crowd broke out into applause for their beloved mayor. But Mayor Owen and Councilman Wyatt are swimming in unchartered waters with the election being held in November, rather than May – as usual. First off, the turnout is going to be a lot more robust, as would be vote-casters will have greater incentives to come out to vote in the Midterm Election. The only question is whether they're going to vote a straight-ticket and go home, or continue down their ballot (all the way to the bottom) and vote in the Mayoral and Council races for Missouri City. So, to be sure, Owen, Wyatt, and Preston, the At-Large Position #2 candidate who will also be on the ballot will not only have to fight to hold off feisty challengers; but they will also have to educate voters on what they need to do to cast their ballots for them in their respective races.
In the race for Mayor of Missouri City, Mayor Allen Owen, Fred G. Taylor, and Yolanda Ford, the Missouri City Councilwoman representing District A, will face off on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. Owen defeated Taylor (no relation) in his last re-election bid. In case you don’t know, win, lose, or draw, Councilwoman Ford will have to vacate her seat at the council table once the Midterm Election is over.
In the race for Missouri City Council At-Large Position #1, Councilman Jerry Wyatt is being challenged by Vashaundra Edwards on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in Missouri City's General Election.
In the race for Missouri City Council At-Large Position #1, Councilman Jerry Wyatt is being challenged by Vashaundra Edwards on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in Missouri City's General Election.
In the race for Missouri City Council At-Large Position #2, Councilman Chris Preston is being challenged by Susan Soto, Angie Wierzbicki, and H.R. "Buddy" Snyder on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in Missouri City's General Election.
In the race for Missouri City Council At-Large Position #2, Councilman Chris Preston is being challenged by Susan Soto, Angie Wierzbicki, and H.R. "Buddy" Snyder on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in Missouri City's General Election.

Mayor Allen Owen and his wife Jane have been married for more than 50 years. And they’ve spent over 40 of those years serving the people of Missouri City, Texas. I can assure you that they both love “The Show Me City,” dearly. As for Mayor Allen Owen, well, he's dedicated his life to being a committed husband, father, business and civic leader in the city he loves. However, back during the October 17, 2016, regular Missouri City, Texas Council meeting, Councilmembers voted 4-3 to approve a resolution that moved Missouri City's general election from May to November. Thus, Mayor Allen Owen needs the vote of every registered voter who lives within the boundaries of Missouri City, Texas to remain in office. So, please, please, please, remind all your family, friends, co-workers, and associates that early voting will begin on Monday, October 22, 2018, and end on Friday, November 2, 2018.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I would like to thank Cynthia Ginyard and Jacey Jetton for all the hard work they're putting in to ensure that their nominees are well positioned for success on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in Fort Bend County, Texas. In case you don't know, Cynthia Ginyard is Chairman of the Fort Bend County Democratic Party, and Jacey Jetton is Chairman of the Fort Bend County Republican Party."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "On behalf of the Houston Business Connections Newpaper© I would like to thank Jacquie Baly for endorsing Mayor Allen Owen in his bid for re-election on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the race for Mayor of Missouri City, Texas. In case you don't already know, Mayor Allen Owen values every vote. And he's asking for your vote inside this "FORT BEND COUNTY SPOTLIGHT" edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©. So, please be reminded that early voting will begin on Monday, October 22, 2018, and end Friday, November 2, 2018. And finally, please, please, please, don't forget that it's imperative that we make it our business to elect the "BEST QUALIFIED CANDIDATES" who value us we go to the polls to vote."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033