Congratulation to Democratic nominee Brittanye Morris (left) for staying her course and winning her battle to remain on the November 3, 2020, ballot in Harris County, Texas. In case you don’t know, Brittanye Morris will win the race for District Judge, for the 333rd Civil District Court and become one of the youngest sitting judges in America – once she’s sworn in after the first of the year. How? She does not have a Republican opponent on the November 3rd ballot. WAY TO GO BRITTANYE – SO PROUD OF YOU!!! Now, as for Democrats like Attorney Jeralynn Manor (middle), and Judge Fredericka Phillips (far right), they are both facing huge challenges as they run their campaigns in the midst of what is shaping up to be the worst pandemic we’ve ever seen as a nation. That being said, a lot of folks still haven’t gotten the memo that, straight-ticket has been abolished in the State of Texas. So, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, Democratic Judicial candidates like Attorney Jeralynn Manor, and Judge Fredericka Phillips won’t be enjoying the huge straight-ticket vote advantages other Democrats have enjoyed over the last few election cycles. Why does this matter? Well, it matters because, without straight ticket-voting, the playing field has been leveled – which is a game-changer for Texas. In case you don’t know, every down-ballot candidate, whether Democrat or Republican will now need for anywhere from 550,000 to 750,000, or more people to select their name individually for them to win on November 3rd – which is going to be a major challenge – especially since many registered voters from both major political parties still don’t know that they won’t be able to waltz into the voting booth and cast a straight-ticket ballot on Election Day. With that said, voter education and mobilization should be the major objectives for the Harris County Democratic Party and Harris County Republican Party between now and the start of early voting, which will begin on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, and end on Friday, October 30, 2020.
Campaigning During the Middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic Will Require Local Democrats to Be A Lot More Creative As Election Day Draws Nearer
With the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, local and national attention has shifted to who President Donald Trump will choose to nominate as her replacement. It’s expected that President Trump will release the name of the person he believes is best suited to sit on the Supreme Court this coming Friday or Saturday. Now, while this is very important in the grand scheme of things, this should not be the biggest issue on the minds of local Democrats and Democratic organizations as the start of early voting draws nearer. Look, all politics are local – so local organizations must refrain from placing too much attention on national matters in the coming weeks leading up to Tuesday, November 3, 2020, in my opinion. Hey, over the weekend I ran across a post published on Facebook by Carroll G. Robson, chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats which stated, “As we mourn the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg (RBG) and remember and celebrate her life and legacy as a barrier breaker, lawyer and justice, Democrats must be willing to point to who would be our nominee for the United States Supreme Court and why we need a President Joe Biden to nominate her and a Democratic majority in the United States Senate to confirm that nominee.” Yes, what Carroll is talking about is vitally important; but developing a plan of action to get local judges elected is the most pressing matter that local Democrats should be focused on right now in my opinion. Nope, I’m not trying to be a hard azz here -- I’m simply trying to sound the alarm that national matters will take care of themselves. Carroll went on to say, “America needs a new justice that is a modern combination of RBG, Thurgood Marshall and William Brennan,” In case you didn’t see, his post, let me state for the record, that I don’t necessarily agree with him on who that person would be. According to Carroll G. Robinson, “That person is Stacey Abrams.”

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

To become the Democratic nominee for the 333rd Civil District Court, Attorney Brittanye Morris defeated sitting Democratic Judge Daryl Moore; Attorney Jeralynn Manor unseated Democratic Judge Larry Weiman, and Judge Fredericka Phillips ran unopposed back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the Democratic Party primary for Harris County, Texas.
Down-Ballot 2020 Judicial Candidates in Harris County Should Be the Main Focus Right Now
While it would be great to have a Black woman sitting on the Supreme Court of the United States of America like Carroll G. Robinson is suggesting – it ain’t going to happen right now – not even if Senator Joe Biden is given the opportunity, to choose the person to succeed Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on the high court. So, to this end, local Harris County Democrats must tackle the issues they have control over – which is to rally their troops to make sure that their down-ballot “2020 DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL NOMINEES” like Jeralynn Manor and Judge Fredericka Phillips win their election bids. And if that’s not enough to deal with, there's a bunch of down-ballot Democratic nominees who lack the finances they need to mount serious campaigns – but I digress. Look, in case you don’t know, Jeralynn Manor is facing off against Sharon Hemphill, a Republican on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, in the race for District Judge, 80th Civil District Court. And for the record, Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Jeralynn Manor in the race for District Judge, for the 80th Civil District Court on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Manor has also earned the endorsement of Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay, Political Strategist Antonio Maldonado, Political Advocate Demetria Smith, and a host of other local leaders. As for Judge Fredericka Phillips, she’s being challenged by former Judge Erin Elizabeth Lunceford on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, in Harris County, Texas. So, as I’ve said, many times before, all politics is local. So, to this end, local Democrats shouldn’t be relying on Sen. Kamala Harris being on the ticket in the race for President along with Sen. Joe Biden as their end game to rally their base. Local down-ballot candidates should be the ones used by local parties to drive out and mobilize Harris County, Texas voters.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Chief Justice Nathan Hecht is being challenged by Amy Clark Meachum in the race for Chief Justice, Texas Supreme Court, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Chief Justice Nathan Hecht. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Amy Clark Meachum is the best candidate in the race for Chief Justice, Texas Supreme Court. “We need more female representation in our judicial seats,” says Antonio Maldonado. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Amy Clark Meachum in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Chief Justice Nathan Hecht in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Amy Clark Meachum in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Mark Ash, the Libertarian in this race. Dr. Kendall Baker, is encouraging all open-minded Harris County, Texas voters to cast their vote for Chief Justice Nathan Hecht in this race.

Justice Jane Bland is being challenged by Kathy Cheng in the race for Justice, Texas Supreme Court, Place 6, Unexpired Term, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Justice Jane Bland. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Kathy Cheng is the best candidate in the race for Justice, Texas Supreme Court Place 6. “We need more minorities and minority females in office and there aren’t hardly any Asian Americans in judicial positions,” says Antonio Maldonado. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Kathy Cheng in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Justice Jane Bland in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's endorsing Kathy Cheng in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Kathy Cheng in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Justice Jane Bland in this race. Dr. Kendall Baker, is encouraging all open-minded Harris County, Texas voters to cast their vote for Justice Jane Bland in this race.

Judge Staci Williams will be seeking to unseat Justice Jeff Boyd in the race for Justice, Texas Supreme Court, Place 7, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Judge Staci Williams. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, Judge Staci Williams is the best candidate in the race for Justice, Texas Supreme Court, Place 7. “We need more females in judicial seats. And we definitely are in need of more Black American female judges,” he says. “We need to get with the program and be progressive,” says Antonio Maldonado. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Judge Staci Williams in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Justice Jeff Boyd in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's endorsing Judge Staci Williams in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Staci Williams in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Justice Jeff Boyd in this race. Dr. Kendall Baker, is encouraging all open-minded Harris County, Texas voters to cast their vote for Justice Jeff Boyd in this race.

Justice Brett Busby is being challenged by Gisela D. Triana in the race for Justice, Texas Supreme Court, Place 8, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Justice Brett Busby. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Gisela D. Triana is the best choice for Texans in the race for Justice, Texas Supreme Court, Place 8. “It’s about time that we elected and supported a Hispanic/Latina Female in a High Judicial Position such as this,” says Antonio Maldonado. He also went on to reiterate his opinion that more minority females need to be elected to judicial positions. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Gisela D. Triana in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Justice Brett Busby in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Gisela D. Triana in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Justice Brett Busby in this race. Dr. Kendall Baker, is encouraging all open-minded Harris County, Texas voters to cast their vote for Justice Brett Busby in this race.

Elizabeth Davis Frizell will be trying to unseat Judge Bert Richardson in the race for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 3, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Judge Bert Richardson. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Elizabeth Frizell is the right choice for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 3, in the state of Texas. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Elizabeth Frizell in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Judge Bert Richardson in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Elizabeth Frizell in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Judge Bert Richardson in this race. Dr. Kendall Baker, is encouraging all open-minded Harris County, Texas voters to cast their vote for Justice Bert Richardson in this race.

Judge David Newell is being challenged by Judge Brandon Birmingham in the race for Judge, Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 9, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Judge David Newell. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Brandon Birmingham is the right choice in the race for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 9. He appears to have endorsed Brandon Birmingham over Judge David Newell in this race for purely partisan reasons. “Brandon Birmingham is the Democratic Party nominee, and as a Democrat, I support him for Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Place 9,” says Maldonado. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Brandon Birmingham in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Justice David Newell in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Brandon Birmingham in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Justice David Newell in this race. Dr. Kendall Baker, is encouraging all open-minded Harris County, Texas voters to cast their vote for Judge David Newell in this race.

Justice Tracy Elizabeth Christopher is being challenged by Jane Robinson in the race for Chief Justice, 14th Court of Appeals, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Justice Tracy Elizabeth Christopher. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Jane Robinson is the better candidate for Texas, in the race for Chief Justice, 14th Court of Appeals. He didn’t really elaborate on why he went with Robinson over Justice Elizabeth Christopher in this race. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Jane Robinson in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Justice Tracy Elizabeth Christopher in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Jane Robinson in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Justice Tracy Elizabeth Christopher in this race. Dr. Kendall Baker, is encouraging all open-minded Harris County, Texas voters to cast their vote for Justice Tracy Elizabeth Christopher in this race.

Justice Russell Lloyd is being challenged by Veronica Rivas-Molloy in the race for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 3, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Justice Russell Lloyd. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, Texans should cast their vote for Veronica Rivas-Molloy in the race for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 3. His reasoning behind endorsing Veronica Rivas-Molloy over Justice Russel Lloyd in this race seems to have boiled down to his desire to see more Hispanic/Latinas elected to public office. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Veronica Rivas-Molloy in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Justice Russell Lloyd in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Veronica Rivas-Molloy in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Justice Russell Lloyd in this race. Dr. Kendall Baker, is encouraging all open-minded Harris County, Texas voters to cast their vote for Justice Russell Lloyd in this race.

Justice Terry Adams is being challenged by Ampara Monique Guerra in the race for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 5, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Justice Terry Adams. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Amparo Yanez Guerra, who will appear on the ballot as, Amparo. Monique Guerra is the right choice in the race for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 5. “This year is the Year of Hispanas! Que Viva La Raza!!!,” he says. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Ampara Monique Guerra in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Justice Terry Adams in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's endorsing Justice Terry Adams in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Ampara Monique Guerra in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Justice Terry Adams in this race. Dr. Kendall Baker, is encouraging all open-minded Harris County, Texas voters to cast their vote for Justice Terry Adams in this race.

Judge Kevin Patrick Yeary is being challenged by Judge Tina Clinton in the race for Judge, Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 4, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Judge Kevin Patrick Yeary. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Judge Tina Clinton needs to be elected in the race for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 4. “We don’t have enough female representation and almost none of our Judges are Asian,” he says. “We Need Equality in our Court Rooms,” claims Antonio Maldonado. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Tina Yoo Clinton in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Judge Kevin Patrick Yeary in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race.For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Tina Clinton in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Justice Kevin Patrick Yeary in this race. Dr. Kendall Baker, is encouraging all open-minded Harris County, Texas voters to cast their vote for Justice Kevin Patrick Yeary in this race.

Tamika “Tami” Craft will be seeking to unseat Justice Ken Wise in the race for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 7, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has issued a "DUAL ENDORSEMENT" for Tamika "Tami" Craft" and Justice Ken Wise. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Tamika “Tami” Craft is duly-qualified and should be elected on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, in the race for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 7. “We need more Black Female representation, only a “BLACK FEMALE” knows the true value of BLM,” says Antonio Maldonado, referring to the Black Lives Matter Movement.The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Tamika "Tami" Craft in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Justice Ken Wise in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Tamika "Tami" Craft in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Justice Ken Wise in this race. Dr. Kendall Baker, is encouraging all open-minded Harris County, Texas voters to cast their vote for Justice Ken Wise in this race.

Judge Fredericka Phillips will be seeking to fend off the challenge of former Judge Erin Elizabeth Lunceford in the race for District Judge, 61st Judicial District Court in Harris County, Texas. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed former Judge Erin Elizabeth Lunceford. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Judge Fredericka Phillips is the right choice for Harris County, Texas voters in the race for District Judge, 61st Civil District Court. “Fredericka has proven leadership skills and has shown it through her hard work through the Democratic Party and on the bench. We need more ‘sistas’ representing us on the bench,” says Antonio Maldonado. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Judge Fredericka Phillips in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed former Judge Erin Elizabeth Lunceford in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's endorsing former Judge Erin Elizabeth Lunceford in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Fredericka Phillips in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Judge Fredericka Phillips in this race. Dr. Kendall Baker, is encouraging all open-minded Harris County, Texas voters to cast their vote for former Judge Erin Elizabeth Lunceford in this race.

Jeralynn Manor, a newcomer to politics burst on to the political scene and handily defeated the incumbent, Judge Larry Weiman in the race for District Judge, 80th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas, back during the March primaries. She must now defeat veteran attorney Sharon Hemphill, to achieve her dream of becoming a member of the judiciary. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has issued a "DUAL ENDORSEMENT" for Jeralynn Manor and Sharon Hemphill. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, there’s no doubt that Jeralynn Manor is the right choice for Harris County, Texas voters, in the race for District Judge, 80th Civil District Court. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Jeralynn Manor in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Jeralynn Manor in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's endorsing Jeralynn Manor in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Jeralynn Manor in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Sharon Hemphill in this race. Dr. Kendall Baker, is encouraging all open-minded Harris County, Texas voters to cast their vote for Sharon Hemphill in this race.

Judge R.K. Sandill is being challenged by Nile Copeland in the race for District Judge, 127th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Judge Nile Copeland. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Harris County, Texas voters should cast their vote to re-elect Judge Ravi K. Sandill on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, in the race for District Judge, 127th Civil District Court. “Judge R.K. Sandill has done a wonderful job on the bench representing all the constituents with equality, and as my Mama Always used to say, "If it ain't broke, then don’t fix it,” he says.The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Judge R.K. Sandill in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Nile Copeland in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's endorsing Nile Copeland in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge R.K. Sandill in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Nile Copeland in this race.

Judge Michael Gomez is being challenged by Will Archer in the race for District Judge, 129th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Judge Will Archer. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, Harris County voters should cast their vote for Judge Michael Gomez in the race for District Judge, 129th Civil District Court. “He is always out and about in the community. He is one of the only Hispanic male judges on the bench,” say Maldonado. “Judge Gomez has done an excellent job representing the Hispanic community,” he says. “We are Proud of him!” The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Michael Gomez in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Will Archer in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Michael Gomez in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Will Archer in this race.

Judge Jaclanel McFarland is being challenged by former Judge Sheri Y. Dean in the race for District Judge, 133rd Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Sheri Y. Dean. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado believes that Judge Jaclanel McFarland should be re-elected in the race for District Judge, 133rd Civil District Court. “If it ant broke don't mess with it. She (Judge McFarland) has done a good job, and I say leave her right where she is,” he says. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Jaclanel McFarland in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed former Judge Sheri Y. Dean in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Jaclanel McFarland in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed former Judge Sheri Y. Dean in this race.

Cheryl Elliott Thornton is no stranger to politics, she’s run for office several times before – only to come up short in hotly contested runoff elections. However, Elliott Thornton found lightning in a bottle back on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, when she soundly defeated the embattled incumbent, Judge Alexandra Smoots-Thomas in what was one of the most lopsided contests we’ve seen in Harris County, Texas in recent years. However, her fight to become a member of the judiciary isn’t over just yet. On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, Cheryl Elliott Thornton, must face off against former Judge Michael Landrum on November 3rd in a fight for District Judge, 164th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Cheryl Elliott Thornton. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he’s not endorsing either of the candidates in the race for District Judge, 164th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Cheryl Elliott Thornton in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed former Judge Michael Landrum in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed former Judge Michael Landrum in this race.

Judge Ursula Hall drew several challengers from within her own party back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in the race for District Judge, 165th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. While she emerged triumphantly, she’s not out of the woods just yet. To win her bid for re-election she must now defeat veteran attorney Bruce Bain, who has already launched his campaign to convince registered Harris County voters (beyond his base) to cast their ballot for him, regardless of their political party affiliation. And now that straight-ticket voting has been abolished in Texas – expect for Bruce Bain to give Judge Ursula Hall all she can handle on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. And please don’t forget to remind everyone you know to do their research on both these candidates in this hotly-contested judicial race and cast their vote for the “BEST-QUALIFIED CANDIDATE” who values, respects, and appreciate their support. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Bruce Bain. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Judge Ursula A. Hall should be re-elected in the race for District Judge, 165th Civil District Court. “Ursula has proven that she is a fighter for her people and the constituents of Harris County,” said Maldonado. “She took out incumbent Judge Josefina Rendon back in 2016, and she crushed her Democratic challenger Megan Diac, back in March 2020 and she won't stop there,” according to Maldonado. “Judge Ursula Hall has proven twice over that she is a fighter, and that she has what it takes to knock out the competition -- both in her own party primary and in the general election,” he went on to say. “It is a privilege to know her (Judge Ursula Hall) and to endorse her,” he says. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Judge Ursula Hall in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Judge Ursula Hall in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Ursula Hall in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Bruce Bain in this race. The Honorable Jacquie Baly has endorsed Bruce Bain in this race.

Judge Elaine Palmer has never lost a race in her political career since taking the bench as the presiding judge for the 215th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. She has faced challenges from within her own party in the past. However, nobody has come close to beating her yet. Judge Palmer has withstood negative articles in the daily newspaper, and attack ads run against her on radio and television stations. However, through it all, she maintained the judicial temperament, grace, and poise all members of the judiciary should posses. And above all of that, she’s done an excellent job for the people of Texas. However, to remain on the bench Judge Palmer must hold off veteran attorney Fred Shuchart, who has his sights set on foiling her bid for re-election on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, in Harris County, Texas. Smart money will be on Judge Elaine Palmer in this race, but don’t count out Shuchart. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has issued a "DUAL ENDORSEMENT" for Judge Elaine Palmer and Fred Shuchart. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Judge Elaine Palmer should be re-elected in the race for District Judge, 215th Civil District Court. “What can I say about Judge Palmer, she has been an exemplary role model for all of the new young Black American judges on the bench,” says Antonio Maldonado. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Judge Elaine Palmer in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Fred Shuchart in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's endorsing Judge Elaine Palmer in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Elaine Palmer in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Fred Shuchart in this race.

Dawn Deshea Rogers is perhaps one of the most passionate and outspoken judicial candidates on the entire Tuesday, November 3, 2020, general election ballot. She has the courage of a lion; but also has a compassionate side that should serve her well as a member of the judiciary. However, to become a judge, she’ll have to defeat veteran attorney Dan Lemkuil in the race for District Judge, 334th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Dan Lemkuil. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he’s not endorsing either of the candidates in the race for District Judge, 334th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas.The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Dawn Deshea Rogers in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Dan Lemkuil in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race.For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Dawn Deshea Rogers in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Dan Lemkuil in this race.

Te’iva Bell will be trying to unseat Judge Jesse McClure in the race for District Judge, 339th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Te'iva Bell. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he’s not endorsing either of the candidates in the race for District Judge, 339th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Te'iva Bell in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Judge Jesse McClure in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Te'iva Bell in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Judge Jesse McClure in this race.

Natalia “Nata” Cornello and Arlene Hecht are facing off in the race for District Judge 351st Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Arlene Hecht. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Natalia “Nata” Cornello” is the candidate Harris County voters should elect in the race for District Judge, 351st Criminal District Court. “Natalia has proven she has what it takes to make it to the top,” says Maldonado. “She has fought her way through the Democratic Party Primary, and I am confident that she won’t stop there,” he explains. “Nata has charisma, smarts, and personality, and we need more Mexican American, Hispanic judges representing us,” he went on to say. “It is an honor to endorse her for Judge of the 351st Criminal District Court here in Harris County,” said Maldonado. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Natalia "Nata" Cornello in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Arlene Hecht in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Natalia "Nata" Cornello in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Arlene Hecht in this race.

Judge Julia Maldonado is being challenged by former Judge Alyssa Lemkuil in the race for Presiding Judge, 507th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed former Judge Alyssa Lemkuil. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Judge Julia Maldonado (no relation) should be re-elected in the race for Judge, 507th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. “Judge Julia Maldonado is a Guerrera -- a fighter,” he says. “She has been one of the first and only female Mexican American Chicana Judges of The Family Court to serve on the bench in Harris County,” he went on to say. “She fights for the rights of the children and knows single-handedly what it’s like to be a single mother and put herself through law school,” he explains. “She stands up for the rights of single parents and for the rights of grandparents too,” according to Antonio Maldonado. “She has done a wonderful job of keeping familias together,” he went on to say. And in his opinion, “She has been one of the best Family Court Judges in Harris County!” The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Judge Julia Maldonado in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed former Judge Alyssa Lemkuil in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's going to hold her vote in this particular race.For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Julia Maldonado in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Alyssa Lemkuil in this race.

Judge Lesley Briones has done a very good job serving the people of Texas since taking over the bench she now holds from former Judge William “Bill” McLeod, who accidentally triggered his own resignation. But he wasn’t done after his gaffe, as he tried to redeem himself and reclaim his position as a member of the judiciary, back on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, but lost in one of the most lopsided contests on the entire primary ballot. Now, to remain on the bench as the Judge for Harris County Civil Court at Law No. 4, Judge Lesley Briones will have to hold off former Judge Clyde Raymond Leuchtag on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 – which won’t be easy. So, please remember to remind all of your family friends, and neighbors who live in Harris County, Texas to scroll down their ballot and vote in this race. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed former Judge Clyde Raymond Leuchtag. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he’s not endorsing either of the candidates in the race for Judge, Harris County Civil Court at Law #4, in the upcoming Presidential Election.The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Judge Lesley Briones in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed former Judge Clyde Raymond Leuchtag in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's endorsing former Judge Clyde Raymond Leuchtag in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Lesley Briones in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed former Judge Clyde Raymond Leuchtag in this race.

Judge Genesis Draper posses all of the tools needed to serve on a higher court if she chooses to do so in the future. She’s as impressive as they come. However, to remain on the bench, Judge Genesis Draper will have to hold off former Judge, Linda Garcia on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. So, please remember to remind all of your family friends, and neighbors who live in Harris County, Texas to scroll down their ballot and vote in this race. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Linda Garcia. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, Judge Genesis Draper is the right choice in the race for Judge, Harris County Criminal Court at Law #12, in the upcoming Presidential Election. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Judge Genesis Draper in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Judge Genesis Draper in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's endorsing Judge Genesis Draper in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Genesis Draper in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed former Judge Linda Garcia in this race.

Judge Darrell Jordan, the presiding judge, for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 16, will have to hold off former Judge, Bill Harmon to remain on the bench when this pair faces off on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. If Democrats sweep Harris County, expect for Judge Darrell Jordan to win. But if this becomes a tight race, don’t sleep on former judge Bill Harmon. Back in 2016, Judge Darrell Jordan enjoyed a 70, 367, straight-ticket vote advantage over his opponent. However, now that straight-ticket voting has been abolished Judge Jordan will have to do some serious campaigning to hold off his challenger. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed former Judge Bill Harmon. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he’s not endorsing either of the candidates in the race for Judge, Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 16, in the upcoming Presidential Election. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Judge Darrell Jordan in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed former Judge Bill Harmon in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's endorsing Judge Darrell Jordan in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Darrell Jordan in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Judge Darrell Jordan in this race.

Jerry Wayne Dugat will be seeking to unseat Judge Eric William Carter in the race for Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1, Place 1, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Jerry Wayne Dugat. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Judge Eric William Carter is the best choice in the race for Judge, Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1, Place 1. “Eric William Carter is a great judge and he leads by example,” says Antonio Maldonado. “He is fair and open-minded,” Maldonado went on to say. “If it ain't broke, then don't fix it,” he proclaims. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Judge Eric William Carter in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Judge Eric William Carter in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's endorsing Judge Eric William Carter in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Judge Eric William Carter in this race.

Judge Russ Ridgway could have his hands full trying to hold off Israel Garcia in the race for Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 1, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In case you haven't heard, GERRY WAYNE MONROE, the self-proclaimed "5 STAR GENERAL" has endorsed Judge Russ Ridgway. According to political consultant, Antonio Maldonado, he believes that Israel Gracia is the right choice in the race for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 5, Place 1. “We need more Hispanics to step up and that’s what he has done,” says Antonio Maldonado, speaking of Israel Garcia. The Honorable Carroll G. Robinson has endorsed Israel Garcia in this race. Political Consultant/Strategist Carvel Jay has endorsed Judge Russ Ridgway in this race. According to Demetria Smith she's endorsing Judge Russ Ridgway in this particular race. For the record, Attorney Steve Kherkher has endorsed Israel Garcia in this race. In case you haven't heard, Attorney Tom Zakes has endorsed Judge Russ Ridgway in this race.

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Key 2020 Democratic and Republican Nominees You Should Get to Know if You Live in Harris County, Texas

Aubrey R. Taylor is the President/CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©. Taylor has more than 29-years of experience in marketing, branding, investigative reporting, public relations, opposition research, and political consulting. A master at his craft, he’s assisted in branding Republican and Democratic candidates in statewide elections and in local municipalities throughout the State of Texas. Over the years, he’s also assisted in branding and marketing (through his various publications) such corporations and institutions as Shell Oil, The City of Houston, Texas A&M, Texas Southern University, Prairie View A&M University, Chevron, Shell Oil, Waste Management, Nationwide Insurance, Momentum Jaguar/BMW, Channel 11, Channel 13, State Farm Insurance, and Allstate Insurance to name a few.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033