I believe in giving credit where credit is due. So, I want you to know that nobody has impacted my life over the course of the last few years more than Dr. Steven Hotze, M.D., the founder of the Liberty Center for God & County, and publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texas News (CRTXNEWS). Dr. Hotze's support, friendship, and courage have inspired me to keep digging for the truth and reporting the facts. That being said, I've spent the last few weeks studying the "CANVASS REPORTS" and combing through the (359-PAGE) AUDIT that was just released by the Forensic Audit Division (FAD) for the Texas Secretary of State.
Did you know that the Forensic Audit Division (FAD), of the Texas Secretary of State's Office, uncovered that Harris County failed to follow procedures in managing "drive-thru" voting back during the 2020 Presidential Election when Chris Hollins was acting as the Harris County Clerk?
What about the serious "CHAIN OF CUSTODY" issues that were discovered? Did you know that the Forensic Audit (FAD), of the Texas Secretary of State Office, discovered that Harris County did not create the proper chain of custody documentation for 184,999 ballots back during the 2020 Presidential Election when Chris Hollins was brought in to oversee the election?
While Chris Hollins was acting as the Harris County Clerk back during the 2020 Presidential Election, the county also failed to maintain proper documentation for (17) seventeen mobile ballot boxes (MBB) that account for nearly 125,000 votes according to the (359-PAGE) AUDIT that was just released by the Forensic Audit Division (FAD) for the Texas Secretary of State.
After reviewing the (6115-PAGE) CANVASS REPORT that was released by the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum), I'm pretty comfortable and confident enough to where I can now state on the record that "CRIMINAL ACTIVITY" just occurred, and the numbers provided on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" are manufactured.
Dr. Steven Hotze, M.D., is recognized in this edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper as our "MAN OF THE YEAR" for his tireless commitment to "FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT" against Election Fraud, and Public Corruption, in Harris County, Texas.
State Senator Paul Bettencourt (R-Houston), and State Representative Valoree Swanson (R-Harris County) are recognized in this edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper as our "PATRIOTS OF THE YEAR" for their courage, tenacity, and commitment to "FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT" against Election Fraud, by pre-filing HB-220, and HB-549, in response to election improprieties that have been uncovered in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to view this edition.
Arthur "Art" Smith, the founder of "THE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH CREW" is recognized in this edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper as our "ACTIVIST OF THE YEAR" for courageously joining us on the frontline in our fight push back against Election Fraud, Public Corruption, and Judicial Misconduct, in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to view this edition.
Colleen M. Vera, the founder of Texas Trash Talk, and a member of the Harris County Ballot Board, and her husband Alan Vera, as the director of ballot security for the Harris County Republican Party, are two of the most honest, and trustworthy individuals I know. Colleen M. Vera is recognized in this edition of the Houston Business Connections Newspaper for her ongoing commitment to reporting the facts and exposing dirty politicians and their cronies. You can "CLICK HERE" to view this edition.
Yung Giant, the son of Arthur "Art" Smith, and Koffey Smith was recently recognized as an "HONORARY JUDGE FOR THE DAY" by the Honorable Judge Dedra Davis, the presiding judge for the 270th Civil District Court, in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to view this edition.