At 7:00 p.m., Jarvis Johnson had 5,636 votes, 51.67%, and Molly Cook had 5,272 votes, 48.33%. Molly trailed Jarvis Johnson by 364 votes at 7:00 p.m., as Jarvis Johnson began celebrating.
At 8:51 p.m., Jarvis Johnson had 5,652 votes, 51.70%, and Molly Cook had 5,280 votes, 48.30%. Molly trailed Jarvis by 372 votes at 8:51 p.m., as Jarvis Johnson became confident that victory was near.
At 9:47 p.m., Jarvis Johnson had 6,030 votes, 51.46%, and Molly had 5,688 votes, 48.54%. Molly trailed Jarvis Johnson by 342 votes at 9:47 p.m., as the watch party for Jarvis Johnson started rocking.
At 10:55 p.m., Jarvis Johnson had 8,252 votes, 51.60%, and Molly had 7,739 votes, 48.40%. Molly trailed Jarvis Johnson by 513 votes at 10:55 p.m., as Jarvis Johnson started to smell himself.
At 11:50 p.m., Jarvis Johnson had 9,215 votes, 49.93%, and Molly had 9,239 votes, 50.07%. Molly pulled ahead of Jarvis Johnson by 24 votes at 11:50 p.m., as Jarvis Johnson started to look a little worried.
At 1:35 a.m., Jarvis Johnson had 9,354 votes, 49.81%, and Molly had 9,427 votes, 50.19%. Molly pulled a few more votes ahead of Jarvis Johnson by 73 votes at 1:35 p.m., as time began to run out on Jarvis.
At 3:08 p.m., Jarvis Johnson had 9,354 votes, 49.80%, and Molly had 9,428 votes, 50.20%. Molly trailed Jarvis Johnson by 74 votes at 3:08 p.m., as Jarvis Johnson came with 74 votes of becoming the State Senator for District 15 but went home a loser.

Political Consultant Dallas Jones was spotted creeping out of the morning worship service at The Fountain of Praise Church Service -- instead of campaigning for the Biden Campaign. In the photo series above, Dallas Jones leaves his wife and young daughter sitting alone in the front row. It is still being determined precisely when Dallas Jones returned to the scene. But it's hard to understand why Dallas Jones, who was supposed to be the Texas Political Director for the Joe Biden for President Campaign, didn't post anything on his social media pages about the final debate or how things were going on the campaign trail during the week that he is believed to have been talking to the Feds.

Molly Cook defeated Jarvis Johnson by 74 votes on Tuesday, May 28th, 2024; Dallas Jones and Jarvis Johnson’s Plan Failed
It wasn’t a coincidence that State Rep. Jarvis Johnson got the life snatched out of his political future last night. No matter how you flip the coin, the people of Senate District 15 avoided a train wreck last night. Sure, newly elected State Senator Molly Cook needs to gain experience. But it’s better to have a member of the LGBTQ+IA community in the state senate than an egotistical, no-good career politician with no morals or humility about himself.

At 7:00 p.m., Jarvis Johnson had 5,636 votes, 51.67%, and Molly Cook had 5,272 votes, 48.33%. Molly trailed Jarvis Johnson by 364 votes at 7:00 p.m., as Jarvis Johnson began celebrating.
At 8:51 p.m., Jarvis Johnson had 5,652 votes, 51.70%, and Molly Cook had 5,280 votes, 48.30%. Molly trailed Jarvis by 372 votes at 8:51 p.m., as Jarvis Johnson became confident that victory was near.
At 9:47 p.m., Jarvis Johnson had 6,030 votes, 51.46%, and Molly had 5,688 votes, 48.54%. Molly trailed Jarvis Johnson by 342 votes at 9:47 p.m., as the watch party for Jarvis Johnson started rocking.
At 10:55 p.m., Jarvis Johnson had 8,252 votes, 51.60%, and Molly had 7,739 votes, 48.40%. Molly trailed Jarvis Johnson by 513 votes at 10:55 p.m., as Jarvis Johnson started to smell himself.
At 11:50 p.m., Jarvis Johnson had 9,215 votes, 49.93%, and Molly had 9,239 votes, 50.07%. Molly pulled ahead of Jarvis Johnson by 24 votes at 11:50 p.m., as Jarvis Johnson started to look a little worried.
At 1:35 a.m., Jarvis Johnson had 9,354 votes, 49.81%, and Molly had 9,427 votes, 50.19%. Molly pulled a few more votes ahead of Jarvis Johnson by 73 votes at 1:35 p.m., as time began to run out on Jarvis.
At 3:08 p.m., At 3:08 p.m., Jarvis Johnson had 9,354 votes, 49.80%, and Molly had 9,428 votes, 50.20%. Molly trailed Jarvis Johnson by 74 votes at 3:08 p.m., as Jarvis Johnson came with 74 votes of becoming the State Senator for District 15 but went home a loser.

I understand that Dallas Jones, the owner of Elite Change, and some of his buddies are fuming mad at my investigative team and me for exposing his dirty ways. As I’ve said many times before, Dallas Jones is trash, and if he thinks I’m afraid of him talking about trying to sue me for telling the truth about him, he has another thing coming.
The practice of using our courtrooms as political battlefields must stop. That said, Dallas Jones doesn’t realize I know much more about his “BALLOT HARVESTING OPERATION” than I’ve released.
Dallas Jones knows that getting paid to work behind the scenes to help State Rep. Jarvis Johnson try to defeat newly elected State Senator Molly Cook is a ‘no-no’ if it’s a coordinated effort. He also knows a source paid him to support at least one other candidate behind the scenes, with whom he also spoke on several occasions to coordinate efforts – which is illegal.
The only issue with Dallas Jones (Elite Change) getting paid to assist State Rep. Jarvis Johnson is that he and Jarvis were not supposed to coordinate their efforts under any circumstances.
What occurred last night (Tuesday, May 28th, 2024) in the race for State Senate District 15 was an epic failure for State Rep. Jarvis Johnson and Dallas Jones. This epic failure proves that Dallas Jones is trash as a consultant, just like I’ve been proclaiming for years.
Any political candidate who uses Dallas Jones between now and Tuesday, November 5th, 2024, is a fool and has no business getting elected to public office. Listen. There’s a good reason why Dallas Jones no longer publicly lists his political clients on his website. What’s the reason?
Over several decades, Dallas Jones has involved himself in some election contests where the final results have been questionable. I won’t go into detail on the specific races at this time. However, Dallas Jones and the politicians aligned with him know which races I’m referring to.
Another issue that any politicians who hire Dallas Jones in the future must understand is that the information I’m relying upon related to Dallas Jones getting allegedly picked up by the FBI is rock solid and was provided to me by private investigators, one of whom is a former FBI Investigative Specialist, who trained federal agents.

According to former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles Marler, on October 14th and 15th of 2020, authorities seized evidence from an alleged ballot harvester in Harris County, Texas.
On October 16th, 2020, the investigative team monitoring Dallas Jones noticed that most poll workers needed to be added to their polling stations.
On October 17th, 2020, Dallas Jones’ closest friends were in a panic on social media regarding the FBI picking up Dallas Jones that Saturday morning.
On Sunday, Dallas Jones (or someone pretending to be Dallas Jones) told two stories on social media. First, he (or someone with access to his social media account) tried to make it look like he was at church receiving an award, but he was not,” said Marler.
“Then, he said he went to the Hamptons for his birthday weekend,” explained Marler.
Whatever the case, Dallas Jones has not been the same since his alleged encounter with the FBI. The defeat of Jarvis Johnson on Tuesday, May 28th, 2024, after the two appeared to have illegally conspired against Molly Cook, proves that Dallas Jones isn’t the man he used to be.
Dallas Jones and whoever is trying to convince him to challenge me in court had better rethink their strategy. That said, Dallas Jones and anyone who pays him under the table or otherwise are ignorant.