Wednesday, November 22, 2023

John Whitmire is Much Better for Black People than Sheila Jackson Lee; Campaign Finance Reports Reveal the Naked Truth

State Senator John Whitmire (far left) has treated Shekira Dennis (second from left) a whole lot better than Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (second from right) has treated her veteran political consultant by the name of Deidre Rasheed, according to the last few campaign report filings. Both Shekira Dennis and Deidre Rasheed, make their living during political season. That being said, you would think that if Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee actually cared about advancing Black women (as she claims), she would not have nickeled-and-dimed a veteran political consultant Deidre Rasheed into working well below her pay grade during such an important election. MATTHEW 6:21: "For where you treasure is, there your heart will be also." A SNAKE IN THE GRASS... Sheila Jackson Lee is a serpent with a deadly tongue!!! This woman crooked-crown-wearing hussy does not have a soul, moral compass, or the wherewithal, to legally defeat state Senator John Whitmire on Saturday, December 9, 2023, in the runoff election for Mayor of Houston. That being said, "THE WHITMIRE CAMPAIGN" had better make sure that this lying, conniving, snake-in-the-grass does not manufacture votes in the Black community, that aren't really there.

Back on Thursday, May 5, 2023, Former United States Congressman Craig Washington visited the State Capitol. "Today, I had the pleasure of welcoming my dear friend and former Congressman Craig Washington to the Capitol. Having served side by side for 17 years in the Texas House and Senate, our shared experiences have shaped our political careers and forged a lasting bond between us," says State Senator John Whitmire. In case you don't remember, Sheila Jackson Lee was recruited by Ken Lay, and others to take Congressman Craig Washington's 18th Congressional District away from him back in the 1990s. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee appears to have hated strong Black men for all of her adult life. Her hatred for Black men didn't start with her berating her now two Black male staffers.


Back on 10/5/2023, The John Whitmire for Mayor Campaign wrote Next Wave Strategies, which is owned by Shekira Dennis, a 12,000 dollar check.

Back on 9/28/2023, Sheila Jackson Lee for Mayor Campaign wrote Deidre Rasheed, a $2,257.10 check dollar check according to her campaign finance report.

Back on 9/14/2023, Sheila Jackson Lee for Mayor Campaign wrote Deidre Rasheed, a $2,257.11 check dollar check according to her campaign finance report.

Back on 9/8/2023, The John Whitmire for Mayor Campaign wrote Next Wave Strategies, which is owned by Shekira Dennis, a 10,575.00 dollar check.

Back on 8/31/2023, Sheila Jackson Lee for Mayor Campaign wrote Deidre Rasheed, a $2,257.10 check dollar check according to her campaign finance report.

Back on 8/10/2023, The John Whitmire for Mayor Campaign wrote Next Wave Strategies, which is owned by Shekira Dennis, a $3,975.00 dollar check.

Back on 8/7/2023, The John Whitmire for Mayor Campaign wrote Next Wave Strategies, which is owned by Shekira Dennis, a $24,000 dollar check.

Back on 7/28/2023, Sheila Jackson Lee for Mayor Campaign wrote Deidre Rasheed, a $2,257.10 check dollar check according to her campaign finance report.

$12,000.00 - PAYMENT

Back on 10/5/2023, The John Whitmire for Mayor Campaign wrote Next Wave Strategies, which is owned by Shekira Dennis, a 12,000 dollar check.

$2,257.00 - PAYMENT

Back on 9/28/2023, Sheila Jackson Lee for Mayor Campaign wrote Deidre Rasheed, a $2,257.10 check dollar check according to her campaign finance report.

$2,257.00 - PAYMENT

Back on 9/14/2023, Sheila Jackson Lee for Mayor Campaign wrote Deidre Rasheed, a $2,257.11 check dollar check according to her campaign finance report.

$10,575.00 - PAYMENT

Back on 9/8/2023, The John Whitmire for Mayor Campaign wrote Next Wave Strategies, which is owned by Shekira Dennis, a 10,575.00 dollar check.

$2,257.00 - PAYMENT

Back on 8/31/2023, Sheila Jackson Lee for Mayor Campaign wrote Deidre Rasheed, a $2,257.10 check dollar check according to her campaign finance report.

$3,975.00 - PAYMENT

Back on 8/10/2023, The John Whitmire for Mayor Campaign wrote Next Wave Strategies, which is owned by Shekira Dennis, a $3,975.00 dollar check.

$24,000.00 - PAYMENT

Back on 8/7/2023, The John Whitmire for Mayor Campaign wrote Next Wave Strategies, which is owned by Shekira Dennis, a $24,000 dollar check.

$2,257.00 - PAYMENT

Back on 7/28/2023, Sheila Jackson Lee for Mayor Campaign wrote Deidre Rasheed, a $2,257.10 check dollar check according to her campaign finance report.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I'm encouraging all of my friends, readers, and clients, to reject the urge to vote for Sheila Jackson Lee in the race for mayor of Houston today. This woman is a trainwreck waiting to happen. Not only should she not be elected to serve as Mayor of Houston, but this woman doesn't have any business serving as a member of the United States Congress either."

John Whitmire is Better for Black People than Sheila Jackson Lee; Campaign Finance Reports Reveal the Naked Truth


As an African American man, I am very disappointed in the fact that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has been allowed to body-shame, disparage, insult, cuss out, demean, and mistreat Black men for the last 32 years. However, she’s been even worse when it comes to her treatment of Black women, if you ask me.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is a lying, conniving, cunning, child of darkness who doesn’t have a soul. Yes, you heard me right!!! This Sheila Jackson Lee woman is a serpent with a deadly venom. Sheila Jackson Lee does not respect or care about anyone but herself.

This crooked-crown-wearing hussy hasn’t done anything for my people, and her constituents of the 18th Congressional District of Texas have been misled by this snake into believing that she’s been fighting for their best interests all these years. However, her lying, deceitful, corrupt, vindictive, egotistical butt is about to lose the Saturday, December 9, 2023, City of Houston Runoff Election, and then she’s more than likely going to be booted from the United States Congress as well.

I believe that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s constituents have finally figured out that she is an evil, vile, vulgar, shell of a woman, who does not have a moral compass to guide her decision-making.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is an embarrassment to Black people. And this snake should not be allowed to slither, squirm, or manipulate her way into 901 Bagby Street (City Hall), under any circumstances.


Other than jumping in front of every camera that’s nearby, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, hasn’t done anything substantial for the people of the 18th Congressional District of Texas for the last 32 years.

Sheila Jackson Lee was elected to the United States Congress back on July 3, 1995, after she was used by Ken Lay, the disgraced President/CEO of ENRON, to take down Congressman Craig Washington, a Black man, who was the sitting congressman at the time.

Anyways, by the time people had discovered what was going on at ENRON, lives had been ruined, and the owner (Ken Lay), supposedly died suddenly and his body was cremated. Does that sound familiar?

By the end of 2001, it was revealed that the ENRON Corporation’s reported financial condition had been sustained by an institutionalized, systematic, and creatively planned accounting fraud, which has become widely known as the Enron scandal.

To be brutally honest about it, the ENRON Corporation will forever be remembered for the willful corporate fraud and corruption scheme that to this day, is one of the worst in U.S. history. And Sheila Jackson Lee, was a part of it, as she allowed herself to be used by those fraudsters.

When you get right down to it. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has been an utter failure when it comes to her number-job duty – which is to make laws.

Having an uncanny ability to hold press conferences doesn’t make a person an effective member of Congress. What legislation has Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee written and gotten passed for the last 32 years?

If you ask me, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee hasn’t been doing anything but playing a smoke-and-mirrors game with her constituents, by talking about federal dollars. Sheila Jackson Lee does not deserve a cookie for doing what she’s supposed to do as a member of Congress.


What Black people don’t realize about Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is that she has a penchant for turning a blind eye to the corruption of her surrogates, friends, and allies. This is perhaps the number one reason Sheila Jackson Lee was recruited to run for mayor of Houston.

This evil woman is much worse than Mayor Sylvester Turner in many regards. In the world of reptiles, Mayor Sylvester Turner would be more of a grass snake, which is non-venomous. But “SHE-JACK” is a King Cobra, which is widely considered the most deadly snake in the world.

A bite from a king cobra can kill a human being in about 15 minutes, and a full-grown elephant would die in a matter of a few hours if bitten by a deadly king cobra. That being said, Republicans, known as elephants in the political world, had better not play around and let “SHE-JACK” slither her way into becoming Mayor of Houston on Saturday, December 9, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City.


On the surface, it appears that their Houstonians are choosing between two Democrats in the upcoming Saturday, December 9, 2023, in the runoff race for Mayor of Houston, Texas between State Senator John Whitmire, and that crooked-crown-wearing woman. However, this is simply not the case.

What Houstonians are faced with is not a choice between two lifelong Democrats. Sure, state Senator John Whitmire is a Democrat, but this Sheila Jackson Lee woman is an evil, corrupt, egotistical, charlatan who has already proven that she will turn a blind eye to corruption.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee still hasn’t apologized to the intern whom she fired after the intern was allegedly rapped in Washington, D.C., a few years ago. Nor has Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee expressed after she learned that her absentee mail ballot harvesters stole the identities of “DEAD BLACK VOTERS” and committed federal mail fraud while working for her reelection bid back during the Tuesday, March 3, 2023, Democratic Party Primary Election.

Most recently, the man who was body-shamed, berated, and humiliated by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (according to reports) took his own life, a few days after the audio surfaced.

If you remember, Jerome Brooks is the staffer Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was talking about in the audio when she said, "Okay. So when I called Jerome, he only sitting up there like a fat ass stupid idiot talking about, uh, what the fuck? He doesn't know. Okay? Both of y'all are fuck ups [inaudible]. It's the worst shit that I could have ever had put together. Two goddamn big-ass children fucking idiots serve no goddamn purpose. Ain't managing nobody. Nobody's respecting them. Nobody gives a shit about what you're doing and you ain't doing shit. And this is an example of it. I gave it to Jerome. This is not child's work."

When is enough going to be enough?

State Senator John Whitmire is the better of the two choices in the upcoming Saturday, December 9, 2023, runoff race for Mayor of Houston. That being said, “EARLY VOTING” will begin on Monday, November 27, 2023, and end on Tuesday, December 5, 2023. What are you going to do?

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

All registered Houston voters are strongly encouraged to stand with John Whitmire in the Saturday, December 9, 2023, runoff election race for Mayor of Houston, Texas. Early voting will begin on Monday, November 27, 2023, and end on Tuesday, December 5, 2023.


AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Please do your research on "THE RUNOFF CANDIDATES" and arm yourself to make an informed decision on Saturday, December 9, 2023, if you do not plan to vote during the "EARLY VOTING PERIOD" which will begin on Monday, November 27, 2023, and end on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039