Monday, November 6, 2023

Dr. Steven Hotze and Terry Lowry Have Both Endorsed Jack Christie; Gary Polland Has Endorsed Gilbert Garcia

Dr. Steven F. Hotze, Terry Lowry, and attorney Gary Polland are the "BIG THREE" when it comes to moving conservatives to action. That being said, Dr. Steven Hotze, the publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texas News has endorsed Dr. Jack Christie in the race for mayor. Terry Lowry, the publisher of the Link Letter, has also endorsed Dr. Jack Christie in the race for mayor. Attorney Gary Polland, the editor-in-chief of the Texas Conservative Review has thrown his influence and support behind Gilbert Garcia, the former chairman of METRO, who leads Garcia Hamilton and Associates, L.P, the leading bond manager in the state of Texas. BILLIONS UNDER MANAGEMENT... Garcia Hamilton and Associates surpassed $20 billion in assets under management earlier this year. Under the direction of Gilbert Garcia, Garcia Hamilton, and Associates has grown from $200 million under management to well over $20 billion in assets under management and continues to prove that they are one of the fastest-growing and most successful businesses in the United States of America.


Back on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, a total of 133,427 votes, were cast on "ELECTION DAY" in the race for Mayor of Houston, Texas. Mayor Sylvester Turner was the top vote-getter receiving 59,902 votes on "ELECTION DAY" alone. His overall vote total was 111,789 votes, for 46.38% of the vote. Attorney Tony Buzbee, the second-place finisher received 37,861 votes on "ELECTION DAY" alone. Tony Buzbee's overall total was only 69,361 votes for 28.78% of the vote.


It's going to take a concerted effort to push "SHE-JACK" out of the runoff picture. Sheila Jackson Lee can be pushed out of contention tomorrow if between 50,000 to 75,000 "REPUBLICAN-LEANING VOTERS" flock to the polls and cast their vote for Jack Christie in the race for Mayor. And if 50,000 to 75,000 "DEMOCRATIC-LEANING VOTERS" flock to the polls to vote for Gilbert Garcia tomorrow, Garcia could force his way into the Saturday, December 9, 2023, runoff election, against State Senator John Whitmire, or Dr. Jack Christie, and push Sheila Jackson Lee to a fourth-place finish. 

If you look closely at the "BALLOTS MAILED" and compare it the the "MAIL BALLOTS RETURNED" you will quickly see that Sheila Jackson Lee and her "BLACK ABSETEE MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS" have been kept at by the hard work of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications during this election cycle. Remember, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's campaign workers stole the identities of "DEAD BLACK VOTERS" back during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary and then requested "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS" in their names. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about their illegal mail ballot operation.

If you take a moment to look at the top three "BLACK EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS" you will see that only 5,622 in-person early votes were cast at the Acres Homes Muli-Service Center between Monday, October 23, 2023, and Friday, November 3, 2023. Comparatively speaking, only 5,431 in-person early votes were cast at the Sunnyside Multi-Service Center, with only 4,478 in-person votes cast at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center.


If you look at the total from the Kingwood Community Center, you will get a pretty clear understanding that Sheila Jackson Lee's hopes of becoming mayor of Houston have just about slipped away. A total of 8,081 in-person votes have been cast at the Kingwood Community Center alone, which almost dwarfs the combined voter turnout at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center (4,478), and the Sunnyside Multi-Service Center. That being said, if Dr. Steven Hotze, Terry Lowry, and attorney Gary Polland hold true to form, Dr. Jack Christie or Gilbert Garcia should overtake Sheila Jackson Lee, and push her out of the runoff picture tomorrow.


Investigative Reporter/Publisher Aubrey R. Taylor is strongly encouraging all warm-blooded Houstonians, who are registered to vote, to flock to the polls and vote for any candidate not named Sheila Jackson Lee, in the race for mayor. "SHE-JACK" is a despicable human being, with no moral compass, to guide her actions. That being said, this foul-mouthed hussy, has no business serving as the mayor of the fourth-largest city in America.


This dishonorable Sheila Jackson Lee woman is a complete and utter embarrassment to "BLACK PEOPLE" and has been worthless as a member of the United States Congress. This hussy has used the seal of the United States Congress to protect and shield criminals like Gerald Womack, and sexual predators, who are masquerading around Houston, Texas as men of the cloth. That being said, any "BLACK PERSON" who votes for this vile woman is a straight-up fool.

Dr. Steven Hotze Endorsed Jack Christie; Terry Lowry Endorsed Jack Christie, and Gary Polland Endorsed Gilbert Garcia


The conservative king-makers have spoken, and neither of them has endorsed state Senator John Whitmire, a career Democrat politician, or Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who is also a career politician, who possesses a penchant for cussing out her staffers.

On top of being one of the meanest, nastiest, members of the United States Congress, the Sheila Jackson Lee woman has a penchant for turning a blind eye to the illegal activities of her campaign chairman Gerald Womack, and the absentee mail ballot harvesters, he’s hired for years.

While Gerald Womack pretends to be an upstanding real estate mogul, he’s going to be exposed in the coming months, for his crooked dealing, and how he’s handled some of the receiverships he’s been granted by local courts over the years.

When you get down to it, the efforts of Gerald Womack and his “BLACK ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT HARVESTING TEAM” which has been led by Gloria Palmer, in past reelection bids for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, appear to have been slowed considerably during this particular election cycle.


Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Congressional Campaign has been under criminal investigation by the Harris County District Attorney’s Office (Kim Ogg) for nearly a year – with no indictments. However, in the matter involving a scuffle between me and Gerald Womack, after he assaulted me, the Harris County District Attorney’s Office was able to bring back an indictment in a matter of hours.

Why hasn’t Kim Ogg, and her District Attorney’s Office indicted Gloria Palmer or Tomar Bishop, for stealing the identities of “DEAD BLACK VOTERS” and requesting “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS” in their names, back during the Tuesday, November 3, 2023, Democratic Party Primary?

Listen up!!! Harris County District Attorney cannot indict any of the “BLACK ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS” because if she does, they will expose the fact that she has employed the same criminals as Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and other local officials – but that’s a story for another day.


Dr. Steven F. Hotze, the founder of Conservative Republicans of Texas News has endorsed Dr. Jack Christie in the race for mayor of Houston, which will culminate tomorrow. Houston Business Connections Newspaper has also endorsed Dr. Jack Christie as the best choice for our “CONSERVATIVE-LEANING” readers who are looking for the “BEST CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE” in this nonpartisan election.


Terry Lowry, the publisher of Link Letter, has endorsed Dr. Jack Christie in the race for Mayor of Houston, just like Dr. Steven Hotze, the founder of Conservative Republicans of Texas News. That being said, Dr. Steven Hotze, and Terry Lowry, represent two members of the “BIG THREE” when it comes to getting conservative candidates elected in Harris County, Texas.


Gary Polland, the editor-in-chief of the Texas Conservative Review broke ranks with the other two “KING-MAKERS” and endorsed Gilbert Garcia, in the race for Mayor. On top of endorsing Gilbert Garcia, attorney Gary Polland also wrote an interesting article entitled “Houston at the Crossroads that I would like to share with you today.


By Gary Polland

This November Houston faces a critical election. The last eight years have seen a significant deterioration in public safety, infrastructure, mobility, and the declining quality of our public education system.

In fact, the only area of growth in Houston is the amount of public corruption epitomized by the 800 Middle Street Project under construction near Buffalo Bayou, which is adjacent to a forever toxic dumpsite, a former battery recycling center, and a state-funded site. Incredibly, the property contains unsafe levels of arsenic, barium, uranium, lead, mercury, and selenium per the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality. Observers cite the significant risks of the site being a cancer cluster in the years ahead. The project is chock full of Democratic insiders including key players close to Mayor Sylvester Turner, and Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s wife.

Houston most definitely needs a Mayor and City Council who will stand up to the incompetence and corruption that permeates the city. The next Mayor will come from a few choices – Gilbert Garcia (TCR’s choice), John Whitmire, Sheila Jackson Lee, or Jack Christie. Mayor Turner’s pick is Sheila Jackson Lee, so no way you should vote for her. The others all have some desirable qualities.

We need to end business as usual at City Hall and we need a leader who will stand up against the failing status quo and close the door to the insiders who are costing the city by diverting scarce resources to non-essential areas.


As the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, I am emploring my “REPUBLICAN-LEANING” readers to vote for Dr. Jack Christie, and my “DEMOCRATIC-LEANING” readers to vote for Gilbert Garcia in the race for mayor.

In the race for City Controller, I’m strongly encouraging all of my readers to vote for Dave Martin. I truly believe in my heart that Councilman Dave Martin is the “WATCHDOG” we need to watch over the city’s finances and help us safely navigate our way through the difficult days that lie ahead.

Julian Ramirez, is the best choice in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #1, tomorrow. I’m strongly encouraging all of my readers to vote for Julian Ramirez.

Willie Davis, is the best choice in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #2, tomorrow. I’m strongly encouraging all of my readers to vote for Willie Davis.

Ericka McCrutcheon, is the best choice in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #3, tomorrow. I’m strongly encouraging all of my readers to vote for Erica McCrutcheon.

Councilwoman Letitia Plummer, is the best choice in the race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #4, tomorrow. I’m strongly encouraging all of my readers to cast their votes to return Council Member Letitia Plummer to Houston City Hall tomorrow and hopefully without a runoff.

Councilwoman Sallie Alcorn should be returned to Houston City Council At-Large Position #5 tomorrow, without a runoff election.


If no candidate receives a majority of the vote (50% plus one), that particular race will be decided by the top two finishers facing off in a Saturday, December 9, 2023, runoff election. 

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (second from left), was recruited to run for Mayor of Houston by "LOCAL BLACK PASTORS" like Pastor E.A. Deckard (far left), and Pastor Terrance Grant Malone back on Monday, March 27, 2023. ARREST WARRANT ISSUED... It is unclear at this time if Pastor Robert L. Carter was in the room on the day when Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, met with the local Black pastors to discuss their support of her candidacy for mayor. And it's unclear how much Sheila Jackson Lee knows about Pastor Robert L. Carter sexually assaulting his 7-year-old family member over 600 times and impregnating her. You can "CLICK HERE" to check out the KPRC News Report about this very troubling matter.

Pastor Terrance Grant Malone, the pastor of St. John Missionary Baptist Church, which is located at 2702 Emancipation Avenue, in Houston, Texas has been allegedly been groping, drugging, raping, and assaulting young Black men for years. It is unclear how big a role local "BLACK POLITICIANS" like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has played in shielding Pastor Terrance Grant Malone from public scrutiny, and possible prosecution. However, what Aubrey R. Taylor Communications has learned is that this alleged sexual predator has served as a Senior Advisor to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee for years. And his close relationship with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has opened many doors for him over the years. In fact, his relationship with "SHE-JACK" and other local elected officials opened the door for this alleged sexual predator to lead the Texas Clergy for President Biden back during his bid for the presidency during the 2020 Presidential Election.

Pastor Terrance Grant Malone has served as an advisor for former United States Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, as a result of his tight relationship with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who currently serves as the U.S. Representative for the 18th Congressional District of Texas. Remember, several young Black men have accused Pastor Terrance Grant Malone of allegedly groping, drugging, raping, and assaulting them.

Bishop Robert L. Carter, and First Lady Lanette Carter, pastors of The Sanctuary Church of Jesus Christ in “Downtown” Houston, Texas, are about to be scrutinized. Bishop Robert L. Carter has been accused of raping and “SEXUALLY ASSAULTING” a local girl more than 600 times, from the time she was 7 years old, and impregnating her. It is unclear at this time if there’s a clear connection between Congresswoman Shiela Jackson Lee, Pastor E.A. Deckard, Pastor Terrance Grant Malone, and Bishop Robert L. Carter, but this story is still developing. That being said, what Aubrey R. Taylor Communications has learned, about Bishop Robert L. Carter is that he is a member of the Black Preaching Network, which, according to their website has members all over the world. Bishop Carter also ministers in one of Houston’s most depreciated and economically disadvantaged communities, Sunnyside, according to information obtained in published reports.

Pastor E.A. Deckard the senior pastor of Green House International Church, is pictured above with his wife, Sandra Deckard. Now, if you don’t know Pastor Eddie Andre Deckard, he is the “BLACK PASTOR” who sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl, back when he was 28 years old. According to my sources, the 14-year-old Latino girl who was assaulted by Pastor E.A. Deckard was a student at a charter school where Pastor Deckard was working at the time. That being said, Pastor E.A. Deckard, was fully aware that he was sexually assaulting an underaged girl. Since his sexual assault, for which he is now brandished a registered “LIFETIME SEX OFFENDER” by the government, he has been shielded by “BLACK PUBLIC OFFICIALS” like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and other members of the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” in Harris County, Texas.

Pastor Terrance Grant-Malone the senior pastor of St. John Missionary Baptist Church, is alleged to have raped, groped, and sexually assaulted server young Black men. Pastor Terrance Grant-Malone is pictured above with his wife Valerie R. Davis Grant-Malone. For many years, “BLACK PUBLIC OFFICIALS” like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and many others have used their influence to shield “BLACK PASTORS” like Pastor Terrance Grant-Malone, from the scrutiny they deserve. 

Black Pastors Like E.A. Deckard, Terrance Grant Malone, and Maybe Even Robert L Carter Recruited Sheila Jackson Lee 


A group of Black pastors did the bidding of the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME,” and met to give her the nod. Still, it is unclear at this time if Bishop Robert L. Carter, 39, who stands accused of raping a teenage girl more than 600 times and impregnating her was in the room with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and the group of local Black pastors who recruited her to hop into the 2023 field of mayoral candidates which already included two promising young African American contenders.

If you remember, when Sheila Jackson Lee jumped her tail into the race for mayor back on Monday, March 27, 2023, former Houston City Councilwoman Amanda Edwards, and former Harris County Clerk Chris Hollins, were already in the race at the time of “SHE-JACK’S” entry into the field.


If Sheila Jackson Lee is elected Mayor of Houston her focus won’t be on helping our beloved Bayou City, avoid the fiscal cliff, we’re headed toward. What is her mission? Well, for starters, Sheila Jackson Lee does not give a damn about women, or young girls. Did you hear me?

Sheila Jackson Lee only cares about herself, and only herself. If Sheila Jackson Lee cared about women, or Black people in general, she would not be using her prestige as a member of the United States Congress to protect pedophiles, child molesters, rapists, and sexual abusers.


I’m not sure at this time, if Pastor Robert L. Carter is part of the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME,” along with Pastor E. A. Deckard, the pastor of Green House International Church, and Pastor Terrance Grant Malone, the pastor of St. John Missionary Baptist Church, but I plan to find out.

Before I talk about Pastor E.A. Deckard and Pastor Terrance Grant Malone, there was a report that was released by Channel 2 News on Thursday, October 5, 2023, and updated on Friday, October 6, 2023, entitled, “Houston-area pastor accused of raping family member since she was 7 years old, impregnating her.” The KPRC 2, news reporter by the name of Deven Clarke, did an excellent job pulling together this riveting tale, of child molestation and rape.

According to Deven Clarke, “Arrest warrant stated the girl ‘gave birth to her baby in a closet,’ then the baby was dropped off at a fire station.”

Clarke’s report stated, “A Houston-area pastor is facing serious charges after being accused of raping a child and impregnating her, court documents stated.”

He went on to say, “According to an arrest warrant, the rape started when the victim was 7 years old and lasted into her late teen years, happening more than 600 times. With Robert L. Carter now charged with a felony, the alleged victim’s father is speaking out.”

“She had been around this monster since she was about six years old,” he said.

Clarke explained, “The father asked not to be identified to protect his daughter’s identity. But that isn’t stopping him from speaking out about 39-year-old Carter who he said was a family member to his daughter.”

“He’s (Carter) always been big to her. I had to realize that she had been fearful,” the father said.

Clarke went on to say, “Carter, whose profile on the Black Preachers Network website has him listed as a bishop and senior pastor, is now an accused rapist.”

“I don’t understand how you can carry yourself, walk around preaching the word, and live a lie,” the father said.

The reporter for KPRC 2 News went on to say, “According to Carter’s arrest warrant filed last month, the abuse began back in 2008. It states he would go into the then-young child’s room and make her perform a sex act on him on a nightly basis.”

“How? How could you even get aroused? It doesn’t make any sense,” the father said.

“The warrant states the abuse got worse over the years, and that it would happen in multiple locations, including their home when everyone was asleep, Carter’s grandmother’s home, and behind an H-E-B in the parking lot before dropping the victim off at school. The document also says Carter would bring the victim to the Greater Bible Way Church in Sunnyside where he had an office, and rape her,” said the KPRC News Reporter.

“She’s had an episode where she ended up in the hospital for psychiatric reasons,” the father added.

According to the KPRC 2 News Reporter, “When she was 16, the warrant states she secretly had Carter’s baby.”

“What if she would’ve died that night? She had that baby in the closet, by herself. He came and got the baby and took the baby to a fire station and dropped the baby off,” the father said.

The KPRC 2, is trying to get answers for the general public. “With many questions, KPRC 2's Deven Clarke went to Carter’s address listed on the warrant, but no one seemed to be home. Clarke called him, but the call went straight to voicemail.”

“While the warrant has been filed, Carter has not been taken into custody yet,” stated Clarke.

The KPRC 2 News article ended by stating, “As for the baby, the alleged victim’s father said his daughter is working to get her child back.”


Women must join forces to stop Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and her buddies from Washington D.C., from making a fool of them, before it’s too late.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and other elected officials who are lurking in the shadows must be exposed. Their sinister plot aimed at making complete fools of women in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, must be exposed by media outlets.


It’s no secret that African-American women are the lifeblood of the Democratic Party at the local and national level. And no matter how you slice the pie, without the support of Black women, the Harris County Democratic Party would not be where it is today. That being said, Black women must reject the urge to cast their vote for Sheila Jackson Lee, for symbolic reasons on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.


What you see playing out in the Tuesday, November 7, 2023, race for Mayor of Houston, is a situation where Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has been recruited and endorsed by the LGBTQ+ Political Caucus faction of the Harris County Democratic Party, over John Whitmire, Gilbert Garcia, Lee Kaplan, and Dr. Jack Christie, to accomplish a specific purpose.

It does not take a political science major, political consultant, political advisor, strategist, or analyst to decipher what’s going on in the love affair between Sheila Jackson Lee and the LGBTQ+ Political Caucus, with their endorsement of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, several weeks ago.


Part of the reason, the LGBTQ+ Political Caucus endorsed Sheila Jackson Lee, over John Whitmire, is because John Whitmire would not be able to trick Black women, like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, would be able to do, when it’s time to pay the piper.

What am I talking about?

Well, to get a better understanding of what I’m talking about, you have to go read the FOX 26 Houston, interview that Greg Groogan, conducted with former Houston Mayor Annise Parker, entitled: “Former Houston mayor says city facing “fiscal cliff”, blames Turner administration,” which was published back on February 2, 2023.

In the interview with Greg Groogan, Houston’s first open-gay mayor (Annise Parker), expressed disappointment in the fact that Mayor Sylvester Turner did not re-introduce a version of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance that she unsuccessfully championed in 2015 when she was Mayor.

To be truthful, Mayor Annise Parker, and the LGBTQ+ Political Caucus, and felt that he would re-introduce the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), because Turner is a “CLOSET HOMOSEXUAL” who loved having “SEXUAL ORGIES” with Black men, according to his former wife.

When you get down to it, what the LGBTQ+ Political Caucus and Mayor Annise Parker didn’t realize is that Mayor Sylvester Turner didn’t re-introduce the “BATHROOM BILL,” in part, because he did not want to draw attention to his “DEEPEST DARKEST SECRETS” that were discussed in “THE AFFIDAVIT” that was made public during his divorce proceedings with Cheryl Gillum Turner, who soon after had her life destroyed.

I’m not going to go into everything, but on (PAGE TWO), of her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” Cheryl Gillum Turner stated, “I became very uncomfortable with our lifestyle and how our marriage was going.”

“I also became suspicious that he was making remarks to other persons about our marital affairs. Therefore, I decided to tape record his telephone conversations,” said Cheryl Gillum Turner, in her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” that was sworn to in front of Audrey Rife, a notary public.

Sylvester’s wife went on to say, “From these recorded conversations, I learned that Sylvester was bisexual, as well as participating in sexual orgies.”

According to Cheryl, “One of the conversations he had was with Lloyd Gite, who is a Channel 26 news report,” she explained.

“During that conversation, Mr. Gite asked Sylvester if he wanted to have sex with him. Sylvester responded that he would consider it,” said Cheryl, in her affidavit.

“The conversation continued with Gite telling Sylvester specifically the sexual acts he would perform,” she explained.


I have no desire to go into the vivid details of the “SEXUAL ORGIES” that Mayor Sylvester Turner and his other “CLOSET HOMOSEXUALS” were having back during the 1990s, at this time. However, I would like to mention the names of a few other men, besides Loyd Gite, who was mentioned in the “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” who have become some of the most powerful Black businessmen in the Houston-area, because of their connection to the “ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME” whose deadly policies have made the City of Houston, the “DEATH CAPITAL OF AMERICA” under their leadership.

“In the later part of 1990, I met Sergeant Michael Harris, who is an airport police officer at the Intercontinental Airport, through Sylvester,” stated Cheryl Gillum Turner.

She went on to state, “It was not until much later that I learned of their close relationship.”

Cheryl went on to state, “I suspect that Harris and Sylvester have a sexual relationship.” Besides Michael Harris, she goes on to name local businessmen like Darryl Carter, Thomas Jones, and Don Aaron, Dwight Thomas, in her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” which was submitted to the court back in 1991.

“I am also aware of certain unprofessional acts of Sylvester about approaching people and inviting them to sexual orgies,” she went on to explain.

According to Cheryl, “Also, I have heard comments made about Don Aaron, Darryl Carter, Dwight Thomas, and others relating to sexual involvement with Sylvester.”

Why is this important now?

Well, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, is planning to re-introduce the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), or what was commonly referred to as the “BATHROOM BILL” which will allow “BIOLOGICAL MALES” to use the same public restrooms, locker rooms, and showers as “BIOLOGICAL FEMALES” if she’s elected Mayor of Houston, Texas on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City.


If you think back to 2015, African-American women boldly joined forces and stood strong with conservatives to defeat “PROPOSITION 1” on Election Day. And the same sort of coalition will be needed on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, to stop Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s secret plan, to make fools of Black women, and then turn her back on Black women, and side with the LGBTQ+ Political Caucus once she becomes mayor.

In case you don’t remember, this “POTENTIALLY DEADLY” ordinance was handily defeated back during the 2015, City of Houston General Election when it appeared on the ballot as “HOUSTON PROPOSITION 1” at the direction of Annise Parker, who was mayor at the time.

To refresh your memory, 157,110 voters, or 60.97% of Houstonians who cast ballots said “NO” to the “POTENTIALLY DEADLY” ordinance that would have allowed “BIOLOGICAL MALES” to enter and use, the same public restrooms, locker rooms, and showers as “BIOLOGICAL FEMALES” in the City of Houston.

Comparatively speaking, only 100,582 voters, or 39.03%, of Houstonians voted “YES” to the “POTENTIALLY DEADLY” ballot measure.


I don’t have a problem with anyone being a homosexual if that’s how they want to live their lives. However, as a single man, I am very concerned about all these “CLOSET HOMOSEXUALS” who are engaging in sex with other men, and then having unprotected sex with women.

If you ask me, this is a major problem in Houston, Texas. We have too many Black men, who have wiggled, squirmed, manipulated, and slithered their way into power because they participated in orgies and one-on-one alleged “SEXUAL ACTS” with other Black men. This brings me to the pastor of the historic St. John Missionary Baptist Church, which is located at 2702 Emancipation Avenue, in Houston, Texas 77004.


On the surface, Pastor Terrance Grant Malone appears to be the loving husband of Valerie R. Davis Grant-Malone. But when you pull the covers back and start doing a little research into this Black pastor, what you’re going to find is a bunch of allegations against him that have been waged by Black men.

The allegations against Pastor Terrance Grant Malone, are damning. Several young men have been coming forward alleging that this Black pastor has been allegedly groping, drugging, raping, and assaulting them, and others for years.


At 4:01 a.m., this morning, (Friday, October 6, 2023), I received a message from one of my readers/supporters asking me to look into the claims that were made by a guy by the name of Dav Lewis, against Pastor Terrance Grant Malone, on his FACEBOOK PAGE, back on Saturday, September 4, 2021.

From what I can see, none of the Black newspapers, or mainstream media outlets have paid any attention to this young man (Dav Lewis), and his cry for help, until now.


- September 4, 2021 -

“On this date, 9/4/20, exactly one year ago my life changed in ways that are still hard to put into words. I WAS SEXUALLY ASSAULTED BY PASTOR TERRANCE GRANT MALONE. To this day I’m still waiting for the Houston District Attorney’s office to take action after countless conversations, tons of evidence, and at least 20 victims (ALL BLACK MEN) have come forward (click link in bio). As a Black man in this country, I don’t expect much Justice as it’s rare that anyone believes the US, especially in cases of admitting to being a victim of sexual assault. Our communities and supposed leaders tend to turn a blind eye and remain complicit in this type of harm when it comes to Black Men. The truth is in the details as Terrance Grant Malone. A proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, is still preaching at St. John’s Missionary Baptist Church in Houston TX. He’s still holding revivals and being invited as a guest speaker to other churches. The worst part is he still serves as National Director of Youth & Children for the National Baptist Convention. Let that sink in.

Justice looks different to each of us and to me, justice is advocating for myself first as often in life it takes bravery, vulnerability, and a lot of faith to stand knowing you may have to stand alone. Justice for me is ensuring I do everything in my power to ensure those like Terrance Grant Malone don’t harm another Black Man in our community. Justice is ensuring that the community is aware of the harm

And predatory actions that he’s caused not only to me but multiple Black Men in our community.

Today I’m releasing this to the universe and our community. We have a predator in our community and he will continue to harm Black Men as long as our Criminal Legal System, Churches, Politicians, Community Leaders, and Advocates ignore this glaring issue.

As I release this, I send healing energy to every Black Man and Boy who has ever had to endure sexual abuse especially those who have and are suffering in silence. I hope you find a space to speak your pain, release your hurts and fears, and finally I hope you heal, Black Man/Boy!”


I haven’t lived a perfect life, but I plan to use my influence to expose and unveil every “DIRTY POLITICIAN” who is currently working to make complete fools of my people on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, when Sheila Jackson Lee, will be trying to succeed Mayor Sylvester Turner.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Attorney Downtown Oliver Brown is a great attorney to call if you find yourself in a little situation. Oliver represents his clients to the best of his ability. It doesn't matter if you are a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, or member of the Green Party, "DOWNTOWN" Oliver Brown will do his best to build a winning strategy for you. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about his firm.

A few of Mayor Sylvester Turner's deepest secrets are contained in this "SWORN AFFIDAVIT" that was released back during the 1990s. Now, State Senator John Whitmire, Mayor Sylvester Turner, Congressman Al Green, and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee are all Democrats. And what you see unfolding in the 2023 Mayor's Race is a collective effort to discount the candidacy of other "2023 MAYORAL CONTENDERS" like Gilbert Garcia, the former Chairman of Metro, and attorney Lee Kaplan, and other viable candidates to make sure that the "DEEP DARK SECRETS" of Mayor Sylvester Turner, are kept safe and secure. 


Everybody already knows that Mayor Sylvester Turner represented a client who faked his death back in the 1990s, but was later found in a prison serving time in Spain. His wife also alerted Houstonians to the fact that Mayor Sylvester Turner was a closet homosexual who liked to recruit other men to have sexual orgies with him. But what most Houstonians don't realize is that dirty low-down "BLACK POLITICIANS" have done so much dirty together to remain in power that they can't stop now! That being said, the collective silence of "DIRTY BLACK POLITICIANS" like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman Al Green, Mayor Sylvester Turner, Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and members of the "ELLIS/TURNER POLITICAL REGIME" seems to signal that things have escalated from absentee mail ballot fraud and money laundering to people turning up dead.


For the record, this court document proves that attorney State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., was hired by Tamoria Jones, and signed on as her "ATTORNEY OF RECORD" in her DWI case (CAUSE #1828025), back on (5/30/2012), Wednesday, May 30, 2012. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the document for yourself.


For the record, the "SWORN AFFIDAVIT" you see above, is proof that attorney State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., was still acting as the "ATTORNEY OF RECORD" for his 'alleged' lover on (3/2/2013), Saturday, March 2, 2013, which was five months after she went to work as his chief of staff on (10/2/2012), at the State Capital in Austin, Texas, and only 8 months after she listed his home as her place of residence on (8/31/2012), Friday, August 31, 2012, after she had hired him to act as her attorney in her DWI case. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the document for yourself.

“PRECINCT #259.”

PRECINCT #0259, in the Pleasantville area, is the "#1 HOTBED" for "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT FRAUD" during major election cycles. Deborah Adams, the "DEMOCRATIC" Precinct Chair, and Election Judge, is the person who rules this precinct for candidates like Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., when it comes to their absentee ballot totals, and possible vote manipulation as well. You can "CLICK HERE" for a closer look at the map of this area.

The voter in (PRECINCT #259) who cast ballot #200400732114, had the option to vote for 150+ candidates but only chose to vote for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, in the race for the 18th Congressional District, and State Rep. Harold Dutton, in the race for State Representative for House District #142) back during the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary.


So, did Richard Johnson, who was running as a Democrat, against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Richard Bonton, who was running as a Democrat against State Rep. Harold Dutton get cheated back during the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary?


The voter in (PRECINCT #259) who cast ballot #506009447184, had the option to vote for 150+ candidates but only chose to vote for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, in the race for the 18th Congressional District, and State Rep. Harold Dutton, in the race for State Representative for House District #142) back during the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary.


So, did Richard Johnson, who was running as a Democrat, against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Richard Bonton, who was running as a Democrat against State Rep. Harold Dutton get cheated back during the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary?


The voter in (PRECINCT #259) who cast ballot #700803805113, had the option to vote for 150+ candidates but only chose to vote for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, in the race for the 18th Congressional District, and State Rep. Harold Dutton, in the race for State Representative for House District #142) back during the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary.


So, did Richard Johnson, who was running as a Democrat, against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Richard Bonton, who was running as a Democrat against State Rep. Harold Dutton get cheated back during the Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Democratic Party Primary?

State Senator John Whitmire (left), is the clear front-runner in the race for Mayor of the City of Houston, as it stands right now. However, State Senator Whitmire seems to be very cozy with a notorious "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTER"  by the name of Deborah Adams (right), who is the precinct chair for (PRECINCT #259), in Harris County, Texas. State Senator Whitmire also seems to be very close to "BLACK POLITICAL OPERATIVES" like Carl Davis, who has endorsed Sheila Jackson Lee, in the race for Mayor of Houston, Texas, which will take place on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City. 

State Rep. Harold Dutton, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Mayor Sylvester Turner are the Worst of the Worst


Corruption in Harris County, Texas is at an all-time high, no matter how you look at it. And if Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee can manage to somehow squirm, manipulate, or slither her way into becoming mayor, things are going to get a lot worse.

State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., is a lawmaker, but he’s also a lawbreaker when you get right down to it. And above being a lawbreaker, he’s also a dirty, slimy, greasy predator whose 35-year-old dead chief of staff/lover (Tamoria Jones), seems to have worshiped in many ways.

Speaking of Tamoria Jones, whose autopsy and toxicology report is still pending, whatever happened to this bubbly young woman? A careful look at her voting history seems to indicate that she and her alleged lover, and boss, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., may have been involved in some sort of “VOTER FRAUD SCHEME” where she was registered to vote at his home, but lived at another address – which is illegal.

So, just remember that Tamoria Jones first registered to vote at the home of her lover/boss (State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr.), back in 2012, a little over a month after she hired him as her attorney of record, in a DWI Case, that she had caught.

Ever since 2012, Tamoria Jones, continued to use her boss/lover's home address as her voting address, while her physical address was listed as another address – which is illegal in the state of Texas.


Back during the 2018 Democratic Party Primary, Tamoria Jones cast her vote on 2/20/2018, and used 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas 77026 (Harold Dutton, Jr’s home), as her registered address on her voter registration certificate. Remember, Harold Dutton, Jr’s home is located in House District 142. However, Tamoria Jones’s physical address which we’ve found on other documents, appears to have been 8727 Park Drive, Apt 1925, in Houston, Texas 77095, which is in House District 135. That being said, Tamoria Jones should have been voting in State Rep. Jon Rosenthal’s House District (135), and not, State Rep. Harold Dutton’s House District (142), which was illegal.


Back during the 2018 General Election, Tamoria Jones cast her vote on 11/6/2018, and used 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas 77026 (Harold Dutton, Jr’s home), as her registered address on her voter registration certificate. Remember, Harold Dutton, Jr’s home is located in House District 142. However, Tamoria Jones’s physical address which we’ve found on other documents, appears to have been 8727 Park Drive, Apt 1925, in Houston, Texas 77095, which is in House District 135. That being said, Tamoria Jones should have been voting in State Rep. Jon Rosenthal’s House District (135), and not, State Rep. Harold Dutton’s House District (142), which was illegal.


Back during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary, Tamoria Jones cast her vote on 2/27/2020, and used 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas 77026 (Harold Dutton, Jr’s home), as her registered address on her voter registration certificate. Remember, Harold Dutton, Jr’s home is located in House District 142. However, Tamoria Jones’s physical address which we’ve found on other documents, appears to have been 2206 Naomi Street, Unit 8, Houston, Texas 77054, which is in House District 146. That being said, Tamoria Jones should have been voting in State Rep. Shawn Thierry’s House District (146), and not, State Rep. Harold Dutton’s House District (142), which was illegal.


Back during the 2020 General Election, Tamoria Jones cast her vote on 10/29/2020, and used 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas 77026 (Harold Dutton, Jr’s home), as her registered address on her voter registration certificate. Remember, Harold Dutton, Jr’s home is located in House District 142. However, Tamoria Jones’s physical address which we’ve found on other documents, appears to have been 2206 Naomi Street, Unit 8, Houston, Texas 77054, which is in House District 146. That being said, Tamoria Jones should have been voting in State Rep. Shawn Thierry’s House District (146), and not, State Rep. Harold Dutton’s House District (142), which was illegal.


Back during the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, Tamoria Jones cast her vote on 2/14/2022, and used 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas 77026 (Harold Dutton, Jr’s home), as her registered address on her voter registration certificate. Remember, Harold Dutton, Jr’s home is located in House District 142. However, Tamoria Jones’s physical address which we’ve found on other documents, appears to have been 2626 Holly Hall Street, Apartment 516, Houston, Texas 77054, which is in House District 146. That being said, Tamoria Jones should have been voting in State Rep. Shawn Thierry’s House District (146), and not, State Rep. Harold Dutton’s House District (142), which was illegal.


Back during the 2022 General Election, Tamoria Jones cast her vote on 10/30/2022, and used 4001 Jewett Street, Houston, Texas 77026 (Harold Dutton, Jr’s home), as her registered address on her voter registration certificate. Remember, Harold Dutton, Jr’s home is located in House District 142. However, Tamoria Jones’s physical address which we’ve found on other documents, appears to have been 16039 Imperial Forest Lane, Houston, Texas 77073 which is in House District 114. That being said, Tamoria Jones should have been voting in State Rep. Senfronia Thompson’s House District (141), and not, State Rep. Harold Dutton’s House District (142), which was illegal.


Black politicians like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., and Mayor Sylvester Turner, are not the honorable people that they portray themselves to be in the general public. Nor do these “BLACK POLITICIANS” give a damn about “BLACK PEOPLE” or any other people for that matter

Jackson Lee, Dutton, and Turner are three of the most vile, dishonorable, and corrupt people I’ve run across in the last 32 years. And to clean up Harris County, Texas, we must expose, unveil, and disrupt their criminal enterprise.

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