The Emasculation of Black Males Is What We’re Witnessing Up
Close and Personal In Harris County, Texas Right Now
What we’re seeing unfold right now in Harris County, Texas is what
appears to be a slow and steady progression toward the “EMASCULATION OF BLACK
MEN” that’s playing out right before our eyes.
What does emasculation mean? Well, in simple terms, emasculation means
depriving a male of his role or identity and making him weaker and less
Now, if you don’t believe that this is what’s happening, just at
the leadership of the Harris County Democratic Party right now. Odus Evbagharu,
the current chairman of the HCDP was anointed to be the first Black chair of
the HDCP for very obvious reasons – but I digress.
How many strong, independent-thinking Black men do you see being allowed
to advance within the ranks of the local Harris County Democratic Party? Now,
don’t you go back and say that I’m attacking gays, or bashing the LGBTQ+ Community
– because that’s not what I’m doing.
What am I doing? I’m simply pointing out facts and trying to open
the minds of “MY PEOPLE” and enable them to see how “OUR PEOPLE” are being fed
propaganda and led astray by folks who are pushing an agenda that’s aimed at
destroying our families, rendering “MY PEOPLE POWERLESS” and neutering us
politically very soon.
What’s propaganda? Well, in simple terms, propaganda is the
information we’re allowing to enter our homes on many of the nightly news stations.
We’re no longer being delivered the news in my opinion, but rather, we’re being
peddled information that’s biased, misleading, and being used to brainwash “OUR
PEOPLE” into staying on “POLITICAL PLANTATIONS” and aligned with certain
political ideologies.
When you look at it, our political alliances are being skewed by biased
news media stations that are publicizing their political points of view and
passing them off as investigative reports, and in-depth analyses, by (in some cases)
distorting the facts and not giving us all the information we need to make a
quality decision for ourselves.
Now, I’m not fighting against Democrats, nor am I trying to rally
Republicans. However, something has gone desperately wrong in our political
system. And if you ask me, corrective action must be taken at the voting box on
Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in Harris County, Texas.
We’ve allowed too many (undercover) gay Black men and bisexual
Black men to take the reins of leadership in our City Government and County
Government. How do I know? Well, several years ago I received a “BIG BOX” filled
with information about people like Mayor Sylvester Turner, Commissioner Rodney
Ellis, State Senator Borris Miles, Pastor Max Miller, Pastor E.A. Deckard, Kirbyjon
Caldwell, Pastor Joe Samuel Ratliff, and many others.
And throughout the last two years, I’ve begun to closely watch how
these (undercover) gay Black men and bisexual Black men have progressed
politically and in contracting opportunities in City Government and County
Government in Harris County, Texas – but that’s a story for another day!
Now, William Paul Thomas, who happens to be one of the “UNDERCOVER
BLACK MEN” has been passed along from administration to administration as he’s
been coddled by folks like Jesse Jackson, Mayor Sylvester Turner, and
Commissioner Rodney Ellis over the last few decades, until a few months ago.
As you know, William Paul Thomas who was serving as a top aide in
Mayor Sylvester Turner’s administration, resigned a day after pleading guilty
to a conspiracy charge of public corruption in a federal case that was brought
against him.
According to court documents, William Paul Thomas was authorized
to represent Mayor Sylvester Turner in all aspects of dealing with the Houston
City Council, including the presentation and approval of City of Houston
contracts. So, do you think for one minute that William Paul Thomas was acting
If you take a moment to read this “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” which was signed
and attested to under penalty of perjury by Mayor Sylvester Turner’s (wife) who
as an assistant district attorney at the time, you will get a better
understanding of how our bisexual mayor rose to power and takes care of his people.
By reading this “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” for yourself you will be able to piece together why Mayor Sylvester Turner does some of the things that he does. And you will also gain new insights into why people like Mayor Sylvester Turner remain silent on certain issues.

However, I am searching for answers. And in my search for answers, I can’t help but think back to the 1990s and “THE SWORN AFFIDAVIT” which was filed by an Assistant District Attorney for Harris County by the name of Cheryl Gillum Turner.
In case you’re too young to remember, Cheryl Gillum Turner married a guy by the name of Sylvester Turner way back on March 26, 1983, and shortly began having marital problems shortly thereafter.
According to her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” which was filed under penalty of perjury, Cheryl Gullum Turner became suspicious that (her husband at the time) Sylvester Turner was talking to other persons about their marital affairs and began taping his conversations – which is legal in the State of Texas.
Cheryl Gillum Turner’s “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” which was filed under penalty of perjury, went into vivid details about how she learned that Sylvester Turner was bisexual, as and participating in sexual orgies.
In her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” which was filed under penalty of perjury, she explained, “One of the conversations he had with Loyd Gite, who is a Channel 26 news reporter. During that conversation, Mr. Gite asked Sylvester if he wanted to have sex with him. Sylvester responded that he would consider it.”
“The conversation continued with Gite telling Sylvester specifically the sexual acts he would perform,” explained Cheryl Gillum Turner, who was the wife of Sylvester Turner at the time. “I later confronted Sylvester about this without telling him about the tape recording,” she continued.
“Sylvester did not respond or acknowledge it,” she said.
His wife at the time also recounted many sexual exploits that she believed (at the time) Sylvester Turner had with women, specifically the daughter of a close friend of theirs.
“I also am aware of certain unprofessional acts of Sylvester in reference to approaching people and inviting them to sexual orgies,” explained Cheryl Gillum Turner, the wife of Sylvester Turner at the time.
“I have also heard comments made about Don Aaron, Darryl Carter, Dwight Thomas, and others relating to sexual involvement with Sylvester,” she revealed.
“In fact, there have been suggestions made to me personally by Carter that he had control of Sylvester because Carter knows Sylvester’s “deepest, darkest secrets,” her “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” stated.
And according to his wife at the time, “Those allegations can be substantiated because Sylvester secured a loan from Bank Plus and paid cash for a 1991 Explorer for Darryl Carter.”
At the time, Darryl Carter was employed by Sylvester Turner, and his wife suspected that Sylvester Turner was paying part of the tuition, if not all, for Darryl Carter to attend the University of Houston Law School.
Have you ever heard the name Thomas Jones before? Well, I believe Thomas has come a long way over the years and has completely turned his life around. That being said, I’m not going to rake Thomas Jones over the coals or anything like that.
But, just so you know, back in the 1990’s Thomas Jones served as Sylvester Turner’s campaign manager. And, according to the recounts of Cheryl Gillum Turner at the time, Darryl Carter, the man who had the power to completely expose the dark side of Sylvester Turner, had possession of some receipts related to Thomas Jones (supposedly) spending time in some sort of drug rehabilitation program.
From reading the “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” I obtained, Darryl Carter was also in possession of a copy of a police investigation into Thomas Jones related to him transporting drugs, or something to that effect.
“I also have heard that Don Aaron has made statements pertaining to having “the goods” on Sylvester,” his wife at the time explained.
Why am I talking about Mayor Sylvester Turner’s wife, and what happened between them way back in the 1990s in connection with what just happened to Damien Thaddeus Jones, in Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 5, earlier this week? Well, because I’ve been investigating Mayor Sylvester Turner for almost three decades – and he’s bad news!!!
Shortly after revealing the ‘deepest darkest secrets of Sylvester Turner and some very powerful people who were participating in sexual orgies and other illegal activities, Cheryl Gillum Turner, who was an assistant District Attorney (at the time) found herself in trouble with the law.
Does that sound familiar?
So, a few years after exposing the dark side of Sylvester Turner, and many other powerful Black folks who were ‘allegedly’ having “GROUP ORGIES” and doing “God-Know” what else, Sylvester Turner’s (then ex-wife) ended up coincidentally getting sentenced to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty to a crime. Isn’t it funny how people who expose “DEEP DARK SECRETS” and “ELECTION FRAUD” in Harris County somehow find themselves indicted and facing charges?
Politics is a dirty business! Did you hear me? I said, POLITICS IS A DIRTY BUSINESS!!! That being said, there are some “DEEP DARK SECRETS” that some very powerful people in local politics are fighting hard to keep behind closed doors.
So, what does all of this have to do with Damien Thaddeus Jones? Well, just like Mayor Sylvester Turner’s (now ex-wife), Damien Thaddeus Jones has revealed some “DEEP DARK SECRETS” about local politicians (not named Gina Calanni) in the past, that have rubbed some folks the wrong way.
As “DOWNTOWN” Oliver Brown prepares to appeal “THE GUILTY VERDICT” received by Damien Thaddeus Jones on Friday, October 7, 2022, I implore you to take a moment to read this “SWORN AFFIDAVIT” that was written under penalty of perjury by Cheryl Gillum Turner, to get a better understanding of why dirty politicians like Mayor Sylvester Turner and other so-called Black leaders are sat by silently as Damien Thaddeus Jones (a Black man) got lynched in a “KANGAROO COURT PROCEEDING” using evidence that was suppressed by Judge David Fleischer on “DAY ONE” of his trial because the “SEARCH WARRANT” used to seize his phone was bogus – didn’t even have a real date on it!!!