First Day Early Voting Totals for Monday, November 29, 2021, Reveal Only 1,036 Voters Went to the Polls to Vote in Person
As I expected, the first day of early voting for the Saturday, December 11, 2021, HISD/HCC Runoff Election, the turnout numbers were way down – which could favor our endorsed candidates. But pleased don’t take anything for granted. As I’ve been stating all along, I firmly believe that all voters who live inside the boundaries of HISD District I – should cast their vote for Janette Garza Lindner. All voters who live within the boundaries of HISD District V – should cast their vote for Caroline Walter. All voters who live within the boundaries of HISD District VI – should cast their vote for Dr. Kendall Baker. And all voters who live within the boundaries of HISD District VII – should cast their vote Bridget Wade.

On Monday, November 29, 2021, only 1,036 voters cast their vote by appearing in person. That said, only 2,506 votes were cast by mail-in ballot. So, only 3,542 total votes were cast on the first day.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I would like to kindly thank Dr. Jharrett Bryant (pictured above) for sponsoring this “EARLY VOTING REPORT” for the Saturday, December 11, 2021, HISD/HCC Runoff Election. This being said, it is vitally important that we only support candidates who value, respect, and appreciate our support."
Dr. Jharrett Bryantt is currently running for Houston Community College Board of Trustees, District VII. He began his career as a high school math teacher in Houston’s East End, which is one of the communities he will represent as District VIII trustee. A career educator, Dr. Bryantt spent over 8 years working for the Houston Independent School District, where he’s served in numerous roles, including College Counselor and Assistant Superintendent of College Readiness. He is running for HCC trustee because he’s passionate about expanding opportunities for Houstonians to thrive in high-demand, high-wage careers, and he possesses the expertise in college access to make an impact at HCC on day one. In 2019 he was named to Forbes Magazine’s 30 Under 30 List in Education, and he was named to the 2021 Forbes list of 50 Champions for elevating people of color. Dr. Bryantt received his Doctorate in Education Policy & Leadership from the University of Texas at Austin and his Bachelor’s degree from Yale University.