AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “They are tricking us!!! H.R.40 – The Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposal for African-Americans Act – is nothing but a trick. This Biden Administration has done nothing but played us for fools. Do you hear me? This administration is playing us for stupid. Have you heard the report about President Joe Biden’s plan to pay $450,000 dollars per person to illegal immigrants who had been separated during the Trump administration? Yes, it’s true! On last Thursday, October 28, 2021, the Wall Street Journal reported that the department of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services is considering payments of $450,000 dollars to those who crossed the border illegally and were separated from their family. What in the hell? What about the struggles of my people? What about the hardships that my people continue to face in America? What about how my people were separated, enslaved, beaten, and mistreated for more than 400 years? What about the 40 acres and a mule that was part of Special Field Orders No. 15, that was promised to freed Black families in the proclamation that was proclaimed by Union General William Tecumseh Sherman back on January 16, 1865, during the American Civil War? Come on my people!!! We must wake up and elect Gerry Wayne Monroe to the Houston Independent School Board on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. The children will win -- if Gerry Wayne Monroe WINS!!!!”

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We need strong Black leaders like Gerry Wayne Monroe to be elected into positions of authority all across America going forward. Gerry is the kind of leader who can galvanize people across the board and bring Americans together in a bipartisan fashion to get things done in urban communities and beyond. So, please cast your vote for Gerry Wayne Monroe on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, in the race for HISD Board Trustee for District IX."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "As you can see, Gerry Wayne Monroe looks really good when he slips into a suit. But what he's wearing isn't what's important. That said, Gerry Wayne Monroe has the intestinal fortitude, and courage needed to bring home the goods for our kids and our community. So, on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, I'm encouraging you to do the right thing. A vote for Gerry Wayne Monroe is a vote for the kids!"

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I think that Blacks are starting to wake up and realize that we should not expect for this dude to do anything specifically for us. Now, in case you haven't heard, President Joe Biden is planning to give $450,000 dollars per person to illegal immigrants who had been separated during the Trump administration? Now, what has President Joe Biden and his administration done to directly address the problems he promised to deal with once "AFRICAN AMERICANS" helped him to win the White House? As you can see, the Black folks held up their end of the bargain. So, the big question here, is whether we're going to stand up and demand that politicians like President Joe Biden, treat us with the dignity and respect we deserve."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "There are a lot of Black people who will die for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, the United States Representative for the 18th Congressional District of Texas. Now, that's fine and dandy. However, as a community, our elected leadership is failing us. And the time has come for the Black community to demand more of our leaders, and make them go to battle for us. Now, that being said, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee will be up for re-election in the upcoming 2022 Midterm Election. Now, please be advised that the deadline to file for a place on the ballot for "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary is Monday, December 13, 2021. Please call the Harris County Democratic Party at 713) 802-0085, file for a place on their ballot."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We can't keep electing the same politicians to office over and over again, and hoping that they're going to deliver the goods for us. Congressman Al Green is the U.S. Representative for the 9th Congressional District of Texas. He will be up for re-election in the upcoming 2022 Midterm Election. So, please be advised that the deadline to file for a place on the ballot for "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary is Monday, December 13, 2021. Please call the Harris County Democratic Party at 713) 802-0085, file for a place on their ballot." Leveraging Our Vote Going Forward into 2022 and 2024 is the Only Way to Force Both These Major Political Parties to Respect Us
Do you remember back when certain Democrats scoffed at the notion of paying my people $100,000 dollars in reparations? Do you remember, back when Democrats when they came up with this crazy plan to study reparations? Remember when Democrats came up with the bright idea to establish H.R.40 in the 116th Congress (2019-2020) that’s supposed to be some sort of Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act? So, why did they come up with a “fake study” to address our hardships, but are coming up with a hard-cold-cash solution in the amount of $450,000 dollars to deal with the migrant issue? Well, the truth hurts sometimes, but the real truth here, is that the Hispanic community is respected, and the Black community is being rejected – that’s the truth of the matter. What can we do as “BLACK PEOPLE” to demand respect? Well, we must start to leverage and demand more for our support at the ballot box.

It’s painfully obvious that more has to be done going forward to mobilize the Black community and engage Black voters. And notice, I didn’t say mobilize “BLACK AND BROWN” communities. Why? Well, if you take a step back and look at what’s really going on in places like Harris County, what you’re going to quickly realize is that the Black community is losing power, influence, and being slapped in the face every single day. We’re being suckered! We’re being lied to by politicians! We’re being tricked! We’re being taken for granted! And we’re being played for ignorant by the people we’ve entrusted to look out for our best interests. Now, that being said, it’s insane for us to continue to elect the same people to public office over and over again with no demand for accountability.

On Tuesday, November 2, 2021, African American voters have a decision to make – especially in the HISD School Board for District IX race. A vote for that Myrna Guidry woman is a vote for the status quo. Voting for that Myrna Guidry woman over Gerry Wayne Monroe in the HISD District IX would be a huge mistake. Gerry Wayne Monroe actually loves and cares about kids. A vote for Gerry Wayne Monroe is a vote for the kids. Are you hearing me? Gerry Wayne Monroe has been fighting for the children and teachers for more than ten years. You’ve seen him on CBS, FOX, ABC, and CNN going to bat for these children. In my opinion, ole’ “5 STAR” cares about the children more than the position. And on top of that, he plans to “INCREASE TEACHER PAY” when he’s elected to the HISD School Board!!! Gerry Wayne Monroe plans to “IMPROVE SCHOOL SAFETY” when he’s elected to the HISD School Board!!! And he plans to work vigorously to make sure that “ALL CHILDREN ARE AFFORDED A QUALITY EDUCATION” when he’s elected to the HISD School Board in the Race for District IX on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.
EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "The time has come for us to rise up, and take the battle to our adversaries! Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. It is incumbent upon us to elect "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for the people. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. We must endeavor to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this crucial moment during the history of our great nation."
EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
HISD - DISTRICT IMatias Kopinski
✅ Janette Garza Lindner
Elizabeth Santos
✅ Caroline Walter
Maria Benzon
Sue Deigaard
Gregory Allen Degeyter
Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca
✅ Kendall Baker
Dwight Jefferson
Anne Sung
✅ Bridget Wade
✅ Gerry Monroe
Joshua Ryan Rosales
Myrna Guidry
Encourage, Educate and Mobilize Pastors and their congregation to responsibly address their civic duties as Christian citizens.
Dear Recover America Friends,
The most important election of 2021 is underway!! Early voting started this Monday, October 18th and runs through Friday, October 29th, and election day is Tuesday, November 2nd.
Many School Districts in Greater Houston are holding Board elections including Houston ISD, Cy-Fair ISD, Aldine ISD, and Klein ISD with almost 500,000 of our children enrolled.
We have discovered that all these districts are promoting a godless agenda while failing to teach the fundamentals that will enable the next generation to be successful. HISD is by far the worst and has a majority of seats (5 of 9) up for election right now. In the last HISD election, seats were won by fewer than 5,000 votes.
Christians…The Time to Stand is NOW! Together we can change the trajectory of these school boards to being run by God fearing men and women!
Even for places such as Katy and Sugarland where there are no school board elections, this election still has eight important amendments to our State Constitution on the ballot that merit Christian involvement. Please read my recent article in
Katy Christian Magazine to learn more about how critical it is to vote in this election.
Recover America continues to actively mobilize pastors and their congregations with a keen focus in this last two weeks on getting out the vote:
Contacting hundreds of pastors in Greater Houston, to ensure they are aware of how critical it is to lead their congregations to the polls
Engaging our friends, donors, and other community leaders—that means you—to get out the vote
Hosted Cy-Fair and most recently Klein ISD Candidate Debates, informing hundreds of voters on school board candidates
But we need your help! Would you please join us by committing to Three Action Items:
Vote! Early voting is from October 18th to October 29th! Election day is November 2nd!
Make sure you vote in this election and urge 5 friends to Vote Biblical Values
Ensure your pastor leads his flock to the polls–Connect your pastor to Recover America by emailing
To assist you, below this email, we have included links to voting resources including when, where, and how to vote; sample ballots; and some school board candidate information.
If you would like to invest in our mission to mobilize pastors in Greater Houston, below is a donation option. We always greatly appreciate your investment to advance the Lord’s Kingdom.
May God bless you and may God bless America!
Dr. Rick Scarborough
President, Recover America
Where, When, and How to Vote and Sample Ballots -- Across the State - VoteTexas.Gov:
(CLICK HERE) for more information and to find out where, when, and how to vote in the Tuesday, November 2, 2021, General Election.
Overview of Who, What, Where, When How -- Please
(CLICK HERE) for more information and to get your overview of the who, what, where, and when, related to the Tuesday, November 2, 2021, General Elections.
Register to vote or ensure you are registered to vote in the State of Texas
Locate polling places and upcoming elections based on DL or voter ID. Please
(CLICK HERE) to register to vote and ensure that you can vote in the Tuesday, November 2, 2021, General Election.
Find out what’s on the ballot (state level only) -- Please
(CLICK HERE) to find out exactly what's on the Tuesday, November 2, 2012, General Election ballot at the state level.
Apply for a ballot by mail -- Please
(CLICK HERE) to apply for your ballot by mail -- if you haven't done so already.
(CLICK HERE) if you are looking for information related to the Tuesday, November 2, 2021, HISD School Board and HCC School Board Elections.
(CLICK HERE) for any information related to your voter registration in Harris County, Texas in regards to the Tuesday, November 2, 2021, General Election.
(CLICK HERE) to find your poll location and sample ballot for the Tuesday, November 2, 2021, HISD School Board and HCC School Board Elections.
(CLICK HERE) to apply for a ballot by mail for the Tuesday, November 2, 2021, HISD School Board and HCC School Board Elections.
Voter Guides, Sample Ballots and Other Candidate Information
(CLICK HERE) to find all of your sample ballots for Greater Houston (ALL AREAS) for the Tuesday, November 2, 2021, General Election.
(CLICK HERE) to get your
iVoter Guide -- Get a sample ballot based on your address, indicator on how conservative or liberal candidates are, back-up documents including a values questionnaire filled out by some of the candidates.
(CLICK HERE) to view a copy of the
Community Impact Newsletter: Sort by community to see a comprehensive list of what is on your ballot including questionnaires by some of the ISD candidates.
Cypress Fairbanks ISD: Please
(CLICK HERE) for helpful information about the Cypress Fairbanks ISD School Board Elections.
Aldine ISD: Please
(CLICK HERE) for helpful information about the Aldine ISD School Board Elections.
Klein ISD: Please
(CLICK HERE) for helpful information about the Aldine ISD School Board Elections.