AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “Do you see that cat pictured above on the right pointing his finger right at you? Do you know him? Well, that's a slickster by the name of Pastor Max Miller, Jr., and he has a mean endorsement hustle. How does his hustle work? Well, just look at the "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT" below and you will see how access is sold to some local Black churches that are affiliated to the Baptist Ministers Association of Houston & Vicinity. Now,, he guy you see above proudly promoting the endorsement he received from The Baptist Ministers Association of Houston & Vicinity, is Dr. Kendall Baker. And just for the record, I believe that Dr. Kendall Baker would make an excellent HISD Trustee for District VI if he's elected on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, and stays away from Max."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Have you ever wondered how some Democratic and Republican candidates gain access into pulpits in predominantly Black churches during political season and others do not? Well, if you look at the "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT" above for The Baptist Ministers Association of Houston & Vicinity please pay close attention to the date (10/25/2020). Now, you should know that on Sunday, October 25, 2020, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (Democrat), Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee (Democrat), and Attorney Sharon Hemphill (Republican) all paid The Baptist Ministers Association of Houston & Vicinity the sum of $500.00 dollars. And a few days later, on Thursday, October 29, 2020, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee paid her portion. Now remember, the early voting period for the "2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION" started on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, and ended on Friday, October 30, 2020."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “Have you ever read the story in the book of Matthew 21:12-13, that talks about what happened when Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all of the money changers and turned over their tables and whatnot? And, after flipping over their tables and throwing them out, Jesus said, '…It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.' Do you remember ever reading about that? Well, what Pastor Max Miller, and The Baptist Ministers Association of Houston & Vicinity are doing is paramount to selling access to God's House to the highest bidder when you look at it."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Be on the lookout for these guys in the upcoming 2022 Midterm Election! The Baptist Ministers Association of Houston and Vicinity are top players in Presidential, Midterm, and Municipal Elections throughout this region of Texas. So, if you are a candidate running for office in Houston, Texas, you had better get ready, because you're going to get a phone call from these guys."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “For some reason, candidates running for office in Harris County, Texas are under the impression that somehow, Pastor Max Miller, and The Baptist Ministers Association of Houston & Vicinity have control over the Black vote – which is simply not true.”

Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church is listed as the "COMMITEE ADDRESS" for the Baptist Ministers' Association of Houston & Vicinity PAC. As you can see on the form below, Pastor Max A. Miller, Jr., is listed as the treasurer for their Political Action Committee.

Colleen M. Vera is a retired school teacher, turned citizen reporter. She is working diligently to expose election fraud and corruption in Texas.
Pastor Miller, Where’s the Money?
By Colleen M. Vera
To help keep elections in Texas open and transparent, every campaign and political action committee (PAC) must publicly report all donations and expenditures at least twice a year. When actively involved in an election, the number of required public reports increases to help the voters stay informed.
But these political financial reports are based on the honor system. Unless an opponent or concerned citizen files a complaint with the Texas Ethics Commission, no one in our government checks to see if any of the reports are even remotely accurate.
A few months ago, I was researching a current office holder and went scrolling through her campaign financial reports to see how she spent her campaign funds. I came across a PAC she routinely donated to named the Baptist Ministers’ Association of Houston & Vicinity PAC.
I had never heard of this PAC, so I looked it up on the Texas Ethics Commission site. I found that the PAC has been around since Jan. 15, 1997….but…something REALLY FISHY has been going on since Dr. Max A Miller, Jr. took over the position of PAC Treasurer on Aug. 13, 2009.
With him in charge of the books, since 2010 the PAC has reported over:
That can’t be brushed off as simple mathematical calculation errors.
I doubt I am the only person who wants to ask the question:
"Pastor Miller, where did all that money go?"
When I found such a huge discrepancy, I filed a complaint with the Texas Ethics Commission. Because of the 24 month statute of limitations on campaign finance reports, I could only question Dr. Miller’s lack of reporting on the funds donated since mid- 2019 - about $33,000.00.
It appears Texas law will never make him go back and report what he did with the $154,000.00 donated before 2019.
But at least the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) responded to my complaint. According to the copy of the letter I received via email, TEC has given Dr. Miller 10 days to respond.
You can view the PAC’s financial reports yourself online at: Jaspersoft: By_Filer_Name (state.tx.us)
If you have trouble maneuvering the website, the PAC’s Filer ID is #00018745 – use this link and cut and paste their ID #: Texas Ethics Commission Search CF (state.tx.us).

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “Yes, Pastor Max Miller has a Rolls-Royce Ghost! Nope, this isn’t fake news!!! Now, in the book of 1st Timothy in the 6th Chapter of the Holy Bible, it talks about how the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. The “GOOD BOOK” also says that it is through the craving for wealth that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. Now, that being said, what in the hell does a pastor of a small congregation need with a Rolls-Royce – GHOST – high-end luxury vehicle? You normally see rappers and entertainers driving around in those kinds of high-end luxury rides. Look, those kinds of play toys are valued at more than $245,000.00 dollars brand new. Did you know that? Sure, his is only a 2010 model year, but even still, his 2010 model could still be worth nearly $100,000.00 dollars. Yes, Dr. Max Miller, Jr., the senior pastor of Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church – “The Mountain of Love” has been shown a lot of love from a whole lot of people from what I can see. But come on man!!! And then on top of that, this dude also has a Mercedes-Benz-Series: 550-Model:S that sells for a cool $92,900.00 dollars brand new. Yes, indeed, the LORD has truly been good to Pastor Max Miller."

Pastor Max A. Miller, Jr. the senior pastor of Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church actually owns one of these bad boys. In case you don't know, a Rolls-Royce -- GHOST, retails for more than $245.000.00 dollars brand new. A 2010 model of the Rolls Royce -- GHOST, like the one Pastor Max A. Miller has can be worth nearly $100,000 dollars or more. *Example only!

The Rolls-Royce -- GHOST, like the model that Pastor Max A. Miller, Jr., has is very nice on the inside. In case you don't know, the only people you normally see driving around in this type of high-end luxury vehicle are either billionaire businessmen, rappers, and entertainers. *Example only!

Pastor Max A. Miller, owns a Rolls-Royce -- GHOST, that retails for more than $245,000.00 brand new. However, he also owns a Mercedes-Benz-Series: 550-Model:S that sells for a cool $92,900.00 dollars brand new. That being said, it is unclear if any of the missing money that was donated to the Baptist Ministers' Association of Houston & Vicinity, that they have no expenditures showing for, was used to purchase any of his high-end play toys. *Example only!

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Pastor Max A. Miller (pictured third from right standing) has some very powerful friends. You can see him pictured above with people like, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman John Lewis, Pastor William Lawson, Judson W. Robinson, III, and Bishop James Dixon."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is widely regarded as one of the hardest working members serving in the United States Congress. She also works hard in the community during times of crisis. She can be seen here at Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church, where Max A. Miller, Jr. is the senior pastor waiting to put in some work."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, works hard in the community during times of disaster. She is seen in the photo above at Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church, where Max A. Miller, Jr. is the senior pastor waiting to put in some work."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Pastor Max A. Miller, Jr., and Mayor Sylvester Turner are thick as thieves. Now, it's common knowledge in political circles that Mayor Sylvester Turner takes good care of his folks. Heck, remember how he paid his former law partner $6.7 million dollars in legal fees from the Harvey Disaster Relief Funds?"

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Pastor Max A. Miller, Jr., and the Baptist Ministers' Association of Houston & Vicinity are instrumental in granting non-Black candidates like Commissioner Adrian Garcia, access to the Black churches during campaign season."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Pastor Max A. Miller, Jr., has some powerful friends in the Texas legislature. People like State Rep. Ron E. Reynolds have a lot of influence."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Pastor Max A. Miller, Jr., has some friends who sit on the HISD School Board. People like HISD Board Trustee Kathy Blueford-Daniels has a lot of stroke in Houston, Texas."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Councilman Michael Kubosh is very well-known in the Black community. He is pictured above with Pastor Max A. Miller, Jr., after a church service."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. It is incumbent upon us to elected "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for the people. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. We must endeavor to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this crucial moment during the history of our great nation."
We Must Make it Our Business to Nominate the Right Democratic and Republican Candidates in the Upcoming 2022 Primary Elections
Make no mistake about it, who the people of Harris County, Texas choose to give another term to in 2022 must be about substance, job performance, judicial temperament, competence, and whether or not our members of the judiciary are following the law with their rulings. And that being said, in 2022, it is incumbent upon the voters of Harris County to evaluate the job performance of each and every sitting "ELECTED OFFICIAL" on a case-by-case basis and not as a group based on their political party affiliation, ethnicity, or gender.

If you are a candidate planning to run for office in 2022, you have to select the right candidate to run against. And the second most important thing to understand is that you have to select your race early, to avoid ending up in a crowded field of candidates on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas. So, if you need assistance trying to determine which race to enter, please call (281)788-3033, and I will do my very best to answer any questions you may have.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033