The op-ed below was written by State
Representative Ron Reynolds to clear up a few things regarding Senator Kamala
Harris. In case you don’t know, Senator Harris has been selected as the running
mate for Senator Joe Biden, the presumptive nominee on the Democratic ticket
for President of the United States on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Also, please
be reminded that State Representative Ron Reynolds is also running for
re-election on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. State Rep. Reynolds is being
challenged by Tom Virippan on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, in Fort Bend County."
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “State Rep. Ron Reynolds values our vote and support. I ran across the opinionated editorial below on Facebook published by State Rep. Reynolds. Got questions? Call me directly at (281)788-3033 today!" Let's get REAL...By State Rep. Ron Reynolds – House District 27 in Fort Bend County
1. "She locked up black men!" - Kamala didn't lock
up black men. She was a prosecutor in a racist criminal justice system that
TARGETS black men /minorities. There's a difference. She did her job and she is
no more culpable for incarcerating black men than EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE of the
criminal justice system. Please find me a prior candidate that isn't guilty of
buttressing racist practices to some capacity (Stop & Frisk, Super
Predators, Busing, etc...)
2. "She's not qualified." Kamala is more qualified
to be VP (and president) than Barack was to be president when he ran initially
and more qualified than both the current occupants of the Oval office.
3. "They only picked her because she's a black woman
and they are pandering!" Congratulations!! That's called influence!! Get
used to being considered if you ever want true representation. Who do you think
they've been pandering to for the past 244 years?
4. "She's not black enough." She's blacker than
the last 45 VPs and 44/45 last presidents. Also, I'm still waiting for my copy
of the "How to be Black and Influence People Yo!" manual that everyone
else seems to have received at birth.
5. "Her politics do not align with mine!" Yet you
found a way to vote for prior candidates whose politics obliterated your
community. If you believe in democracy, her politics are more closely aligned
to yours than 45.
6. "This has nothing to do with her being a woman.
She's just not the right woman for the job!" The right woman for the job
is the woman that is qualified, available and chosen for the job. Also, not
acknowledging her gender is akin to "I don't see color."; wholly
7. "I just don't like her." You don't know her and
she probably doesn't like you either. The only thing you need to like is if she
is better for you than the current occupants.
8. "She attacked Joe Biden during the debates and now
they’re friends? FOH!" You know Barack's Secretary of State was Hilary
Clinton who he ran against in the prior election right?
9. No one above the age of 21 is morally fit to run for
office. If you lived in the U.S., you've propped up institutions that are not
in your best interest on countless occasions. In other words, NO ONE is in a
position to judge moral aptitude, not even the 99 percenters who complained
about the 1% on Facebook using their Iphones they ordered on Amazon. #irony
10. "She doesn't inspire me!" Are you voting for a
motivational speaker or a politician that will help normalize current
"Keeping it
real" is not a skill. It just means
you are easily susceptible to your own emotions. Everyone's so eager to tell
the world how they really feel but this is not a feeling competition. This is
politics. After you're done pretending to like your boss to get that promotion
and pretending to like someone to get sex, money or attention, you turn around
and decide to "keep it real" because you are ..."honest?"
In the illustrious words of Nikki Giovanni, "Lie to Me."
Sidebar; She was not my first choice. Now I'm riding for
Kamala. Plain and simple. Until there is equal representation, we don't have
the luxury of division so in the illustrious words of Issa Rae "I'm
rooting for everybody Black!" Sidebar Complete. #TeamReynolds
#ElectionsMatter #DumpTrump
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, State Rep. Ron Reynolds will face off against Tom Virippan in the race for State Representative for House District 27 in Fort Bend County. Early voting will begin on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, and end on Friday, October 30, 2020."
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “Former Harris County District Clerk Chris Daniel values our vote and support. Over the next few months he will share his thoughts with us in a series of opinionated editorials. Got questions? Call me directly at (281)788-3033 today!"
Thoughts from Chris Daniel on Covid-19 and Maintaining Your Voter Registration
In these trying times, we are all experiencing new hardships--including loss of income and even eviction. You still have the right to vote. Covid-19 might have affected you personally or your family, but you will still have a chance to shape the future of Houston and Harris County by voting.
Recently evicted, homeless, etc.? --you have certain rights under the law regarding your right to vote. Those rights are determined by whether you were registered before or after your involuntary change in address.
Registered beforehand? Notify the local voter registrar about your change in status and where you intend to live next. You will receive a new, corrected certificate. You will be able to vote with your new precinct information 30 days after your notice has been received. Meanwhile: You may vote a full ballot with your former precinct information if your registration has not become effective with your new precinct information in time for the current election.
Didn’t get a chance to register? The law is clear that you have the right to register to vote so long as you meet the residency requirements, even if that is a shelter, church, park, etc. The key is to provide a mailing address that you can easily receive mail at in addition to the approximate physical address you maintain your current (hopefully temporary) residency. Your new registration card will have both the approximate physical location and the mailing address where you are sending the card.
The goal is to maintain your precious right to vote. Some may still find themselves on the voter suspension list. If your registration is in “suspense”, you can still vote. Your voter registration is NOT cancelled. “In order to maintain the accuracy of the voter roll, voters put on suspense who have not provided the voter registrar with a new Harris County address are to be removed from the voter roll in accordance with Sec. 16.032 of the Election Code. The Election Code specifies that a suspended voter is to be removed (purged) from the voter roll on the November 30, of the even year after the voter has been on suspense for two general elections. The voter registrar maintains a list of suspended voters purged from the voter roll.”
A voter whose status is on suspense is eligible to vote in an election provided that the voter completes a Statement of Residence either when voting by mail or at the polls prior to voting (within the same county as the voter’s current registration) or (if the voter has moved to a new county) completes a Limited Ballot application during Early Voting at the main early voting polling place. A voter on Suspense who has moved within the same county would be allowed to vote on Election Day by returning to the precinct in which the voter previously resided and completing a Statement of Residence at that time. A voter may also complete a Voter Registration Application to update his/her address prior the Registration Cutoff deadline for any election and send the newly updated application to the Voter Registrar in the county in which the voter resides.--Texas Secretary of State
Don’t let Covid-19 deter you from keeping our country free and our democracy safe. See you at the polls!
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, Chris Daniel will face off against Ann Harris Bennett in the race for Harris County Tax Assessor Collector/Voter Registrar. Early voting will begin on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, and end on Friday, October 30, 2020."