Thursday, September 6, 2018

Judge Dan Hinde Shares why He's a better Candidate than Cory Sepolio in the race for District Judge, 269th Civil District Court

Judge Dan Hinde the presiding judge for the 269th Civil District Court in Harris County officially signing for re-election. Judge Hinde will face off against Cory Sepolio in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election when early voting begins on Monday, October 22, 2018. Judge Dan Hinde's interview will be published in the next edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© featuring the highly contested race for United States Senate between Senator Ted Cruz and U.S. Representative Beto O'Rourke on the cover.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why should voters in Harris County, Texas cast their ballot for you over your opponent on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the Midterm Election?

JUDGE DAN HINDE: “I believe voters will recognize that I bring the most experience, excellence, and leadership to the 269th District Court.

Starting with experience, I have served as the Judge of the 269th District Court for nearly 10 years, handling about 15,000 cases, so I have unmatched experience as a judge conducting trials, managing a heavy docket, and administering justice. I have tried over 280 cases, including discrimination claims, catastrophic injuries, complex commercial matters, and personal injury disputes.

Adding to this unmatched experience, I bring the highest excellence. I am the only candidate in this race who is Board Certified. Additionally, parties have rarely appealed my decisions—only about 1.4% of cases. More importantly, the error rate is tiny—only about 12% of the appealed decisions (compared to 33% for all local courts).

With this experience and excellence, I bring leadership to the courts. The judges of Texas elected me to the Board of Directors of the Texas Center for the Judiciary, which handles judicial education for all state judges.

Locally, I chair the judges’ jury committee, which oversees the jury system for 85 courts in Harris County. As chair, I led the courts’ efforts to restore the jury system after Hurricane Harvey wiped out our existing jury facilities. Working almost from scratch, we reorganized and reconfigured our jury system to ensure that the local courts could try cases again, and we did so in just 7 weeks.”


"Whether you’re a Democrat hoping for a “BLUE WAVE” to flow through Harris County, Texas, or a “REPUBLICAN” looking for a “RED STORM” to blow through town you had better not take any vote for granted in the Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Midterm Election whereas Harris County, Texas is concerned. And with that said, I am imploring all of my loyal readers to tell all of their family, friends, associates, and passers-by about the importance of every vote in what I’m expecting to be one of the most important elections of our lifetime. And please don’t forget that early voting will begin on Monday, October 22, 2018, and end on Friday, November 2, 2018. And finally, to avoid the long lines on Election Day, you are strongly encouraged to vote early at one of the (46) forty-six "EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS" conveniently located throughout Harris County, Texas."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033