PICTURED ABOVE: Dr. Tony Evans is one of the most outspoken and inspirational leaders in the United States of America today. Dr. Evans has received many honors, including the Father of the Year award voted by the Dallas Father of the Year Committee and the Marian Pfister Anshutz Award for “dedication to protecting, encouraging, and strengthening the American family” from the Family Research Center. Below you will find a few more influential leaders who publicly and privately are working to inspire others.
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Dr. Tony Evans and A Host of Other Inspirational Leaders to be Featured in the “2013 Year-End Review” edition of Houston Business Connections Magazine
Dr. Tony Evans Biography
Dr. Tony Evans is one of the country’s most respected leaders in evangelical circles. As a pastor, teacher, author and speaker, he serves the body of Christ through his unique ability to communicate complex theological truths through simple, yet profound, illustrations. While addressing the practical issues of today, Dr. Evans is known as a relevant expositor. New and veteran pastors alike regard him as a pastor of pastors and a father in the faith.
Vision & Mission
Through his local church and national ministry Dr. Evans promotes a Kingdom agenda philosophy that teaches God’s comprehensive rule over every sphere of life as demonstrated through the individual, family, church and society.
The first African-American to graduate with a doctoral degree from Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS), he served as an associate professor in DTS’ Pastoral Ministries Department in the areas of evangelism, homiletics and black church studies. He continues to serve DTS on the Board of Incorporate Members. Dr. Evans holds the rare honor of serving as chaplain for the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks over the last three decades, the longest standing NBA chaplaincy on record. He is also the former chaplain of the Dallas Cowboys.
This philosophy connects biblical spirituality with social responsibility. Dr. Evans teaches that the church, not the government, is the best social service delivery system since it is closer to the needs of the people, offers the largest potential volunteer force, has facilities for outreach programs, and provides a moral and spiritual frame of reference for making right choices.
At the heart of this vision is the use of church and school partnerships to effect spiritual and social change in communities. Dr. Evans’ church and school outreach philosophy has been attributed as a catalyst for former President George W. Bush’s Faith Based Initiative, which was his first formal act of office. Dr. Evans seeks to train churches, schools and volunteers in this philosophy, as well as in the functional practicalities, through the National Church Adopt-A-School Initiative which is a ministry underneath the umbrella of The Urban Alternative.
Dr. Evans has served as the senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship for over 36 years, witnessing its growth from ten people in 1976 to now over 9,700 congregants with 100 plus ministries.
Dr. Evans also serves as the founder and president of The Urban Alternative. He seeks to restore hope and transform lives through the proclamation and the application of the Word of God. His daily radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,000 radio outlets throughout the United States and in more than 130 countries.
Dr. Evans has written numerous books and booklets including his legacy work, Oneness Embraced, as well as his vision work, The Kingdom Agenda. Some of his most recent books include Kingdom Man, Kingdom Woman, A Moment For Your Soul, Marriage Matters, and Victory in Spiritual Warfare.
Dr. Tony Evans is married to Lois, his wife and ministry partner of 43 years. They are the proud parents of four children, all who serve in ministry: Chrystal Hurst, Priscilla Shirer, Anthony, and Jonathan as well as the proud grandparents of eleven: Kariss, Jessica, Jackson, Jesse, III, Jerry, Jr., Kanaan, Jude, Joel, Kelsey, Jonathan II, and Kamden.
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"Everyone has the power for greatness—not for fame but greatness,
because greatness is determined by service." Even before I first heard
my all-time favorite quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I knew in my
heart that the message was true. As far back as I can recall, my
prayer has been the same: "Use me, God. Show me how to take who
I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a
purpose greater than myself." – Oprah Winfrey

“Don't stop now! Your breakthrough is right around the corner. The last mile is
often the longest one...so keep moving forward, look for ways to pull ahead
and win. Someone is about to step in and give you a break.
often the longest one...so keep moving forward, look for ways to pull ahead
and win. Someone is about to step in and give you a break.
Continue to believe in miracles and work to bring about a victory.
Strengthen your faith to believe that anything is possible... in your relationships,
career, health, or finances. Your words create your world, so affirm yourself
daily. Monitor your thoughts. What you think about ~ you bring about.
Keep your mind focused on your goal. Never give up. Because, you
have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!” – Les Brown
Strengthen your faith to believe that anything is possible... in your relationships,
career, health, or finances. Your words create your world, so affirm yourself
daily. Monitor your thoughts. What you think about ~ you bring about.
Keep your mind focused on your goal. Never give up. Because, you
have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!” – Les Brown
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“You may have had a lot of unfair things happen, but when you
look back over your life, remember something good that has happened
for you. Replay the good memories.” - Joel Osteen
look back over your life, remember something good that has happened
for you. Replay the good memories.” - Joel Osteen
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“When you pray God listens. When you listen God speaks,
when you believe God works.” – Gallery Furniture
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“I pray that God gives you courage and strength! Strength only
the Lord can provide! That anything set to cause disappointment is
blocked in Jesus name!” – Paula White
blocked in Jesus name!” – Paula White
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“All that left you couldn’t stay, and all that stayed couldn’t leave.
Right now, you have exactly who and what you need to get the job done.
You can make it on what you have left.” – Bishop T.D. Jakes
You can make it on what you have left.” – Bishop T.D. Jakes
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“God wants us to be like bright lights shining out in a dark world
and giving Him praise while everybody else is complaining
their heads off.” – Joyce Meyer
their heads off.” – Joyce Meyer

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice.
It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” – Mia Wright
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“Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as an excuse
to do evil. Live as servants of God. Thought: Just because something is
legal or you have a civil right to do it does not mean as a kingdom citizen
you have a right to do it. Sin is still sin.” - Bishop K. J Brown
to do evil. Live as servants of God. Thought: Just because something is
legal or you have a civil right to do it does not mean as a kingdom citizen
you have a right to do it. Sin is still sin.” - Bishop K. J Brown
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“YOU are being changed into the image of Christ every time
you spend time in the word of God. Give place to the word, and
you’ll NEVER be the same!” – Creflo Dollar
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“All real growth and development in your career and personal

“There is an ordination of God on your life. When God makes
a way for you, no man can stop you. (Ps 18:29).” – Matthew A. Ashimolowo
a way for you, no man can stop you. (Ps 18:29).” – Matthew A. Ashimolowo

“Even when you mess up... "The people who are still with you at the end
of the day are the ones worth keeping." - Regina Baker

“A negative mind will never give you a positive life.” – Chilly Bill Smith

“Trust God!!! There is a shift taking place right NOW!!!!!” – Sandra Collins
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“In today’s data-driven business environment it is easy
to forget about understanding the humans represented in the numbers. It is
dangerous to be obsessed with numbers while losing touch with the feelings
evoked by your sales efforts.” – Kate Frank

"Kindness shown to the poor is an act
of worship." Proverbs 14:31 – Russell Simmons
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"Leadership is the quality that transforms good intentions into
positive action; it turns a group of individuals into a team." – T. Boone Pickens
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“If you are born poor it's not your mistake, But if you die poor
it's your mistake.” – Bill Gates
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44 FOR 44
"At 44, here are 44 things that I have learned and know to be true.
Have a great day today my friends." -- Tyler Perry
Yes, God is real.
Your gift can make room for you.
A baby can heal broken hearts.
A mother's love is stronger than distance,
more powerful than time and can transcend the grave.
Take time to smell the roses but be careful of the bees.
God will really make your enemy your footstool.
A footstool is only needed when you need to get higher.
Let your enemy lift you.
God will prepare a table before you in the presence
of your enemies so let them watch you eat.
Be careful what you say, life and death truly
are in your own words.
There will be rough nights but joy really does come in the morning.
Fear is a sprit that really can stop you from living.
God has not given us a spirit of fear.
The joy of The Lord really is strength.
Being alone doesn't necessarily mean that you're lonely.
True love can come more than once.
Let go and love with the same amount of might.
Life is short but heartache is shorter.
Don't share your dreams with everyone and don't
be angry with non-dreamers.
It takes a while to build a dream.
The dream will outlive the dreamer so dream big.
If you lie to yourself you will lie to God too.
Live where you are so God can meet you at your needs.
Never wish to be somebody else.
The grass may be greener on the other side but the the water bill is higher.
Don't let people change who you are just be who you are with someone else.
Heartbreak can make you hard! But don't let it make you bitter.
Bitterness is as toxic as stage 4 cancer.
While the most dangerous person in the world is a person
with nothing to lose, the most powerful person in the world is
a person with nothing to prove.
Don't try to be seen, God may be hiding you on purpose.
Your beginning never dictates your destination.
The will to live is as strong as the will to love and be loved.
You really will reap what you sew.
You can learn something from everything and everybody, especially the elderly.
Childrens' laughter is like medicine to sadness.
Prayer really can change things.
If it had not been for The Lord on my side
I don't know where I would be.
Who you are at 20 will not be who you are at 40
and if it is, SOMETHING IS WRONG!
You give away your power when you don't forgive.
Always aim for right and avoid doing wrong at all costs.
Never argue with what is.
Teach but never try to change people because
sometimes they change back.
Share wisdom with those who will receive it.
Be aware of the darkness but your focus should always be the light.
Nothing is impossible for God.
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