Antron G. Johnson (left), and Carroll G. Robinson (right), are two of the dirtiest "DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL OPERATIVES" in the entire state of Texas. Carroll G. Robinson is the disgraced former chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats. As for Antron D. Johnson, he is running a company called Texas Victory Consulting. However, what you must remember about this pair is that they've been running a "POLITICAL PONZI SCHEME" in Harris County, Texas. And they have to also remember that two of their cohorts, (TERRANCE SHANKS) and (DR. DARNELLA WILKERSON) were found guilty of running a "MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME" by the Texas Ethics Commission, last year. The Texas Ethics Commission also stated that Shanks and Wilkerson were involved in an "ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME" when the Texas Ethics Commission fined them $25,750.OO, and $17,500.00 respectively.


Judge Mike Engelhart, the presiding judge for the 151st Civil District Court has turned to the dark side of Harris County, Texas politics. According to his "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT" dated 1/16/2024, Judge Engelhart has hired (Antron D. Johnson), Texas Victory Consulting as one of his top political consultants. Judge Engelhart has hired Antron D. Johnson, even though he is fully aware that Antron D. Johnson, Carroll G. Robinson, Terrance Shanks, and Dr. Darnella Wilkerson are four of the dirties "BLACK POLITICAL OPERATIVES" in the State of Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about the "MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME" and "ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME" that these dirty "BLACK POLITICAL OPERATIVES" have been running according to the Texas Ethics Commission.

Judge Mike Engelhart, has recruited some of the dirties "BLACK POLITICAL OPERATIVES" in the game to assist him in his reelection bid against his "BLACK FEMALE CHALLENGER" by the name of Judge Erica Hughes. According to his "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT" dated 1/16/2024, Judge Engelhart has hired (Antron D. Johnson), Texas Victory Consulting as one of his top political consultants. Judge Engelhart has hired Antron D. Johnson, even though he is fully aware that Antron D. Johnson, Carroll G. Robinson, Terrance Shanks, and Dr. Darnella Wilkerson are four of the dirties "BLACK POLITICAL OPERATIVES" in the State of Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about the "MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME" and "ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME" that these dirty "BLACK POLITICAL OPERATIVES" have been running according to the Texas Ethics Commission.

Judge Mike Engelhart (left) has turned to Gerald Womack (right), one of the most "NATORIOUS BALLOT HARVESTERS" in America. In case you don't remember, Gerald Womack is the campaign manager for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who has been running a "BALLOT HARVESTING RING" out of his business, that's located at 4412 Almeda Road, in Houston, Texas 77004, for decades. Womack is the man who hired Gloria Palmer, Tomar Bishop, and other criminals who then went out and stole the identities of "DEAD BLACK VOTERS" and then committed "FEDERAL MAIL FRAUD" by sending the forged documents through the United States Postal Service. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about Gerald Womack's "ILLEGAL BALLOT HARVESTING SCHEME" to get a better understanding of why Judge Mike Engelhart is depending on Gerald Womack to help him defeat Judge Erica Hughes in the race for District Judge, 151st Civil District Court, in the Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary.

Terrence Shanks stepped down as the president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter) once he was hit with a $27,500 fine by the Texas Ethics Commission. Terrance Shanks, Carroll G. Robinson, and Antron D. Johnson are as dirty as they come. And for the record, Terrance Shanks and Darnella Wilkerson, according to the Texas Ethics Commission were "LAUNDERING MONEY" and running an "ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME" that local officials were playing a role in supporting. You can "CLICK HERE" to see why Shanks was fined $27,500 by the Texas Ethics Commission.
TCBD-HC’s activity presents particular cause for public concern because it appears from TCBD-HC’s 2020 endorsement slate and its banking records that TCBD-HC may be “selling” its endorsements in exchange for financial contributions. TCBD-HC has avoided potentially unpleasant public inquiry on this unsavory topic by evading its reporting obligations. Further, Commission staff uncovered TCBD-HC candidate endorsement slates for the 2018 and 2022 primary elections, which suggests that TCBD-HC’s involvement in the March 2020 primary election was not an isolated event. You can "CLICK HERE" to review the "FINAL ORDER" for yourself.
TCBD-HC’s activity presents particular cause for public concern because it appears from TCBD-HC’s 2020 endorsement slate and its banking records that TCBD-HC may be “selling” its endorsements in exchange for financial contributions. TCBD-HC has avoided potentially unpleasant public inquiry on this unsavory topic by evading its reporting obligations. Further, Commission staff uncovered TCBD-HC candidate endorsement slates for the 2018 and 2022 primary elections, which suggests that TCBD-HC’s involvement in the March 2020 primary election was not an isolated event. You can "CLICK HERE" to review the "FINAL ORDER" for yourself.

Darnella Wilkerson is an active player in the "MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME" that has been uncovered in Harris County, Texas. According to the Texas Ethics Commission, "Only three deposits were ever made to the 39 accounts, the personal savings account held in Wilkerson’s name. There were three contribution checks from candidates, all made out to TCBD-HC or “Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – Hou[ston].” There was also a $1,250 check drawn on TCBD-HC’s main account, and a $25 cash deposit that matched a $25 cash withdrawal from TCBD-HC’s main account made the same day. All of these deposits were made on February 20 and 21, 2020. The following day, February 22, 2020, Wilkerson withdrew the entire contents of the account, $2,775, and closed the account. Also on February 22, 2020, Wilkerson deposited an identical amount of cash, $2,775, in the 98 account. A duplicate copy of the withdrawal slip removing the cash from the 39 account can be found in the records for the 98 account, attached to a deposit slip for the same amount, $2,775.
No single document in the record makes clear why Wilkerson deposited several thousand dollars in the 39 personal savings account, immediately withdrew the entire amount in cash, and then deposited the funds in the 98 main AAC account. However, that the 39 account is in Wilkerson’s name as a personal account formally unattached with the other two accounts and that Shanks and Wilkerson opted to withdraw the funds from the 39 account in cash rather than effecting the transfer by more convenient means suggest that Shanks and Wilkerson wished to conceal the source of the funds. The memo lines on the checks, which read “[e]ndorsed candidate GOTV,” “slate card,” and “[p]oll working for [e]lection,” suggest that the payments were in nature political contributions to TCBD-HC. Public knowledge that TCBD-HC had accepted political contributions from AAC might have compelled TCBD-HC to file a campaign treasurer appointment, as Section 253.031 of the Election Code prohibits political committees from accepting political contributions or making political expenditures exceeding a certain threshold without having a campaign treasurer appointment on file, a threshold which these contributions exceeded. You can "CLICK HERE" to see how Carroll's minions have been running their "MONEY LAUNDERING" and "ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME" while Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg has supported the illegal PAC, and benefited from their illegal activities.
No single document in the record makes clear why Wilkerson deposited several thousand dollars in the 39 personal savings account, immediately withdrew the entire amount in cash, and then deposited the funds in the 98 main AAC account. However, that the 39 account is in Wilkerson’s name as a personal account formally unattached with the other two accounts and that Shanks and Wilkerson opted to withdraw the funds from the 39 account in cash rather than effecting the transfer by more convenient means suggest that Shanks and Wilkerson wished to conceal the source of the funds. The memo lines on the checks, which read “[e]ndorsed candidate GOTV,” “slate card,” and “[p]oll working for [e]lection,” suggest that the payments were in nature political contributions to TCBD-HC. Public knowledge that TCBD-HC had accepted political contributions from AAC might have compelled TCBD-HC to file a campaign treasurer appointment, as Section 253.031 of the Election Code prohibits political committees from accepting political contributions or making political expenditures exceeding a certain threshold without having a campaign treasurer appointment on file, a threshold which these contributions exceeded. You can "CLICK HERE" to see how Carroll's minions have been running their "MONEY LAUNDERING" and "ENDORSEMENT SELLING SCHEME" while Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg has supported the illegal PAC, and benefited from their illegal activities.

Judge Mike Engelhart only has $194,740.46, cash on hand based on the "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT" he filed back on 1/16/2024, under penalty of perjury. For the record, $194,740.46 isn't nearly enough for Judge Mike Engelhart to hold off the hard-charging Judge Erica Hughes. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the most current "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT" that was filed by Judge Mike Engelhart for yourself.

Judge Erica Hughes only has $22,670.00 cash on hand in her campaign bank account based on her "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT" that she filed back on 1/15/2024, under penalty of perjury. While $22,670.00 doesn't appear to be a lot of money, what Judge Erica Hughes may lack in financial capital, she could make up with her strong "NAME IDENTIFICATION" and the fact that she's a female. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT" that was filed by Judge Erica Hughes for yourself.
Judge Mike Engelhart Faces Uphill Battle Against Judge Erica Hughes; Dirty Blacks Like Antron and Carroll Are With Engelhart
There's no shame in Judge Mike Engelhart's game right now. As I've said many times before I used to have a lot of respect for Judge Mike Engelhart, the presiding judge for the 151st Civil District Court, in Harris County, Texas. However, the admiration I once felt for Judge Engelhart, and a handful of other "WHITE MALE DEMOCRAT INCUMBENT JUDGES" is starting to quickly fade away. But that's a story for another day.
As of right now, the hottest local judicial race in Harris County, Texas is between Judge Erica Hughes, and Judge Mike Engelhart, for the coveted 151st Civil District Court, in Harris County, Texas. Judge Hughes and Judge Engelhart will face off on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary.
While I understand Judge Mike Engelhart's fear of facing off against Judge Erica Hughes, I totally disagree with the tactics that he and several of his colleagues are using to disqualify "AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALES" from the ballot.
As early voting approaches on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, the Harris County Democratic Party is becoming embroiled in a brand of infighting that I've never seen before in my over 32 years of reporting on local politics.
Men who were once viewed as honorable members of the judiciary are now being painted as racists who are pulling out all of the stops to win reelection bids against their fellow Democrat "BLACK FEMALE CHALLENGERS" who are seeking to unseat them.
Have any of the "WHITE MALE DEMOCRAT JUDGES" who are facing "BLACK FEMALE CHALLENGERS" on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, stopped to think about the irreparable harm that they're potentially causing to their "DEMOCRAT COLLEAGUES" who will need the Black female vote on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, when they will have to face off against their Republican challengers?
The biggest question on the minds of "BLACK VOTERS" all across America is whether or not "BLACK FEMALES" are being discriminated against by their fellow Democrats in Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Attorney Lloyd Kelly believes there's some sort of "SHADOW DISCRIMINATION CAMPAIGN" being run against Black female candidates in the Democratic Party Primary that's scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. If you have questions, the Law Office of Lloyd E. Kelly and Associates is located at 2726 Bissonnet St, Houston, TX 77005. Attorney Kelly can be reached by phone at (713) 432-7505 if you have any questions about his allegations.
As we look forward to “SUPER TUESDAY” in Texas, we must wake up, and come to the realization that votes are a precious commodity that must not be given to candidates who hate us. And when Democrats stay home, they’re actually casting a vote for Republican candidates.
Comparatively speaking, when Republicans stay home and don’t vote, they’re actually casting a vote for Democratic candidates.

According to a flyer I was given by attorney Lloyd Kelly at his recent press conference, “White male incumbents argued that their Black female challengers were “not qualified” to run harkening back to the “literacy” test days applied during Jim Crow to keep Blacks from voting.”
Attorney Lloyd Kelly handed me a flyer that has me very concerned. “Black female candidates are trying to make history in Texas by being elected to the 1st and 14th Court of Appeals.”
The flyer went on to state, “They discovered “Shadow Discrimination” when the Democratic Party sponsored “Whites Only” in the “Terrific Ten” ad,” stated attorney Kelly.
Thankfully the all-GOP Texas Supreme Court has stepped in and issued a ruling that will allow Amber Boyd-Cora, Velda Renita Faulkner, Brendetta Scott, and Ysidra “Sissy” Kyles, who are running for the Court of Appeals to remain on the upcoming Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Democratic Party Primary ballot.
On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Attorney Brendetta Scott, is seeking to unseat Justice Gordon Goodman, in the race for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 2, in the Democratic Party Primary.
Attorney Ysidra “Sissy” Kyles is seeking to unseat Justice Richard Hightower, in the race for Justice 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 8, in the Democratic Party Primary.
Justice Peter Kelly is being challenged by Amber Boyd-Cora on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the race for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 9, in the Democratic Party Primary.
Attorney Velda Renita Faulkner faces a somewhat different challenge than the other three duly qualified African American female attorneys who are seeking to make history.
In the race for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 3, Velda Renita Faulkner is facing off against Chuck Silverman, Mark Ritchie, and Justice Jerry Zimmerer, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.

According to Attorney Lloyd Kelly, there’s some “SHADOW DISCRIMINATION” going on in Texas. “Texas has almost 4 million Blacks, but there are ONLY TWO Black Justices today out of 98 seats.
*Only 11 Blacks have ever served as a Justice in Texas history.
*Out of 14 Courts of Appeal in Texas, NO Black has ever served on 10 of them.
*Only One BLACK EVER elected to the Court of Appeals in Texas: Back in 2018, Justice Erin Nowell became the only Black elected to the Court of Appeals (5th Court-Dallas), in Dallas, Texas.

Justice Mike Engelhart is being challenged by Judge Erica Hughes, in the race for District Judge, 151st Civil District Court, in Harris County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" to view other contested "SUPER TUESDAY" races on the ballot in Harris County, Texas.

Justice Gordon Goodman is being challenged by Attorney Brendetta Scott, in the race for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals, Place 2. You can "CLICK HERE" to view other contested "SUPER TUESDAY" races on the ballot in Harris County, Texas.

Dr. Carol Swain is a professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, for Prager University.
When you think about racial equality and civil rights, which political party comes to mind? The Republicans? Or, the Democrats? Most people would probably say the Democrats. But this answer is incorrect.
Since its founding in 1829, the Democratic Party has fought against every major civil rights initiative and has a long history of discrimination.
The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynchings, and fought against the Civil Rights Acts of the 1950s and 1960s.
In contrast, the Republican Party was founded in 1854 as an anti-slavery party. Its mission was to stop the spread of slavery into the new western territories to abolish it entirely. This effort, however, was dealt a major blow by the Supreme Court. In the 1857 case Dred Scott v. Sandford, the court ruled that slaves weren’t citizens; they were property. The seven justices who voted in favor of slavery? All Democrats. The two justices who dissented? Both Republicans.
The slavery question was, of course, ultimately resolved by a bloody civil war. The commander-in-chief during that war was the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln – the man who freed the slaves.
Six days after the Confederate army surrendered, John Wilkes Booth, a Democrat, assassinated President Lincoln. Lincoln’s vice president, a Democrat named Andrew Johnson, assumed the presidency. But Johnson adamantly opposed Lincoln’s plan to integrate the newly freed slaves into the South’s economic and social order.
Johnson and the Democratic Party were unified in their opposition to the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery; the 14th Amendment, which gave blacks citizenship; and the 15th Amendment, which gave blacks the vote. All three passed only because of universal Republican support.
During the era of Reconstruction, federal troops stationed in the South helped secure rights for the newly freed slaves. Hundreds of black men were elected to southern state legislatures as Republicans, and 22 black Republicans served in the US Congress by 1900. The Democrats did not elect a black man to Congress until 1935.
But after Reconstruction ended, when the federal troops went home, Democrats roared back into power in the South. They quickly reestablished white supremacy across the region with measures like black codes – laws that restricted the ability of blacks to own property and run businesses. And they imposed poll taxes and literacy tests, used to subvert the black citizen’s right to vote.
And how was all of this enforced? By terror -- much of it instigated by the Ku Klux Klan, founded by a Democrat, Nathan Bedford Forrest.
As historian Eric Foner - himself a Democrat - notes:
“In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party.”
President Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, shared many views with the Klan. He re-segregated many federal agencies, and even screened the first movie ever played at the White House - the racist film “The Birth of a Nation,” originally entitled “The Clansman.”
A few decades later, the only serious congressional opposition to the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 came from Democrats.
Eighty percent of Republicans in Congress supported the bill. Less than 70 percent of Democrats did. Democratic senators filibustered the bill for 75 days until Republicans mustered the few extra votes needed to break the logjam.
And when all of their efforts to enslave blacks, keep them enslaved, and then keep them from voting had failed, the Democrats came up with a new strategy: If black people are going to vote, they might as well vote for Democrats. As President Lyndon Johnson was purported to have said about the Civil Rights Act, “I’ll have them n*****s voting Democrat for two hundred years.”
So now, the Democratic Party prospers on the votes of the very people it has spent much of its history oppressing.
Democrats falsely claim that the Republican Party is the villain when in reality it’s the failed policies of the Democratic Party that have kept blacks down. Massive government welfare has decimated the black family. Opposition to school choice has kept them trapped in failing schools. Politically correct policing has left black neighborhoods defenseless against violent crime.
So, when you think about racial equality and civil rights, which political party should come to mind?
I’m Carol Swain, professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, for Prager University.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039