KEEP CONGRESSMAN BRADY FIGHTING FOR US! "Do you believe the country is headed in the wrong direction? Are you worried that your children and grandchildren won't have the same freedom and opportunities that you enjoy? …Congressman Kevin Brady is a pro-family, pro-small business conservative. He's fighting for free enterprise, limited government, a balanced budget, secure border, more American-made energy and an innovation economy that leads the world. …Kevin is known for staying in touch with those he represents. Unlike many, he never moved to Washington and commutes to work each week from Texas. To make sure he is accountable to his constituents, Kevin holds more than 50 town hall meetings a year."
+575.jpg) |
RON LOVETT KNOWS THE LAW! "Ron Lovett is Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization; AV Preeminent Rated; A member of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association; A member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum; and a member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. And He's ready to be Justice of the 1st Court of Appeals, for Place 2 with your support. Vote early for Ron Lovett!"
SEAN SEIBERT IS FIGHTING FOR YOU! "Sean Seibert is a fiscal conservative who believes in debt reduction and has a philosophy of pay as you go! Let’s bring Sean Seibert’s leadership to Washington to champion our issues in the 18th Congressional District! – Sean’s Honors and Awards: Meritorious Unit Commendation; Superior Unit Award (2nd Oak Leaf); Bronze Star Medal; Defense Meritorious Service Medal; Meritorious Service Medal (1st Oak Leaf); Joint Commendation Medal; Army Commendation Medal (4th Oak Leaf); Army Achievement Medal (5th Oak Leaf); Army Reserves Commendation Medal (4th Oak Leaf); National Defense Service Medal (2nd); Armed Forces Service Medal; Southwest Asia Service Medal (2 Service Stars); Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Armed Forces Reserve Medal (w/ hourglass & 4 & M); NATO medal; Afghan Campaign Medal with two service stars; Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Ribbon; Army Reserves Overseas Training Ribbon (3); Kuwait Liberation Medal (Saudi Arabia); Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait); and Army Lapel Button." |
DALE HENRY WANTS TO GO TO WORK FOR YOU! “The Texas Railroad Commission supervises and regulates the oil and gas well drilling in the State of Texas. I have 57 years of energy TECHNOLOGY, EXPERIENCE, and KNOW-HOW, plus the most important - the ability to use the ART of assembling these three major basics of the oil and gas industry to solve problems quickly and efficiently. My areas of research and study have always promoted environmental protection by reducing contamination of our water supplies focused on oil/gas well casing, cementing, and oil/gas well fracturing - period of over 57 years. Vote early for Dale Henry.”
ROBERT SUMMERLIN WILL BE FAIR AND TOUGH! “My extensive experience in the courtroom makes me uniquely qualified to be your next Criminal Court Judge. I possess the right balance of fairness and toughness, so that I can offer justice that is unparalleled.” |
LET'S KEEP JUDGE KYLE CARTER! "Judge Kyle Carter has presided over more than 5,000 cases to disposition, including over 130 full jury or bench trials, all while going the extra mile to save Harris County’s hard-earned taxpayer dollars. Judge Carter also started a judicial outreach program called “Judges at Work in Schools”, designed to take the Courthouse to the Classroom and educate our youth about the judicial branch. Vote for Judge Carter on Tuesday, November 6th, 2012."
LET'S WORK TOGETHER TO KEEP JUSTICE BRETT BUSBY "I have the most relevant experience for this position: I have specialized in appeals for fourteen years, and I am Board Certified in Civil Appellate Law. I began my legal career as a law clerk at the U.S. Supreme Court, and I was a partner at Bracewell & Giuliani LLP before taking the bench. The attorneys in my district chose me as the best candidate for this position in three anonymous polls. I won the State Bar of Texas Judicial Poll and the Houston Bar Association Preference Poll, and I was overwhelmingly rated the most "well qualified" candidate in this race in the Houston Bar Association Qualification Poll.* Those who protect our neighborhoods have chosen me. I’m now endorsed by the Houston Police Officers’ Union, The Houston Professional Fire Fighters Association, and The Harris County Deputies Organization."
TAWANA CADIEN WANT'S TO SERVE THE ENTIRE DISTRICT! "Let's face reality. Right here in Texas, hospitals are closing, costs are going up, and 25% of Texans are currently uninsured. A major reason for that is when people are treated who have no insurance, someone has to pay. The Affordable Care Act addresses that. It is a CONSTITUTIONAL law that provides coverage to many that does not currently exist." |
ERICA LEE BELIEVES IN OUR CHILDREN! "Democrat Erica S. Lee is running for this office to serve Precinct 1 on the Harris County Board of Education because she believes that all children deserve a quality education. And, as a certified teacher and lifelong advocate for educational access and quality, Erica strongly believes that Precinct 1’s children deserve representation they can count on. She will use her experiences from local, state, and federal levels of government to ensure that the The Harris County Department of Education meets the needs of students, educators, parents and residents in Harris County. Erica S. Lee is asking for your vote and support on Election Day - Tuesday, November 6th!"
M.J. KHAN WILL REPRESENT YOU IN AUSTIN! "It is my record of proven performance as a public servant that I hope to bring to the Texas House of Representatives. With your help and your vote we can take our values to Austin. Vote for me on Tues., November. 6th in the General Election!"
R.W. BRAY WANT'S TO REPRESENT YOU IN AUSTIN! “I Believe…It’s Time for Growth In Texas! It’s time Texas has authentic representation, built on constitutional ideologies, grounded in morals, motivated by individualism and fueled by true patriotism. Let's grow together!” |
Below Are The Key Featured Competitive Races On The 2012 General Election Ballot for Harris County
The Early Voting Period is: Monday, Oct. 22nd - Friday, Nov. 2nd, 2012
- Click Here If You Need To Find Your 2012 Polling Place!
- Click Here For A Refresher on how to use the Voting Machine!
- Click Here If You're Unsure About Identification Requirements!
THE 2012 CANDIDATES WHO WANT YOUR VOTE: Publishing of this voting information by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications would not have been possible without the contributions in one way or another from these candidates: (R)-Ted Cruz, (D)-Paul Sadler, (D)-James Cargas, (R)-Congressman Kevin Brady, (D)-Neil Burns, (R)-Steve Mueller, (D)-Tawana Cadien, (D)-Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, (R)-Sean Seibert, (D)-Dale Henry, (R)-Justice Don Willett, (R)-Donna Bahorich, (R)-R.W. Bray, (D)-Sam "Tejas" Texas, (D)- Cody Pogue, (R)-M.J. Khan, (D)-State Rep. Senfronia Thompson, (D)-Ron Lovett, (D)-Natalia Cokinos Oakes, (R)- Michael Massengale, (R)-Justice Brett Busby, (R)-John Devine, (R)-Jeff Hastings, (D)-Judge Kyle Carter, (R)-Michael Landrum, (R)-Don Self, (R)-Robert Summerlin, (R)-Roger Bridgwater, (R)-Louis Guthrie, (D)-Alan Rosen, (D)-Diane Trautman, (R)-Juluette Bartlett-Pack, and (D)-Erica S. Lee. Please peruse our newspaper and blog to research and identify the candidates who want your support in the 2012 General Election if you live in Harris County Texas.

Why I am the best candidate for United States Senate
By Ted Cruz
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
“I’m running for Senate because in my judgment, America is at a crossroads. Barack Obama is the most radical president this nation has ever seen and we are facing the epic battle of our generation — a battle of whether this nation remains a free-market nation. The size, power, and spending of the federal government has increased faster in the past three years than ever before. And we desperately need leadership to stand up and defend liberty, free-market principles, and the U.S. Constitution...” -- The complete message from Republican Ted Cruz is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County undecided and crossover voters!
Why I am the best candidate for United States Senate
By Paul Sadler
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"I am a Democrat with a proven record of fierce, independent leadership and legislative experience...I want us to be problem solvers committed to the principles of this great country. Those principles are larger than a label – they live inside each of us. They are what made this country great. Join me as we return to that heritage, help me restore dignity and respect to our public institutions. One election at a time we can restore our faith in each other – it begins here and now, with the election of your next United States Senator." -- The complete message from Democrat Paul Sadler is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!
Why I am the best candidate for U.S. Congress for the 2nd Congressional District
By Jim Dougherty
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"Our government represents diverse people and views. While each of our individual principles and values may clash at times, we are united by the belief that we are best-represented by an elective citizens’ body in which agreements and laws are fashioned through informed judgments, rational processes, reasoned discussion and collegial collaboration. A public official’s duty is to govern in a manner that seeks the common good: is accountable and sustainable now and into the future...As circumstances change, society evolves and our needs shifts, so must our policies. Congressional representatives cannot and should not be so inflexible in their approaches to solutions that they are unable to relate to one another and attempt to meet the needs of all of the country’s citizens. The pledges of candidates in their campaigns must not be immutable on issues about which people can reasonably disagree, or so inflexible that they cannot act responsibly when confronted with the future needs." -- The complete message from Democrat Jim Dougherty is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County undecided and crossover voters!

Why I am the best candidate for U.S. Congress for the 7th Congressional District
By James Cargas
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
“I am the Democratic challenger in Congressional District 7. I am a former Congressional and Clinton White House aide, who is seeking election because I am tired of our do-nothing Congress. I have the experience to see Congress become a functioning institution again, just as our Founding Fathers envisioned...Vote for me if you, are tired of the Tea Party and gridlock in Washington, tired of the lack of basic arithmetic that has resulted in our largest deficit in history, or tired of trickle-down economics being repackaged and resold, as the Ryan Budget.” -- The complete message from Democrat James Cargas is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!
Why I am the best candidate for U.S. Congress for the 8th Congressional District
By Congressman Kevin Brady
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
“Our country is headed in the wrong direction. I’m worried our children and grandchildren won’t have the same opportunities we have…I’m a proven pro-family, pro-business conservative with the experience and conservative track-record needed to fight against the liberal Obama agenda…I work hard to stay in touch with those I represent. Unlike many, I never moved to Washington. My wife and I raise our boys here in Montgomery County and I’ve logged nearly two million miles commuting each week to Congress. To hold myself accountable to my constituents I hold more than 50 town hall meetings a year…After serving as a civic leader in Montgomery County I’ve worked my way up in the U.S. House and now hold important leadership posts on key committees - such as Ways & Means and Joint Economic Committee - which mean my constituents enjoy a bigger voice on national issues such as taxes, Medicare and Social Security…I help lead the fight to protect Texas energy jobs. I fought the Obama moratorium in the Gulf that hurt our Texas energy workers, and continue to successfully fight President Obama's new taxes on Texas oil & gas companies that would drive local energy jobs overseas." -- The complete message from Republican Kevin Brady is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!
Why I am the best candidate for U.S. Congress for the 8th Congressional District
By Neil Burns
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"My name is Neil Burns and I am running for US Congress, District 8, Texas. Why am I undertaking this challenge? I believe Republicans have exhibited irresponsible behavior that is threatening our nation’s future...My opponent, Kevin Brady and the GOP want the American people to simply forget eight years of Republican control in which the nation was brought to its knees by huge spending deficits, two unpaid wars and a debilitating financial crisis that has lingered to cause unemployment levels not experienced since the great depression." -- The complete message from Democrat Neil Burns is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!
Why I am the best candidate for U.S. Congress for the 9th Congressional District
By Steve Mueller
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"The very foundations of our country are under attack and you and your family will suffer the consequences if wise choices are not made this election...Our Founding Fathers fled their homelands in search of a place of religious and economic freedom. After the War for Independence and the Article of Confederation, they created a “more perfect union” of the States with the Constitution. With the addition of the Bill of Rights, our God-given rights were to be protected by the government...Unfortunately, the Obama Administration is attacking our Religious Liberty in the rules they have made around the “Affordability Care Act”. Their rules are requiring citizens to violate their consciences and their religious beliefs or else be in violation of the law." -- The complete message from Republican Steve Mueller is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County undecided and crossover voters!
Why I am the best candidate for U.S. Congress for the 10th Congressional District
By Tawana Cadien
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"I am Tawana Cadien, your nominee for the United States Congress for District 10. I am excited about this opportunity to serve the people of District 10. District 10 is comprised of several counties including Travis, Bastrop, Lee, Fayette, Colorado, Austin, Washington, Waller, and Harris County. I am a Registered Nurse, and I have also earned an Executive Master’s in Public Administration. I have a compassion for people, and I know that it is vital that you have representation that will put people before policy. I work for an organization that provides free mammograms; I speak to individual citizens and organizations about breast, testicular, ovarian, and prostate cancer and the importance of early detection. There is so much at stake in this election, and I want you to know that a vote for me is a vote for compassion, care, and understanding. This District is reflective of America in that it consists of suburbs, rural areas, and cities. As your representative I will assure that every inch of this district has access to vital information that will enhance every community. We will collaborate with the big oil companies that are drilling in the rural areas to ensure that those citizens are trained and equipped, and hired so that not only does the oil company gain revenue, but the families and communities in which they drill also benefit." -- The complete message from Democrat Tawana Cadien is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!
Why I am the best candidate for U.S. Congress for the 18th Congressional District
By Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"As a Member of the United States Congress, I believe in expanded service to reach my constituents who are truly in need. My approach to service is to find solutions where others see problems. After Hurricane Ike I helped set up three pods for food distribution at various sites throughout the city and worked with a smaller church to serve an additional 8,000 persons in one day. Recently helped secure over $151 million dollars to repair homes still impacted by Hurricane Ike. Worked with HUD to save $7 million dollars for Houston Economic Development and Job Creation. Generated $849 million dollars for American Recovery Act projects. Kept 16 pools and community centers open during the historic heat wave experienced by Houston in 2011. Passed consent amendment with a unanimous vote honoring the returning soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan. Recently introduced H.R. 6019 Bullying Prevention and Intervention Act which passed out of the Judiciary Committee reauthorizing $200 million dollars. Passed H.R. 2130 Date Rape Drug Prohibition Act which protects women against date rape. Authored H.R. 750, the Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act and supported the Dream Act which was signed into law to protect innocent children. Secured 1.5 in federal funding to support post traumatic disorder services to a center in Houston that I established and $1.2 billion for public transportation and light rail. And played a major role in the passage of a new patent law which is considered the most significant reform helping small businesses. I work with a very diverse constituency and I take that diversity of ideas back to Washington to pass legislation working with both Democrats and Republicans. Supported capping tuition hikes at public colleges and universities in order to make college more affordable and stopped increases in student loan interest rates. And played a major role in the passage of a new patent law which is considered the most significant reform helping small businesses. Held the 1st annual health fair at the George R. Brown convention center which provided free health screening and testing for over one thousand participants and a home foreclosure event to help keep families in their homes working with the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) and local banks. Served on the following Boards: United Way, Chair of Interfaith Ministries, Chair of Urban Scouting, President of the Houston Lawyers Association, State Bar Board of Texas, Ensemble Theatre, Houston Grand Opera, Founder and Co-Chair of House of Representatives Congressional Children’s Caucus and the Pakistan/Afghan Caucus. Founder of the Houston Youth Impact Program (serving Middle School Boys). Received the following awards: First Focus Champion of Children 2011/2012, US Dream Academy Legacy Award, the National Bankers Association Foundation Excellence Award, the Martin Luther King National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc. Champion of Courage Award, the Livingstone College Doctor of Humane Letters, the National Association of Negro Business Sojourner Truth Meritorious Service Award, the Award for Policy at the 16th Annual Phillip Burton Immigration & Civil Rights Awards, the Drum Major Award for Public Service by the Revelation Urban Development Institute, the National Minority Health Quality Forum Lifetime Achievement Award, the Houston Community College Joyce M. Reynolds Award, and the National Technical Association (NTA) of Scientists and Engineers honored the Congresswoman with its Top Women in the Sciences Award. I work with a very diverse constituency and I take that diversity of ideas back to Washington to pass legislation working with both Democrats and Republicans." -- The complete message from Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!

Why I am the best candidate for U.S. Congress for the 18th Congressional District
By Sean Seibert
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"Houstonians of District 18, I’m listening to you, and I will fight for you! My commitment to you is that I will create jobs, protect your rights, and work to provide our children a better future. You deserve a government that will be fiscally responsible. Our children have the right to a future that is not burdened with the debt of this generation’s spending. I vow to be a new breed of public servant to you. I value liberty more than life...As a Lt. Col. in the Army, who has served for 29 years, I have a commitment to my fellow men and women in uniform… patriots, willing to give their lives for the country they hold so dear. Today, veterans have the second highest rate of unemployment. I will create incentives among the private sector to encourage the hiring of returning servicemen and women." -- The complete message from Republican Sean Seibert is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!
Why I am the best candidate for Texas Railroad Commissioner
By Dale Henry
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
“I’m Dale Henry, and I’m the Democrat running for Texas Railroad Commissioner in the 2012 General election. There are so many problems at the Railroad Commission that we do not have time enough for an in depth dialog. All of these issues affect the people of the state of Texas…The Railroad Commission does not monitor all the CEMENTING JOBS AT EVERY WELL SITE AS IT IS DECLARED TO DO! Therefore, we have wells that are NOT cemented properly (with a good chance that they were not inspected) and have a high probability of failure and contaminating our precious ground water. They are not monitoring because the Railroad Commission is run by appointees, who were put there mostly by the governor,-- WHO HAVE NO ON-THE-GROUND EXPERIENCE, NO EXPERIENCE IN MAN-POWER UTILIZATION -- AND ARE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY THRU CAMPAIGN FINANCE! Just look at the Texas Ethics Commission, to see the millions of dollars of campaign finance my opponent has taken; and nearly half of it is from the oil and gas industry. Now I call that A HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST, and any good attorney should know that. This is the reason that most of the people see a cloud of corruption over the Railroad Commission. It is also the reason that I SELF FINANCE MY CAMPAIGN, AND DO NOT ACCEPT ANY MONIES FROM SPECIAL INTERESTS OR (PACS) Political Action Committees. I CAN NOT BE BOUGHT BY THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY…The Railroad Commission does not have enough people (inspectors and supervisors), that work enough hours to carry out THEIR MANDATE OF OVER-SIGHT OF THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY! …Drilling permits are Rubber Stamped at the Railroad Commission. This must stop and new policies need to be applied...This list could go on for a very long time. And I am out of time, right now.” -- The complete message from Democrat Dale Henry is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!
Why I'm The Best Candidate for Texas Supreme Court Justice for Place 2
By Justice Don Willett
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"When I joined the Supreme Court in 2005, Texas’ four -- then-living former chief justices --a bipartisan group of eminent legal statesmen -- hailed my appointment, calling it “outstanding,” noting their “unanimous support and admiration,” and saying” Willett brings to the court one of the most varied and wide-ranging legal backgrounds in recent memory.” I've been fortunate to work for a federal appellate judge, a major Texas law firm, a Texas Attorney General, a Texas Governor, a U.S. Attorney General and the President of the United States. All in all, it’s a resume of uncommon and tremendous breadth that has bestowed this key virtue: I know judging; I know policymaking; and I know the difference...I’m proud to have earned broad-based support from both sides of the aisle and both sides of the docket. Recently, a bipartisan group of former State Bar of Texas appellate chairs urged their fellow appellate lawyers—those with the keenest interest in a top-tier Supreme Court—to rally behind me." -- The complete message from Republican Don Willett is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!

Why I'm The Best Candidate for Texas Board of Education, District 6
By Donna Bahorich
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"I am Donna Bahorich, the Republican running for the Texas Board of Education for District 6. Five million public school students will attend Texas schools this year. That represents 10% of the students educated in public schools nationwide. I believe that our students matter not only to the future of Texas but to the nation. EVERY school must be a place of high student expectations, high teacher quality, and a highly focused mission to prepare our students for college and career...Curriculum standards set by the State Board of Education must be relevant, academically sound, rigorous and clear. A rigorous high school curriculum is a strong predictor of college readiness. Re-teaching basic skills in reading, writing and math in college is a $200 million a year problem in Texas. Only 1/3 of students taking remedial classes earn a degree even after six years. We must not fail our children by accepting mediocre standards." -- The complete message from Republican Donna Bahorich is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County undecided and crossover voters!
I Will Continue To Keep The Gallegos Family In My Prayers
By R.W. Bray
For The People of Senate District 6 in Texas
"My thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends and colleagues of Texas Senator Mario Gallegos. Today is a tragic day as we have lost a true pioneer and visionary in Texas politics. For the last 17 years Senator Gallegos has served the citizens of District 6 with great heart and compassion; the spirit of the Senator's commitment toward bringing positive change to the District will live on. I was truly honored to be in a campaign with the first Hispanic Senator elected to represent Harris County and was looking forward to many nights and days of open discussion and dialogue with the Senator. I am deeply saddened that those days and nights will never come, but even more grieved that his family will no longer get to see their loved one improve lives of others as he did for them...I will continue to keep the Gallegos family in my prayers as I send out my heartfelt condolences. I am convinced Senator Mario Gallegos will forever smile down not only on Texas, but also his district where he poured out his heart and soul. Rest In Peace Senator…you will be missed." -- More thoughts from Republican R.W. Bray will be included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County undecided and crossover voters!
Why I'm The Best Candidate for Texas State Senate for District 7
By Sam "Tejas" Texas
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"I'm Sam "Tejas" Texas, and I'm the Democrat running for State Senator for District 7. I would be the first state senator to file legislation to help our Houston police chief Charles McClelland, whom I know personally, to have the authority to fire any police officer that breaks the law. Just a few days ago, Ex-officer Abraham Joseph was found guilty of 2 counts of rape. I believe it is time "Policing the Police". These are not happy days for Harris county law enforcement. We are in a county that is experiencing a pandemic of police lawlessness. It is clear that indefensible brutalities - most of them inflicted on powerless minority victims. There have been over fifty law enforcement officials in Harris County that have been arrested on criminal activities. This must stop. The world saw the beating of the 15 year old Chad Holley by 5 Houston police officers which was caught on video and in spite of the evidence, one of the officers was found not guilty. Justice in Harris county court is a joke. My opponent with his step brother radio talk show host Michael Berry, who was caught drunk driving, ran away from the accident, and was never prosecuted. I believe there is a selective prosecution practice with the district attorney office and the court system. I am ashamed of my opponent, he cut funding to feed our kids,medicaid, and school education. I will restore the funding as the second bill I will file as a State Senator." -- The complete message from Democrat Sam "Tejas" Texas is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!

Why I'm The Best Candidate for State Representative for House District 127
By Cody Pogue
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper
"I'm Cody Pogue running for Texas House in district 127. I am the best candidate because I am running on behalf of the future of Texas. My opponent is busy changing his story and fighting for his own political career, but I am not worried about a political career...I am not a politician. I am a teacher. I love teaching, but when my opponent voted to cut education by $5.4 billion, causing 25,000 teachers and school employees to lose their jobs, I said “enough is enough.” I decided to do my civic duty and I am running because I have a plan to fund public schools, I want to stop our addiction to standardized testing, and I want to fight to give Texans the bright future they deserve." -- The complete message from Democrat Cody Pogue is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County undecided and crossover voters!
Why I'm The Best Candidate for State Representative for House District 137
By M.J. Khan
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"My name is M.J. Khan and I’m the Republican candidate running for southwest Houston’s State Representative for House District 137. Once elected, YOU can count on ME to represent YOUR values in Austin. I’m uniquely qualified to be your next State Representative for House District 137. First of all, I am a dedicated husband, father and grandfather. I know the importance of family values. I understand that we must secure the future for our children and grandchildren; and I’m running to do just that. I want to build a better Texas for all our children. Second, I am a businessman. You can count on me to run Texas like a business. I will insist on efficiency; and I promise to cut wasteful government programs. Third, I am a TEXAN! I see Texans struggling for jobs; and I don’t like it! I see Texans weighed down with excessive taxes. I know more government interference will cost our community jobs. You can count on me to get our economy back on track by cutting crime, litigation, taxes and regulations that crush small businesses. I am a family man, I am a businessman, and I’m a TEXAN! And in the 2012 General Election I am asking for your vote so that I can represent our southwest Houston values in Austin." -- The complete message from Republican M.J. Khan is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!
Why I'm The Best Candidate for State Representative for House District 141
By Senfronia Thompson
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"I feel I am the best candidate for State Representative of House District 141, because I am experienced, effective, and work well with members of both parties. I am the longest serving female and African American member of the Texas House of Representatives. During my tenure in office, I have served on most major House Committees. My service on these committees provides me with experience dealing with major issues. During the last session I passed 39 bills as author or sponsor, on subjects ranging from fighting human trafficking to making sure cities get the sales tax due them. Over the course of my service I have passed over 200 bills improving the lives of countless Texans. I have always worked with members of both parties for the good of my district and all Texans. Further, as a former public school teacher, a mother, and a grandmother I understand the impact that my decisions and choices have on not only the State of Texas, but on each individual in my district. I have a stake in making sure that our educational system and economy are built for the long term so future generations have a chance at better lives." -- The complete message from Democrat Senfronia Thompson is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!

Why I'm The Best Candidate for Justice, Texas 1st Court of Appeals, Place 2
By Ron Lovett
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"As a native "Houstonian and Texan I value the integrity of the bench and the impact such responsibility has on the lives of the people of this great state. I began my career in litigation as a litigation paralegal, and served in that capacity for 10 years until becoming a licensed attorney in 1996. I have spent my entire career representing and fighting for the rights of individuals and their families who have suffered great tragedy and loss in their lives. I represent people, not special interests groups, corporations, or insurance companies. I will restore balance to the Court in order to better serve the people – instead of the special interests that currently influence our system of justice...I’m Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization; I’m AV Preeminent Rated; I’m a member of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association; I’m also a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum." -- The complete message from Democrat Ron Lovett is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!
Why I'm The Best Candidate for Justice, Texas 1st Court of Appeals, Place 7
By Natalia Cokinos Oakes
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"I am the best candidate because I am a serious and thoughtful attorney with experience as a family and juvenile attorney, a teacher and community leader. The 1st Court of Appeals sorely needs justices with diverse views and experience -- justices who can provide deeper insight and perspective into the cases before them. Family Law is just one area that is not well represented on the court and is an area of expertise I will impart as justice. I will provide the Court with more insight to the wide variety of cases it considers...Corporations often view a trial as merely a "bump in the road" on the way to the Court of Appeals where, they believe, they are likely to be granted the legal outcome they deserve. A Court of Appeals with justices who reflect only certain segments of the law and population reinforces this belief." -- The complete message from Democrat Natalia Cokinos Oakes is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County undecided and crossover voters!
Why I'm The Best Candidate for Justice, Texas 1st Court of Appeals, Place 8
By Michael Massengale
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"I am honored to have been previously elected to serve the people of Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Grimes, Harris, Waller, and Washington Counties as a judge on the First Court of Appeals. I believe that the courts should be fair to all litigants...I also believe that the role of a judge is to apply the law to each case, and not to legislate from the bench. Judges must be constantly vigilant that they do not overstep their role...I believe Texas deserves to have well-qualified, hard-working judges who share this philosophy of judicial restraint. That is why I ask for your support and your vote." -- The complete message from Republican Michael Massengale is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County undecided and crossover voters!
Why I'm The Best Candidate for Justice, Texas 14th Court of Appeals, Place 3
By Brett Busby
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"I was recently appointed to the 14th Court of Appeals, Place 3, and I am seeking election to a full term. I am asking for your vote to continue serving the public with experience, dedication, and fairness...I have the most relevant experience for this position: I have specialized in appeals for 14 years, and I am Board Certified in Civil Appellate Law. Texas Monthly magazine recently recognized me as one of the top 100 lawyers in Texas. I began my legal career as a law clerk at the U.S. Supreme Court, and I was a partner at Bracewell & Giuliani LLP before taking the bench. The attorneys in my district were asked to vote anonymously on who is the best candidate for this position, and I am honored that they chose me. I won both the State Bar of Texas Judicial Poll and the Houston Bar Association Preference Poll, and I was overwhelmingly rated the most "well qualified" candidate in this race in the Houston Bar Association Qualification Poll (note: these polls are not endorsements by the bar associations)." -- The complete message from Republican Brett Busby is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!
Why I am the best candidate for Texas Supreme Court Justice Place #4
By John Devine
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"I am the most experienced and well qualified candidate in the race. I have received every major endorsement in the race for Texas Supreme Court, Place 4. I have served our community in many official capacities including: District Judge, 190th District Court, 1995 – 2002; Special Judge, Harris Co. J.P. Courts, 2002 – 2011; Harris County Juvenile Board; Harris County Juvenile Justice School Board; Board of Civil District Judges Mass Torts Committee; Board of Civil District Judges; Texas Association of State Judges; and, American Judges Association. I recently moved to Austin from the Houston area. I have lived in the Houston area for more than 25 years. I served 8 years on the bench and compiled an impressive judicial record: My court ranked #1 in reducing the court’s case load. My decisions were reversed in appeals court less than any other judge at the time. I was named the “Judge of the Year” by Police Organizations and awarded the title of “Texas Size Hero” by Focus on the Family magazine. I am also known as the “10 Commandments Judge.” I am a conservative who is a proud defender of the values which have made our country great. I received national acclaim by refusing to remove a painting of the Ten Commandments from my courtroom and defeated a related lawsuit by liberal activists. Happily married my wife, Nubia, for 23 years and blessed with six children. -- The complete message from Republican John Devine is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!

Why I am the best candidate for Harris County District Judge for the 61st District
By Jeff Hastings
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"I, Jeff Hastings, am the best candidate for the 61st District Court because I care. I care about the quality of the Court and believe that the Judge should have the right education and experience to provide justice to all citizens of Harris County. I grew up here in Houston and have a Business degree from the University of Houston and a Law degree from South Texas College of Law -- also right here in Houston. At South Texas I tutored at-risk students and graduated in the top 5% of my law school class. For over 20 years I have been representing parties in our civil courts, protecting their rights and seeking justice. I have handled cases involving negligence, products liability, breach of contract, consumer rights, employment discrimination - the very type of cases heard before a District Judge. I care about people. Justice delayed can be justice denied -- that is why I will run an efficient court; so that the parties can get to trial without undue delay or expense. I will also be mindful of the important role the Jury has in our justice system and will honor their service by honoring their time, not wasting it." -- The complete message from Republican Jeff Hastings is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!
Why I am the best candidate for Harris County District Judge for the 125th District
By Kyle Carter
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"It has been my honor and privilege to serve Harris County as Judge of the 125th District Court since my election in 2008. Your continued support will ensure that the justice in Harris County remains available to all its citizens...As the son of a Methodist Minister and a trial lawyer, I have the desire to serve my fellow citizens through the law. My personal values are reflected in my mission to insure that all that enter the 125th District Court are treated fairly, and with dignity and respect. The people of Harris County deserve a Judge that they know will listen to them in their time of need, and treat everyone equally regardless of circumstance." -- The complete message from Democrat Kyle Carter is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!

Why I am the best candidate for Harris County District Judge for the 129th District
By Michael Landrum
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
“My name is Michael Landrum and I am the Republican candidate for Judge of the 129th Civil District Court. The incumbent is Michael Gomez, who defeated Judge Grant Dorfman in the 2008 election. Judge Dorfman has graciously endorsed me in this race...I believe in our civil justice system. I believe that impartial courts and competent judges are essential to the success of free market capitalism, as business depends on the consistent and fair application of known and understood legal principles. A judge’s rulings can have a direct impact in the lives of your family and friends. It is critical that our judges are highly qualified, experienced, and dedicated to impartially following the law. -- The complete message from Republican Michael Landrum is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!
Why I am the best candidate for Harris County District Judge for the 152nd District
By Don Self
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
“My name is Don Self, and I am a Republican candidate for the 152nd Civil District Court. I am a fourth-generation Texan and Houston native. I graduated from Westbury High School in Houston. I am married to Kimberly Self and we have three children; two daughters and a son. After high school, I joined the U.S. Navy where I served for six years. I was awarded a Navy Commendation, two Navy Citations and an honorable discharge for my service...” -- The complete message from Republican Don Self is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County undecided and crossover voters!
Why I am the best candidate for Harris County District Judge for the 174th District
By Robert Summerlin
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"I'm Robert Summerlin, the Republican candidate running for Harris County Judge for the 174th Judicial District court. The 174th Criminal District Court has one of the highest number of pending cases of all the 22 Felony Courts. Harris County citizens (victims, their families and Defendants) deserve to have these cases resolved promptly, efficiently and fairly...With 20 years of legal experience in criminal courts at all levels of Texas’ State and Federal court system, I have seen first hand how a judge’s decision can impact an individual as well as our neighborhoods generally...I am the only person with experience on both sides of the courtroom. I have spent years working as a Harris County felony prosecutor as well as a private practice attorney. Because of my work ethic and knowledge, I am routinely appointed by Judges (Democrats and Republicans) to represent indigent defendants. I have the unique ability to see both sides of an argument and the knowledge to understand that there are grey areas in every case." -- The complete message from Republican Robert Summerlin is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County undecided and crossover voters!
Why I am the best candidate for Harris County District Judge for the 178th District
By Roger Bridgwater
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"I'm Roger Bridgwater, Republican running for Harris County Judge for the 178th Judicial District court. While in College, I had various summer jobs that included being a porter at a 600-unit apartment complex, a fitter’s helper, a tack-welder, and construction worker. During the school year I held jobs including head resident for a men’s dorm, porter at a car dealership, and graphic arts handyman as part of my work-study financial aid...After graduating from Sam Houston State University in May 1975, I went to work in the Harris County Criminal District Clerk’s Office where I was the chief clerk for cuts 2 & 8. In January 1978 I became the court coordinator for the 232nd Criminal District Court and I believe these jobs gave me not only great exposure to the criminal courts of Harris County, but honed my skills of working with the full range of personalities." -- The complete message from Republican Roger Bridgwater is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County undecided and crossover voters!

Why I am the best candidate for Harris County Sheriff
By Louis Guthrie
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"The position of Sheriff is critical; effecting the safety and quality of life of every citizen. More importantly, the job of Sheriff is more than a political position. Every day there are lives on the line, and the Sheriff does not have the luxury of delegating decisions to a committee or passing blame on another political party. This is not a job for a politician; it’s a job for a Lawman...Right now Harris County is becoming a dangerous place. We are a major hub for both drug and human trafficking and with this comes a very bold and violent criminal element. This culture of lawlessness has grown under my opponent’s watch and it will take decisive leadership (which he has not shown) and command experience (that he does not have) to confront this growing threat." -- The complete message from Republican Louis Guthrie is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County undecided and crossover voters!

Why I am the best candidate for Harris County Constable for Precinct #1
By Alan Rosen
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
“The citizens of Precinct 1 deserve a Constable with the proven law enforcement, management and community experience to move the Constable’s Office to a higher level of service and accountability. That is why I’m the best choice for Precinct 1 Constable. I’m a 21- year law enforcement veteran with the Harris County Sheriff’s Department. An honors graduate in Criminal Justice from the University of Houston, I’m the only candidate in the race with direct patrol, management and budgetary experience. I’m proud to have earned the endorsement of the Houston Chronicle, and top cops including former police chiefs Mayor Lee P. Brown, Council member C. O. Bradford, the Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Organization, the Afro-American Sheriff’s Deputy League, and the Houston Police Officers’ Union…I currently serve as a Major and Commander of the Special Operations Bureau for the Harris County Sheriff’s Office managing criminal warrants, fugitive warrants, the child predator apprehension team, sex offender tracking team and the, Tactical Medical Team (Tac Medics), an elite team of Emergency Room Physicians and Paramedics who all have police and S.W.A.T. training." -- The complete message from Democrat Alan Rosen is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County undecided and crossover voters!
Why I am the best candidate for Harris County School Trustee Position 3, At-Large
By Diane Trautman
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"I'm Diane Trautman, the Democratic candidate for Harris County School Trustee for Position 3, At Large. I'm running for the Harris County Board of Education because I care about the future of our public schools and our children. As a life-long educator, I have been working to make a difference for public education for 28 years as a teacher, principal, and professor of education. Currently, I work with a local non-profit called Will's Kids that helps keep our students in school instead of dropping out. I am passionate about helping our public schools and I have worked hard to be the best I could be in the field of education. Now I want the children of Harris County to be the best they can be. And I believe that HCDE programs like Head Start, Early Childhood Intervention, and After School Programs will help them meet that goal." -- The complete message from Democrat Diane Trautman is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County undecided and crossover voters!
Why I am the best candidate for Harris County School Trustee Position 6, Precinct #1
By Juluette Bartlett-Pack Ph.D
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
"If the students, parents, and teachers of Harris County want the only qualified candidate to represent them on the Harris County Board of Education, Precinct 1, Position 6 then I am that candidate. I come to offer the citizens of Harris County a bold proposition. One that is honest and forthright rather than sugar-coated and laced with political jargon that sounds appealing yet lacks in substance. I come with a proposition for restoration of quality education in Harris County. We live in an era where promises are made to be broken and quantity takes precedence over quality. I say it is time for a bold change. I am Dr. Juluette Bartlett-Pack, and I want to lead this restoration as a member of the Harris County Board of Education." -- The complete message from Republican Dr. Juluette Bartlett-Pack is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!

Why I am the best candidate for Harris County School Trustee Position 6, Precinct #1
By Erica Lee
For Your Thought Matters Newspaper Readers
“I seek to serve as a Trustee on the Harris County Board of Education because I believe all children deserve a quality education. I am committed to bringing quality education to Harris County Precinct 1 and plan to use my experiences within local, state, and federal levels of government to do so…” -- The complete message from Democrat Erica Lee is included in our "2012 Election Handbook" for Harris County voters!