Judge Fredericka Phillips, the presiding judge for the 61st Civil District Court, and Judge Jeralynn Manor, the presiding judge of the 80th Civil District Court, are highly respected by attorneys who practice before their courts. The Mexican American Bar Association (MABAH) and the Houston Association of Women Attorneys (AWA) have endorsed both judges over the Republican challengers. (CLICK HERE) to view our full list of "2024 JUDICIAL RECOMMENDATIONS" for Harris County, Texas.
Judge Fredericka Phillips, Judge Jeralynn Manor, Judge Israel Garcia, our "TITLE SPONSOR," and a host of other "JUDICIAL NOMINEES" from both sides of the aisle are endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in Harris County, Texas. However, please pay close attention to the "CIVIL DISTRICT COURT RACES" because these "CIVIL COURT JUDGES" are being falsely accused of being responsible for murders that have occurred in Harris County, Texas. For the record, "CIVIL DISTRICT JUDGES" do not have anything to do with the murder rate in Houston, Texas.
Kristen Hawkins
Fredericka Phillips
Jeralynn Manor
Kyle Carter
Denise Brown
Michael Gomez
Nicole Perdue
Erica Hughes
TaKasha Francis
Cheryl Elliott Thornton
Bruce Bain
Elaine Palmer
Tracy D. Good
Dawn Rogers