Democratic judicial nominees with 'ethnic-sounding names' such as Judge Elaine Palmer, Judge Jeralynn Manor, Attorney Carvna Cloud, Attorney Ashely Mayes Guice, Judge Fredericka Phillips, Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton, Judge Fransheneka "Fran" Watson, and Attorney Allison Jackson Matthis had their names "SYSTEMATICALLY SKIPPED" on "ELECTION DAY" in Harris County Texas. As Democratic voters scrolled down their ballots, they voted for some Democrat judicial nominees in local judicial races but not others. No local Democrat nominee running for a countywide District Court Judicial bench with an "ETHNIC SOUNDING NAME" received over 150,000 votes on Election Day, which indicates that there was some "SYSTEMATIC TARGETING" of local Democratic judicial candidates with 'ethnic-sounding names' taking place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. While local Democratic judicial candidates with 'ethnic-sounding names' were skipped, prohibiting them from reaching the 150,000 vote threshold, Judge Kristen Hawkins (WHITE) received 155,416 votes. Judge Michael Gomez (HISPANIC) received 155,952 votes on Election Day, and Attorney Nicole Perdue (WHITE) received 150,294 votes on Election Day. Why? This startling discovery reveals that a small group of between (8,000 and 10,000) voters went to Election Day polling locations in person on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, intending to specifically purge Democratic judicial nominees with 'ethnic-sounding names' from local judicial benches.

Judge Kristen Hawkins (Democrat) received 155,416 votes on Election Day. Her name appeared on the down-ballot in the "FIRST CONTESTED RACE" for a local Civil District Court bench. Judge Fredericka Phillips (Democrat) was running for reelection in the "SECOND CONTESTED RACE" for a local Civil District Court bench but only received 149,687 votes, 5,729 less than Judge Kristen Hawkins received on Election Day. Judge Jeralynn Manor (Democrat), who was running for reelection in the "THIRD CONTESTED RACE" for a Civil District Court bench, only received 147,408 votes, which was 8,008 less than Judge Kristen Hawkins received on Election Day. Why?


For some strange reason, Judge Fredericka Phillips (Democrat) only received 149,687 votes on Election Day. Judge Phillips appeared on the ballot in the "SECOND CONTESTED RACE" for a Civil District Court bench, right behind Judge Kristen Hawkins (Democrat), who received 155,416 votes on Election Day. It's difficult to understand how Judge Fredericka Phillips (Democrat) received 5,729 fewer votes than Judge Kristen Hawkins (Democrat), and Judge Jeralynn Jeralynn Manor (Democrat) received 8,008 fewer votes than Judge Kristen Hawkins received on Election Day. Who are these voters who went to the polls on "ELECTION DAY" and did not vote for "DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL CANDIDATES" with ethnic-sounding first names?


Judge Jeralynn Manor (Democrat) received only 147,408 votes on Election Day. Judge Manor appeared on the ballot in the "THIRD CONTESTED RACE" for a Civil District Court bench, two races behind Judge Kristen Hawkins (Democrat), who received 155,416 votes on Election Day, and one race behind Judge Fredericka Phillips (Democrat), who received 149,687 votes on Election Day. How did Judge Kristen Hawkins win, Judge Fredericka Phillps lose, Judge Jeralynn Manor lose, and Judge Michael Gomez and Attorney Nicole Perdue win if the ethnicity of these five Democrat judicial candidates wasn't a factor? And who are these voters who went to the polls on "ELECTION DAY" and did not vote for "DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL CANDIDATES" with ethnic-sounding first names?


Judge Michael Gomez (Democrat) received 155,952 votes on Election Day. His name appeared on the down-ballot in the "FOURTH CONTESTED RACE" for a local Civil District Court bench. Judge Fredericka Phillips (Democrat) was running for reelection in the "SECOND CONTESTED RACE" for a local Civil District Court bench but only received 149,687 votes, 6,265 fewer than Judge Michael Gomez received on Election Day. Judge Jeralynn Manor (Democrat), who was running for reelection in the "THIRD CONTESTED RACE" for a Civil District Court bench, only received 147,408 votes, which was 8,544 fewer than Judge Michael Gomez received on Election Day. Why?


Attorney Nicole Perdue (Democrat) was losing her bid to become a District Court Judge to former Judge Michael Landrum (Republican) by a margin of 1,251 votes for over a week but made a miraculous comeback when the "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS" and "PROVISIONAL BALLOTS" were finally counted. The results were made official in Harris County, Texas, on Friday, November 15, 2024. For the record, Nicole Perdue went from trailing her Republican opponent by 1,251 votes to defeating him by 774. How did she do that? Attorney Nicole Perdue received 150,294 votes on Election Day, 607 more than Judge Fredericka Phillips and 2,886 more than Judge Jeralynn Manor received on Election Day. Why? Who were these voters who favored Nicole Perdue over Judge Fredericka Phillips and Judge Jeralynn Manor on Election Day?

Aubrey R. Taylor Communications publishes Houston Business Connections Newspaper© to inform, empower, and mobilize our "OPEN-MINDED READERS" and assist them in making informed voting decisions. Aubrey R. Taylor is one of the top investigative reporters in the southwest region of the United States of America.
Ethnic Sounding Names Got Skipped in Harris County on Election Day in 2024; Democrats Have A Major Race Relations Issue
Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, isn't going to have any problem filling out her 2026 Midterm Election "NOMINEE FIELD" after dominating Democratic candidates with 'ethnic-sounding' names on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the down-ballot local judicial races.
Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo will be "THE TOP TARGET" for the Harris County "GOP" and its allies, but local "DEMOCRATIC JUDGES" will also be on the menu.
To cure this problem, the Harris County Democratic Party may have to push for "CONTESTED PRIMARIES" in their local judicial races to diversify their judicial nominee field.
From what I can see, there are (25) twenty-five "INCUMBENT DEMOCRAT JUDGES" who are African American, and for the most part, are "SITTING DUCKS," if those "STOP HOUSTON MURDERS PAC" political attack ads are used against them. However, you don't have to take my word for it; below is the list of names I'm referring to:
(1) - Judge Latasha Lewis Payne
(2) - Judge DaSean Jones
(3) - Judge Katherine "Kat" Thomas
(4) - Judge Tamika "Tami" Craft
(5) - Judge Beverly Armstrong
(6) - Judge Lori Chambers Gray
(7) - Judge Melissa Morris
(8) - Judge Dedra Davis
(9) - Judge Veronica Monique Nelson
(10) - Judge Angela Lancelin
(11) - Judge Angela Graves Harrington
(12) - Judge Sandra Peake
(13) - Judge Damiene "Diane" Curvey
(14) - Judge Linda Marie Dunson
(15) - Judge Germaine "Ja'net" Tanner
(16) - Judge Michelle Moore
(17) - Judge Audrie Lawton-Evans
(18) - Judge LaShawn Williams
(19) - Judge Shannon Baldwin
(20) - Judge Toria J. Finch
(21) - Judge Juanita Jackson
(22) - Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II
(23) - Judge Genesis E. Draper
(24) - Judge Tonya Jones
(25) - Judge Lucia Bates
(2) - Judge DaSean Jones
(3) - Judge Katherine "Kat" Thomas
(4) - Judge Tamika "Tami" Craft
(5) - Judge Beverly Armstrong
(6) - Judge Lori Chambers Gray
(7) - Judge Melissa Morris
(8) - Judge Dedra Davis
(9) - Judge Veronica Monique Nelson
(10) - Judge Angela Lancelin
(11) - Judge Angela Graves Harrington
(12) - Judge Sandra Peake
(13) - Judge Damiene "Diane" Curvey
(14) - Judge Linda Marie Dunson
(15) - Judge Germaine "Ja'net" Tanner
(16) - Judge Michelle Moore
(17) - Judge Audrie Lawton-Evans
(18) - Judge LaShawn Williams
(19) - Judge Shannon Baldwin
(20) - Judge Toria J. Finch
(21) - Judge Juanita Jackson
(22) - Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II
(23) - Judge Genesis E. Draper
(24) - Judge Tonya Jones
(25) - Judge Lucia Bates
Suppose you ask Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer for the Harris County Democratic Party, why so many Democratic judges lost their benches in the 2024 Presidential Election. In that case, he will tell you that the “STOP HOUSTON MURDERS PAC” political attack ads caused his down-ballot judicial candidates to lose their races. Doyle is going to tell you that Republicans and their allies ran a $40 million campaign against “DEMOCRAT JUDGES,” which lasted four years.
Other party bosses’ political consultants are analysts, going to tell you that Republicans ran a brilliant strategy, and Democrats could not overcome all those “STOP HOUSTON MURDERS PAC” political attack ads that flooded local TV and Radio airwaves for months unanswered.
It wasn’t the “POLITICAL ATTACK ADS” that cost local “DEMOCRAT JUDGES” their benches on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in Harris County, Texas – the culprit came from within.
Mike Doyle and only God knows who else was complicit in the scheme to purge local judicial benches of African American judges, based on our initial review of the “OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT.”

By refusing to engage the “STOP HOUSTON MURDERS PAC” and set the record straight, Mike Doyle, in effect, allowed the Republican “COORDINATED CAMPAIGN” to dominate TV and Radio airwaves and play a decisive role in the purging of local judicial benches of Judges with “ETHNIC SOUNDING” names who were predominantly African Americans.
For starters, from the very beginning of the “2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION” cycle, many preferred incumbent Democratic judges did not draw Republican opponents, which made it much easier to systematically target “DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES” on Tuesday, November 4, 2024, in Harris County.
The “OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT” for Harris County, Texas, is the dead giveaway. If you look at the “ELECTION DAY TOTALS,” you will discover that “NO DEMOCRAT JUDICIAL CANDIDATE,” with an “ETHNIC SOUNDING FIRST NAME,” received 150,000 votes.
However, “DEMOCRAT JUDICIAL CANDIDATES,” running down-ballot in local races, all received over 150,000 votes on “ELECTION DAY” and won their races.
But something more startling was discovered as my investigative team and I studied the “OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT,” certified on Friday, November 16, 2024, in Harris County, Texas.
In the FIRST local down-ballot contested judicial race, Judge Kristen Hawkins (WHITE) won her bid for reelection to the 11th Judicial District Court, a Civil District Court bench.
In the SECOND local down-ballot contested judicial race, Judge Fredericka Phillips (BLACK) lost her bid for reelection to the 61st Judicial District Court, a Civil District Court bench.
In the THIRD local down-ballot contested judicial race, Judge Jeralynn Manor (BLACK) lost her bid for reelection to the 80th Judicial District Court, a Civil District Court bench.
In the FOURTH local down-ballot contested judicial race, Judge Michael Gomez (HISPANIC) won his bid for reelection to the 129th Judicial District Court, a Civil District Court bench.
In the FIFTH local down-ballot contested judicial race, Attorney Nicole Perdue (WHITE) won her bid to become the presiding judge of the 133rd Judicial District Court, a Civil District Court bench.

Did you notice how only the “TWO BLACK FEMALE JUDGES LOST” lost their races? Those highly effective “STOP HOUSTON MURDERS PAC” political attack ads did not cause that outcome. What caused the sporadic down-ballot outcomes was the “SYSTEMATIC TARGETING” of “DEMOCRAT JUDICIAL CANDIDATES,” with ethnic-sounding first names by a small group of voters.

To prevent the “SYSTEMATIC TARGETING” of “DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL CANDIDATES” in the forthcoming 2026 Midterm Election and the 2028 Presidential Election, the small group of voters who skipped 'ethnic-sounding names' must be identified.
In closing, Gilberto Hinojosa, the chairman and treasurer for the Texas Democratic Party, has done the right thing and announced his resignation. He will officially leave office in March 2025.
I am not sure why “BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS,” Stakeholders, and Community Groups are not calling for Mike Doyle to step aside. However, his failure to protect his “DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL NOMINEES” is reprehensible and a dereliction of his duties as the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party in more ways than one.
Mike Doyle appears to have wholly abandoned the people who gave him hundreds of thousands of dollars to “PROTECT THEIR INTERESTS,” and he failed to do so, based on the number of losses Democrats suffered on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in Harris County, Texas.

Judge Fredericka Phillips (Democrat) had a slight hiccup when she was first elected presiding judge for the 61st Civil District Court bench. The fact that Judge Phillips's mistake is constantly used against her while the shortcomings of other public officials are swept under the rug wreaks of potential 'racial bias' against her must stop immediately. There's no logical explanation for Judge Fredericka Phillips (Democrat) to receive so many fewer votes than Judge Kristen Hawkins (Democrat), who appeared in the "CONTESTED JUDICIAL RACE" right before hers on the ballot. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Fredericka Phillips received 724,465 votes for 49.46% of the vote, and her challenger Lee Kathryn Shuchart (Republican) received 740,386 votes for 50.54%. That said, Judge Fredericka Phillips lost her bid for reelection to her challenger by 15,921 votes.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Judge Kristen Hawkins (Democrat) is a great judge by any measurable standard. However, her successful re-election bid was aided by a small group of voters between (8,000 and 10,000), who went to the polls on "ELECTION DAY" to cast their votes for her while skipping the names of her fellow Democrats with 'ethnic-sounding names' causing many of them to lose. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Kristen Hawkins received 759,292 votes for 51.67% of the vote, and her challenger Nile Bailey Copeland (Republican) received 710,240 votes for 48.33%. That said, Judge Kristen Hawkins defeated her challenger by 49,052 votes.

Judge Fredericka Phillips (Democrat) had a slight hiccup when she was first elected presiding judge for the 61st Civil District Court bench. The fact that Judge Phillips's mistake is constantly used against her while the shortcomings of other public officials are swept under the rug wreaks of potential 'racial bias' against her must stop immediately. There's no logical explanation for Judge Fredericka Phillips (Democrat) to receive so many fewer votes than Judge Kristen Hawkins (Democrat), who appeared in the "CONTESTED JUDICIAL RACE" right before hers on the ballot. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Fredericka Phillips received 724,465 votes for 49.46% of the vote, and her challenger Lee Kathryn Shuchart (Republican) received 740,386 votes for 50.54%. That said, Judge Fredericka Phillips lost her bid for reelection to her challenger by 15,921 votes.
Judge Jeralynn Manor (Democrat) has done a magnificent job since becoming the presiding judge for the 80th Civil District Court bench, as evidenced by her receiving the prestigious endorsement of the Houston Chronicle Editorial Board. This raises the question of why Judge Jeralynn Manor received so many fewer votes than Judge Kristen Hawkins, who appeared on the ballot two races before her. By comparison, Judge Kristen Hawkins (Democrat) received 759,292 votes, and Judge Jeralyn Manor (Democrat) only received 731,084 votes, an astonishing 28,208 vote differential between the two Democrat judges. How did this happen? There's no logical explanation for why Judge Jeralynn Manor (Democrat) should have received that many fewer votes than Judge Kristen Hawkins unless her name was being "SYSTEMATICALLY SKIPPED" by Democratic voters. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Jeralynn Manor received 731,084 votes for 49.98% of the vote, and her challenger, Sonya L. Aston (Republican) received 731,731 votes for 50.02%. That said, Judge Jeralynn Manor lost her bid for reelection to her challenger by 647 votes.


Judge Michael Gomez (Democrat) has done a tremendous job as a judge. However, his successful re-election bid was aided by a small group of voters between (8,000 and 10,000), who went to the polls on "ELECTION DAY" to cast their votes for him while skipping the names of his fellow Democrats with 'ethnic-sounding names' causing many of them to lose. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Michael Gomez received 754,949 votes for 51.54% of the vote, and his challenger, Will Archer (Republican), received 709,841 votes for 48.46%. That said, Judge Michael Gomez defeated his challenger by 45,108 votes.


Judge-Elect Nicole Perdue (Democrat) was a fine attorney and will make a great judge. However, her successful bid for the 133rd Civil District Court bench was aided by a small group of voters between (8,000 and 10,000), who went to the polls on "ELECTION DAY" to cast their votes for her while skipping the names of her fellow Democrats with 'ethnic-sounding names' causing many of them to lose. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Nicole Perdue received 729,958 votes for 50.03% of the vote, and her opponent Michael Landrum (Republican) received 729,184 votes for 49.97%. That said, Judge-Elect Nicole Perdue defeated her opponent by 774 votes.


Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton (Democrat) is a seasoned veteran judge who is "BATTLE-TESTED" and skilled at campaigning. On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Judge Elliott-Thornton manhandled Aaron Adams (Republican). Judge Elliott-Thornton also manhandled her Democratic Party Primary challenger, Joy Thomas, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. In the 2020 Presidential Election, Judge Cheryl Elliott Thorton soundly defeated Michael Landrum (Republican) after she defeated her fellow Democrat, Judge Alexandra Smoots-Thoma, formerly Hogan. In short, Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton has demonstrated an innate knack for winning, which she proved by winning her reelection bid against a "NO-NAME" Republican candidate who threw his name on the ballot and did nothing else. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Cheryl Elliott Thornton received 737,247 votes for 50.60% of the vote, and her challenger Aaron Adams (Republican) received 719,774 votes for 49.40%. That said, Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton defeated her challenger by 17,473 votes.

Words can't express how bad a job Judge Ursula A. Hall (Democrat) was doing as the presiding judge for the 165th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. The mistake Democrats made in the race for the 165th Civil District Court was to allow her to make it out of the Democratic Party Primary election that was held on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. While Judge Hall defeated her Democratic challenger (Jill Yaziji) on Super Tuesday, her luck ran out when she ran up against Bruce Bain (Republican), a highly respected attorney capable of taking over the 165th Civil District Court bench. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Judge Ursula A. Hall received 716,555 votes for 49.23% of the vote, and her challenger Bruce Bain (Republican) received 739,109 votes for 50.77%. That said, Judge-Elect Bruce Bain defeated Judge Ursula A. Hall by 22,554 votes.
Judge Robert Johnson (Democrat) allegedly allowed a pregnant woman to nearly die inside the courtroom a few years ago. According to several attorneys in his 177th Criminal District court at the time, Judge Johnson seemed unconcerned and would even allow her husband to aid her. Judge Robert Johnson, by most accounts, is an egotistical jerk who let the "BLACK ROBE" he was wearing go to his head. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Judge Robert Johnson received 725,463 votes for 49.87% of the vote, and her challenger, Emily Munoz Detoto (Republican) received 729,131 votes for 50.13%. That said, Judge-Elect Emily Munoz Detoto defeated Judge Robert Johnson by 3,668 votes.

Judge Elaine Palmer (Democrat) was an excellent judge. However, she came up short of winning her reelection bid on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Judge Elaine Palmer received 725,947 votes for 49.99% of the vote, and her challenger, Nathan J. Milliron (Republican) received 726,251 votes for 50.01%. That said, Judge-Elect Nathan Milliron defeated Judge Elaine Palmer by 304 votes.

Judge-Elect Tracy D. Good (Democrat) is highly respected among attorneys and his fellow judges. He is well capable of moving the 333rd Criminal District Court forward after defeating his fellow Democrat Brittany Morris back on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary, and then also defeating his Republican opponent Brian Staley in the 2024 Presidential Election. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Judge-Elect Tracy D. Good received 728,385 votes for 50.26% of the vote, and his opponent, Brian Staley (Republican), received 720,754 votes for 49.74%. That said, Judge-Elect Tracy D. Good defeated Brian Staley by 7,631 votes.

Attorney Allison Jackson Matthis (Democrat) performed masterfully in the Democratic Party Primary, held back on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, when she easily unseated Judge Ramona Franklin. Her brand and "NAME ID" had an "ethnic-sounding" ring, which aided her tremendously against Judge Franklin. However, when Allison Jackson Matthis faced off against her Republican opponent, Michelle Oncken, the 'ethnic-sounding' name became a liability. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Michelle Oncken received 727,301 votes for 50.16% of the vote, and her opponent, Allison Jackson Mathis (Democrat), received 722,622 votes for 49.84%. That said, Judge-Elect Michelle Oncken defeated Allison Jackson Matthis by 4,679 votes.


Attorney Vivian King (Democrat) is a lying, conniving, manipulative, corrupt, and poor excuse for a human being. Vivian King is a snake and should not have been allowed to slither, squirm, wriggle, crawl, and manipulate her way into nearly becoming the judge of the 486th Criminal District Court. Vivian King is considered the "H-TOWN DRUNK" who hates men. She's also, on multiple occasions, allegedly tried to paint Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg (her boss) as a racist behind her back. Both of the "BLACK DEMOCRAT MEN" who were on the ballot on "SUPER TUESDAY" running against this low-down dirty skank were more worthy and trustworthy than her. Either Gemayle Haynes or Roderick Rodgers should have been the Democratic nominee in the race for the 486th Criminal District Court, in my opinion. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Judge Aaron Burdette received 730,432 votes for 50.42% of the vote, and his challenger, Vivian King (Democrat), received 718,252 votes for 49.58%. That said, Judge Aaron Burdette defeated Vivian King by 12,180 votes. By the way, the term "SKANK" is a term used to describe a disreputable or sleazy person.


Judge-Elect Stacy Allen Barrow (Democrat) will make a fine judge. However, she skated through the 2024 Presidential Election cycle under the radar, as voters seeking to purge candidates with 'ethnic-sounding' names from local judicial benches didn't identify her as being a Black woman because her name does not sound ethnic. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Judg-Elect Stacy Allen Barrow received 728,314 votes for 50.39% of the vote, and her opponent, Lori DeAngelo (Republican), received 716,933 votes for 49.61%. That said, Judge-Elect Stacy Allen Barrow defeated Lori DeAngelo by 11,381 votes.



Attorney Carvana Cloud (Democrat) may or may not have made a good judge, depending on who you ask. However, she ran a horrible strategy to win the 488th Criminal District Court bench. Even still, her name was skipped by voters who went to the polls on Election Day seeking to prevent Democratic candidates with 'ethnic-sounding' names from winning local judicial benches in Harris County, Texas. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Judge Matthew Peneguy received 727,300 votes for 50.41% of the vote, and his challenger, Carvana Cloud (Democrat), received 715,457 votes for 49.59%. That said, Judge Peneguy defeated Carvana Cloud by 11,843 votes.

Judge-Elect Lillian Henny Alexander (Democrat) benefited from an excellent "BALLOT NAME," which on Election Day could not be distinguished as "ethnic-sounding." Lillian Henny Alexander did a colossal service to Harris County, Texas, when she unseated Judge Julia Maldonado during Super Tuesday in the race for the 507th Family District Court. As you can see, Henny-Alexander was the only "BLACK DEMOCRAT FEMALE" judicial candidate to have over 150,000 voters go to the polls on Election Day and vote for her candidacy. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Judge-Elect Lillian Henny Alexander received 742,087 votes for 51.41% of the vote, and her opponent, Dan Lemkuil (Republican), received 742,087 votes for 48.59%. That said, Judge-Elect Lillian Henny Alexander defeated Dan Lemkuil by 40,742 votes.


Attorney Ashley Mayes Guice (Democrat) has a nice ride. She defeated Juan Aguirre on Super Tuesday to earn the Democratic nomination. However, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, which was Election Day, she got caught up in a situation where a small group of voters were skipping 'ethnic-sounding' names and didn't come close to reaching the 150,000 threshold. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Linda Garcia received 742,824 votes for 50.85% of the vote, and her opponent, Ashley Mayes Guice (Democrat), received 718,067 votes for 49.15%. That said, Judge-Elect Linda Garcia defeated Ashley Mayes Guice by 24,757 votes.

Judge-Elect Fransheneka "Fran" Watson (Democrat) had the most 'ethnic-sounding' first name among the Democratic judicial candidates. However, she overcame her challenge and defeated Ray Black, Jr. (Republican) to claim the Judge, County Probate Court No. 5, bench. Based on the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" certified by Harris County Commissioners on Friday, November 15, 2024, Judge-Elect Fransheneka "Fran" Watson received 732,651 votes for 50.45% of the vote, and her opponent, Ray Black, Jr., (Republican), received 719,634 votes for 49.55%. That said, Judge-Elect Fran Watson defeated Ray Black, Jr., by 13,017 votes.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039