Attorney Tony Buzbee should announce his entry into the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election race in the very near future. With Chris Hollins abandoning his bid to become Houston's next mayor earlier today, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, according to some pundits is assured a clear path to a December runoff. When attorney Tony Buzbee enters the race, he will his entry will shift the dynamics of the race, and cause a reshuffling of sorts, where he and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, will become our prohibitive favorites to make the December runoff.

Gerald Womack has perfected the art of helping Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee win political races by hook or crook by whatever means necessary. Any candidate hoping to defeat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee had better be willing to deal with her "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTERS" who always find a way to help her win, even if it requires stealing the identities of "DEAD BLACK VOTERS" and requesting "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS" in their names. You can "CLICK HERE" to learn more about Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's ballot harvesting crew.

Attorney Tony Buzbee got taken for a ride during his last bid for Mayor of Houston, Texas. However, he came very close to achieving his goal. Between the time he officially announces his bid to run for Mayor of Houston in the upcoming Tuesday, November 7, 2023, he must make election integrity an integral part of his strategy. You can "CLICK HERE" to see how absentee ballot harvesters on assignment for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's Campaign do their dirty work.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We must make it our business to start "PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" going forward into the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Election, the 2024 Democratic Party Primary, and 2024 Republican Party Primary. Our nation is at a serious crossroads, and a serious course correction is desperately needed in America."
Tony Buzbee Should Enter the 2023 City of Houston Mayoral Race; Many Black Voters Aren’t Sold on Sheila Jackson Lee
I’ve been telling everyone who would listen that Chris Hollins was going to drop out of the race for Mayor of Houston and switch to the race for Houston City Controller, once Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee had announced her entry into the already crowded field of Mayoral contenders.
Where’s Tony Busbee? Houstonians need a strong business-minded CEO, who isn’t afraid to expose the corruption and open investigations into these bid-rigging schemes. I thought that former METRO chairman Gilbert Garcia was that guy, but his campaign appears to have pretty much stalled, and with attorney Tony Buzbee poised to run, he could be a much better option for Houstonians to consider.
My sources are telling me that Buzbee is preparing to enter the race for Mayor of the City of Houston and that he isn’t afraid to launch investigations into the possible bid-rigging schemes that have become all too commonplace in city government.
So, just for the record, attorney Tony Buzbee showed a lot of promise when he first entered the 2019 Mayoral race, but something happened along the way, that threw his campaign off track.
In case you don’t know, the first check written out of Tony Buzbee’s Campaign checkbook was written to my company (Aubrey R. Taylor Communications), for an advertisement he purchased inside our Martin Luther King Jr., “SPECIAL EDITION” that was published in recognition of the civil rights icon.
In the beginning, I was on cloud nine, but in the end, was very disappointed, as the people running Buzbee’s campaign did a piss poor job, with his general election strategy.
Now, I’m not sure if attorney Tony Buzbee, received poor advice or what; but with the vast amount of money he ended up spending, more could have, and should have been allocated to make attorney Tony Buzbee a household name in urban areas of the city. That being said, Tony Buzbee’s Campaign wrote a check on 1/8/2019, for $2,355.00 to the Houston Defender Newspaper, and on the same day, wrote a check for $3,696.00 to African-American News & Issues, which was a good start.
On 1/9/2019, Tony Buzbee’s Campaign wrote a check to the Greater Houston Frontiers Club for $2,500.00, to sponsor their MLK Scholarship Breakfast. And on the next day, his campaign wrote a check for $2,064.00 to the Forward Times Publishing Company. And then, in a move I liked, Tony Buzbee’s Campaign showed some love to a “BLACK OWNED” sign-printing company called Sprint 2 Print, to print all of his campaign signs.
Tony Buzbee’s Campaign even showed Charles X. White, the founder of Charity Productions some love on 1/24/2019 by donating $6,000.00 to his Exchange Breakfast – which was a very good investment.
And for good measure, Charles Stamps, the founder of the MLK Grande Parade either was shown some love as well. On 1/25/2019, the Tony Buzbee for Mayor Campaign wrote a check to Charles Stamps to show his support for Stamps’s MLK Battle of the Bands Sponsorship.
Pastor Terrence Hall, of the Kingdom Builders Cathedral, got shown some love when Tony Buzbee gave him a check on 2/10/2019, for a Senior Prom event for underprivileged youth.
By April 2019, the word that attorney Tony Buzbee was spending money to support Black-owned businesses everyone imaginable wanted in on the action – including Black Pastors and other so-called Black community leaders.
On 4/14/2019, Tony Buzbee’s Campaign donated $50,000.00 to Steps of Faith and Leadership Ministries where Senior Pastor Marvin James is in charge of the day-to-day operations.
And don’t forget about former Harris County Constable Perry Wooten who also got shown some love by the Tony Buzbee for Mayor Campaign and was paid over $22,500.00, in a series of several different payments during the general election cycle.
Every candidate running for Mayor of Houston must get a better grasp of how to better appeal to African American voters between now and Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Listen!!! Black folks don’t like Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee as much as some people believe.
And please abandon the myth that all Blacks think alike! I’m a Black man, and I don’t particularly like the notion of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, becoming the next Mayor of Houston, Texas. And on top of that, I believe that “QUEEN SHEILA” would make a horrible Mayor.
My people are not robots, nor are we monolithic as a people.
The reason you see so many Blacks gravitate to Black candidates is because Republicans, Independents, and Libertarians, in many cases, don’t focus enough of their time, treasure, and resources on courting the Black vote.
For instance, state Senator John Whitmire has picked up a few endorsements from African Americans whom he feels are respected, and admired because they’ve held public office before. However, just because someone voted for former Mayor Lee P. Brown doesn’t mean that they will vote for Whitmire, simply because former Mayor Lee P. Brown tells them to do so.
And the same goes for someone like former METRO chairman Gilbert Garcia. Besides, Gilbert Garcia has already surrounded himself with some folks whom he feels, can help him win, but in the long run, some of these political operatives could end up being liabilities, if Garcia makes a runoff.
While Gilbert Garcia, claims in public that he’s going to ‘shake things up’ if he’s elected Mayor, in reality, what I’m seeing to this point coming from Gilbert Garcia is a lot of the same old rhetoric that we’ve already heard from washed-up career politicians.
“Gilbert Garcia does not respect Black people,” read a text message I received the other day from a Democratic Precinct Chair, who reached out to me.
Another text sent to me read, “Gilbert Garcia didn’t do anything for Blacks when he was the chairman of the Metropolitan Transit Authority.”
It sort of seems like Gilbert Garcia has allowed the $20 billion he’s managing, which belongs to other people go to his head. It’s not even his money – it belongs to the people.
While I’m fond of Gilbert Garcia, and love his “ALL AMERICAN” story, I’m not sure that he’s ready for “BIG LEAGUE POLITICS” like what we’re about to see play out on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, when the big dawgs do battle. He’s got a lot of work to do, and he’s listening to the wrong people in my opinion.
As for Sheila Jackson Lee, she’s damaged goods and could face some real challenges as the race unfolds. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s heart isn’t set on becoming Mayor of Houston, Texas. Sheila has been recruited to run for Mayor. And it's a shame what these selfish, arrogant, egotistical negroes are putting her up to do this at this stage of her life.
Are these fools listening to me, or reading my reports? Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee does not have the support of as many Black people, as folks in the media want you to believe. Her campaign manager Gerald Womack hired “ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTERS” who were stupid, back during the 2020 Presidential Election cycle.
Sheila’s “BALLOT HARVESTERS” went out stole the identities of “DEAD BLACK VOTERS” and then turned around and requested “ABSENTEE BALLOT APPLICATIONS” in their names back during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary. How ignorant is that? And the younger brother (Ray Charles Jones, Jr.) of one of the ‘alleged’ ballot harvesters was working for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and “Democrat” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, at the same time.
Now, I’m not sure if Gilbert Garcia has the intestinal fortitude to fully expose “QUEEN SHEILA” and pull the curtains back on her harvesters. However, I’m completely confident that a candidate like attorney Tony Buzbee has the “KAHUNAS” needed to take the fight directly to “SHE-JACK” and her handlers.
And for the record, Houstonians are not about to elect another “BLACK MAYOR” to serve as the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER” this year. Heck, when you get right down to it, Mayor Sylvester Turner has been so corrupt, that he may have killed the chances of any Black person becoming mayor of Houston again, during my lifetime.
“Would I spend fifty million dollars to be mayor of Houston? Ehhh…,” asked attorney Tony Buzbee, in a Facebook post yesterday.
In reality, attorney Tony Buzbee spent a lot of money with a lot of people who didn’t know what the hell they were doing when he tried to take out Mayor Sylvester Turner but came up short in the December 14, 2019, runoff election.
“To do so we would have to have a coalition of activists from all points of view and business people from all walks of life across this city,” Buzbee stated yesterday. And he’s right!!! But who’s going to help him build this coalition?
He went on to say, “We would have to resolve that we would be the example that all cities would follow.” But what types of Blacks will Buzbee place in his inner cycle? Who will he rely upon to make sure that spies aren’t embedded to sabotage his campaign this time around?
“We would have to have the thought leaders of the entire world involved,” he explained. “I would be proud to lead, but I would need a lot of help.”
Attorney Tony Buzbee is very good with words, “Houston could do this. We are poised to do so.” But how ready is he?
To have any shot at beating Sheila Jackson Lee or state Senator John Whitmire in a December runoff won’t be easy. But attorney Tony Buzbee has the resources to hire himself so “BLACK BULLDOGS” who have the intestinal fortitude and knowledge to expose “QUEEN SHEILA” for the fraud she truly is, and not allow her “ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING RING” to run up the numbers.
Could Attorney Buzbee become Houston’s next Mayor? Well, it depends on how “DOWN AND DIRTY” Buzbee is willing to get against state Senator John Whitmire, or Sheila Jackson Lee, two career politicians.
Politics is a dirty business, and these career politicians aren’t playing fair. But state Senator John Whitmire, at this point, is appealing to everybody. Behind the scenes, he’s running his campaign in what appears to be a “TRUE NONPARTISAN” fashion, which has enabled him to come across as a moderate, which would bode well for him in a December runoff.
Now, when you step back and look at how divisive politics have become over the last few years, and most recently with “THE INDICTMENT” of former President Donald Trump, by Alvin Bragg, a Black district attorney, someone like attorney Tony Buzbee could have a unique passageway straight into the heart, soul, and minds of people of color can relate to what the former President is going through.
All this being said it takes creativity to connect with the African American voting bloc, but the right moves by a business-minded candidate like Tony Buzbee or Gilbert Garcia could make a December runoff very interesting.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033