Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson (bottom left) has ordered a post-election audit. Gilberto Hinojosa (top right) has stepped down from his position as chairman of the Texas Democratic Party after his piss-poor strategy in the 2024 Presidential Election. Mike Doyle (bottom right) must relinquish his position as Harris County Democratic Party Chairman before he's forced out. Between January 1, 2024, and Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Mike Doyle took hundreds of thousands of dollars from local "DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL CANDIDATES." Doyle then transferred the hard-earned money given to the (HCDP) by local judicial candidates to the Harris County Democratic Party Federal PAC, leaving his down-ballot judicial candidates vulnerable. In the closing days of the 2024 Presidential Election, Mike Doyle then took $110,000.00 that was donated to the (HCDP) by local "DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL CANDIDATES." Mike Doyle then sent the $110,000.00 in hard-earned money donated to the local (HCDP) by local Democratic judges to the Utah Democratic Party. Why? It is unclear why Mike Doyle gave $110,000.00 to the Utah Democratic Party and did not apply this hard-earned money to his non-existent "COORDINATED CAMPAIGN." While Mike Doyle was playing his "JUDICIAL NOMINEES" for fools, Cindy Siegel (top left), the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, was receiving collateral support from the "STOP HOUSTON MURDERS PAC," to the tune of $40 million, according to an email being circulated by Mike Doyle, the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party.

The Harris County District Attorney race between Sean Teare (Democrat) and Dan Simons (Republican) must be selected as the local race to audit. It makes absolutely no sense for voters to side with the "STOP HOUSTON MURDERS PAC" on voting out down-ballot "DEMOCRAT JUDGES" and then get to the race for Harris County District Attorney and cast their vote for Sean Teare (Democrat) over Dan Simons, who was the Republican nominee for District Attorney. A push must be made for Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson to do a "FULL-AUDIT" on the race for Harris County District Attorney before the election results are canvassed and made official.

Vivian King is a three-time political loser and a multiple-time loser in her personal life. Harris County voters rejected this 'evil woman' in the 2010 Midterms when she ran against Judge Susan Brown. Harris County voters again rejected "this snake" in 2012 when she ran against Judge Ryan Patrick. For the record, Vivian King is an alleged H-town drunk, habitual liar, and corrupt prosecutor who had no business making it past the March 2024 Democratic primaries. Vivian King's repeated rejection by Harris County voters proves that she's an untrustworthy "low-life of a human being" who isn't judicial material and should not be practicing law or serving as a dog-catcher in Harris County, Texas. Furthermore, the Bar Card (007843399) Vivian King obtained on Friday, November 6, 1992, should be stripped away from Vivian King because she does not possess the aptitude, discernment, or intestinal fortitude to be fair and impartial as an officer of the court.
THE REPUBLICAN WON – Jimmy Blacklock (right) (I) (Republican) defeated his challenger, DaSean Jones (left) (Democrat), in the race for Justice Supreme Court, Place 2, on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – John Devine (right) (I) (Republican) defeated his challenger Christine Vinh Weems (left)(Democrat) in the race for Justice Supreme Court, Place 4, on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Jane Bland (right) (I) (Republican) defeated her challenger Bonnie Lee Goldstein (left) (Democrat) in the race for Justice Supreme Court, Place 6, on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – David J. Schenck (right) (Republican) defeated Holly Taylor (left) (Democrat) in the Presiding Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals race on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Gina Parker (right) (Republican) defeated Nancy Mulder (left) (Democrat) in the race for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 7, on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Lee Finley (right) (Republican) defeated Chika Anyiam (left) (Democrat) in the Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8, on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON –- Jennifer Caughey (right) (I) (Republican) defeated her challenger, Brendetta Scott (left) (Democrat), in the Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 2 race, on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Andrew Johnson (right) (Republican) defeated the incumbent Democrat Sarah Beth Landau (left) (I) (Democrat) in the Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 6 race, on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Clint Morgan (right) (Republican) defeated the incumbent Democrat Julie Countiss (left) (I) (Democrat) in the Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 7 race, on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Kristin M. Guiney (right) (Republican) defeated the incumbent Democrat Richard Hightower (left) (I) (Democrat) in the Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 8 race, on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Susanna Dokupil (right) (Republican) defeated Amber Boyd-Cora (left) (Democrat) in the Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 9 race, on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Chad Bridges (right) (Republican) defeated Velda Renita Faulkner (left) (Democrat) in the Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 3 race, on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Tonya McLaughlin (right) (Republican) defeated the incumbent Democrat Charles Spain (left) (I) in the Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 4 race, on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Maritza Michele Antu (right) (Republican) defeated the incumbent Democrat Frances Bourliot (left) (I) in the Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 5 race, on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Katy Boatman (right) (Republican) defeated the incumbent Democrat Meagan Hassan (left) (I) in the Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 6 race, on Election Day.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Brad Hart (right) (Republican) defeated the incumbent Democrat Margaret “Meg” Poissant (left) (I) in the Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 8 race, on Election Day.

THE DEMOCRAT WON – Kristen Hawkins (left) (I) (Democrat) defeated her challenger, Nile Bailey Copeland (right) (Republican), in the District Judge, 11th Judicial District Court race.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Lee Kathryn Shuckart (right) (Republican) defeated the incumbent Democrat Fredericka Phillips (left) (I) in the District Judge, 61st Judicial District Court race.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Sonya L. Aston (right) (Republican) defeated the incumbent Democrat Jeralynn Manor (left) (I) in the District Judge, 80th Judicial District Court race.

THE DEMOCRAT WON – Michael Gomez (left) (I) (Democrat) defeated his challenger, Will Archer (right) (Republican), in the District Judge, 129th Judicial District Court race.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Michael Landrum (right) (Republican) defeated Nicole Perdue (left) (Democrat) in the District Judge, 133rd Judicial District Court race.

THE DEMOCRAT WON – Cheryl Elliott Thornton (left) (I) (Democrat) defeated her challenger, Aaron Gabriel Adams (right) (Republican), in the District Judge, 164th Judicial District Court race.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Bruce Bain (right) (Republican) defeated the incumbent Democrat Ursula A. Hall (left) (I) in the District Judge, 165th Judicial District Court race.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Emily Muzoz Detoto (right) (Republican) defeated the incumbent Democrat Robert Johnson (left) (I) in the District Judge, 177th Judicial District Court race.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Nathan J. Milliron (right) (Republican) defeated the incumbent Democrat Elaine Palmer (left) (I) in the District Judge, 215th Judicial District Court race.

THE DEMOCRAT WON – Tracy D. Good (left) (Democrat) defeated Brian Staley (right) (Republican) in the District Judge, 333rd Judicial District Court race.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Michele Oncken (right) (Republican) defeated Allison Jackson Mathis (left) (Democrat) in the District Judge, 338th Judicial District Court race.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Aaron Burdette (right) (I) (Republican) defeated his challenger, Vivian King (left) (Democrat), in the District Judge, 486th Judicial District Court race.

THE DEMOCRAT WON – Stacy Allen Barrow (left) (Democrat) defeated Lori DeAngelo (right) (Republican) in the District Judge, 487th Judicial District Court race.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Matthew Peneguy (right) (I) (Republican) defeated Carvana Cloud (left) (Democrat) in the District Judge, 488th Judicial District Court race.

THE DEMOCRAT WON – Lillian Henny Alexander (left) (Democrat) defeated Dan Lemkuil (right) (Republican) in the District Judge, 507th Judicial District Court race.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Linda Garcia (right) (Republican) defeated Ashley Mayes Guice (left) (Democrat) in the Judge, County Criminal Court No. 16, race.

THE DEMOCRAT WON – Fransheneka “Fran” Watson (left) (Democrat) defeated Ray Black, Jr. (right) (Republican) in the Judge, County Probate Court No. 8, race.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – James Lombardino (right) (Republican) defeated incumbent Democrat Israel Garcia (left) (Democrat) in the Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 1, race.

THE DEMOCRAT WON – Wanda Adams (left) (I) (Democrat) defeated Kyara Ofuani (right) (write-in) in the Justice of the Peace, Precinct 7, Place 1, race.

THE REPUBLICAN WON – Holly Williamson (right) (I) (Republican) defeated her Democratic challenger, Carissa Grady (left), in the Justice of the Peace, Precinct 8, Place 1, race.

Aubrey R. Taylor Communications publishes Houston Business Connections Newspaper© to inform, empower, and mobilize our "OPEN-MINDED READERS" and assist them in making informed voting decisions. We've gone to great lengths to develop "OUR 2024 SLATE" and strongly encourage you to use "ENDORSEMENT SLATE" to help you fill out your down-ballot races.
Election Day Results for Local District Courts Concerning Hinojosa Steps Down, Doyle Should Also, Nelson Calls for Audit
Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson has called for a post-election audit of the November 5, 2024, Presidential Election in the Lone Star State. The audit SOS Jane Nelson called will include a partial manual count of ballots and check for irregularities.
"Texas leads the way in election integrity measures with checks before, during, and after voting," said Nelson in a published report related to this matter.
After my initial review of the "ELECTION NIGHT RETURNS," I am very concerned with the "ELECTION DAY RETURNS" in the down-ballot judicial races. I'm specifically worried about the in-person "ELECTION DAY RETURNS" for the 11th Civil District Court battle between Nile Bailey Copeland (Republican) and Judge Kristen Hawkins (Democrat), the 61st Civil District Court battle between Lee Kathryn Shuchart (Republican) and Judge Fredericka Phillips (Democrat), and the 80th Civil District Court battle between Sonya L. Aston (Republican), and Judge Jeralynn Manor (Democrat).
Something seems off with how Harris County's "ELECTION DAY RETURNS" got reported. I can't pinpoint the problem, but something is off.

Gilberto Hinojosa did the right thing and stepped aside from his position as the Texas Democratic Party Chairman on Friday, November 8, 2024, after running the worst campaign I've ever seen Democrats run. His underling, Mike Doyle, the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party, did even worse than Chairman Hinojosa and has already begun making excuses.
Mike Doyle said, "We elected our new Democratic District Attorney Sean Teare and our new Democratic Tax Assessor/Collector Annette Ramirez, two hard-working public servants ready to go to work on day one for all of us in Harris County."
"And in spite of a relentless, four-year, $40 million attack campaign funded by billionaire Republicans that targeted our Democratic Judges with the worst accusations and lies imaginable -- Democrats still managed to win the majority of our judicial races in Harris County, and even put two new Judges overcoming tough challenges, Lillian Alexander and Fran Watson, on the bench."
Mike Doyle didn't have anything to do with the minimal successes enjoyed by Judge Kristen Hawkins, Judge Michael Gomez, Judge-elect Stacy Allen Barrow, Judge-elect Lillian Henny Alexander, Judge-elect Tracy D. Good, Judge Cheryl Thornton, Judge-elect Fransheneka "Fran" Watson, or Judge Wanda Adams -- they all won despite of the 'piss-poor' efforts of Doyle.

Roughly 3 in 10 young Black men under 45 voted for President-elect Donald J. Trump on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, to fuel his victory over Vice President Kamala Harris. It is too early to tell, but I believe that these Black men also fueled down-ballot victories for “GOP CANDIDATES” in judicial and other races, in battleground states, and beyond.
Everyone needs to know that running a bunch of Television ads “day in” and “day out” doesn’t spur voter turnout – especially not in the Black community. The Democratic party chairmen (Mike Doyle in Harris County, Texas) and Fred Taylor in Fort Bend County, Texas, will face severe challenges up and down the ballot in preparation for the 2026 Midterm Election in Texas.
Loading Radio ads on Majic 102 FM and leaving out radio stations like KCOH 1230 AM is also not the best way to mobilize and encourage voter turnout in Texas going forward—especially as “GOP” candidates have awakened and discovered the power of “THE BLACK MALE” vote, as President Donald J. Trump went from 8% of Black male support in 2020 to well over 16% of Black male support in 2024.

Suppose Democratic leadership in Fort Bend County, Texas, and Harris County, Texas, don’t do some soul-searching, healing, and reflective assessments before the 2026 Midterm Election arrives. In that case, they will lose even more “JUDICIAL BENCHES” in the 2026 Midterm Election when they roll around for Harris County, Texas, and Fort Bend County, Texas.
Over in Fort Bend County, only one local District Court race was on the ballot. District Judge Tameika Carter (Democrat) lost her 400th Judicial Court Bench to Edward M. Krenek (Republican) on Election Day.
Oscar Telfair III (Democrat) was unopposed in Fort Bend’s 387th Judicial District Court race. Judge Christian Becerra (Democrat) was unopposed in Fort Bend’s 434th Judicial District Court race. Judge Kali Morgan (Democrat) was unopposed in the race for the 505th Judicial District Court in Fort Bend. And Judge Teana Watson was unopposed in the race for Judge, County Court at Law No. 5, in Fort Bend County.
Commissioner Andy Meyers (I) (Republican) defeated his embattled Democratic challenger, Taral Patel, by a wide margin in the Fort Bend County Commissioner for Precinct 3 race.
I also watched the Fort Bend County Constable race for Precinct 3, which involved incumbent Democrat Nabil Shike and his Republican challenger, Ali Sheikhani.
If you remember, Constable Nabil Shike, a Democrat, was recently captured on audio trying to arrange for “Dr.” Candice Matthews to go over to Commissioner Andy Meyer’s campaign, befriend him, get paid, and then ultimately convince Constable Shike to go after State Rep. Ron Reynolds, and Fort Bend County Democratic Party Chairman Fred Taylor, in a twisted plot that may have backfired with Constable Shike’s defeat on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, to his Republican challenger.
Speaking of State Rep. Ron E. Reynolds, he put on one of the most dominant showings on Election Day to defeat his Republican opponent in the House District 27 race in Fort Bend County, Texas.

Harris County, Texas, is “A PURPLE COUNTY,” not a blue one. I’ve been trying to tell everyone who would listen that Harris County, Texas, isn’t “A BLUE COUNTY”; it’s a purple county, and Tuesday, November 5, 2024, proved my point.
My endorsement slate was one of the mightiest in Texas, but it came at a cost. Several of my clients lost very close elections due to the “EPIC FAILURE” of Mike Doyle and his ineffective, non-existent “COORDINATED CAMPAIGN,” that I tried with every fiber within me to warn “DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL CANDIDATES” about – but nobody would listen except for a handful of judges.
Now that the ‘what-ifs” and “what could have been” have started and down-ballot incumbent Democrat judges struggle in their feeble attempt to try and figure out what happened – they need not look no further than Mike Doyle, the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party, who also serves as the treasurer of their party.
The next place to look is at rank-and-file Democrat voters who took the moment of Tuesday, November 5, 2024, to grind political axes against some of their nominees – which must not happen in 2026, when “BLACK GIRL MAGIC” will be back on the ballot.
Since the 2018 Midterms, “BLACK FEMALE JUDGES” serving in Harris County, Texas, have all been lumped into one category – members of “BLACK GIRL MAGIC” and many of the incumbent Black judges fail victim to the hatred some Democrat voters felt for those 19 African American women who started a trend of running against, and defeating their fellow Democrats in primaries.
So, as the Harris County Democratic Party struggles to heal, soul-search, and regroup, many hard-working, duly qualified incumbent judges are left wondering what happened and why Mike Doyle and the Harris County Democratic Party took their hard-earned donations and didn’t do anything to help them fight off those highly effective “STOP HOUSTON MURDERS” advertisements.
“When the early voting results dropped at 7 p.m., I was definitely surprised,” said Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee in published reports. But how could Menefee be surprised when I had been telling Democrats for nearly a week that they were trailing their “GOP” opponents and needed to rethink their strategy and approach heading into Tuesday, November 5, 2024 – what arrogance.
All those “SOFT ON CRIME” political attack advertisements took their toll, and it was Mike Doyle’s responsibility to launch a “COORDINATED ATTACK” to rebuff what was unfolding, but he failed to do so.
Mike Doyle and other leaders are talking about how a lack of funding caused them to lose so many of the down-ballot “JUDICIAL RACES,” which is nonsense.
“I wish we had some of the budget Colin Allred had for advertising,” said Mike Doyle in a published report I read shortly following the election. But that statement is a complete lie and can be rebuffed if any sane person takes the time to look at how Doyle spent the money donated to the (HCDP) by local Democratic judges who had worked hard and scrounged and scraped to get it.
Mike Doyle says, “Tens of millions of dollars is a lot. We didn’t have the money to fight back against the lies, and that’s a fact.”
The notion that Democrats did not have the money to fight back is a “BOLD FACE LIE,” and Mike Doyle knows it. Local Democrat Judges gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to Mike Doyle and the Harris County Democratic Party to support their “COORDINATED CAMPAIGN.” Mike Doyle took their money and transferred it to the Harris County Democratic Party Federal PAC, and also took at least $110,000.00 of their money and gave it to the Utah Democratic Party in the closing moments leading up to Election Day – but why?
If the Harris County Democratic Party had needed a loan to purchase advertisements, it could have asked Commissioner Rodney Ellis to extend it out of his $6 million war chest.
Another major problem Democrats have is with the engagement of African-American men and the growing Hispanic population. There aren’t enough “BLACK WOMEN” in America to drive national elections without African American men also playing significant roles.
When the final numbers are released, what I believe we’re going to see is that a significant amount of “BLACK MEN” stood up and pushed back against Democrat leadership by throwing their support behind the “GOP” on the local, statewide, and national levels.
“Every neighborhood wants to be safe,” said Harris County Commissioner Rom Ramsey in a published report I reviewed. Commissioner Ramsey went on to state, “Every neighborhood wants infrastructure. The things the democratic party was talking about didn’t have anything to do with what the people wanted.”
As the final votes get tallied and reconciliation reports get compiled for the certification process, Mike Doyle’s actions and handling of the “DONATED MONIES” paid into his non-existent “COORDINATED STRATEGY” will undoubtedly come under increased scrutiny.

At this point, Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party, is the front-runner for our “PERSON OF THE YEAR AWARD” scheduled to be announced in a “SPECIAL EDITION” of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© in late December.
While Cindy Siegel struggled to fill nominees in a bunch of down-ballot judicial races, for whatever reason, Siegel and her allies were still able to run a masterful campaign, which helped her nominees defeat their opponents (28) twenty-eight of (36) thirty-six contested judicial races that ran across Harris County, Texas, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the Presidential Election.
Judge Wanda Adams (I), the Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 1, was challenged by a write-in candidate named Kyara Ofuani, whom she handily defeated.
The next significant election will occur on Saturday, May 3, 2025, when two of my former clients, Judge DaSean Jones and Tami Pierce, square off in a rematch for the 180th Criminal District Court.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039