Lorenzo Williams (Democrat) deserves to know whether he lost his opportunity to become the judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, to Porscha Natasha Brown back on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, in the Democratic Party Primary because of trickery or some sort of cooked up a scheme. If you look at the screenshot from a BALLOTPEDIA page you will see that Lorenzo Williams lost to Porsha Natasha Brown, and Stacy Biggar by a considerable margin. However, the big question in my mind is whether Porscha Natasha Brown was even eligible to be on the ballot in the first place. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the Ballotpedia page results.

Something is very strange about Porscha Natasha Brown, and how she appears to have been recruited to come back to Harris County from El Paso County and run for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, bench back on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, against Staci Biggar, and Lorenzo Williams. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the Ballotpedia page results.

It's mathematically impossible that (888) voters cast their ballot for Leslie Johnson (Republican) and (777) voters cast their ballot for Porscha Natasha Brown (Democrat) in "PRECINCT #0620" in the race for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, in Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election. Please pay close attention to Precincts 0173, Precinct 0174, Precinct 0175, Precinct 0039, Precinct 0049, Precinct 0050, Precinct 0173, Precinct 0174, Precinct 0175, Precinct 0382, Precinct 0383, Precinct 0466, Precinct 0481, Precinct 0482, Precinct 0509, Precinct 0620, Precinct 0701, Precinct 0730, Precinct 0731, Precinct 0841, Precinct 0842, and Precinct 0912. You can "CLICK HERE" to see the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, race.

It's mathematically improbable that (848) voters would cast their vote for "PRECINCT #0174 and #0175" in the race for County Criminal Court at Law No. 3. And do you see that (847) votes were supposedly cast for Leslie Johnson, which is only one vote less than (848) votes received by Porscha Natasha Brown, in Precinct #0175. How likely is it that (1,348) votes would be cast in "PRECINCT #073) for Leslie Johnson, and then (1,368) votes would be cast in "PRECINCT #0174" for Leslie Johnson? You can "CLICK HERE" to see the "OFFICIAL CANVASS REPORT" for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, race.

By the grace of God, Leslie Johnson (Republican) defeated Porscha Natasha Brown by the slim margin of 267 votes, in the race for County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, in Harris County, Texas, back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. You can "CLICK HERE" to see a complete breakdown of Leslie's victory was achieved.

Porscha Natasha Brown (Democrat), only lost her race by 267 votes, back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, and she's not even asking for a recount or filing a lawsuit. You can "CLICK HERE" to see a complete breakdown of Porscha Natasha Brown lost her race.
Take my word for it, voter fraud is BIG DEAL in Texas. And the race for County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, between Leslie Johnson (Republican), and Porscha Natasha Brown, in Harris County is proof positive that we desperately need SB-220, which has already been pre-filed by state senator Paul Bettencourt to be passed into law in the upcoming legislative session.
State Senator Paul Bettencourt (Senate District 15), wrote SB 220, to address the ongoing issues that we've experienced in Harris County, Texas for decades. Democrats have used the terms “VOTER DISENFRANCHISEMENT” and “VOTER SUPPRESSION” interchangeably when referring to Republicans and their voter integrity efforts; but on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, the tables turned. How? Well, supposed malfunctioning machines, and not adequately supplying paper ballots to predominantly Republican voting polling places appear to have been an orchestrated effort designed at suppressing the "GOP" vote and as a result, help down-ballot Democratic candidates running countywide secure victories. Now, if you ask me, that's a clear definition of voter suppression.
What occurred in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, would have never happened if we had SB 220 in effect. According to Bettencourt, “It’s designed to stop election operators from not following the law.”
Once SB 220 is passed into law, it's going to give the authority to the Texas secretary of state to appoint a chief election marshal. And this chief election marshal would have the power to select a team of marshals to act as police in certain geographic regions or boundaries that would be drawn by the Texas Department of Public Safety.
The race for County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, is the perfect kind of race where "ELECTION MARSHALS" would have come in handy. Remember, these "ELECTION MARSHALS" would be granted the power to issue subpoenas, “IMPOUND” election records and seize election equipment for investigative purposes. And speaking of seizing election equipment, someone needs to seize the voting machines that were used during "EARLY VOTING" and on "ELECTION DAY" in the following "VOTER PRECINCTS" in Harris County, Texas:HC - PRECINCT - 0039
First starters, Porscha Natasha Brown, wasn’t even eligible to be on the ballot. I wonder if that’s why she’s not contesting her 267-vote loss, with 1,059,031 votes cast. Why do you think the Harris County Democratic Party Chairman is so quiet right now? Do you think Chairman Odus Evbagharu knew that Porsha Natasha Brown wasn’t eligible to run for public office in Harris County, Texas?
If you look at Porscha Natasha Brown’s “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS” listed below, what you are going to see is that each report lists her address as 3740 Greenbriar Dr., P.O. Box 541571, Houston, Texas 77254.
Second, if you look at the “VOTER REGISTRATION CARDS” for Porscha Natasha Brown "CLICK HERE" and her campaign manager/partner, Samantha Romero "CLICK HERE" what you will see is that both ladies list the same address as their place of residence. The address they both used is 2828 Greenbriar Dr. Apt #3102, Houston, Texas 77098. Now, this particular address is right down the street from the “POST OFFICE BOX” that Porscha Natasha Brown used on her “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS” that were all signed under penalty of perjury.
Third, if you look closely at the precincts listed below for the County Criminal Court at Law No. 3 race you should be able to see that something is wrong with these numbers. Now, it's going to take a lot more investigating to figure out if the numbers were manipulated at the polling locations or somewhere else. That being said,

As you can see in this screenshot that was posted by the Texas Young American Lawyers Association, back on October 19, 2020, Porscha Natasha Brown was highlighted as an Attorney working for the El Paso County Public Defender's Office. You can "CLICK HERE" for a closer view of this screenshot.

Investigative Reporter Aubrey R. Taylor will be keeping a close eye on the upcoming, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, (HISD) Houston Independent School Board Election, and HCC Houston Community College School Board Elections, along with Dr. Steven Hotze, publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texas News, (also Founder of the Liberty Center for God & Country), and Weston Martinez, president of The Voter Fraud Bureau of Investigations. You "CLICK HERE" for important deadlines and filing requirements.