AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I'm encouraging all of my friends, readers, and clients, to reject the urge to vote for Sheila Jackson Lee in the race for mayor of Houston today. This woman is a trainwreck waiting to happen. Not only should she not be elected to serve as Mayor of Houston, but this woman doesn't have any business serving as a member of the United States Congress either."
Early Voting Totals Reveal Only 11,732 Mail Ballots and 120,155 In-Person Votes; Sheila Jackson Lee Could Be in Trouble
For over 32 years I’ve been on the frontline working in the media industry in one capacity or another. I’ve dedicated my entire adult life to speaking truth to power as a member of the press, investigative reporter, political influencer, and publisher of the top politically focused newspaper in the southwest region of the United States of America.
I have never been afraid to go where my investigations take me. Back during the 1990s, I went into the Harris County Jail and State Penal Institutions to learn as much as I could about how our unjust political system was treating Black and Brown people.
"What I’ve learned over the years is that we have a bunch of folks walking around brandished as criminals, but are actually victims of a two-tiered criminal justice system, but that’s a story for another day."
My name is Aubrey R. Taylor, and I am the president and CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, which publishes the Houston Business Connections Newspaper, which is a nonpartisan politically focused information, mobilization, and empowerment tool that's published for open-minded Americans.
What some folks want you to believe is that I’m an outlaw. But these fools are sadly mistaken. In case you don't know, the real outlaws are the band of thieves whom I’ve been hunting down for the last 32 years.
Members of the “TURNER ELLIS POLITICAL REGIME” which includes that crooked-crown-wearing hussy by the name of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee who will be on your Saturday, December 9, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election ballot running against State Senator John Whitmire have ruled Harris County, Texas with an iron fist long enough.
That being said, please remember that we’re not dealing with a situation where two lifelong Democrats are running against one another in the Saturday, December 9, 2023, race for Mayor.
What we are faced with on Saturday, December 9, 2023, is a serpent by the name of Sheila Jackson Lee, who will be trying to slither her way into becoming the Mayor of Houston by any means necessary. However, we cannot allow this mean, nasty, vindictive, charlatan to win the Saturday, December 9, 2023, runoff race and serve as a continuation of Mayor Sylvester Turner’s failed administration.

What some African Americans don’t realize about Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is that this snake has a penchant for turning a blind eye to the corruption of her surrogates, friends, and allies. This is perhaps the number one reason why "SHE-JACK" was recruited to run for mayor of Houston, in the first place.
This evil woman is much worse than Mayor Sylvester Turner in many regards. In the world of reptiles, Mayor Sylvester Turner would be more of a grass snake, which is non-venomous. But “SHE-JACK” is a King Cobra, which is widely considered the most deadly snake in the world.
A bite from a king cobra can kill a human being in about 15 minutes, and a full-grown elephant would die in a matter of a few hours if bitten by a deadly king cobra. That being said, Republicans, known as elephants in the political world, had better not play around and let “SHE-JACK” slither her way into becoming Mayor of Houston on Saturday, December 9, 2023, in our beloved Bayou City.

On the surface, it appears that their Houstonians are choosing between two Democrats in the upcoming Saturday, December 9, 2023, in the runoff race for Mayor of Houston, Texas between State Senator John Whitmire, and that crooked-crown-wearing woman. However, this is simply not the case.
Do you realize that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee still hasn’t apologized to the intern whom she fired after the intern was allegedly rapped in Washington, D.C., a few years ago? Nor has Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee expressed any remorse after she learned that her absentee mail ballot harvesters stole the identities of “DEAD BLACK VOTERS” and committed federal mail fraud while working for her reelection bid back during the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary Election.
Most recently, the man who was body-shamed, berated, and humiliated by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee who according to initial reports had taken his own life, may have been murdered. However, we won't know for sure until the police complete their criminal investigation into the untimely death of Jerome Brooks, over in Austin, Texas.
If you remember, Jerome Brooks is the staffer Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was talking about in the audio when she said, "Okay. So when I called Jerome, he only sitting up there like a fat ass stupid idiot talking about, uh, what the fuck? He doesn't know. Okay? Both of y'all are fuck ups [inaudible]. It's the worst shit that I could have ever had put together. Two goddamn big-ass children fucking idiots serve no goddamn purpose. Ain't managing nobody. Nobody's respecting them. Nobody gives a shit about what you're doing and you ain't doing shit. And this is an example of it. I gave it to Jerome. This is not child's work."
When is enough going to be enough?
On Saturday, December 5, 2023, I am imploring my "DEMOCRATIC FRIENDS" and "REPUBLICAN FRIENDS" to put their political differences aside for one day and join me in my effort to "STOP SHE-JACK" in her tracks, at the ballot box.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Please do your research on "THE RUNOFF CANDIDATES" and arm yourself to make an informed decision on Saturday, December 9, 2023, if you do not vote early.