Mike Knox, a 2015 Candidate Running for Houston City Council At-Large Position 1 Joins Houston Astros Legend Lance Berkman in Opposing Proposition 1 - The Bathroom Ordinance

When one person exercises a perceived right and it costs or diminishes someone else's rights it is not a right; but rather a special privilege. We all have a right to privacy -- even in public places. A person of the opposite sex, who enters a restroom, locker room or public shower is demanding that the person whom the facility is intended must either abandon their right to privacy or be forced to deny themselves the use of that public accommodation.
This places the opposite sex person in the position of a superior right and subordinates the right of the other person.
Proposition 1 is not about "equal rights", it is about establishing a special privilege for a small few which carries the force of law and seeks to punish any one who might want to exorcise their right to privacy.
Lance Berkman is correct. This is a bad law which places many at risk. More importantly, it seeks to establish a superior "right" for a few at the expense of the many.
Let's all tell the mayor Houstonians are for Equal Rights; but we are against Special Privilege!
Vote NO on Proposition 1

William “Mike” Knox
2015 Candidate for Houston City Council
At-Large Position #1

Contact the Mike Knox for Houston City Council At-Large Position #1 Campaign to get your yard sign today. Call Mike's campaign headquarters at 713.973.6992 to get your sign! The race for Houston City Council At-Large Position #1 is a citywide race.
Mike Knox is a native Houstonian. He married his high school sweetheart in 1977 and they have raised one son; who now serves the city as a Houston Police Officer. Mike Knox obtained an Associate of Arts degree from the Houston Community College and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Houston – Downtown while working as a Houston Police Officer.
Mike has a long history of honorable public service.
Mike Knox is a veteran who served in the United States Air Force and served over 15 years as a Houston Police Officer. Mike was one of two officers responsible for the creation of the Houston Police Department’s first divisional gang unit in 1988 and helped create and served on the original board of directors for the Texas Gang Investigators Association.
Mike authored a book entitled Gangsta in the House; Understanding Gang Culture, which was published in 1995. This book added to the knowledge base on gang culture and was recognized in 2001 by the National Gang Research Center who awarded it the prestigious “Thrasher” award.
Mike served his fellow officers as a Board Member of the Houston Police Patrolmen’s Union and chaired the HPPU Political Action Committee. In addition, he served as editor of the “Sentinel” (HPPU) monthly newsletter.
Shortly after publishing his book in 1995, Mike began a consulting business focused on helping law enforcement, schools districts, and communities understand and deal with street gangs and violent youthful offenders.
Mike Knox has served his community as a board member of the Spring Branch Education Foundation and was among the original funders of the Spring Branch ISD “Fund for the Future” endowment. He contributed to the creation of the Spring Branch Good Neighbor program.
Mike was recruited in 2007 to help the Spring Branch Management District develop the Public Safety component of its service plan and worked as their Director of Community Service for three years.
For the past seven years Mike Knox has served as the President of the Yupon Estates Homeowners Association.
Mike has a deep interest and investment in Houston and believes Houston City Council deserves a dedicated servant.
Budgetary Issues
Like many cities in the United States, Houston is facing increasing financial pressure as the result of debt spending. A large percentage of our generated revenues are currently being used to service debt acquired to pay for projects and programs purchased on credit (bonds). There are no easy or quick solutions but I am committed to working toward a balanced budget and a debt free city.
I would like to see Houston change its budgetary process away from its current habit of using “projected” revenue and move toward a zero based budget process.
The projected revenue model, currently used by the City, relies on anticipating increases in sales tax and property tax increases, which may or may not actually occur, and then uses this “guestimation” to determine the amount of available revenue on which to base the coming year’s budget. A zero based budget process relies on proven revenue from the previous year. The zero based budget process also requires each department within the city to start with zero dollars and justify the need for each dollar requested. Should the city realizes a growth in revenues the excess revenue would be available for payment on debt principal, or restored to the general budget for use in the next year’s budget cycle.
Employee Pensions
We have made promises in the past to our retired and current city employees. We must fulfill those promises.
However, in the future, we may have the opportunity to control much of the future debt, from unfunded liability associated with city pension funds, by using a private sector model of retirement programs for future employees. These type programs are very popular and productive in the private sector.
One option that I would entertain is the movement of the city away from defined benefits packages for employees toward a self directed defined contribution retirement program, similar to a 401K type of plan. This type of plan would place the employees in control of their own retirement and would be entirely portable for the employee. This type of program would effectively limit the city to a financial contribution of known quantity that could be easily budgeted.
The ability to safely and quickly travel from one place to another is vital to the growth of any city. Houston is no exception. Without doubt we need to work on our transportation issues. While I do believe in exploring the possibilities I am, at present, opposed to light rail for Houston. I am not aware of any plan utilizing light rail that does not require a large commitment to subsidize the endeavor with tax dollars. Further, the location of large employment centers at great distances from one another presents challenges that I think could better be solved, in the short term, with increases in bus routes and bus frequencies, perhaps utilizing smaller buses operated on cleaner burning natural gas instead of diesel or gasoline.
Roads and drainage are a definite priority for Houston. I intend to work very hard to bring our roads up to the standard of the fourth largest city in America. With the likely collapse of the drainage fee looming on the horizon as the result of ongoing litigation, members of council are going to be busy figuring out new ways to deal with these critical issues.
The current ReBuild Houston program requires four funding sources.
The first of these is a .0118 per 1000 dollar dedication of funds from property taxes targeted specifically for road and drainage purposes. These funds come out of your property taxes and is an appropriate use of those funds.
The second is a recapture of certain funds from other taxing authorities, like TDOT, Metro, etc…, and is the return to Houston of taxes we are already paying. Again, this seems appropriate to me.
The third source is a developer fee. This fee applies to builders and developers who increase the impermeable service of land to build a residential or commercial building on a piece of property. This seems reasonable as those who create additional runoff should participate in the remediation of the runoff they create.
The fourth source is the user fee. This is the objectionable part of the program often referred to as the “Rain Tax”. The purpose for this fee appears to me to be a quick way to obtain startup capital to begin the process of transitioning from the CIP model to the ReBuild Houston model. This fee appears to me to be “priming the pump”. However there is no sunset on this fee and it amounts to, in my mind, an additional tax. This places the tax payer in the position of funding ¾ of the entire project. I believe this fee, if the whole thing is not rejected by a court, should be eliminated.
Without the user fee, it will take much longer to complete the entire process of repairing or replacing our entire infrastructure but I believe it is a sustainable program which in the course of time will produce beneficial results. Our property and sales taxes are correctly used for the purpose of providing city services and infrastructure. Had our past city leaders taken this issue seriously and dedicated a small percentage of these tax funds to infrastructure and drainage repair and replacement, instead of raiding these funds for other programs and expenses, we would not have this issue to discuss today.
Unfortunately, our current mayor has played fast and loose with the funds generated by ReBuild Houston and has produced a convoluted and complicated process to determine which projects need attention first. Monies from existing CIP projects appear to have been pulled and replaced with ReBuild Houston funds which creates, in the minds of many, a sense of impropriety in use of these “dedicated funds.” Instead of adding to the list of projects to reduce drainage or improve our streets the Rebuild Houston funds seem to have been used to replace existing project funding, freeing those dedicated project funds to be placed back into the general funds account and used for other purposes.
Public Safety
Crime is a concern in every community in Houston. Much of our crime problems are connected to the lack of adequate numbers of police personnel. Our Fire Department likewise has a need for better equipment and resources.
Recognizing we are not likely to be able to substantially increase the number of officers in the near term, I plan to work with HPD to explore advanced and technological options for responding to crime. I believe technologies can be used to enhance and multiply the presence of the officers we do have.
Our Fire Department is in dire need of new and technologically advance apparatus and equipment. We need to make sure our Firefighters have the best and most advanced tools and equipment to combat fires and to respond to medical emergencies.
Delivery of City Services
I am looking forward to the opportunity to help my neighbors get their monies worth from the services provided by the city.
I recognize that, as your elected representative, you are my employer. I am your employee. I pledge to make myself available, to the best of my ability, to every resident of Houston.
Proposition 1 (Houston Equal Rights Ordinance)
I am opposed to this proposition because I see many fundamental flaws with its wording, logic, and enforcement provisions.
There are many examples throughout the ordinance which places undue burdens on local businesses, employers, and customers.
This ordinance, in my opinion, unnecessarily expands the scope, size, and cost of government. It places our local business owners in an untenable position, exposed to either civil or criminal penalties, and requires customers to forfeit the expectation of privacy in certain areas of public accommodation.
I believe this ordinance to be poorly reasoned, written, and executed and I am therefore opposed to its passage.
Vote NO on Proposition 1.

William “Mike” Knox
2015 Candidate for Houston City Council
At-Large Position #1

Visit harrisvotes.com for early voting locations. Other candidates also running for Houston City Council At-Large Position #1 in the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election are: Griff Griffin, Tom McCasland, Jenifer Rene Pool, Georgia Provost, Chris Oliver, Lane Lewis and James Partsch-Galvan. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Election Day is on Tuesday, November 3, 2015.

Bishop K.J. Brown Delivers a Direct Word from God to the Christian Community of Faith
I am talking to all Apostles, Bishops, Prophets, Prophetess, Evangelists, Pastors, Bible Teachers, Preachers, Ministers and Christian Disciples: The community of faith has allowed the world to redefine so much of what God has designed, that apostasy (the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief) has been allowed to grow through blatant misinterpretation of scripture, outright deception, and the infiltration of false leaders into the Body of Christ. GOD’S SPIRIT SAID: “We established marriage to be holy between man and women. Man has changed the definition of what “WE” designated; therefore great apostasy has grown due to the world’s influence of “MY” people. “MY” people should be the light of this world; but too many of “MY” people are walking in darkness -- yet they are convinced that they’re walking in the light.” -- Thus said the Spirit of God.
In His Service and for His Glory,
Bishop K.J. Brown
Bishop K.J. Brown Ministries
Email: bishopkjbrown@gmail.com

Annise Parker (pictured with her wife) is currently serving her third and final term as Mayor of Houston, Texas – due to term limits. Mayor Parker voted to “PASS AND APPROVE” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. She also voted to put the HERO Ordinance before the voters of Houston in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 General Election as “PROPOSITION 1” rather than repeal it when she was given the opportunity to do so. NOTE: The candidates running for Mayor of Houston in 2015 are: Chris Bell, Stephen Costello, Joseph John Ferreira, Adrian Garcia, Benjamin L. Hall III, Bill King, Victoria Lane, Marty McVey, Rafael Munoz Jr., Thai Hoc Nguyen, Demetria Smith, Dale Steffes, and Sylvester Turner. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Mayor Annise D. Parker on why Houstonians should vote "YES" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!

Ronald C. Green is currently serving his third and final term as City of Houston Controller – due to term limits. He did not vote on the passage of the HERO Ordinance. NOTE: The candidates running for City of Houston Controller in 2015 are: Carroll G. Robinson, Bill Frazer, Chris Brown, M.J. Khan, Jew Don Boney, and Dwight Jefferson. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Controller Ronald C. Green on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!

Stephen Costello is currently running for Mayor of Houston, Texas. He is also serving as the Houston City Council At-Large Position #1 Council Member. Costello voted to “PASS AND APPROVE” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. He also voted to put the HERO Ordinance before the voters of Houston in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 General Election as “PROPOSITION 1” rather than repeal it when he was given the opportunity to do so. NOTE: The candidates running for the Houston City Council At-Large Position #1 seat are: Michael “Griff”Griffin, William M. “Mike” Knox, Lane Lewis, Tom McCasland, Chris Oliver, James Partsch-Galvan, Jenifer Pool, and Georgia Provost. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member Stephen Costello on why Houstonians should vote "YES" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


David W. Robinson is currently the incumbent Houston City Council Member representing At-Large Position #2 on the city council. Robinson is running for re-election. He voted to “PASS AND APPROVE” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. He also voted to put the HERO Ordinance before the voters of Houston in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 General Election as “PROPOSITION 1” rather than repeal it when he was given the opportunity to do so. NOTE: The candidates running for the Houston City Council At-Large Position #2 seat are: Andrew C. Burks Jr., Willie Davis, Eric Dick, Modesto Rivera-Colon, and David W. Robinson. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Don’t forget to vote!. Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member David W. Robinson on why Houstonians should vote "YES" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


Michael Kubosh is currently the incumbent Houston City Council Member representing At-Large Position #3 on the city council. He is also running for re-election. Kubosh voted “AGAINST” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. He also voted to “REPEAL” the HERO Ordinance rather than place it on the November ballot to let Houston voters decide its fate. NOTE: Council Member Michael Kubosh is now being challenged by John C.B. LaRue, Joseph McElligott, and Doug Peterson for his council seat. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member Michael Kubosh on why Houstonians should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


C.O. “Brad” Bradford is currently serving his third and final term as the Houston City Council At-Large Position #4 councilman – due to term limits. Bradford voted to “PASS AND APPROVE” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. He also voted to put the HERO Ordinance before the voters of Houston in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 General Election as “PROPOSITION 1” rather than repeal it when he was given the opportunity to do so. NOTE: The candidates running for Houston City Council At-Large Position #4 are: Larry Blackmon, Amanda Edwards, Jonathan Hansen, Roy Morales, Matt Murphy, Laurie A. Robinson, and Evelyn Husband Thompson. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member C.O. "Brad" Bradford on why Houstonians should vote "YES" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


Dr. Jack Christie is currently the incumbent Houston City Council Member representing At-Large Position #5 on the city council. He is running for re-election. Dr. Christie voted “AGAINST” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. He also voted to “REPEAL” the HERO Ordinance rather than place it on the November ballot to let Houston voters decide its fate. NOTE: Council Member Jack Christie is now being challenged by Brad J. Batteau, Tahir H. Charles, Sharon Moses, and Phillipe Nassif for his council seat. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member Jack Christie on why Houstonians should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


Brenda Stardig is currently the incumbent Houston City Council Member representing District A on the city council. She is running for re-election. Stardig voted “AGAINST” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. She also voted to “REPEAL” the HERO Ordinance rather than place it on the November ballot to let Houston voters decide its fate. NOTE: Council Member Brenda Stardig is now being challenged by Iesheia K. Ayers-Wilson for her council seat. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member Brenda Stardig on why Houstonians should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


Jerry Davis (pictured with his wife) is currently the incumbent Houston City Council Member representing District B on the city council. He is running for re-election. Davis voted to “PASS AND APPROVE” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. He also voted to put the HERO Ordinance before the voters of Houston in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 General Election as “PROPOSITION 1” rather than repeal it when he was given the opportunity to do so. NOTE: Council Member Jerry Davis is now being challenged by Vincent Ferguson Duncan, Isaac Mayhorn, Kenneth Perkins, and Ben White Jr. for his council seat. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member Jerry Davis on why Houstonians should vote "YES" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


Ellen Cohen is currently the incumbent Houston City Council Member representing District C on the city council. She is running for re-election. Cohen voted to “PASS AND APPROVE” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. She also voted to put the HERO Ordinance before the voters of Houston in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 General Election as “PROPOSITION 1” rather than repeal it when she was given the opportunity to do so. NOTE: Council Member Ellen Cohen is now being challenged by Carlton Jarvis and Michael McDonald for her council seat. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member Ellen Cohen on why Houstonians should vote "YES" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


Dwight Boykins is currently the incumbent Houston City Council Member representing District D on the city council. He is running for re-election unopposed. Boykins voted “AGAINST” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. However, rather than vote to “REPEAL” the controversial HERO Ordinance he decided that it was in the best interest of his constituents for him to let the voters decide its fate in November. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member Dwight Boykins on how Houstonians should vote on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


Dave Martin is currently the incumbent Houston City Council Member representing District E on the city council. He is running for re-election unopposed. Martin voted “AGAINST” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. He also voted to “REPEAL” the HERO Ordinance rather than place it on the November ballot to let Houston voters decide its fate. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member Dave Martin on why Houstonians should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


Richard Nguyen is currently the incumbent Houston City Council Member representing District F on the city council. He is running for re-election. Nguyen voted to “PASS AND APPROVE” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. He also voted to put the HERO Ordinance before the voters of Houston in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 General Election as “PROPOSITION 1” rather than repeal it when he was given the opportunity to do so. NOTE: Council Member Richard Nguyen is now being challenged by Dr. Kendall L. Baker and Dr. Steve Le for his council seat. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member Richard Nguyen on why Houstonians should vote "YES" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


Oliver Pennington is currently serving his third and final term as the Houston City Council District G councilman – due to term limits. Pennington voted “AGAINST” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. He also voted to “REPEAL” the HERO Ordinance rather than place it on the November ballot to let Houston voters decide its fate. *Initially Pennington decided to run for Mayor of Houston, but changed his mind due to the illness of his wife. NOTE: The candidates running for Houston City Council District G seat are: Sandie Mullins Moger and Greg Travis. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member Oliver Pennington on why Houstonians should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


Ed Gonzalez is currently serving his third and final term as the Houston City Council District H councilman – due to term limits. Gonzalez voted to “PASS AND APPROVE” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. He also voted to put the HERO Ordinance before the voters of Houston in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 General Election as “PROPOSITION 1” rather than repeal it when he was given the opportunity to do so. NOTE: The candidates running for Houston City Council District H are: Roland M. Chavez, Karla Cisneros, Jason Cisneroz, and Abel Davila. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member Ed Gonzalez on why Houstonians should vote "YES" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


Robert Gallegos is currently the incumbent Houston City Council Member representing District I on the city council. He is running for re-election. Gallegos voted to “PASS AND APPROVE” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. He also voted to put the HERO Ordinance before the voters of Houston in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 General Election as “PROPOSITION 1” rather than repeal it when he was given the opportunity to do so. NOTE: Council Member Robert Gallegos is now being challenged by Herlinda Garcia for his council seat. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member Robert Gallegos on why Houstonians should vote "YES" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


Mike Laster is currently the incumbent Houston City Council Member representing District J on the city council. He is running for re-election. Laster voted to “PASS AND APPROVE” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. He also voted to put the HERO Ordinance before the voters of Houston in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 General Election as “PROPOSITION 1” rather than repeal it when he was given the opportunity to do so. NOTE: Council Member Mike Laster is now being challenged by Manuel C. Barrera and James G. Bigham for his council seat. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015 and ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member Mike Laster on why Houstonians should vote "YES" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!


Larry Green is currently the incumbent Houston City Council Member representing District K on the city council. He is running for re-election unopposed. Green voted to “PASS AND APPROVE” the HERO Ordinance back on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. He also voted to put the HERO Ordinance before the voters of Houston in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 General Election as “PROPOSITION 1” rather than repeal it when he was given the opportunity to do so. Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Don’t forget to vote! Please note that we do not have a message from Council Member Stephen Costello on why Houstonians should vote "YES" on Proposition 1 -- THE HERO ORDINANCE. However, you can (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL MESSAGE" from Pastor Kendall L. Baker on why you should vote "NO" on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. You are also strongly encouraged to (CLICK HERE) for a "SPECIAL REPORT" by FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan on Proposition 1 - THE HERO ORDINANCE. This particular report discusses how other Texas cities with equal rights ordinances have stopped short of granting transgender folks full access to the bathroom of their choice. Don't forget that every vote counts!!!

Election Day is on Tuesday, November 3, 2015. You must vote at your designated voting location on Tuesday, November 3, 2015. You may want to visit the Harris County Clerk’s website if you are not sure where to vote on Election Day. (CLICK HERE) to find your polling place.

Demetria Smith
Ben Hall
Victoria Lane
Sylvester Turner
Adrian Garcia
Bill King
Rafael Munoz
Marty McVey
Steve Costello
Joe Ferreira
Hoc Thai Nguyen
Chris Bell
Dale Steffes

M.J. Khan
Chris Brown
Bill Frazer
Jew Don Boney
Dwight Jefferson
Carroll Robinson

Brenda Stardig
Iesheia Ayers-Wilson

Jerry Davis
Ben White Jr.
Vince Duncan
Isaac Mayhorn
Kenneth “K.P.” Perkins

Carl Jarvis
Ellen Cohen
Michael McDonald

Dwight Boykins
*Running Unopposed

Steve Le
Kendall Baker
Richard Nguyen
Richard Nguyen

Greg Travis
Sandie Mullins Moger

Jason Cisneroz
Abel Davila
Karla Cisneros
Roland Chavez

Herlinda Garcia
Robert Gallegos

Dung Le
Jim Bigham
Mike Laster
Manny Barrera

Larry Green
*Running Unopposed

Griff Griffin
Tom McCasland
Jenifer Rene Pool
Georgia Provost
Chris Oliver
Mike Knox
Lane Lewis
James Partsch-Galvan

David Robinson
Moe Rivera
Eric Dick
Willie Davis
Andrew Burks

Michael Kubosh
John C.B. LaRue
Joseph McElligott
Doug Peterson

Amanda Edwards
Jonathan Hansen
Larry Blackmon
Evelyn Husband Thompson
Matt Murphy
Roy Morales

J. Brad Batteau
Jack Christie
Philippe Nassif
Sharon Moses
Tahir Charles
*Publishing of this "BLOG POST" was made possible in part by Kendall Baker a 2015 Candidate for Houston City Council District F in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.


Hello, my name is Kendall L. Baker, a native Houstonian, originally from the northeast side. I am a candidate for City Council District F in the 2015 City of Houston elections. First and foremost, I love my city; particularly District F, where I've resided for nearly 25 years and where I’ve pastored a church for over 10 years now. I was employed with the City of Houston for almost 29 years servicing citizens directly in 911 Emergency, Public Works and Engineering, Consumer Affairs Division and as Division Manager of the new improved 311 Help and Information Center. My excellent performance ratings and perfect attendance gave me the ability to see inside the core of what makes the City of Houston work and what doesn’t. Unfortunately, one thing I know for sure is that most of District F (Alief, Tanglewilde, Royal Oaks, Weshchase, Westwood, Briar Meadow, etc.) residents are underrepresented. Why? I'm glad you asked.
District F needs and deserves a candidate who can effectively communicate the needs of the entire district. My experience has equipped me to know every inch of District F extremely well, as well as the entire city. My motto is, "No constituent left behind!" My first task is to make sure our police department has adequate resources and personnel to provide better security in District F. Public safety overall includes improving the infrastructure by making sure roads are safe, by addressing our enormous pothole problem and broken streets. District F streets are broken in part by the underlying deteriorating water and sewer lines. I vow to immediately correct and improve these conditions as your next Councilman.
Second, I stand for “equality” but not “special rights!” Our current Mayor, Annise Parker, is calling for Equal Rights which are in fact particularly and especially designed, aimed, and intended for the LGBT community who wants to implement policy that will threaten religious freedom and criminalize those who stand for the protection of women and children. This ordinance gives men access to women's restrooms and other public accommodations. As your Councilman I'm against this type of ordinance and I will protect religious freedom, family values, women, children and citizens in general.
Third, the key to any city’s financial security is economic development that will attract and incentivize corporations to relocate to Houston and provide more jobs! I pledge to ensure that we do that; especially improving economic development, increasing jobs, building better infrastructure in District F!
Fourth, our city must keep a disciplined fiscal accountability, bringing all debt under control, including the infamous pension fund; controlling unnecessary spending, and ceasing the present Administration’s “kick the debt down the road” mentality. This includes revisiting how we allocate funding to districts based on the actual prioritized needs of districts, not “under the table bargaining” to get a favor from the Mayor. This is why I will also support a Charter change that will allow council members to place items on the agenda, not just the mayor only. In addition, I will address other divisive issues including but not limited to the drainage fee and the feeding ordinance. I will protect, promote, advance, and fight for District F!
Houston, it's time for us to be reunited again and this can be made possible by your vote this November. Please vote for Dr. Kendall L. Baker for District F because I truly care about Houston!
Dr. Kendall L. Baker for City Council District F. Offers a refreshing change by an experienced candidate for all of District F. Call 832-858-4831 or email us at kendall.baker@sbcglobal.net. The message above from Pastor Kendall L. Baker is a political ad paid for by Kendall L. Baker Campaign, Tim Taft, Treasurer.

The focus of Houston Business Connections Newspaper from now through Tuesday, November 3, 2015 is being placed on voter education, engagement and empowerment heading into the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Elections. Early voting begins on Monday, October 19, 2015. Call (832)212-8735 for more information. Or you may email the publisher at: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com to discuss your inclusion.

VOTER EDUCATION GUIDE: "All Houston voters are strongly encouraged to read this '2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election Voter Education Guide' before going to the polls to vote in Houston's 2015 General Election," says Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper.

The edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper pictured above is "Part Three" of the "Four Part" -- "Town Hall Meeting Series" published inside Houston Business Connections Newspaper by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. Call (832)212-8735 for more information.

The edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper pictured above is "Part Two" of the "Four Part" -- "Town Hall Meeting Series" published inside Houston Business Connections Newspaper by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. Call (832)212-8735 for more information.

The edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper pictured above is "Part One" of the "Four Part" -- "Town Hall Meeting Series" published inside Houston Business Connections Newspaper by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. Call (832)212-8735 for more information.

Are you confused on matters pertaining to the HERO Ordinance? Well, you are strongly encouraged to read the ordinance for yourself before going to the polls to vote. You can (CLICK HERE) to read the ordinance for yourself. "Voting is a personal decision that every voter should make from an empowered position. The 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election will be perhaps one of the most important elections that have taken place in the last 50 years. So to this end, please research and study the candidates and issues before going to the polls. Early voting will be taking place from Monday, October 19, 2015 through Friday, October 30, 2015. Election Day is on Tuesday, November 3, 2015," Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper -- You are welcome to call (832)212-8735 to discuss your inclusion.

The opinions expressed by Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper in this "BLOG POST" do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications; or supporters, sponsors, advertisers, friends, associates, or anyone else associated directly or indirectly to Aubrey R. Taylor Communications.