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Black Activists Suggest People Assess Extent of Their Freedom
Washington, D.C. - On "Juneteenth," the oldest and most-recognized observance of the demise of slavery in the United States, members of the
Project 21 black leadership network are suggesting that black Americans make a personal assessment of how much freedom they actually enjoy these days and how they may be able to expand upon that freedom in the future through limits on government expansion.
Juneteenth, an official holiday or observance in at least 40 states, is on June 19.
"For what began as a celebration of black Americans' release from chattel slavery, Juneteenth is important to remember today because all Americans forget at their peril that freedom doesn't come for free," said Project 21's
Stacy Swimp, a frequent speaker at and sponsor of past Juneteenth celebrations in Michigan. "More than 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Abraham Lincoln, slavery still exists in America today in the form of too many Americans who suffer from a social, moral, economic and spiritual bondage springing forth from expanding government and entitlements and offers of false salvation. This new slavery robs people of their God-given and constitutionally-protected freedoms, and Juneteenth should be a time to reflect on this crisis and begin to take that freedom back."
Juneteenth commemorates the anniversary of the arrival of Union troops in Galveston, Texas on June 19, 1865. Those soldiers informed residents in the area that the Civil War was over and that President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation had already abolished slavery two-and-a-half years earlier.
Galveston's former slave population began celebrating their freedom on the anniversary of this day in an event that became known as Juneteenth. The commemoration became a stabilizing and motivating presence among black Texans experiencing new uncertainties associated with their newfound freedom and their full integration into American society.
The observance of Juneteenth and the event's emphasis on self-improvement and advancement soon spread from Texas to be recognized in communities across the United States.
While Juneteenth is often celebrated with festive events such as picnics and parades, there is still an emphasis on self-improvement and education that is considered an integral part of the observance.
"As a child growing up in Fulshear, Texas, Juneteenth was always a festive day to remember the good news received in nearby Galveston in 1865. It was the opportunity to make good on the dreams of freedom envisioned by newly-freed slaves. I was always told to remember the sacrifices of those who came before me," said Project 21's
Carl Pittman. "It is unfortunate, however, that many blacks simply moved from one plantation to another over 149 years. An entitlement mentality has removed the sense of pride that was once so dominant in the black community. Government expands to keep up with the growing demand for entitlements, essentially becoming a new slavemaster by providing free health care, food, cell phones, housing and more. Too many blacks over the generations have become so dependent they cannot leave this new plantation, and thus they will continue to support an ideology that will eventually and undoubtedly fail them."
At a time when there is widespread concern over the size and scope of government and its intrusion into daily life and peoples' privacy, members of Project 21 suggest that this year's observance include extra attention to how freedom may be at risk and what people can do, by themselves or working with others, to reform government policies that limit their freedom.
"At a time when there is widespread concern over the size and scope of government and its intrusion into our daily lives, I suggest this year's observance include extra attention to how we as a people are truly free," said Project 21's
Gregory Parker, a former county commissioner in Comal County, Texas.
In 2014, Project 21 members have been interviewed or cited by the media over 800 times -- including TVOne, the Philadelphia Inquirer, Fox News Channel, Westwood One, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, SiriusXM satellite radio and 50,000-watt talk radio stations such as WBZ-Boston and KDKA-Pittsburgh -- on issues that include civil rights, entitlement programs, the economy, race preferences, education and corporate social responsibility. Project 21 has participated in cases before the U.S. Supreme Court regarding race preferences and voting rights and defended voter ID laws at the United Nations. Its volunteer members come from all walks of life and are not salaried political professionals.
Project 21, a leading voice of black conservatives for nearly two decades, is sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research (
Contributions to the National Center are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated.
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Celebrating Our Freedom as Americans - This is a message from
Bishop K.J. Brown, and his wife Priscilla on what freedom means, and how we should celebrate the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. Bishop K.J. Brown Ministries is one of the "FEATURED SPONSORS" of the
Houston Business Connections Magazine "Celebrating Freedom" series June 2014 - January 2015.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "We are currently looking for "THOUGHT LEADERS" as we seek to grow our reader base and become even more diverse and inclusive. Below is our editorial calendar for June 2014 through January 2015. Call us at (832)212-8735 or (832)894-1352 to discuss your inclusion as a "THOUGHT LEADER" or to simply discover solutions to your branding, promotional, advertising, event coverage, press release or marketing needs for 2014."
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Voting God's Way - A message from
Dr. Tony Evans on how Believer's should be voting to elect leaders who best reflect the values of the Kingdom of God.
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The number of registered voters in Harris County is estimated at 1,992,969 according to the Harris County Clerk. Here's a look at how candidates in Harris County have performed in elections from 1992 to present.
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The Republican Party candidates for President and Governor won Harris County in all the following elections: 2004, 2002, 2000, 1998, 1996, 1994, and 1992. Currently, Texas voters have entrusted Republicans with the stewardship of every statewide elected office and majorities in the state senate, state house and on the state board of education. Republicans currently have majorities in 107 Texas counties that contain nearly two-thirds of the state’s population.
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Back in the 2006 Midterm Election, Rick
Perry (Republican) won Harris County by receiving 36.50% or 215,150 votes over Chris Bell (Democrat) who received 34.46% or 203,102 votes. NOTE: Only 12,048 votes was the difference between Rick Perry and Chris Bell in the 2006 Midterm Election in Harris County. The total voter turnout for Harris County was 589,348 back in the 2006 Midterm Election.
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Back in the 2008 Presidential Election, Barack Obama and Joe Biden (Democrats) won Harris County by receiving 50.44% or 590,982 votes over John McCain and Sarah Palin (Republicans) who received 48.81% or 571,883 votes. NOTE: Only 19,099 votes was the difference between the Democratic turnout and Republican turnout in the 2008 Presidential Election in Harris County. The total voter turnout for Harris County was 1,171,472 back in the 2008 Presidential Election.
# # # #
Back in the 2010 Midterm Election, Bill White (Democrat) won Harris County by receiving 50.23% or 395,952 votes over Rick Perry (Republican) who received 48.14% or 379,516 votes. NOTE: Only 16,436 votes was the difference between Bill White and Rick Perry in the 2010 Midterm Election in Harris County. The total voter turnout for Harris County was 788,234 back in the 2010 Midterm Election.
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Back in the 2012 Presidential Election, Barack Obama and Joe Biden (Democrats) won Harris County by receiving 49.39% or 587,044 votes over Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan (Republicans) who received 49.30% or 586,073 votes. NOTE: Only 971 votes was the difference between the Democratic turnout and Republican turnout in the 2012 Presidential Election in Harris County. The total voter turnout for Harris County was: 1,188,585 back in the 2012 Presidential Election.
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Back on Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Democratic and Republican voters went to the polls in Harris County to nominate the candidates to represent their party in the November Midterm Elections.
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Only 7.01% or 139,703 of the more than 1,992,969 registered voters in Harris County turned out to vote in the March 4, 2014 Republican Primary for Harris County.
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Only 2.70% or 53,788 of the more than 1,992,969 registered voters in Harris County turned out to vote in the March 4, 2014 Democratic Primary for Harris County.
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Only 4.86% or 96,763 of the more than 1,992,969 registered voters in Harris County turned out to vote in the May 27, 2014 Republican Party Runoff Election.
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Only 0.94% or 18,828 of the more than 1,992,969 registered voters in Harris County turned out to vote in the May 27, 2014 Democratic Party Runoff Election.
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On Tuesday, November 4, 2014 voters all across the United States of America will be going to the polls. The information below is intended to inform and empower voters in the Harris County area to make an informed voting decision in the 2014 Midterm Election on Election Day.
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*The races below with a green check mark have at least one candidate seeking the vote of Harris County area voters in the Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Midterm Election in Harris County Texas.
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U. S. Senator
Ted Poe, Republican VS.
Niko Letsos, Democrat --
*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for the 2nd Congressional District of Texas at this time. Cecil Anthony Ince is a Libertarian candidate also running for United States Congress for District 2.
United States Representative District 7
John Culberson, Republican VS.
James Cargas, Democrat --
*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for the 7th Congressional District of Texas at this time.Gerald Fowler is a Libertarian candidate also running for United States Congress for District 7.
United States Representative District 8
Kevin Brady, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for United States Congress for the 8th Congressional District of Texas. Ken Petty is a Libertarian candidate also running for United State Congress for District 8.
MESSAGE FROM CONGRESSMAN BRADY! "Our country is headed in the wrong direction. I'm worried our children and grandchildren won't have the same opportunities we have. I'm a pro-family, pro-small business conservative. I'm fighting for free enterprise, limited government, a balanced budget, secure border, more American-made energy and an innovation economy that leads the world."
United States Representative District 9
Al Green, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for United States Congress for the 9th Congressional District of Texas. Johnny Johnson is a Libertarian candidate also running for United States Congress for District 9.
United States Representative District 10
United States Representative District 14
Randy Weber, Republican VS.
David Brown, Democrat, and
John Weider, the Libertarian candidate. This is one of our featured races taking place outside of Harris County, Texas. --
*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for the 14th Congressional District of Texas at this time.
United States Representative District 18
Sean Seibert, Republican VS.
Sheila Jackson Lee, Democrat --
*Sean Seibert (R) is the only candidate seeking your vote in the race for the 18th Congressional District of Texas at this time.
MESSAGE FROM SEAN SEIBERT: "My fellow Houstonians of District 18. I am seeking your support to be your reasonable voice in Congress. I will champion the causes that are important to you, my constituents. I’m listening to you, I will take your concerns forward, and I will fight for the causes that best serve you. I appreciate your support to become your advocate and leader in Washington."
United States Representative District 22
Pete Olson, Republican VS.
Frank Briscoe, Democrat --
*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for the 22nd Congressional District of Texas at this time. Rob Lapham is a Libertarian candidate also running for United States Representative for District 22.
United States Representative District 29
Gene Green, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for United States Congress for the 29th Congressional District of Texas. James Stanczak is a Libertarian candidate also running for United State Representative for District 29.
United States Representative District 36
Brian Babin, Republican VS.
Michael K. Cole, Democrat --
*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for the 36th Congressional District of Texas at this time.Rodney Veach is a Libertarian candidate also running for United States Representative for District 36.
Governor of Texas
Greg Abbott, Republican VS.
Wendy R. Davis, Democrat --
*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for Governor of Texas at this time. Kathie Glass is a Libertarian candidate also running for Governor of Texas in the 2014 Midterm Election.
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A Story of Perseverance - Meet
Greg Abbott the Republican choice for governor of Texas in the Tuesday. November 4, 2014 Midterm Election in Texas.
Click here to learn more about
Greg Abbott. A husband and father,
Greg Abbott understands the importance of preserving Constitutional, traditional values – like faith, family and freedom for future generations. That’s why as the state’s chief law enforcement official, Abbott has made protecting children, families and values the focus of his administration.
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A Texas Story - Meet
Wendy Davis the Democratic choice for governor of Texas in the Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Midterm Election in Texas.
Click here to learn more about
Wendy Davis. Like any true Texan,
Wendy Davis has taken on her share of tough fights. Raised by a single mother, Wendy began working after school at age 14 to help support her mom and three siblings. By 19, she was on her way to becoming a single mother, working two jobs just to make ends meet.
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Lieutenant Governor
Attorney General
Ken Paxton, Republican VS.
Sam Houston, Democrat --
*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for Texas Attorney General at this time. Jamie Balagia is a Libertarian candidate also running for Attorney General of Texas.
Comptroller of Public Accounts
Commissioner of the General Land Office
George P. Bush, Republican VS.
John Cook, Democrat --
*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for Commissioner of the General Land Office at this time. Justin Knight is a Libertarian candidate also running for Commissioner of the General Land Office.
Commissioner of Agriculture
Railroad Commissioner
Chief Justice, Supreme Court
Nathan Hecht, Republican VS.
William Moody, Democrat --
*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for Chief Justice, Supreme Court at this time. Tom Oxford is a Libertarian Candidate also running for Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Texas.
Justice, Supreme Court, Place 6 (Unexpired)
Justice, Supreme Court, Place 7
Jeff Boyd, Republican VS.
Gina Benavides, Democrat --
*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 7 at this time. Don Fulton is a Libertarian candidate also running for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 7.
Justice, Supreme Court, Place 8
Phil Johnson, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 8 in Texas. Roberto Koelsch is a Libertarian candidate also running for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 8.
Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 3
Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 4
Kevin Patrick Yeary, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 4 in Texas. Quanah Parker is a Libertarian candidate also running for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 4.
Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 9
David Newell, Republican --
*No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm election for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 9. William Bryan Strange III is a Libertarian candidate also running for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 9.
Member, State Board of Education, District 4
State Senator, District 7
State Senator, District 15
Ron Hale, Republican VS.
John Whitmire, Democrat --
*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for State Senator, District 15 at this time. Gilberto Velasquez, Jr. is a Libertarian candidate also running for State Senator for District 15.
State Senator, District 17
Joan Huffman, Republican VS.
Rita Lucido, Democrat --
*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for State Senator, District 17 at this time. George Hardy is a Libertarian candidate also running for State Senator for District 17.
State Representative House District 126
Patricia Harless, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 126 in Texas. Chris Hernandez is a Libertarian candidate also running for State Representative for House District 126.
State Representative House District 127
Dan Huberty, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 127 in Texas.
State Representative House District 128
Wayne Smith, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 128 in Texas. Ken Lowder is a Libertarian candidate also running for State Representative for House District 128.
State Representative House District 129
State Representative House District 130
Allen Fletcher, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 130 in Texas.
State Representative House District 131
Alma A. Allen, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 131 in Texas.
State Representative House District 132
State Representative House District 133
State Representative House District 134
State Representative House District 135
State Representative House District 137
State Representative House District 138
State Representative House District 139
Sylvester Turner, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 139 in Texas.
State Representative House District 140
Armando Lucio Walle, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 140 in Texas.
State Representative House District 141
Senfronia Thompson, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 141 in Texas.
State Representative House District 142
Harold V. Dutton, Jr., Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 142 in Texas.
State Representative House District 143
Ana Hernandez, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 143 in Texas.
State Representative House District 144
State Representative House District 145
Carol Alvarado, Democrat *
No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 145 in Texas.
State Representative House District 146
Borris L. Miles, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 146 in Texas.
State Representative House District 147
Garnet F. Coleman, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 147 in Texas.
State Representative House District 148
State Representative House District 149
State Representative House District 150
Chief Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District
Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 3
Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 5
Laura Carter Higley, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 5 in Texas.
Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District,
Place 4 (Unexpired)
Marc Brown, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 4 (Unexpired) in Texas.
Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 7
District Judge, 55th Judicial District
District Judge, 113th Judicial District
District Judge, 157th Judicial District
District Judge, 180th Judicial District
District Judge, 182nd Judicial District
Jeannine Barr, Republican *
No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 182nd Judicial District in Harris County.
District Judge, 183rd Judicial District
Vanessa Velasquez, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 183rd Judicial District in Harris County.
District Judge, 184th Judicial District
District Judge, 185th Judicial District
District Judge, 189th Judicial District
Bill Burke, Republican VS.
Ursula A. Hall, Democrat --
*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for District Judge, 189th Judicial District at this time.
District Judge, 190th Judicial District
District Judge, 208th Judicial District
District Judge, 209th Judicial District
Mike McSpadden, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 209th Judicial District in Harris County.
District Judge, 228th Judicial District
Marc Carter, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 228th Judicial District in Harris County.
District Judge, 230th Judicial District
Brad Hart, Republican VS.
Greg Glass, Democrat --
*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for District Judge, 230th Judicial District at this time.
District Judge, 232nd Judicial District
Mary Lou Keel, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 232th Judicial District in Harris County.
District Judge, 234th Judicial District
District Judge, 245th Judicial District
Roy L. Moore, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 245th Judicial District in Harris County.
District Judge, 246th Judicial District
District Judge, 247th Judicial District
District Judge, 248th Judicial District
District Judge, 257th Judicial District
Judy Warne, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 257th Judicial District in Harris County.
District Judge, 262nd Judicial District
District Judge, 263rd Judicial District
District Judge, 269th Judicial District
District Judge, 270th Judicial District
District Judge, 280th Judicial District
District Judge, 281st Judicial District
District Judge, 295th Judicial District
District Judge, 308th Judicial District
District Judge, 309th Judicial District
District Judge, 310th Judicial District
Lisa Millard, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 310th Judicial District in Harris County.
District Judge, 311th Judicial District
District Judge, 312th Judicial District
David Farr, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 312th Judicial District in Harris County.
District Judge, 313th Judicial District
District Judge, 314th Judicial District
District Judge, 315th Judicial District
Michael Schneider, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 315th Judicial District in Harris County.
District Judge, 334th Judicial District (Unexpired)
Harris County District Attorney (Unexpired)
Harris County Judge
Judge, County Civil Court at Law No. 1
Judge, County Civil Court at Law No. 2
Judge, County Civil Court at Law No. 3
Linda Storey, Republican VS.
Gloria Cantu Minnick, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for Judge, County Civil Court at Law #3 at this time.
Judge, County Civil Court at Law No. 4
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 1
Paula Goodhart, Republican *
No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Judge, County Criminal Court #1 in Harris County.
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 2
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 3
Natalie C. Fleming, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Judge, County Criminal Court #3 in Harris County.
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 4
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 5
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 6
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 7
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 8
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 9
Analia Wilkerson, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Judge, County Criminal Court #9 in Harris County.
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 10
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 11
Diane Bull, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Judge, County Criminal Court #11 in Harris County.
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 12
Robin Brown, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Judge, County Criminal Court #12 in Harris County.
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 13
Don Smyth, Republican VS. Jason Long, Democrat
-- *Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court #13 at this time.
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 14
Judge, County Criminal Court No.15
Judge, County Probate Court No. 1
Judge, County Probate Court No.2
Mike Wood, Republican VS.
Josefina Tendon, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for Judge, County Probate Court #2 at this time.
Judge, County Probate Court No. 3
Judge, County Probate Court No. 4
District Clerk
Harris County Clerk
Harris County Treasurer
County School Board Trustee, Position 5, At-Large
Mike Wolfe, Republican VS.
Debra "Debby" Keener, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for County School Trustee, Position 5, At-Large at this time.
County School Trustee, Position 7, At-Large
Don Sumners, Republican VS.
Melissa Noriega, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for County School Trustee, Position 7, At-Large at this time.
County Commissioner, Precinct 2
Jack Morman, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for County Commissioner for Precinct 2, in Harris County.
County Commissioner, Precinct 4
R. Jack Cagle, Republican VS.
M.I. Bad at, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for County Commissioner for Precinct 4, at this time.
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1, Place 2
David M. Patronella, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 1, Place 2, in Harris County.
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 2
Leonila Olivares-Salazar, Republican VS.
George E. Risner, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 2 at this time.
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3, Place 2
Don Coffey, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3, Place 2, in Harris County.
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Place 2
Laryssa Korduba, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 4, Place 2, in Harris County.
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 2
Jeff Williams, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 5, Place 2, in Harris County.
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 6, Place 2
Armando V. Rodriguez, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 6, Place 2, in Harris County.
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 7, Place 2
Zinetta Burney, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2, in Harris County.
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 8, Place 2
Louie Ditta, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 8, Place 2, in Harris County.
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(From: Hartley, William H., Vincent, William S.. American Civics. N.Y., 1974, pp. 34ff)
Government is the authority or power that people establish to help them run their affairs.
Governments serve many important purposes, but the most important one is that government makes it possible for people to live and work together. Government provides us with rules of conduct we can follow. Government makes it possible for people to live by known laws, and helps provide many services that citizens acting alone could not perform themselves.
Our nation's government is based on the American Constitution. This Constitution, together with its Bill of Rights and other amendments, provides us with a workable plan of government. The Constitution also guarantees to all Americans many priceless rights and freedoms.
Our nation's government is based upon the approval, or consent, of the people who are governed. It is a federal system in which certain powers are given to the national government and other powers are left to the states and to the people. Certain powers are shared by both federal and state governments. In both federal and state governments, powers are separated and balanced among three branches of government.
# # # #
The Rights and Freedoms of Americans
In drafting the Constitution, most of the Founding Fathers believed that the safeguards written into it would protect the rights of Americans. But when the Constitution was sent to the states in 1787 for ratification, a great roar of disapproval went up. In Virginia, Patrick Henry protested vigorously against the lack of a specific statement of rights. Other Americans from different states demanded that a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution. A number of states ratified the Constitution only conditionally. That is, they would approve the Constitution only if it were changed to include these rights.
Two years after the new American government went into effect, the Bill of Rights was added as the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Congress discussed nearly 200 proposals for amendments before it presented these ten to the states for approval. The states ratified these amendments, and they became part of the Constitution in 1791.
The first ten amendments to the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights, set forth the priceless rights or freedoms that all Americans may enjoy. A brief summary of these great freedoms is given here.
The first right, or freedom, guaranteed in the Bill of Rights is freedom of religion. This right is guaranteed in the First Amendment. Freedom of religion guarantees to all Americans the right to practice any religion they choose, or to practice no religion at all.
Congress is forbidden to establish any religion as our nation's official religion. Congress cannot favor any one religion over others or tax citizens in order to support any one religion.
The right to express your ideas and opinions when you speak is called freedom of speech. Freedom of speech also means the right to listen to the thoughts and opinions of others. This freedom guarantees that Americans are free to express their thoughts and ideas about anything. They may talk freely to their friends and neighbors or speak in public to a group of people. Of course, no one may use his freedom of speech to injure others. If a person knowingly says things that are false about another, he may be sued in court by the person or persons who believe they have been harmed by what he said.
Americans are free to express opinions about their government or anything else. They are free to criticize the actions of the government and of government officials. In a dictatorship, where the nation's government has all the powers, the people have no right to speak like this. They do not dare to criticize the actions of the government. If they do, they may be imprisoned. But all Americans enjoy the freedom of speech, which is guaranteed in the First Amendment.
The freedom to express your ideas and opinions in writing is known as freedom of the press. This freedom is closely related to freedom of speech and is also guaranteed by the First Amendment.
Freedom of the press gives all Americans the right to express their ideas and thoughts freely in writing. This writing may be in newspapers, books, magazines, or any other printed or written form. Americans are also free to read what others write. They may read any newspaper, book or magazine they want. Because they are free to read a variety of facts and opinions, Americans can become better-informed citizens.
Another priceless freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment is freedom of assembly, or freedom to hold meetings. Americans are free to meet together to discuss problems and to plan their actions. Of course, such meetings must be carried on in a peaceful way.
The freedom of petition is the right to ask your government to do something or to refrain from doing something. The First Amendment contains this guarantee, also. The freedom of petition gives you the right to write to your Congressman and request him to work for the passage of laws you favor. You are free to ask him to change laws that you do not like. The right of petition also helps government officials to know what Americans think and what actions they want the government to take.
The Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees Americans the right to bear arms. In the early years of our nation, Americans needed weapons in order to serve in the militia, or volunteer armies, that were established to defend our states. The militia provided protection during emergencies, too. Many Americans also believed that without weapons they would be powerless if the government tried to overstep its powers and rule by force.
The Third Amendment states, "No soldier shall, in times of peace, be quartered in any house. . . ." Under British rule, the colonists sometimes had to feed and house British soldiers against their will. As a result, Americans wanted this practice forbidden under the Bill of Rights.
The Bill of Rights contains many rights that are guaranteed to persons accused of a crime. Amendments Five, Six, Seven, and Eight are all concerned with these rights. Our nation places great importance on these rights in order to guarantee equal justice for all Americans.
A person must be indicted, or formally accused of a crime, by a group of citizens called a "grand jury" before he can be brought into court for trial.
A person accused of a crime is guaranteed the right to know what law he is accused of breaking.
A person accused of a crime has a right to a prompt public trial by a jury of his fellow citizens.
An accused person cannot be put into prison and kept there for weeks or months while awaiting a trial. He has the right to leave jail, in most cases, if he can raise a certain sum of money, or bail, as a pledge that he will appear at his trial.
An accused person has a right to a lawyer to represent him in court.
All the testimony and evidence against an accused person must be presented publicly in court.
The accused person has the right to call any witnesses to appear if their testimony will help him.
The accused person cannot be forced to testify or give evidence against himself.
If the accused person is found guilty, he cannot be given cruel or unusual punishment. If the accused person is found not guilty of a serious crime, he cannot be tried a second time for this same crime.
The Fifth Amendment guarantees Americans the right to own private property. No person may take away anything that we own. Nor can the government seize our land, money, or other forms of property without cause, or without paying for it. The right to own private property is one of America's basic freedoms. Our free economic system is based upon this right.
To make doubly sure that Americans should enjoy every right and freedom possible, Amendment Nine was added to the Constitution. This amendment states that the list of rights contained in the Bill of Rights is not complete. There are many other rights that all Americans have and will continue to have even though they are not mentioned in the Bill of Rights. Among them are the following.
Freedom to live or travel anywhere in our nation
Freedom to work at any job for which we can qualify
Freedom to marry and raise a family
Freedom to receive a free education in good public schools
Freedom to join a political party, a union, and other legal groups
As a final guarantee of our rights, the Tenth Amendment set aside many powers of government for the states. This Amendment says that all powers not given to the federal government by the Constitution, nor forbidden to the states, are set aside for the states, or for the people. This provision leaves with the states the power to act in many ways to guarantee the rights of their citizens.
Government is the authority or power that people establish to help them run their affairs.
Governments serve many important purposes, but the most important one is that government makes it possible for people to live and work together. Government provides us with rules of conduct we can follow. Government makes it possible for people to live by known laws, and helps provide many services that citizens acting alone could not perform themselves.
Our nation's government is based on the American Constitution. This Constitution, together with its Bill of Rights and other amendments, provides us with a workable plan of government. The Constitution also guarantees to all Americans many priceless rights and freedoms.
Our nation's government is based upon the approval, or consent, of the people who are governed. It is a federal system in which certain powers are given to the national government and other powers are left to the states and to the people. Certain powers are shared by both federal and state governments. In both federal and state governments, powers are separated and balanced among three branches of government.
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Pastor Robert L. Thomas, his wife Tracey and daughters, Mariel and Taylor
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Why We Should Vote in the Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Midterm Elections
By Pastor Robert L. Thomas
I know many of us will say the old cliché’ “Our forefathers died for this right!,” which is very true; but that alone as an argument to motivate us to do what we should already be excited to do – just isn’t enough.
Why we have to extol the virtues of voting to a people just a few decades removed from one of the worst atrocities ever perpetuated against mankind in the detestable act of slavery is really beyond me.
It really boils down to this: if you are interested in having a better quality of life – you should go out and vote; if you want your children to be able to afford to attend college – then go vote; if you think your taxes are too high for the services you receive – go out and vote; if your school system is not what you want it to be – yep, you should get up and roll to the polls.
It really is true – your vote is your voice! We have to be stronger in voice, so that what we say, when we say it, matters – and we are responsible for doing that at the voting booth. Elected officials work for the taxpayers, not the other way around, and as such, they should not be able to tell us what they are going to do…they are to push forward the positive agendas for bettering our safety, opportunities, prosperity and quality of life.
The choice is yours, accept things as they are, or vote and seek the systemic change we all so richly deserve!
Be Safe, and Stay Informed!
Robert L. Thomas, Jr.
Robert Thomas Ministries
Senior Pastor of Olivet Missionary Baptist Church
Contact: (713)224-1515
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Go vote on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 in the 2014 Midterm Election for Harris County
By Bishop K.J. Brown
Voting is an empowered opportunity to choose leadership which should be exercised every time we have the opportunity. Our collective voice is of great value to our neighborhoods, communities, city and country.
Our political system affords us the opportunity to vote…and every vote matters. Everyone who is eligible to vote should do so. Never buy into polls and percentages put out in the media…and figure that your vote won’t make a difference. Every vote counts and every voice will be heard by you participating in this very important and pivotal election taking place on Tuesday, November 4th.
Be attentive to the issues and think forward. When I cast a ballot at the polls I use a biblical example as my guide. God chose David as King. When I read the story of David, I see a lesson we can all use in voting. God chose David because of the following reasons.
ONE: His heart. TWO: His History. THREE: How he would handle the issues. FOUR: How he would help the people. FIVE: How he would be used to heal the land.
God knew that David wouldn’t be perfect; but God was able to use him in civil government in order to fulfill his divine purpose. Voting is not only valuable to the candidates. Voting is valuable to you and your family too.
Our families are counting on us at the polls. Your right to vote is very valuable. So use it to be a part of the collective voice that leads this country forward.
God Bless America!!!
Bishop K.J. Brown Ministries
“Building Winning Lives!”
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Let's Promote Oneness - This is a powerful message from
Dr. Tony Evans, one of the most respected leaders in the body of Christ. Dr. Evans discusses how we should be promoting unity to show the world how the body of Christ works,
Dr. Evans along with his wife, Lois, established Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in 1976 with only ten people in their home. Serving as senior pastor for more than 36 years, Dr. Evans has seen his church grow from 10 to over 9,700 members with 100 plus ministries.
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The American Dream - This is an inspirational hip hop message from
Bishop Anthony A. Allen and Billy Cook a legendary hook singer and rapper.
Bishop Allen and his wife Matishe, are the founders of Anthony Allen Ministries and one of the "FEATURED SPONSORS" of the
Houston Business Connections Magazine "Celebrating Freedom" series June 2014 - January 2015.
Billy Cook has been featured on over 500 records including Chamillioanire's
"The Sound Of Revenge". He's worked with just about every big name rapper in Texas. Bishop Anthony A. Allen is an apostolic leader who also serves the community at large as a businessman, entrepreneur, investor, author, and entertainer. He is the founder and president of Anthony Allen Ministries, a ministry called to serve the urban community.
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The American Dream Is Ours...So Let's Go Get It -- You have authority to walk in dominion. So don't let anything stop you from doing what you've been called to do. We must bring our community at large to another level of existence. To do this we must put some principles into perspective and practice.
We must put people into office who are not afraid to stand up for righteousness, and walk in the authority given to them by God.
We must put entrepreneurs in their rightful place as leaders in our communities and the marketplace. We must do this by making sure that we support our businesses. But we must also make sure our banks are supporting our businesses and empowering them to be competitive in the marketplace.
We must also educate and empower our communities on the concept of how the economy and free market really works.
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The individuals featured on this page are not connected to one another directly or indirectly unless noted. Being featured on this page does not constitute and endorsement or recommendation by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications unless noted.